577 research outputs found

    O encantamento da dúvida em doze homens e uma sentença

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    The article proposes an analysis of the film Twelve Angry Men to address, with a propaedeutic spirit, three issues: i) the conceptual core of rhetoric, ii) abductive reasoning, and iii) the relation between argumentation and emotions. Regarding the first issue, three points are considered: the place of logos, pathos and ethos within rhetoric; the relation between rhetoric and dialectics; and the idea of persuasion. Regarding the second one, the three dimensions of abduction are presented, that is, the inferential, methodological and intuitive ones. Finally, the third issue is outlined with some suggestions concerning the role of emotions within argumentation and the requirement of minimum ethical standards for rhetorical practice. The three issues are not neutral and require deep considerations.El presente artículo toma como excusa un análisis de la película Doce hombres en punga para introducir, con ánimo propedéutico, tres cuestiones: i) el núcleo conceptual de la retórica, ii) el razonamiento abductivo, y iii) la relación entre argumentación y emociones. Sobre la primera cuestión se proponen tres discusiones: el puesto del logos, el pathos y el ethos en la retórica, la relación entre retórica y dialéctica, y la idea de persuasión. Sobre la segunda se exponen las tres dimensiones de la abducción para una compresión adecuada: la inferencial, la metodológica y la intuitiva. La tercera cuestión queda perfilada con algunas sugerencias sobre el papel de las emociones en la argumentación y la exigencia de una ética mínima para el ejercicio retórico. Esas tres cuestiones no son neutras y suponen profundas discusiones.Esse artigo propõe uma analise do film Doze Homens e uma Sentença para introduzir propedêuticamente três questões: i) o núcleo conceitual da retórica, ii) o raciocínio abdutivo e iii) a relação entre argumentação e emoções. Sobre a primeira questão se propõem três discussões: o lugar do logos, o pathos e o ethos na retórica, a relação entre retórica e dialética e a ideia da persuasão. A respeito da segunda se expõem três dimensões da abdução para uma compreensão adequada: a dimensão inferencial, a metodológica e a intuitiva. A terceira questão se trata a partir de algumas sugestões sobre o papel das emoções na argumentação e a exigência de uma ética mínima para o exercício retórico. Essas três questões não são neutras e supõem profundas discussões

    Jueces y calidad de la democracia: el poder judicativo como factor de calidad deliberativa de la democracia

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    Este trabajo pretende poner en el centro del debate sobre la calidad democrática, la noción de deliberación y de polílogos argumentativos, para explicar la intervención simultánea de diversos actores en la definición de políticas públicas que buscan reducir las desigualdades sociales, incluidos los jueces como participantes activos en la discusión de problemas colectivos. Ello requiere pensar en nuevos diseños institucionales para manejar la tensión constante entre constitución y democracia.This article aims to put in core of debate about democratic quality, the notion of deliberation and polylogue argumentative in the public sphere, in order to explain the participation multiple agents in the built of policies that look for reducing the social inequalities. Some of these, are judges as active actors in the discussion of collective issues. This implies to think in new institutional designs for redirect the permanent tension between democracy and constitution

    Planificación estratégica y cultura corporativa del personal administrativo del Ministerio de Educación, Lima 2019

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general, determinarla la relación entre Planificación estratégica y cultura corporativa del personal administrativo del Ministerio de Educación Lima 2019. La población es de 164 administrativos, es probabilística, en los cuales se han empleado la variable: Planificación estratégica y cultura corporativa. Es una investigación de tipo básica desarrollada en el enfoque metodológico cuantitativo de método científico no experimental, de nivel descriptiva correlacional, el enfoque cuantitativo porque sostenida es en escala ordinal, obteniendo un alto grado de confiabilidad y validez de los instrumentos de recopilación de datos, realizados con el soporte estadístico del programa SPSS versión 24 y la opinión o juicio de expertos. Concluye que el valor de significancia asociada a la prueba es de 0.000 inferior al valor de significancia de la prueba, por lo que podemos rechazar la hipótesis nula y afirmamos que las variables Planificación estratégica y cultura corporativa presentan una relación directa y el coeficiente de correlación de Rho de Spearman alcanza el 0. 653, podemos afirmar que la relación es directa y moderada

