115 research outputs found

    Conteúdo de noradrenalina do hipotálamo e tronco-encefálico de ratos inoculados com Trypanosoma Cruzi

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    Noradrenaline was assayed fluorimetrically in the hypothalamus and brainstem of rats killed 20 and 32 days after inoculation with the Y strain of T. cruzi (300,000 trypomastigotes i.p.). In these animals and their normal controls the right atrial appendages were submitted to the glyoxilic acid fluorescence technique for the demonstration of noradrenergic nerves. The noradrenaline content of the brain-stem and hypothalamus of the infected animals was not significantly different from that of controls. In the atrial appendages, however, an almost complete noradrenergic denervation was observed. This result indicates that the mechanism involved in neuronal lesion in Chagas'disease discriminates between peripheral and central noradrenergic neurons.O conteúdo de noradrenalina do hipotálamo e do tronco encefálico de ratos controle e inoculados com a cepa Y (300.000 tripomastigotas, i.p.) de Trypanosoma cruzi foi medido pela técnica fluorimétrica de Anton e Sayre. Os animais foram sacrificados 20 e 32 dias depois da inoculação. Para avaliação do grau de desnervação simpática do coração dos animais infectados, a aurícula direita foi observada com microscópio de fluorescência após tratamento histoquímieo pela técnica do ácido glioxílico. O conteúdo de noradrenalina do hipotálamo e do tronco encefálico dos animais infectados não diferiu do medido nos animais controle. Contudo, um quase completo desaparecimento das fibras adrenérgicas foi observado no coração dos animais chagásicos, sugerindo que o mechanismo envolvido na lesão discrimina neurônios adrenérgicos centrais e periféricos

    Circumferential dissection of deep fascia as ancillary technique in circumcision: is it possible to correct phimosis increasing penis size?

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    Background: Phimosis is the inability to retract the preputium downward over the glans penis. Despite the various techniques of preputial plasty described in literature, the most performed surgical treatment is still the conventional circumcision.Methods: In this paper we retrospectively reviewed data of a homogeneous population of 36 consecutive adult patients who underwent phimosis correction by circumcsion with dissection of the Deep Fascia. Patients were followed up by one independent plastic surgeon that measured penis length and circumference in nonerected state preoperatively and at 6 month time postoperatively.Results: The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test showed a significant (p < 0.0001) difference between the two groups both in terms of length and circumference.Conclusions: In conclusion, the ancillary technique we described leads to an increase of penis size, is safe and easy to perform and does not increase significantly operative time nor complication rate to the conventional procedure

    Report of a rare case of colon cancer complicated by anomalies of intestinal rotation and fixation: a case report

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    Introduction: The Situs viscerum inversus associated with anomalies of intestinal rotation and fixation is an extremely rare condition. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of colon cancer associated with intestinal malrotation and mesenterium ileocolicum commune. Case presentation: A 34-year-old man with a 2-month history of diarrhea associated with abdominal pain and weight loss underwent abdominal ultrasonography, colonscopy with biopsies and abdominal computed tomography scan with intravenous contrast. A right colonic neoplasm was diagnosed, observed only at surgery, as neither computed tomography or ultrasonography showed the intestinal malrotation. Particularly, the third and the fourth part of the duodenum descended vertically, without Treitz's ligament in support to the duodeno-jejunal flexure. The small bowel and the colon were located in the right and left side of the abdominal cavity, respectively. Conclusion: The anomaly of situs viscerum inversus influenced the surgical strategy in this case because of the vascular and lymphatic anomalies. Lymphatic vessels were therefore marked with subserosal injection of patent blue in the proximity of the tumor. Subsequently, right colectomy was performed. Colectomy extended from the distal ileum to the descending colon, by ligature of the right colic artery and vein at the origin from the superior mesenteric vessels. Patent blue guided lymphadenectomy was also performed with curative intent. Finally, a mechanical ileo-colic anastomosis was carried out. After right colectomy and ileo-descending anastomosis, the Ladd's procedure for intestinal malrotation was unnecessary. The authors believe that this strategy, despite the anatomical difficulties, represents an effective procedure for the radical surgical treatment of the right colon cancer associated with anomalies of intestinal rotation and fixatio


