118 research outputs found

    Tracheal Burning from Hot Air Inhalation

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    Burns in the trachea from inhaling hot gases are a common occurrence and threaten the recovery of fire victims. Inhalation injury is also one of the most common causes of death, especially among children and the elderly. The thermal injury to the respiratory tract is usually limited to the upper respiratory tract, mainly the trachea. A better understanding of the interplay between transient temperature and injury distribution over the trachea may help to direct treatments in the future. Our goal is to model burns in tracheal tissue as a function of time, inhalation temperature, and inhalation velocity. The objective is to understand how variations in those variables affect tracheal injury. The velocity of air in the trachea varies as a function of time due to inspiration and expiration. As a result, the air temperature fluctuates in a cyclical manner. Since the burn concentration is a function of temperature, the extent of the burn rises as temperature increases with inspiration and remains constant as temperature decreases during expiration. Our model shows burn concentration is limited to the entrance to the trachea and the surface of the trachea

    Node of Ranvier length as a potential regulator of myelinated axon conduction speed

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    Myelination speeds conduction of the nerve impulse, enhancing cognitive power. Changes of white matter structure contribute to learning, and are often assumed to reflect an altered number of myelin wraps. We now show that, in rat optic nerve and cerebral cortical axons, the node of Ranvier length varies over a 4.4-fold and 8.7-fold range respectively and that variation of the node length is much less along axons than between axons. Modelling predicts that these node length differences will alter conduction speed by ~20%, similar to the changes produced by altering the number of myelin wraps or the internode length. For a given change of conduction speed, the membrane area change needed at the node is >270-fold less than that needed in the myelin sheath. Thus, axon-specific adjustment of node of Ranvier length is potentially an energy-efficient and rapid mechanism for tuning the arrival time of information in the CNS

    Analysis of segmentation ontology reveals the similarities and differences in connectivity onto L2/3 neurons in mouse V1

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    Quantitatively comparing brain-wide connectivity of different types of neuron is of vital importance in understanding the function of the mammalian cortex. Here we have designed an analytical approach to examine and compare datasets from hierarchical segmentation ontologies, and applied it to long-range presynaptic connectivity onto excitatory and inhibitory neurons, mainly located in layer 2/3 (L2/3), of mouse primary visual cortex (V1). We find that the origins of long-range connections onto these two general cell classes-as well as their proportions-are quite similar, in contrast to the inputs on to a cell type in L6. These anatomical data suggest that distal inputs received by the general excitatory and inhibitory classes of neuron in L2/3 overlap considerably

    Threat history controls flexible escape behavior in mice.

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    In many instances, external sensory-evoked neuronal activity is used by the brain to select the most appropriate behavioral response. Predator-avoidance behaviors such as freezing and escape1,2 are of particular interest since these stimulus-evoked responses are behavioral manifestations of a decision-making process that is fundamental to survival.3,4 Over the lifespan of an individual, however, the threat value of agents in the environment is believed to undergo constant revision,5 and in some cases, repeated avoidance of certain stimuli may no longer be an optimal behavioral strategy.6 To begin to study this type of adaptive control of decision-making, we devised an experimental paradigm to probe the properties of threat escape in the laboratory mouse Mus musculus. First, we found that while robust escape to visual looming stimuli can be observed after 2 days of social isolation, mice can also rapidly learn that such stimuli are non-threatening. This learned suppression of escape (LSE) is extremely robust and can persist for weeks and is not a generalized adaptation, since flight responses to novel live prey and auditory threat stimuli in the same environmental context were maintained. We also show that LSE cannot be explained by trial number or a simple form of stimulus desensitization since it is dependent on threat-escape history. We propose that the action selection process mediating escape behavior is constantly updated by recent threat history and that LSE can be used as a robust model system to understand the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying experience-dependent decision-making

    Accurate determination of marker location within whole-brain microscopy images

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    High-resolution whole-brain microscopy provides a means for post hoc determination of the location of implanted devices and labelled cell populations that are necessary to interpret in vivo experiments designed to understand brain function. Here we have developed two plugins (brainreg and brainreg-segment) for the Python-based image viewer napari, to accurately map any object in a common coordinate space. We analysed the position of dye-labelled electrode tracks and two-photon imaged cell populations expressing fluorescent proteins. The precise location of probes and cells were physiologically interrogated and revealed accurate segmentation with near-cellular resolution

    Tuning of Ranvier node and internode properties in myelinated axons to adjust action potential timing

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    Action potential timing is fundamental to information processing;however, its determinants are not fully understood. Here we report unexpected structural specializations in the Ranvier nodes and internodes of auditory brainstem axons involved in sound localization. Myelination properties deviated significantly from the traditionally assumed structure. Axons responding best to low-frequency sounds had a larger diameter than high-frequency axons but, surprisingly, shorter internodes. Simulations predicted that this geometry helps to adjust the conduction velocity and timing of action potentials within the circuit. Electrophysiological recordings in vitro and in vivo confirmed higher conduction velocities in low-frequency axons. Moreover, internode length decreased and Ranvier node diameter increased progressively along the distal axon segments, which simulations show was essential to ensure precisely timed depolarization of the giant calyx of Held presynaptic terminal. Thus, individual anatomical parameters of myelinated axons can be tuned to optimize pathways involved in temporal processing

    Oligodendrocyte dynamics in the healthy adult CNS: evidence for myelin remodeling.

