10 research outputs found

    Political culture in action: Institutional dialogue between the Crown and urban centers in Fourteenth-Century Portugal

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    A cultura politica em acçâo. Dialogos institucionais entre a Coroa e os centros urbanos em Portugal no século XIVEste artigo defende que o conceito de cultura política é operativo para apreender as várias componentes do ambiente mental e funcional que agiam no processo e nos fundamentos do diálogo estabelecido entre a coroa e os concelhos, no reino de Portugal, em meados do século XIV. Tendo em conta esta premissa, foram analisados 292 capítulos especiais de cortes, apresentados nas assembleias de 1325, 1331, 1352 e 1361, não com o propósito de captar os objetivos que os concelhos pretendiam ver consignados mas de identificar os alicerces argumentativos que utilizavam para tal, exprimindo a perspetiva concelhia da referida cultura política.This article defends the concept of political culture as a tool to approach different components of the mental and funcional environment that acted on the process and foundations of the dialogue established between the Crown and the Councils in the kingdom of Portugal in the mid-fourteenth century. Taking this premise into account, 292 special chapters of the Parliament, presented in the assemblies of 1325, 1331, 1352 and 1361 are analyzed, not with the goal of identifying the objectives that the Councils wanted to attain, but rather of identifying the argumentative basis they used for that purpose, expressing the said political culture from a municipal perspective

    CALLEJA-PUERTA, Miguel; DOMÍNGUEZ-GUERRERO, María Luisa (eds.) – Escritura, notariado y espacio urbano en la Corona de Castilla y Portugal (siglos XII-XVII). Gijón: Ediciones Trea, 2019 (430 pp.)

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    O livro Escritura, notariado y espacio urbano en la Corona de Castilla y Portugal (siglos XII-XVII) reúne vinte estudos autónomos, redigidos por vinte e um autores, aos quais se juntam dois textos de enquadramento que constituem a espinha dorsal da obra. Refiro-me à Introdução, que inscreve o livro num projeto de investigação e às Conclusões, que transmitem uma chave de leitura coerente do conjunto dos textos. A Introdução, escrita por Pilar Ostos-Salcedo, coordenadora do projeto científico (..

    O impacto urbano no discurso jurídico da Baixa Idades Média em Portugal

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    This paper argues that the study of references to towns and cities in Portuguese legal compilations from the Late Middle Ages provides interesting insights into the status assigned to such urban centres within the Kingdom�s political system, as well as into the mental frame of reference used by both legislators and compilers.Este artículo defiende que el análisis de las referencias a las ciudades y villas en las recopilaciones legislativas portuguesas de finales de la Edad Media constituye una vía para conocer el estatuto asignado a estos núcleos urbanos en el sistema político del Reino, así como para captar las bases del marco mental de referencia de los legisladores o compiladores

    La ville médièvale en débat

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    O impacto urbano no discurso jurídico da Baixa Idades Média em Portugal

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    This paper argues that the study of references to towns and cities in Portuguese legal compilations from the Late Middle Ages provides interesting insights into the status assigned to such urban centres within the Kingdom�s political system, as well as into the mental frame of reference used by both legislators and compilers.Este artículo defiende que el análisis de las referencias a las ciudades y villas en las recopilaciones legislativas portuguesas de finales de la Edad Media constituye una vía para conocer el estatuto asignado a estos núcleos urbanos en el sistema político del Reino, así como para captar las bases del marco mental de referencia de los legisladores o compiladores

    entre l´histoire urbaine et l´histoire local

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    Political manipulation in the 1385 change of dynasties in Portugal: an Iberian detail named Blanca

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    This article focuses on the role of Blanca (1319–79?) – the granddaughter of monarchs Sancho IV of Castile and Jaume II of Aragon —in the context of the legal process supporting the election of João I of Portugal in the 1385 Coimbra parliament. The topic prompts an inquiry into the different viewpoints on a little known character in the Iberian royal families. First, the methodology employed contrasts the information known about Blanca and the description that Portuguese documents dating from 1385 make of her. These are an inquest and the official election act of João, the first king of the second Portuguese dynasty. After this section, the article seeks to shed light on the impact which the events described in the latter document had on Blanca’s historical context between the end of the 1320s and the 1340s. The article ends with a fresh look at chroniclers’ portrait of Blanca. In short, this article assesses and contrasts several portrayals of reality over several periods in time: the short term in the 1385 parliamentary meeting, Blanca’s lifespan, and finally a long period during which she almost vanished from historiography.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio