2,878 research outputs found


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    Em um cenário globalizado, as organizações prestadoras de serviços possuem um grande desafio em relação aos consumidores que se encontram mais criteriosos, buscando rapidez, qualidade e preços baixos. Logo, conceitos como prioridades de melhorias, objetivos de desempenho, fatores competitivos, entre outros, foram estudados em uma perspectiva que busca levar uma melhor qualidade e gestão ao negócio, do estudo em questão. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os dados coletados por meio de uma pesquisa dos clientes de um supermercado localizado na cidade de Marabá, sudeste do estado do Pará, para a aplicação da matriz importância-desempenho, pois permite, além do melhoramento de diversos fatores competitivos, a avaliação desses fatores considerando a percepção dos concorrentes e dos clientes. E com base nos resultados, foi possível posicionar o supermercado em relação aos fatores críticos e de sucesso, identificando aqueles que apresentam vantagem competitiva e os que deverão melhorar, e com essas informações faz-se-à com que o supermercado não perca posição para os concorrentes

    Integrated systems improve the sustainability of soybean cultivation in the tropical region

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    Inter-cropping between annual crops with tropical forages through integration crop-livestock systems (ICL) is considered a sustainable option to increase crop diversity and soybean productivity. In this study, we evaluated (1) the biomass production, desiccation efficiency, nutrient accumulation, and biomass decomposition of soil crop residues produced by Panicum maximum plants intercropped with maize in two different sowing methods during the second harvest and (2) investigated how soil crop residues impact the productivity of soybean. The experiment was conducted in a complete block design with three replicates. We compared conventional soybean cultivation with soybean cultivated over soil crop residues produced by a previous integration between maize and two Panicum maximum cultivars: Tamani and Zuri guinea grass, within and between rows of maize plants. Our results showed that Tamani guinea grass showed the highest desiccation efficiency. Zuri and Tamani guinea grass cultivated within and between maize plants resulted in higher biomass production and nutrient cycling potential, resulting in an increase of 28.4% in soybean productivity, compared to soybean grown without soil crop residues. We concluded that ICL system is an efficient method to increase the sustainability of soybean cultivation

    Características clínicas e epidemiológicas do câncer da boca em hospital-escola de 1994 a 2002: aumento da incidência em mulheres, predomínio de doença local avançada e baixa incidência de metástases regionais

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    PURPOSE: Description of clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients who underwent surgery for oral cancer in a Medical School Teaching Hospital, and determination of differences with respect to other institutions and/or periods of time. METHOD: The charts of patients undergoing surgery for oral cancer from 1994 to 2002 were reviewed. Data were collected in a spreadsheet in order to analyze clinical and epidemiological features.. RESULTS: A total of 374 patients having undergone 406 operations was identified. Their ages varied from 14 to 94 years (mean = 57.4 years), with 255 men (68.2%), and 295 out 366 Caucasian (80.6%). A majority had tumors of the tongue and/or floor of mouth (55.6%), while 20.3% had lip cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma was found in 90.3%, and glandular carcinoma in 4%. T4 tumors in 39.6%, Tis or T1 lesions in 15.2% of all patients. Nearly 62% had no regional metastases, and the relative incidence in young patients (40 years or younger) reached 8.6%. CONCLUSION: In spite of the predominance of locally advanced tumors, a majority of patients had no neck metastases. The 31.8% incidence in females indicates an increasing incidence of oral cavity cancer among women when compared to previous periods at the same institution.OBJETIVO: Caracterizar epidemiológica e clinicamente a população atendida por câncer de boca em hospital-escola de atenção terciária e quaternária e verificar variações em relação a outras casuísticas e períodos. MÉTODO: Procedeu-se à revisão dos prontuários dos operados por câncer oral de 1994 a 2002. As características clínicas e epidemiológicas foram colocadas em planilhas e analisadas. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 374 portadores de câncer da boca que foram submetidos a 406 operações. A idade dos doentes variou de 14 a 94 anos (média = 57,4 anos). Duzentos e cinqüenta e cinco eram do gênero masculino (68,2%). Duzentos e noventa e cinco entre 366 doentes eram caucasianos (80,6%). A maioria era portadora de tumores da língua e/ou do soalho da boca (194 entre 349 doentes; 55,6%), e 71 (20,3%) tinham tumores dos lábios. O carcinoma epidermóide foi encontrado em 90,3% e carcinomas glandulares em 4%. Os tumores T4 estavam presentes em 39,6% dos doentes; 15,2% tinham lesões Tis ou T1. Quase 62% dos pacientes não tinham metástases cervicais. A incidência relativa em jovens (com até 40 anos de idade) atingiu 8,6%. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar dos achados freqüentemente referidos na literatura terem se confirmado (como o predomínio de lesões avançadas localmente), a maioria dos doentes não apresentava metástases cervicais. Acima do observado em outras casuísticas, os 31,8% de mulheres na presente casuística indica a preocupante e crescente incidência no gênero feminino

