12 research outputs found

    La motivación y el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa comercializadora de vidrios del distrito de Independencia, 2015

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    La investigación titulada “La motivación y el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa comercializadora de vidrios del distrito de Independencia, 2015”, se desarrolló a fin de alcanzar el objetivo de Determinar la relación que existe entre la motivación con el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la Empresa Comercializadora de Vidrios del distrito de Independencia, 2015, estudio realizado en el contexto que ya hay nuevas ideas y reflexiones sobre la motivación y el desempeño laboral en su dimensión más amplia y duradera y a su vez se entiende que la empresa comercializadora tiene su sentido en dar un buen servicio a sus clientes. Es un estudio de diseño no experimental de tipo correlacional transversal, se trabajó con una población de 86 colaboradores y una muestra de 71 colaboradores, se aplicó un instrumento: cuestionario sobre la motivación y el desempeño laboral. En conclusión los resultados del trabajo de campo analizados estadísticamente nos indica que existe una relación positiva y altamente significativa entre la motivación y el desempeño laboral (r= 0,773, p=,000). Es decir, que a mayor nivel de motivación habrá mayor nivel de desempeño laboral en colaboradores de la Empresa Comercializadora de Vidrios del distrito de Independencia, 2015. De esta manera la hipótesis general de la investigación es aceptada, y se rechaza la hipótesis nula

    Support vector machine and neural network for enhanced classification algorithm in ecological data

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    The current economic scale is bigger and bigger, the social material living standard also along is also getting higher and higher with the rapid economic growth. However, the problems caused by economic development are also increasing, on the one hand, there is the contradiction between supply and demand caused by resource consumption and shortage of resources; on the other hand, there also is contradiction between the great pollution and destruction in the ecological environment and the public’s increasingly demanding ecological environment. Especially, the contradiction between the ecological environment and the social environment has become the focus of attention of the Chinese public. Therefore, the ecological environment protection becomes the current consensus either from the national level or the social level, how to manage and protect the ecological environment is also a question of the current social thinking. The common practice of ecological environment protection is to control and protect, at the same time, governance is to restore the damaged environment. There are many means for protection, such as energy conservation, emission reduction, monitoring and so on. Energy saving and emission reduction not only mean that the consumption of resources is reduced, but also mean that the discharge of pollutants and destroy the ecological environment are reduced. And monitoring refers to the existing ecological environment monitoring; the change of ecological environment is detected by real-time observation, so that counter measures are made according to the changes

    End-to-end security in embedded system for modern mobile communication technologies

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    Modern mobile electronic devices such as smartphones or cell phones can now be used for distant devices such as technical systems to monitor and control. While surveillance systems do not require high standards navigating about the time of transfer of the displayed data. More real-time data are needed for a remote mobile robot transfer. Therefore, it has investigated and measured not only the possibilities of employing mobile devices. But also, the supported data transmission channels, such as UMTS, GSM, Wireless LAN, and Bluetooth. The remotecontrol system is used in many applications such as smart homes, cities, smart hospitals, etc., but it must be today updated to ensure fast-changing technology. Extensive coverage, remote control, and reliable operation in realtime in the deployment of wireless security knowledge. The home automation control system delivers significant features together with a user-friendly interface. A secure remote-based end-to-end security system NTMobile, a technique that enables NAT to provide transverse and encrypted communication from end to end. This confirmed that evaluating the performance of the system in the ECHONET lite compatible smartphone ecosystem. This gives flexibility in configuring time-sensitive industrial networks and enables them to be secured. A safe and reliable remote-control system is also conceivable under the privacy of the user

    Competitividad de la tara peruana en el comercio internacional, período 2010-2018

