766 research outputs found

    Identifying conformational changes with site-directed spin labeling reveals that the GTPase domain of HydF is a molecular switch

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    [FeFe]-hydrogenases catalyse the reduction of protons to hydrogen at a complex 2Fe[4Fe4S] center called H-cluster. The assembly of this active site is a multistep process involving three proteins, HydE, HydF and HydG. According to the current models, HydF has the key double role of scaffold, upon which the final H-cluster precursor is assembled, and carrier to transfer it to the target hydrogenase. The X-ray structure of HydF indicates that the protein is a homodimer with both monomers carrying two functional domains: a C-terminal FeS cluster-binding domain, where the precursor is assembled, and a N-terminal GTPase domain, whose exact contribution to cluster biogenesis and hydrogenase activation is still elusive. We previously obtained several hints suggesting that the binding of GTP to HydF could be involved in the interactions of this scaffold protein with the other maturases and with the hydrogenase itself. In this work, by means of site directed spin labeling coupled to EPR/PELDOR spectroscopy, we explored the conformational changes induced in a recombinant HydF protein by GTP binding, and provide the first clue that the HydF GTPase domain could be involved in the H-cluster assembly working as a molecular switch similarly to other known small GTPases

    Gluten encephalopathy with psychiatric onset: case report

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    Many cases of coeliac disease, a gastrointestinal autoimmune disorder caused by sensitivity to gluten, can remain in a subclinical stage or undiagnosed. In a significant proportion of cases (10–15%) gluten intolerance can be associated with central or peripheral nervous system and psychiatric disorders

    The integration of 3D modeling and simulation to determine the energy potential of low-temperature geothermal systems in the Pisa (Italy) sedimentary plain

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    Shallow, low-temperature geothermal resources can significantly reduce the environmental impact of heating and cooling. Based on a replicable standard workflow for three-dimensional (3D) geothermal modeling, an approach to the assessment of geothermal energy potential is proposed and applied to the young sedimentary basin of Pisa (north Tuscany, Italy), starting from the development of a geothermal geodatabase, with collated geological, stratigraphic, hydrogeological, geophysical and thermal data. The contents of the spatial database are integrated and processed using software for geological and geothermal modeling. The models are calibrated using borehole data. Model outputs are visualized as three-dimensional reconstructions of the subsoil units, their volumes and depths, the hydrogeological framework, and the distribution of subsoil temperatures and geothermal properties. The resulting deep knowledge of subsoil geology would facilitate the deployment of geothermal heat pump technology, site selection for well doublets (for open-loop systems), or vertical heat exchangers (for closed-loop systems). The reconstructed geological-hydrogeological models and the geothermal numerical simulations performed help to define the limits of sustainable utilization of an area's geothermal potential

    Relationship between activity and stability: Design and characterization of stable variants of human frataxin

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    The relationships between conformational dynamics, stability and protein function are not obvious. Frataxin (FXN) is an essential protein that forms part of a supercomplex dedicated to the iron-sulfur (Fe–S) cluster assembly within the mitochondrial matrix. In humans, the loss of FXN expression or a decrease in its functionality results in Friedreich's Ataxia, a cardio-neurodegenerative disease. Recently, the way in which FXN interacts with the rest of the subunits of the supercomplex was uncovered. This opens a window to explore relationships between structural dynamics and function. In this study, we prepared a set of FXN variants spanning a broad range of conformational stabilities. Variants S160I, S160M and A204R were more stable than the wild-type and showed similar biological activity. Additionally, we prepared SILCAR, a variant that combines S160I, L203C and A204R mutations. SILCAR was 2.4 kcal mol−1 more stable and equally active. Some of the variants were significantly more resistant to proteolysis than the wild-type FXN. SILCAR showed the highest resistance, suggesting a more rigid structure. It was corroborated by means of molecular dynamics simulations. Relaxation dispersion NMR experiments comparing SILCAR and wild-type variants suggested similar internal motions in the microsecond to millisecond timescale. Instead, variant S157I showed higher denaturation resistance but a significant lower function, similarly to that observed for the FRDA variant N146K. We concluded that the contribution of particular side chains to the conformational stability of FXN might be highly subordinated to their impact on both the protein function and the stability of the functional supercomplex.Fil: Castro, Ignacio Hugo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biociencias, Biotecnología y Biología Traslacional.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bringas, Mauro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; ArgentinaFil: Doni, Davide. Universita Di Padova. Dipartimento Di Biología; ItaliaFil: Noguera, Martín Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Capece, Luciana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Química, Física de los Materiales, Medioambiente y Energía; ArgentinaFil: Aran, Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Blaustein Kappelmacher, Matias. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biociencias, Biotecnología y Biología Traslacional.; ArgentinaFil: Costantini, Paola. Universita Di Padova. Dipartimento Di Biología; ItaliaFil: Santos, Javier. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Biociencias, Biotecnología y Biología Traslacional.; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    The role of a new strength-based intervention on organisation-based self-esteem and work engagement: A three-wave intervention study