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    Studies that seek to identify potential techniques for obtaining diameter values at 1.30 m from the ground from tree height data are necessary, especially when considering the use of airborne Lidar in forest inventory activity. In this sense, this work aimed to evaluate two artificial intelligence tools for this purpose, namely the neuro-fuzzy inference systems and the artificial neural networks. Four models were tested to obtain estimates for the diameter variable, which were prepared by combining the independent variables useful area per plant, age and height. After processing, the statistics of bias, square root of the mean squared error in percentage, correlation and mean percentage error were calculated, in addition to the preparation of scatter plots and histogram of residues. It was observed that, for the estimation of the diameter in both techniques, the use of the model with all independent variables obtained the best values for the analysis statistics. It can be concluded that both tools can be used to estimate the diameter, with the neuro-fuzzy inference system being more suitable for its processing speed and small variability between the values obtained in different training sessions for the same database

    Large symptomatic gastric diverticula: two case reports and a brief review of literature

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    Gastric diverticula are rare and uncommon conditions. Most gastric diverticula are asymptomatic. When symptoms arise, they are most commonly upper abdominal pain, nausea and emesis, while dyspepsia and vomiting are less common. Occasionally, patients with gastric diverticula can have dramatic presentations related to massive bleeding or perforation. The diagnosis may be difficult, as symptoms can be caused by more common gastrointestinal pathologies and only aggravated by diverticula. The appropriate management of diverticula depends mainly on the symptom pattern and as well as diverticulum size. There is no specific therapeutic strategy for an asymptomatic diverticulum. Although some authors support conservative therapy with antacids, this provides only temporary symptom relief since it is not able to resolve the underlying pathology. Surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment when the diverticulum is large, symptomatic or complicated by bleeding, perforation or malignancy, with over two-thirds of patients remaining symptom-free after surgery, while laparoscopic resection, combined with intraoperative endoscopy, is a safe and feasible approach with excellent outcomes. Here, we present two cases of uncommon large symptomatic gastric diverticula with a discussion of the cornerstones in management and report a minimally invasive solution, with a brief review of the literature. (C) 2013 Baishideng. All rights reserved

    Sutureless jejuno-jejunal anastomosis in gastric cancer patients: a comparison with handsewn procedure in a single institute

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    Background: The biofragmentable anastomotic ring has been used to this day for various types of anastomosis in the gastrointestinal tract, but it has not yet achieved widespread acceptance among surgeons. The purpose of this retrospective study is to compare surgical outcomes of sutureless with suture method of Roux-and-Y jejunojejunostomy in patients with gastric cancer.Methods: Two groups of patients were obtained based on anastomosis technique (sutureless group versus hand sewn group): perioperative outcomes were recorded for every patient.Results: The mean time spent to complete a sutureless anastomosis was 11 +/- 4 min, whereas the time spent to perform hand sewn anastomosis was 23 +/- 7 min. Estimated intraoperative blood loss was 178 +/- 32ml in the sutureless group and 182 +/- 23ml in the suture-method group with no significant differences. No complications were registered related to enteroanastomosis. Intraoperative mortality was none for both groups.Conclusions: The Biofragmentable Anastomotic Ring offers a safe and time-saving method for the jejuno-jejunal anastomosis in gastric cancer surgery, and for this purpose the ring has been approved as a standard method in our clinic. Nevertheless currently there are few studies on upper gastrointestinal sutureless anastomoses and this could be the reason for the low uptake of this device

    Comparison of the 6th and 7th editions of the AJCC/UICC TNM staging system for gastric cancer focusing on the "N" parameter-related survival: the monoinstitutional NodUs Italian study