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    Oligodendrocyte precursors (OPs) continue to proliferate and generate myelinating oligodendrocytes (OLs) well into adulthood. It is not known whether adult-born OLs ensheath previously unmyelinated axons or remodel existing myelin. We quantified OP division and OL production in different regions of the adult mouse CNS including the 4-month-old optic nerve, in which practically all axons are already myelinated. Even there, all OPs were dividing and generating new OLs and myelin at a rate higher than can be explained by first-time myelination of naked axons. We conclude that adult-born OLs in the optic nerve are engaged in myelin remodeling, either replacing OLs that die in service or intercalating among existing myelin sheaths. The latter would predict that average internode length should decrease with age. Consistent with that, we found that adult-born OLs elaborated much shorter but many more internodes than OLs generated during early postnatal life

    Article Oligodendrocyte Dynamics in the Healthy Adult CNS: Evidence for Myelin Remodeling

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    SUMMARY Oligodendrocyte precursors (OPs) continue to proliferate and generate myelinating oligodendrocytes (OLs) well into adulthood. It is not known whether adult-born OLs ensheath previously unmyelinated axons or remodel existing myelin. We quantified OP division and OL production in different regions of the adult mouse CNS including the 4-month-old optic nerve, in which practically all axons are already myelinated. Even there, all OPs were dividing and generating new OLs and myelin at a rate higher than can be explained by first-time myelination of naked axons. We conclude that adult-born OLs in the optic nerve are engaged in myelin remodeling, either replacing OLs that die in service or intercalating among existing myelin sheaths. The latter would predict that average internode length should decrease with age. Consistent with that, we found that adult-born OLs elaborated much shorter but many more internodes than OLs generated during early postnatal life

    Network-selectivity and stimulus-discrimination in the primary visual cortex : cell-assembly dynamics

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    Abstract : Visual neurons coordinate their responses in relation to the stimulus; however, the complex interplay between a stimulus and the functional dynamics of an assembly still eludes neuroscientists. To this aim, we recorded cell assemblies from multi-electrodes in the primary visual cortex of anaesthetized cats in response to randomly presented sine-wave drifting gratings whose orientation tilted in 22.5° steps. Cross-correlograms divulged the functional connections at all the tested orientations. We show that a cell-assembly discriminates between orientations by recruiting a ‘salient’ functional network at every presented orientation, wherein, the connections and their strengths (peak-probabilities in the cross-correlogram) change from one orientation to another. Within these assemblies, closely tuned neurons exhibited increased connectivity and connection-strengths than differently tuned neurons. Minimal connectivity between untuned neurons suggests the significance of neuronal selectivity in assemblies. This study reflects upon the dynamics of functional connectivity, and brings to the fore the importance of a ‘signature’ functional network in an assembly that is strictly related to a specific stimulus. Apparently, it points to the fact that an assembly is the major ‘functional unit’ of information processing in cortical circuits, rather than the individual neurons

    The emergence of functional microcircuits in visual cortex.

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    Sensory processing occurs in neocortical microcircuits in which synaptic connectivity is highly structured and excitatory neurons form subnetworks that process related sensory information. However, the developmental mechanisms underlying the formation of functionally organized connectivity in cortical microcircuits remain unknown. Here we directly relate patterns of excitatory synaptic connectivity to visual response properties of neighbouring layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in mouse visual cortex at different postnatal ages, using two-photon calcium imaging in vivo and multiple whole-cell recordings in vitro. Although neural responses were already highly selective for visual stimuli at eye opening, neurons responding to similar visual features were not yet preferentially connected, indicating that the emergence of feature selectivity does not depend on the precise arrangement of local synaptic connections. After eye opening, local connectivity reorganized extensively: more connections formed selectively between neurons with similar visual responses and connections were eliminated between visually unresponsive neurons, but the overall connectivity rate did not change. We propose a sequential model of cortical microcircuit development based on activity-dependent mechanisms of plasticity whereby neurons first acquire feature preference by selecting feedforward inputs before the onset of sensory experience--a process that may be facilitated by early electrical coupling between neuronal subsets--and then patterned input drives the formation of functional subnetworks through a redistribution of recurrent synaptic connections
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