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    Purpose: This study aims to investigate the relationship between organisation-based self-esteem (OBSE) and work engagement during a new strength-based intervention over nine months. Design/methodology/approach: A sample of 82 workers composed of 70 sales consultants and 12 area-managers working in an Italian pharmaceutical company received a one-day training based on the FAMILY approach, three times for nine months, with a three-month lag between each workshop. Selfreported measures of OBSE and work engagement were collected before and after each workshop. Findings: Results showed that final levels of both OBSE and work engagement were significantly higher compared to baseline. Moreover, results from a multiple mediation analysis showed that the direct and indirect relationships between OBSE and work engagement changed at different time points, which may have been related to the different contents of the workshops. Originality/value: This study provides initial evidence suggesting that organisations could leverage on medium-term interventions to provide employees active guidance on how to use their strengths at work, likely to boost higher employees’ positive perceptions of themselves as organisational members and work engagement

    Successful treatment of long-standing post-stroke dysphagia with botulinum toxin and rehabilitation

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    Cricopharyngeal myotomy is the most common treatment used to restore normal swallowing in patients with persistent ( /6 months) cricopharyngeal muscle dysfunction post-stroke. We describe 2 patients whose dysphagia was due to cricopharyngeal muscle over-activity and who significantly improved after a percutaneous botulinum toxin injection in the cricopharyngeal muscle in combination with a rehabilitation treatment (dietary modifications, postural techniques, airflow protection manoeuvres). Swallowing was assessed clinically and by fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and videofluoroscopy; the degree of dysphagia was scored using the penetration-aspiration scale. Two months after the botulinum toxin injection the patients, who were previously fed via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, returned to independent oral feeding and at 6, 12 and 24 month follow-up, both were still able to maintain an adequate oral intake with no signs of aspiration (by videofluoroscopy) or clinical complications. No further botulinum toxin injections or rehabilitation treatments were required. Our findings strongly suggest that even longstanding dysphagia can improve dramatically in selected patients. To the best of our knowledge, there are no other reports with such a long follow-up

    Modification of permeability transition pore arginine(s) by phenylglyoxal derivatives in isolated mitochondria and mammalian cells. Structure-function relationship of arginine ligands.

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    Methylglyoxal and synthetic glyoxal derivatives react covalently with arginine residue(s) on the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP). In this study, we have investigated how the binding of a panel of synthetic phenylglyoxal derivatives influences the opening and closing of the PTP. Using both isolated mitochondria and mammalian cells, we demonstrate that the resulting arginine-phenylglyoxal adduct can lead to either suppression or induction of permeability transition, depending on the net charge and hydrogen bonding capacity of the adduct. We report that phenylglyoxal derivatives that possess a net negative charge and/or are capable of forming hydrogen bonds induced permeability transition. Derivatives that were overall electroneutral and cannot form hydrogen bonds suppressed permeability transition. When mammalian cells were incubated with low concentrations of negatively charged phenylglyoxal derivatives, the addition of oligomycin caused a depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential. This depolarization was completely blocked by cyclosporin A, a PTP opening inhibitor, indicating that the depolarization was due to PTP opening. Collectively, these findings highlight that the target arginine(s) is functionally linked with the opening/closing mechanism of the PTP and that the electric charge and hydrogen bonding of the resulting arginine adduct influences the conformation of the PTP. These results are consistent with a model where the target arginine plays a role as a voltage sensor

    Somatic variants for seed and fruit set in grapevine

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    Background: Grapevine reproductive development has direct implications on yield. It also impacts on berry and wine quality by affecting traits like seedlessness, berry and bunch size, cluster compactness and berry skin to pulp ratio. Seasonal fluctuations in yield, fruit composition and wine attributes, which are largely driven by climatic factors, are major challenges for worldwide table grape and wine industry. Accordingly, a better understanding of reproductive processes such as gamete development, fertilization, seed and fruit set is of paramount relevance for managing yield and quality. With the aim of providing new insights into this field, we searched for clones with contrasting seed content in two germplasm collections. Results: We identified eight variant pairs that seemingly differ only in seed-related characteristics while showing identical genotype when tested with the GrapeReSeq_Illumina_20K_SNP_chip and several microsatellites. We performed multi-year observations on seed and fruit set deriving from different pollination treatments, with special emphasis on the pair composed by Sangiovese and its seedless variant locally named Corinto Nero. The pollen of Corinto Nero failed to germinate in vitro and gave poor berry set when used to pollinate other varieties. Most berries from both open- and cross-pollinated Corinto Nero inflorescences did not contain seeds. The genetic analysis of seedlings derived from occasional Corinto Nero normal seeds revealed that the few Corinto Nero functional gametes are mostly unreduced. Moreover, three genotypes, including Sangiovese and Corinto Nero, were unexpectedly found to develop fruits without pollen contribution and occasionally showed normal-like seeds. Five missense single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified between Corinto Nero and Sangiovese from transcriptomic data. Conclusions: Our observations allowed us to attribute a seedlessness type to some variants for which it was not documented in the literature. Interestingly, the VvAGL11 mutation responsible for Sultanina stenospermocarpy was also discovered in a seedless mutant of Gouais Blanc. We suggest that Corinto Nero parthenocarpy is driven by pollen and/or embryo sac defects, and both events likely arise from meiotic anomalies. The single nucleotide polymorphisms identified between Sangiovese and Corinto Nero are suitable for testing as traceability markers for propagated material and as functional candidates for the seedless phenotype

    Exploring iron-binding to human frataxin and to selected Friedreich ataxia mutants by means of NMR and EPR spectroscopies

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    The neurodegenerative disease Friedreich ataxia results from a deficiency of frataxin, a mitochondrial protein. Most patients have a GAA expansion in the first intron of both alleles of frataxin gene, whereas a minority of them are heterozygous for the expansion and contain a mutation in the other allele. Frataxin has been claimed to participate in iron homeostasis and biosynthesis of FeS clusters, however its role in both pathways is not unequivocally defined. In this work we combined different advanced spectroscopic analyses to explore the iron-binding properties of human frataxin, as isolated and at the FeS clusters assembly machinery. For the first time we used EPR spectroscopy to address this key issue providing clear evidence of the formation of a complex with a low symmetry coordination of the metal ion. By 2D NMR, we confirmed that iron can be bound in both oxidation states, a controversial issue, and, in addition, we were able to point out a transient interaction of frataxin with a N-terminal 6his-tagged variant of ISCU, the scaffold protein of the FeS clusters assembly machinery. To obtain insights on structure/function relationships relevant to understand the disease molecular mechanism(s), we extended our studies to four clinical frataxin mutants. All variants showed a moderate to strong impairment in their ability to activate the FeS cluster assembly machinery in vitro, while keeping the same iron-binding features of the wild type protein. This supports the multifunctional nature of frataxin and the complex biochemical consequences of its mutations.Fil: Bellanda, Massimo. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Maso, Lorenzo. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Doni, Davide. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Bortolus, M.. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: De Rosa, E.. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Lunardi, Federica. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Alfonsi, Arianna. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Noguera, Martín Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Herrera, Maria Georgina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Santos, Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas "Prof. Alejandro C. Paladini". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Química y Físico-Química Biológicas; ArgentinaFil: Carbonera, Donatella. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Costantini, Paola. Università di Padova; Itali