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    Background: A large number of Asian population studies examined the difference between the 6th and the 7th tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) while it is still poorly validated among Caucasian populations. This is a retrospective study aimed at investigating the efficacy of the 7th edition American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC)/Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) staging system for gastric cancer focusing on the "N" parameter-related survival for prognostic assessment in gastric cancer patients of a single Western high-volume institution.Methods: From January 2002 to December 2009, the data of 274 patients with gastric cancer who underwent gastric surgery at the 8th General and Gastrointestinal Surgical Centre of the Second University of Naples were analyzed retrospectively. We collected data for patient demographics, tumor characteristics, surgical characteristics, and TNM stage. Particularly, the nodal status, with the number of dissected nodes and metastatic nodes, was reviewed from the pathology records. The same patient dataset was used to stage patients according to both the 6th and 7th edition criteria.Results: Age at surgery, tumor location, histological grade, Lauren's classification subtypes, and 6th and 7th AJCC/UICC N categories were found to have statistically significant associations with overall survival on univariate analysis. In the 6th edition staging system, the Kaplan-Meier plot did not show significant overlapped survival curves: significant differences were found between N0 and N1, P<.001; N1 and N2, P=.04; and N2 and N3, P<.001. On the contrary, in the 7th edition, among all five substages, there were similar survival curves between N categories 2 and 3a (P=.98) with a statistically significant discriminatory ability only between N1 versus N3b and N2 versus N3b (P=.02 and .04, respectively).Conclusions: Based on analysis, we found that several clinicopathological variables, especially histological grade and Lauren's classification, were significant prognostic factors in our database. The 6th and 7th AJCC/UICC N classifications represent significantly independent prognostic factors, and the 6th AJCC/UICC N classification seems to be superior to the 7th AJCC/UICC N classification in terms of uniformity, differentiation, and monotonicity of gradients

    Design and validation of a 90K SNP genotyping assay for the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

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    Background: The availability of the bovine genome sequence and SNP panels has improved various genomic analyses, from exploring genetic diversity to aiding genetic selection. However, few of the SNP on the bovine chips are polymorphic in buffalo, therefore a panel of single nucleotide DNA markers exclusive for buffalo was necessary for molecular genetic analyses and to develop genomic selection approaches for water buffalo. The creation of a 90K SNP panel for river buffalo and testing in a genome wide association study for milk production is described here. Methods: The genomes of 73 buffaloes of 4 different breeds were sequenced and aligned against the bovine genome, which facilitated the identification of 22 million of sequence variants among the buffalo genomes. Based on frequencies of variants within and among buffalo breeds, and their distribution across the genome, inferred from the bovine genome sequence, 90,000 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms were selected to create an Axiom® Buffalo Genotyping Array 90K. Results: This 90K "SNP-Chip" was tested in several river buffalo populations and found to have ∼70% high quality and polymorphic SNPs. Of the 90K SNPs about 24K were also found to be polymorphic in swamp buffalo. The SNP chip was used to investigate the structure of buffalo populations, and could distinguish buffalo from different farms. A Genome Wide Association Study identified genomic regions on 5 chromosomes putatively involved in milk production. Conclusion: The 90K buffalo SNP chip described here is suitable for the analysis of the genomes of river buffalo breeds, and could be used for genetic diversity studies and potentially as a starting point for genome-assisted selection programmes. This SNP Chip could also be used to analyse swamp buffalo, but many loci are not informative and creation of a revised SNP set specific for swamp buffalo would be advised.Daniela Iamartino, Ezequiel L. Nicolazzi, Curtis P. Van Tassell, James M. Reecy, Eric R. Fritz-Waters, James E. Koltes, Stefano Biffani, Tad S. Sonstegard, Steven G. Schroeder, Paolo Ajmone-Marsan, Riccardo Negrini, Rolando Pasquariello, Paola Ramelli, Angelo Coletta, José F. Garcia, Ahmad Ali, Luigi Ramunno, Gianfranco Cosenza, Denise A.A. de Oliveira, Marcela G. Drummond, Eduardo Bastianetto, Alessandro Davassi, Ali Pirani, Fiona Brew, John L. William