    Una concepción pragmática de la ponderación

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    La presente investigación tiene como propósito central precisar y aclarar la naturaleza y función de la ponderación y a partir de este ejercicio analítico sentar las bases para construir una concepción pragmática de la ponderación. En este sentido se presentan algunos de elementos que deben hacer parte de una concepción tal y cómo se dinamizan en el marco de la resolución de problemas jurídicos concretos. (texto tomado de la fuente)This research center aims to refine and clarify the nature and function of the balancing and from this analytical exercise to lay the foundations for a pragmatic conception of weighting. In order to achieve this, here will show some elements that should be part of such a conception and how are interact in the framework of resolution of specific legal issues.MaestríaArgumentación e interpretación jurídic

    The synergy factor: a statistic to measure interactions in complex diseases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One challenge in understanding complex diseases lies in revealing the interactions between susceptibility factors, such as genetic polymorphisms and environmental exposures. There is thus a need to examine such interactions explicitly. A corollary is the need for an accessible method of measuring both the size and the significance of interactions, which can be used by non-statisticians and with summarised, e.g. published data. The lack of such a readily available method has contributed to confusion in the field.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The synergy factor (<it>SF</it>) allows assessment of binary interactions in case-control studies. In this paper we describe its properties and its novel characteristics, e.g. in calculating the power to detect a synergistic effect and in its application to meta-analyses. We illustrate these functions with real examples in Alzheimer's disease, e.g. a meta-analysis of the potential interaction between a <it>BACE1 </it>polymorphism and <it>APOE</it>4: <it>SF </it>= 2.5, 95% confidence interval: 1.5–4.2; <it>p </it>= 0.0001.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Synergy factors are easy to use and clear to interpret. Calculations may be performed through the Excel programmes provided within this article. Unlike logistic regression analysis, the method can be applied to datasets of any size, however small. It can be applied to primary or summarised data, e.g. published data. It can be used with any type of susceptibility factor, provided the data are dichotomised. Novel features include power estimation and meta-analysis.</p

    Proton vs. neutron halo breakup

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    In this paper we show how effective parameters such as effective binding energies can be defined for a proton in the combined nuclear-Coulomb potential, including also the target potential, in the case in which the proton is bound in a nucleus which is partner of a nuclear reaction. Using such effective parameters the proton behaves similarly to a neutron. In this way some unexpected results obtained from dynamical calculations for reactions initiated by very weakly bound proton halo nuclei can be interpreted. Namely the fact that stripping dominates the nuclear breakup cross section which in turn dominates over the Coulomb breakup even when the target is heavy at medium to high incident energies. Our interpretation helps also clarifying why the existence and characteristics of a proton halo extracted from different types of data have sometimes appeared contradictory.Comment: 7 Latex pages, 3 table, 3 ps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Vaciados de escayola y corridos de terraja en obras de restauración

