6,301 research outputs found

    Generation of an ultrastable 578 nm laser for Yb lattice clock

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    In this paper we described the development and the characterization of a 578 nm laser source to be the clock laser for an Ytterbium Lattice Optical clock. Two independent laser sources have been realized and the characterization of the stability with a beat note technique is presente

    Valutazione degli spostamenti permanenti sismoindotti mediante un approccio accoppiato non lineare

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    Le procedure per valutare lo spostamento che può subire un pendio sotto l’azione sismica tipicamente si riferiscono a tre diverse classi di metodi: 1) relazioni semplificate; 2) metodi degli spostamenti (o analisi dinamica semplificata) e 3) analisi dinamica avanzata. Tali approcci differiscono sostanzialmente dal grado di conoscenza del modello geotecnico del pendio e dell’azione sismica richiesta. In particolare, la seconda classe di metodi presenta un buon compromesso tra la facilità di applicazione, legata a schemi di pendio semplificati, e l’affidabilità dei risultati che rende tali metodi competitivi rispetto alle analisi dinamiche avanzate. I metodi degli spostamenti prendono origine dal modello di blocco rigido di Newmark (1965) e dalla rimozione delle ipotesi che ne stanno alla base. In particolare l’ipotesi stessa di “blocco rigido” può essere rimossa attraverso due approcci: a) approccio “disaccoppiato”, in cui la deformabilità dei terreni che causa la risposta dinamica del sito e gli spostamenti del blocco sono calcolati separatamente o b) approccio “accoppiato” in cui la risposta del sito è valutata contemporaneamente nelle fasi di adesione e scorrimento del pendio. In questa nota, si sintetizzano gli sviluppi del codice ACST, implementato da Ausilio et al. (2008), effettuati nell’ambito del progetto ReLUIS MT 1.2 “Linee guida e codici per analisi di risposta sismica locale”. In particolare, si è introdotta la non linearità nell’analisi della risposta dei terreni attraverso la formulazione modificata dei criteri di Masing secondo la recente formulazione di Phillips & Hashash (2009). Si è, inoltre, implementata una procedura che permette di individuare automaticamente, durante il calcolo, la superficie di scorrimento di prima rottura. I risultati in termini di risposta sismica e spostamenti cumulati sono stati confrontati con quelli ottenuti con la prima versione del codice

    Beyond the fundamental noise limit in coherent optical fiber links

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    It is well known that temperature variations and acoustic noise affect ultrastable frequency dissemination along optical fiber. Active stabilization techniques are in general adopted to compensate for the fiber-induced phase noise. However, despite this compensation, the ultimate link performances remain limited by the so called delay-unsuppressed fiber noise that is related to the propagation delay of the light in the fiber. In this paper, we demonstrate a data post-processing approach which enables us to overcome this limit. We implement a subtraction algorithm between the optical signal delivered at the remote link end and the round-trip signal. In this way, a 6 dB improvement beyond the fundamental limit imposed by delay-unsuppressed noise is obtained. This result enhances the resolution of possible comparisons between remote optical clocks by a factor of 2. We confirm the theoretical prediction with experimental data obtained on a 47 km metropolitan fiber link, and propose how to extend this method for frequency dissemination purposes as well

    Application of NASTRAN/COSMIC in the analysis of ship structures to underwater explosion shock

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    The application of NASTRAN/COSMIC in predicting the transient motion of ship structures to underwater, non-contact explosions is discussed. Examples illustrate the finite element models, mathematical formulations of loading functions and, where available, comparisons between analytical and experimental results

    Identification of Measurement Points for Calibration of Water Distribution Network Models

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    AbstractMuch importance is given to determining the input data for water distribution system networks, particularly with regard to urban networks, because the design and the management of WDS are based on a verification model. Good calibration of models is required to obtain realistic results. This is possible by the use of a certain number of measurements: flow in pipes and pressure in nodes. The purpose of this paper is to analyze a new model able to provide guidance on the choice of measurement points to obtain the site data. All analyses are carried out firstly on literature networks and then on a real network using a new approach based on sensitivity matrices

    Identification of leakages by calibration of WDS models

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    Open Access journalCopyright © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.12th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI2013Leakage detection is critical for the proper management of water distribution systems (WDS). This paper proposes a leak detection approach based on a Bayesian calibration method. The methodology uses a newly formulated index, μ, which takes into account the variation of roughness in pipes between the calibrated models with and without leaks. Case studies, which use literature networks, are presented to demonstrate how the approach can be used in identifying pipes with losses. The approach starts with a calibration method followed by the analysis of sensitivity matrices. The approach proved to be effective in finding leaks, but the results depend crucially on the number and quality of the observed data.European CommissionEuropean Social FundRegion of Calabri

    Model calibration as a tool for leakage identification in WDS: A real case study

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    16th Water Distribution System Analysis Conference, WDSA2014 — Urban Water Hydroinformatics and Strategic PlanningCopyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Water leakage detection is important for a proper management of water distribution systems (WDS). This paper proposes the application of the leak detection approach based on a new Bayesian calibration methodology. The methodology uses a new developed index μ, which takes into account the difference in roughness values in pipes of the calibrated models with and without leaks. The case study is referred to a real network and is presented to demonstrate how the approach can be used in identifying pipes with losses. The approach starts with the UNINET calibration method followed by the analysis of sensitivity matrices. The case study proves that the approach is effective in finding leaks in real networks, but the results depend on the quality of the observed data

    emergency management of water distribution systems the nodal demand control

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    Abstract During emergency situations (e.g., due to pipe bursts or other network failures), appropriate management of Water Distribution Systems (WDS) is required. Critical events often cause service failures, because the pressure head in some nodes of the network become inadequate to deliver required demand. In this paper, a new methodology is developed based on the nodal demand control. with the aim to increase the pressure head, and hence the flow rate actually delivered at critical nodes (i.e., hospitals, vulnerable customers, etc.). This is done to avoid or minimize service interruptions between the failure and the repair times. Furthermore, a pipe burst can cause isolation of a portion of the network such that the flow along pipes changes and this causes the reduction of head in some nodes. The proposed methodology is manages the delivered flow rate using a Pressure Driven Analysis (PDA) approach. This is based on operating control of valves and by identifying the nodes where the pressure control should be implemented. Those control nodes are chosen by the analysis of sensitivity matrices and the Max-Sum Method (Bush and Uber, 1998; Fiorini Morosini et al., 2014). The methodology is demonstrated on a case study for a real network of Cosenza, a town in the South of Italy
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