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    The objective of the research was to determine the competitiveness of Peruvian tare in international trade in the period 2010-2018, considering the theories of: World Economic Forum - WEF (2018), Cann (2016), Gómez (2017), Cordero (2005 ), Porter (2008), Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2013), Lerma and Márquez (2010), with a methodological process that defined an exploratory study for the existing fragmented data that were collected and selected from government institutions: Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation-MINAGRI (2009, 2010, 2017 a, 2017 b), Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation-MINAGRI and National Forest and Wildlife Service-SERFOR (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), Integrated Foreign Trade Information System- SIICEX (2019 ), National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration-SUNAT (2019) and individuals: National Society of Industries-SIN (2018), as well as, for the few studies about the unit of analysis, complemented with content and frequency analysis methods. The results conclude that Peruvian tare is not competitive because while its production was down from 2010 (32736 MT) to 2018 (25866 MT) its FOB value had a permanent rise from 2010 (27075.9) to 39228. 49 In 2018, the calculation of the Cost of Domestic Resources (CRD) was analyzed by the price factor indicating that only 2016 showed competitiveness because the international price per Kg. Was about US 3.00inrelationtothedomesticpriceofS/.1.51nuevossoles,inaddition,fornotcomplyingsatisfactorilywiththe12pillarsofthecompetitivenessapproachoftheWorldEconomicForumWEF(2018);thatallowustoreflectonthetransitoftheexportstructurebasedoncomparativeadvantagestoitstransformationbasedoncompetitiveadvantagesthattheAndeancountryprocesses.Elobjetivodelainvestigacioˊnfuedeterminarlacompetitividaddelataraperuanaenelcomerciointernacionalenelperıˊodo20102018,considerandolasteorıˊasde:WorldEconomicForumWEF(2018),Cann2016),Goˊmez(2017),Cordero(2005),Porter2008),Daniels,Radebaugh,ySullivan(2013),LermayMaˊrquez(2010),conunprocesometodoloˊgicoquedefinioˊunestudioexploratorioporlosdatosfragmentadosexistentesqueserecolectaronyseleccionarondeinstitucionesgubernamentales:MinisteriodeAgriculturayRiegoMINAGRI(2009,2010,2017a,2017b),MinisteriodeAgriculturayRiegoMINAGRIyServicioNacionalForestalydeFaunaSilvestreSERFOR(2016,2017,2018,2019),SistemaIntegradodeInformacioˊndeComercioExteriorSIICEX(2019),SuperintendenciaNacionaldeAduanasydeAdministracioˊnTributariaSUNAT(2019)yparticulares:SociedadNacionaldeIndustriasSIN(2018),asıˊcomo,porlosescasosestudiosacercadelaunidaddeanaˊlisis,complementadoconmeˊtodosdeanaˊlisisdecontenidoyfrecuencia.Losresultadosconcluyenquelataraperuananoescompetitivadebidoquemientrassuproduccioˊnfuedescendentedesdeelan~o2010(32736TM)hastael2018(25866TM)suvalorFOBtuvounalzapermanentedesdeelan~o2010(27075.9)a39228.49elan~o2018,queelcaˊlculodeCostodelosRecursosDomeˊsticos(CRD)analizoporelfactorprecioindicandoquesoˊloelan~o2016manifestoˊcompetitividadporqueelpreciointernacionalporKg.fuedecercade 3.00 in relation to the domestic price of S /. 1.51 nuevos soles, in addition, for not complying satisfactorily with the 12 pillars of the competitiveness approach of the World Economic Forum-WEF (2018); that allow us to reflect on the transit of the export structure based on comparative advantages to its transformation based on competitive advantages that the Andean country processes.El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la competitividad de la tara peruana en el comercio internacional en el período 2010-2018, considerando las teorías de: World Economic Forum – WEF (2018), Cann 2016), Gómez (2017), Cordero (2005), Porter 2008), Daniels, Radebaugh, y Sullivan (2013), Lerma y Márquez (2010), con un proceso metodológico que definió un estudio exploratorio por los datos fragmentados existentes que se recolectaron y seleccionaron de instituciones gubernamentales: Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego-MINAGRI (2009, 2010, 2017 a, 2017 b), Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego-MINAGRI y Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre-SERFOR (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), Sistema Integrado de Información de Comercio Exterior- SIICEX (2019), Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria-SUNAT (2019) y particulares: Sociedad Nacional de Industrias-SIN (2018), así como, por los escasos estudios acerca de la unidad de análisis, complementado con métodos de análisis de contenido y frecuencia. Los resultados concluyen que la tara peruana no es competitiva debido que mientras su producción fue descendente desde el año 2010 (32736 TM) hasta el 2018 (25866 TM) su valor FOB tuvo un alza permanente desde el año 2010 (27075.9) a 39228. 49 el año 2018, que el cálculo de Costo de los Recursos Domésticos (CRD) analizo por el factor precio indicando que sólo el año 2016 manifestó competitividad porque el precio internacional por Kg. fue de cerca de 3.00 dólares americanos en relación al precio doméstico de S/. 1.51 nuevos soles, además, por no cumplir satisfactoriamente los 12 pilares del enfoque de competitividad del World Economic Forum-WEF (2018); que permiten reflexionar acerca del tránsito de la estructura de exportación basada en ventajas comparativas a su transformación sustentada en ventajas competitivas que el país andino tramita. &nbsp

    Neural network based single index evaluation for SQL injection attack detection in health care data

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    In recent years, there are a lot of security risks in the network, and there is the combination intersection between the computer network security problems and security evaluation. The scale of computer network is very large with vast information, so there are many loopholes in the system network. At present, many have established a computer network security evaluation system to monitor the network security vulnerabilities, viruses, and defects in healthcare. However, many places simply analyzed the risk assessment of network security, but there is no assessment of network security situation. For the network security evaluation system, there is no complete evaluation system of network information security. Therefore, a network security evaluation system must be constructed to develop an effective and practical simulation model of computer network security evaluation. Through the simulation model, the effect of network security can be improved. Since the reform and opening up, the simulation of computer network security evaluation in our country is a new subject. It can directly study the network security evaluation, build a network security evaluation model, and study the network security in detail. In the computer network simulation system, it can analyze, study, design, and plan various stages, so as to play an important role