    Nanoemulsion containing caffeine for cellulite treatment: characterization and in vitro evaluation

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    The Ginoide Hydrolipodystrophy (GHLD), commonly known as cellulite, occurs in 80-90% of the female population after the puberty period and comes from a metabolic modification in the cutaneous adipose tissue. Caffeine has been used in topical formulations due to its lipolytic action. We studied a nanoemulsion (F3) containing caffeine with two surfactants (oleth-3 and oleth-20) by emulsification method by phase inversion temperature inversion (PIT). The polydispersion indices (PDI) showed the reduced deviation of 0.1. The mean droplet size was ~ 40 nm. The evaluated constant of Ostwald, in the refrigerator condition was the most favorable during the stability test. In the In Raman spectroscopy assay, the caffeine bands found in F3 were compatible with those found in the caffeine solution (1337, 652.5 and 558.2 cm-1). There was no interaction of caffeine anhydrous with other ingredients in nanoemulsion. In the in vitro safety assay the result of 1.4 ranked the F3 as slightly irritating. In the natural membrane, cutaneous permeation test (human skin) permeate concentrations did not exceed the saturation concentration of the PBS buffer (48.96 μg/3 mL). The caffeine solution and F3 permeated statistically equal, but the nanoemulsion visually and sensorially improved the caffeine precipitation

    Fractional Distillation of Bio-Oil Produced by Pyrolysis of Açaí (Euterpe oleracea) Seeds

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    In this work, the seeds of açaí (Euterpe oleracea, Mart), a rich lignin-cellulose residue, has been submitted to pyrolysis to produce a bio-oil-like fossil fuels. The pyrolysis carried out in a reactor of 143 L, 450°C, and 1.0 atm. The morphology of Açaí seeds in nature and after pyrolysis is characterized by SEM, EDX, and XRD. The experiments show that bio-oil, gas, and coke yields were 4.38, 30.56, and 35.67% (wt.), respectively. The bio-oil characterized by AOCS, ASTM, and ABNT/NBR methods for density, kinematic viscosity, and acid value. The bio-oil density, viscosity, and acid value were 1.0468 g/cm3, 68.34 mm2/s, and 70.26 KOH/g, respectively. The chemical composition and chemical functions of bio-oil are determined by GC-MS and FT-IR. The GC-MS identified in bio-oil 21.52% (wt.) hydrocarbons and 78.48% (wt.) oxygenates (4.06% esters, 8.52% carboxylic acids, 3.53% ketones, 35.16% phenols, 20.52% cresols, 5.75% furans, and 0.91% (wt.) aldehydes), making it possible to apply fractional distillation to obtain fossil fuel-like fractions rich in hydrocarbons. The distillation of bio-oil is carried out in a laboratory-scale column, according to the boiling temperature of fossil fuels. The distillation of bio-oil yielded fossil fuel-like fractions (gasoline, kerosene, and light diesel) of 4.70, 28.21, and 22.35% (wt.), respectively