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    Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y el siglo XIX, se utilizaron numerosos elementos ornamentales en las fachadas de los edificios residenciales de las grandes ciudades, imitando las prácticas de la arquitectura monumental. Cornisas, impostas, escudos, molduras, ménsulas, etc., decoran los edificios respondiendo de esta forma a los intereses suscitados desde diferentes ámbitos: arquitectónico, económico, sociológico, etc. La piedra natural, por cuestiones económicas, era empleada en pocas ocasiones y se recurría a otras técnicas artesanales como la elaboración de la ornamentación en taller mediante vaciados de escayola o la ejecución "in situ" con pastas y morteros de yeso y corridos de terraja. Lo cierto es que, hoy en día, esos edificios forman parte del casco antiguo de las ciudades y se encuentran protegidos por normativas que impiden su destrucción o sustitución por otros acabados más "modernos". La restauración de estos elementos es compleja ya que se trata de materiales fácilmente degradables sometidos a los agentes atmosféricos y carentes de protecciones adecuadas; a esto se une la falta generalizada de conocimientos sobre las técnicas de trabajo y los materiales a emplear, que se agrava en un oficio artesanal que recibe numerosas presiones económicas que afectan a su trabajo. Materiales como la escayola, el pegamento de escayola o formulaciones especiales de semihidratos, como el “Álamo 70”, se mezclan en unas técnicas empíricas con resultados poco eficaces en muchas ocasiones. El presente artículo pretende arrojar luz sobre este campo, caracterizando los productos utilizados en la actualidad desde el punto de vista de su comportamiento al exterior y analizando distintas soluciones para la protección de los materiales frente a la acción del agua por métodos de hidrofugación en masa, en superficie o por inmersió

    Alleviation of Zn toxicity by low water availability

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    Heavy metal contamination and drought are expected to increase in large areas worldwide. However, their combined effect on plant performance has been scantly analyzed. This study examines the effect of Zn supply at different water availabilities on morpho-physiological traits of Quercus suber L. in order to analyze the combined effects of both stresses. Seedlings were treated with four levels of zinc from 3 to 150 µM and exposed to low watering (LW) or high watering (HW) frequency in hydroponic culture, using a growth chamber. Under both watering regimes, Zn concentration in leaves and roots increased with Zn increment in nutrient solution. Nevertheless, at the highest Zn doses, Zn tissue concentrations were almost twice in HW than in LW seedlings. Functional traits as leaf photosynthetic rate and root hydraulic conductivity, and morphological traits as root length and root biomass decreased significantly in response to Zn supply. Auxin levels increased with Zn concentrations, suggesting the involvement of this phytohormone in the seedling response to this element. LW seedlings exposed to 150 µM Zn showed higher root length and root biomass than HW seedlings exposed to the same Zn dose. Our results suggest that low water availability could mitigate Zn toxicity by limiting internal accumulation. Morphological traits involved in the response to both stresses probably contributed to this response.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project GRACCIE, Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (CSD 2007-00067) and SURVIVE (CGL-2011-30531-CO2-02)) and Generalitat Valenciana (FEEDBACKS-PROMETEO/2009/006). E. I. Hernández thanks the University of Alicante for her FPU research fellowship. CEAM is supported by Generalitat Valenciana

    Seasonality of presentation and birth in catatonia

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    BACKGROUND: Catatonia is a neuropsychiatric syndrome associated with both psychiatric disorders and medical conditions. Understanding of the pathophysiology of catatonia remains limited, and the role of the environment is unclear. Although seasonal variations have been shown for many of the disorders underlying catatonia, the seasonality of this syndrome has not yet been adequately explored. METHODS: Clinical records were screened to identify a cohort of patients suffering from catatonia and a control group of psychiatric inpatients, from 2007 to 2016 in South London. In a cohort study, the seasonality of presentation was explored fitting regression models with harmonic terms, while the effect of season of birth on subsequent development of catatonia was analyzed using regression models for count data. In a case-control study, the association between month of birth and catatonia was studied fitting logistic regression models. RESULTS: In total, 955 patients suffering from catatonia and 23,409 controls were included. The number of catatonic episodes increased during winter, with a peak in February. Similarly, an increasing number of cases was observed during summer, with a second peak in August. However, no evidence for an association between month of birth and catatonia was found. CONCLUSIONS: The presentation of catatonia showed seasonal variation in accordance with patterns described for many of the disorders underlying catatonia, such as mood disorders and infections. We found no evidence for an association between season of birth and risk of developing catatonia. This may imply that recent triggers may underpin catatonia, rather than distal events