    Determinantes de la integración económica en la Alianza del Pacífico 1990-2019

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivos: (a) Construir el modelo que explique las exportaciones intrarregionales de la Alianza del Pacífico en el periodo 1990- 2019; (b) Construir el modelo que explique las importaciones intrarregionales de la Alianza del Pacífico en el periodo 1990-2019; y, (c) Construir el modelo que explique el coeficiente de apertura externa de los países de la Alianza del Pacífico en el periodo 1990-2019. Por lo cual, se aplicó el paradigma positivista, enfoque cuantitativo, tipo sustantiva, diseño ex post facto no experimental y el método fue hipotético deductivo. La técnica de recopilación de datos que se empleó fue el análisis documental. Los datos fueron analizados con el apoyo de la estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron tres modelos, representados en las siguientes ecuaciones: (a) Exportación Intrarregional (X) = - 406002,576 + 50,331 XT + 2,706 XNT – 28,769 IP – 13,667 PT – 15369,702 IPC; (b) Importación Intrarregional (M) = -1030849,869 + 41530,637 IPC + 410,599 TC; y, (c) Coeficiente de Apertura Externa (CAE) = 10,700 – 0,002 MBC + 0,157 TIR + 0,283 IPC – 0,004 TC. En conclusión, la investigación determinó los tres modelos que explican las variables que influyen en el proceso de integración de la Alianza del Pacífico, basado en los años de 1990 al 2019

    La motivación y el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa comercializadora de vidrios del distrito de Independencia, 2015

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    La investigación titulada “La motivación y el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa comercializadora de vidrios del distrito de Independencia, 2015”, se desarrolló a fin de alcanzar el objetivo de Determinar la relación que existe entre la motivación con el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la Empresa Comercializadora de Vidrios del distrito de Independencia, 2015, estudio realizado en el contexto que ya hay nuevas ideas y reflexiones sobre la motivación y el desempeño laboral en su dimensión más amplia y duradera y a su vez se entiende que la empresa comercializadora tiene su sentido en dar un buen servicio a sus clientes. Es un estudio de diseño no experimental de tipo correlacional transversal, se trabajó con una población de 86 colaboradores y una muestra de 71 colaboradores, se aplicó un instrumento: cuestionario sobre la motivación y el desempeño laboral. En conclusión los resultados del trabajo de campo analizados estadísticamente nos indica que existe una relación positiva y altamente significativa entre la motivación y el desempeño laboral (r= 0,773, p=,000). Es decir, que a mayor nivel de motivación habrá mayor nivel de desempeño laboral en colaboradores de la Empresa Comercializadora de Vidrios del distrito de Independencia, 2015. De esta manera la hipótesis general de la investigación es aceptada, y se rechaza la hipótesis nula

    Production and export of peruvian mandarin to the russian federation market, as a business opportunity, period 2013-2017

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    The production and export of Peruvian mandarin to the market of the Russian Federation has been presented as a business opportunity due to the veto of that country to European imports as well as to the mandarin produced in Turkey, allowing a rise in exports, for example, in 2011 was exported 1,742 MT to increase 2017 to 6,996 MT.   For this reason, this work aims to study the relationship between the production and export of Peruvian mandarin to the Russian market, as a business opportunity, 2013-2017 period, in addition to analyzing the constraints for the development of international business. The investigation took as population all the elements of the production and export of Peruvian mandarin in the period 2013-2017, from which was extracted the sample of the ordered and systematized quantitative data published by diverse organisms, like: TRADEMAP, MINAGRI, CCL, AGRO DATA PERU, MINCETUR by means of a random sampling that had as unit of analysis each metric ton produced and exported and the value FOB US$ of the export. In general, the results show some competitive advantages and favorable conditions, such as: the seasonality of production, the relative increase of hectares for production, domestic and international market demand, a rise in relative production, the favorable evolution in exports during the last five years where the increase in shipments to Russia is located (+170%)

    A simple fluorescent sensor for the meticulous recognition of Cu2+ ion and its functioning in logic gate and keypad lock

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    A highly selective and perceptive “off–on” mode fluorescent receptor (E)-1-(5-methylfuran-2-yl)-N-(2-(phenylthio)phenyl)methanimine (R) has been constructed for the expeditious recognition of Cu2+ ions in the semi-aqueous medium. The strong fluorescence was observed at 468 nm for Cu2+ ions over other tested metal ions by R, which could be attributed to the constraint of the CHdouble bondN isomerization mechanism and provoked chelation enhanced fluorescence effect (CHEF) upon interaction with copper ions. According to Job’s plot, the binding proportion between R and copper ion is 2:1 and further validated by mass analysis and quantum chemical studies. Based on the emission titration, the limits of detection (LOD) were determined to be 0.194 μM. The obtained results designate that the receptor R serves as a significant nominee for an expeditious recognition of Cu2+ ions. Further, R was fruitfully useful in molecular keypad locks, and molecular logic gate circuits and it could be applied to find out the trace quantity of Cu2+ ions in water samples