    História das Américas : apontamentos iniciais de ensino e pesquisas

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    -Esta coletânea visa abordar a história do continente americano e do Brasil numa perspectiva de diálogo. Ao pensarmos em ensino e pesquisas, dividimos os capítulos de modo a contemplar a amplitude de temas desenvolvidos por pesquisadores do Brasil e do exterior. O intuito da obra foi trazer pesquisas em variados graus de execução, indo desde primeiras reflexões a trabalhos de pesquisa mais amadurecidos. Procuramos apresentar uma diversidade de temas e evidenciar algumas das muitas possibilidades de estudo do nosso continente, do qual o Brasil também faz parte

    Análise da composição química do Bio-Óleo produzido via pirólise de sementes de Açaí (Euterpe Oleracea, Mart) / Chemical analysis of Bio-Oil produced by pyrolise of Açaí (Euterpe Oleracea, Mart) seeds

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    Neste trabalho, a influência da temperatura na composição química (hidrocarbonetos e produtos oxigenados) do bio-óleo obtido via pirólise de sementes do Açaí (Euterpe oleracea, Mart.), um resíduo rico em lignina-celulose, foi sistematicamente investigada em escala piloto. A reação de pirólise foi realizada em reator de 143 L, operando em modo batelada a 350, 400 e 450 ºC, 1,0 atmosfera. A composição química e a análise qualitativa das funções e/ou grupos presentes no bio-óleo foram determinadas por GC-MS e FT-IR. A análise de FT-IR identificou funções químicas características de hidrocarbonetos (alcanos, alcenos e aromáticos) e oxigenados (fenóis, cresóis, cetonas, ésteres, ácidos carboxílicos, aldeídos e furanos) no bio-óleo. A análise de GC-MS identificou hidrocarbonetos e oxigenados como principais compostos químicos do bio-óleo, com composição química fortemente dependentes da temperatura de pirólise. A concentração de hidrocarbonetos no bio-óleo variou entre 13,505 e 21,542% (área.), aumentando com a temperatura, enquanto a dos produtos oxigenados variaram entre 78,458 e 86,495% (área.), diminui com a temperatura de pirólise. A composição de alcanos, alcenos e aromáticos aumenta com a temperatura, mostrando que temperaturas mais altas favorecem a formação de hidrocarbonetos

    Beyond trees: Mapping total aboveground biomass density in the Brazilian savanna using high-density UAV-lidar data

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    Tropical savanna ecosystems play a major role in the seasonality of the global carbon cycle. However, their ability to store and sequester carbon is uncertain due to combined and intermingling effects of anthropogenic activities and climate change, which impact wildfire regimes and vegetation dynamics. Accurate measurements of tropical savanna vegetation aboveground biomass (AGB) over broad spatial scales are crucial to achieve effective carbon emission mitigation strategies. UAV-lidar is a new remote sensing technology that can enable rapid 3-D mapping of structure and related AGB in tropical savanna ecosystems. This study aimed to assess the capability of high-density UAV-lidar to estimate and map total (tree, shrubs, and surface layers) aboveground biomass density (AGBt) in the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado). Five ordinary least square regression models esti-mating AGBt were adjusted using 50 field sample plots (30 m × 30 m). The best model was selected under Akaike Information Criterion, adjusted coefficient of determination (adj.R2), absolute and relative root mean square error (RMSE), and used to map AGBt from UAV-lidar data collected over 1,854 ha spanning the three major vegetation formations (forest, savanna, and grassland) in Cerrado. The model using vegetation height and cover was the most effective, with an overall model adj-R2 of 0.79 and a leave-one-out cross-validated RMSE of 19.11 Mg/ha (33.40%). The uncertainty and errors of our estimations were assessed for each vegetation formation separately, resulting in RMSEs of 27.08 Mg/ha (25.99%) for forests, 17.76 Mg/ha (43.96%) for savannas, and 7.72 Mg/ha (44.92%) for grasslands. These results prove the feasibility and potential of the UAV-lidar technology in Cerrado but also emphasize the need for further developing the estimation of biomass in grasslands, of high importance in the characterization of the global carbon balance and for supporting integrated fire management activities in tropical savanna ecosystems. Our results serve as a benchmark for future studies aiming to generate accurate biomass maps and provide baseline data for efficient management of fire and predicted climate change impacts on tropical savanna ecosystems