348 research outputs found

    Attractive and repulsive cracks in a heterogeneous material

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    We study experimentally the paths of an assembly of cracks growing in interaction in a heterogeneous two-dimensional elastic brittle material submitted to uniaxial stress. For a given initial crack assembly geometry, we observe two types of crack path. The first one corresponds to a repulsion followed by an attraction on one end of the crack and a tip to tip attraction on the other end. The second one corresponds to a pure attraction. Only one of the crack path type is observed in a given sample. Thus, selection between the two types appears as a statistical collective process.Comment: soumis \`a JSTA

    Relevance of visco-plastic theory in a multi-directional inhomogeneous granular flow

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    We confront a recent visco-plastic description of dense granular flows [P. Jop et al, Nature, {\bf 441} (2006) 727] with multi-directional inhomogeneous steady flows observed in non-smooth contact dynamics simulations of 2D half-filled rotating drums. Special attention is paid to check separately the two underlying fundamental statements into which the considered theory can be recast, namely (i) a single relation between the invariants of stress and strain rate tensors and (ii) the alignment between these tensors. Interestingly, the first prediction is fairly well verified over more than four decades of small strain rate, from the surface rapid flow to the quasi-static creep phase, where it is usually believed to fail because of jamming. On the other hand, the alignment between stress and strain rate tensors is shown to fail over the whole flow, what yields an apparent violation of the visco-plastic rheology when applied without care. In the quasi-static phase, the particularly large misalignment is conjectured to be related to transient dilatancy effects

    Inertial waves and modes excited by the libration of a rotating cube

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    We report experimental measurements of the flow in a cubic container submitted to a longitudinal libration, i.e. a rotation modulated in time. Velocity fields in a vertical and a horizontal plane are measured in the librating frame using a corotating particle image velocimetry system. When the libration frequency σ0\sigma_0 is smaller than twice the mean rotation rate Ω0\Omega_0, inertial waves can propagate in the interior of the fluid. At arbitrary excitation frequencies σ0<2Ω0\sigma_0<2\Omega_0, the oscillating flow shows two contributions: (i) a basic flow induced by the libration motion, and (ii) inertial wave beams propagating obliquely upward and downward from the horizontal edges of the cube. In addition to these two contributions, inertial modes may also be excited at some specific resonant frequencies. We characterize in particular the resonance of the mode of lowest order compatible with the symmetries of the forcing, noted [2,1,+]. By comparing the measured flow fields to the expected inviscid inertial modes computed numerically [L.R.M. Maas, Fluid Dyn. Res. \textbf{33}, 373 (2003)], we show that only a subset of inertial modes, matching the symmetries of the forcing, can be excited by the libration.Comment: Phys. Fluids (in press

    Super-Arrhenius dynamics for sub-critical crack growth in disordered brittle media

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    Taking into account stress fluctuations due to thermal noise, we study thermally activated irreversible crack growth in disordered media. The influence of material disorder on sub-critical growth of a single crack in two-dimensional brittle elastic material is described through the introduction of a rupture threshold distribution. We derive analytical predictions for crack growth velocity and material lifetime in agreement with direct numerical calculations. It is claimed that crack growth process is inhibited by disorder: velocity decreases and lifetime increases with disorder. More precisely, lifetime is shown to follow a super-Arrhenius law, with an effective temperature theta - theta_d, where theta is related to the thermodynamical temperature and theta_d to the disorder variance.Comment: Submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Direct measurements of anisotropic energy transfers in a rotating turbulence experiment

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    We investigate experimentally the influence of a background rotation on the energy transfers in decaying grid turbulence. The anisotropic energy flux density, F(r)={\bf F} ({\bf r}) = , where ήu\delta {\bf u} is the vector velocity increment over separation r{\bf r}, is determined for the first time using Particle Image Velocimetry. We show that rotation induces an anisotropy of the energy flux ∇⋅F\nabla \cdot {\bf F}, which leads to an anisotropy growth of the energy distribution E(r)=<(ήu)2>E({\bf r}) = < (\delta {\bf u})^2 >, in agreement with the K\'arm\'an-Howarth-Monin equation. Surprisingly, our results prove that this anisotropy growth is essentially driven by a nearly radial, but orientation-dependent, energy flux density F(r){\bf F} ({\bf r}).Comment: to appear in Physical Review Letters (July 8, 2011 issue

    Slow crack growth in polycarbonate films

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    We study experimentally the slow growth of a single crack in polycarbonate films submitted to uniaxial and constant imposed stress. The specificity of fracture in polycarbonate films is the appearance of flame shaped macroscopic process zones at the tips of the crack. Supported by an experimental study of the mechanical properties of polycarbonate films, an analysis of the stress dependence of the mean ratio between the process zone and crack lengths, during the crack growth, show a quantitative agreement with the Dugdale-Barenblatt model of the plastic process zone. We find that the fracture growth curves obey strong scaling properties that lead to a well defined growth master curve

    Statistical mechanics of Beltrami flows in axisymmetric geometry: Equilibria and bifurcations

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    We characterize the thermodynamical equilibrium states of axisymmetric Euler-Beltrami flows. They have the form of coherent structures presenting one or several cells. We find the relevant control parameters and derive the corresponding equations of state. We prove the coexistence of several equilibrium states for a given value of the control parameter like in 2D turbulence [Chavanis and Sommeria, J. Fluid Mech. 314, 267 (1996)]. We explore the stability of these equilibrium states and show that all states are saddle points of entropy and can, in principle, be destabilized by a perturbation with a larger wavenumber, resulting in a structure at the smallest available scale. This mechanism is therefore reminiscent of the 3D Richardson energy cascade towards smaller and smaller scales. Therefore, our system is truly intermediate between 2D turbulence (coherent structures) and 3D turbulence (energy cascade). We further explore numerically the robustness of the equilibrium states with respect to random perturbations using a relaxation algorithm in both canonical and microcanonical ensembles. We show that saddle points of entropy can be very robust and therefore play a role in the dynamics. We evidence differences in the robustness of the solutions in the canonical and microcanonical ensembles. A scenario of bifurcation between two different equilibria (with one or two cells) is proposed and discussed in connection with a recent observation of a turbulent bifurcation in a von Karman experiment [Ravelet et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 164501 (2004)].Comment: 25 pages; 16 figure

    Discrepancy between sub-critical and fast rupture roughness: a cumulant analysis

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    We study the roughness of a crack interface in a sheet of paper. We distinguish between slow (sub-critical) and fast crack growth regimes. We show that the fracture roughness is different in the two regimes using a new method based on a multifractal formalism recently developed in the turbulence literature. Deviations from monofractality also appear to be different in both regimes

    Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations and statistical temperatures in a turbulent von K\'arm\'an flow

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    We experimentally characterize the fluctuations of the non-homogeneous non-isotropic turbulence in an axisymmetric von K\'arm\'an flow. We show that these fluctuations satisfy relations analogous to classical Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations (FDRs) in statistical mechanics. We use these relations to measure statistical temperatures of turbulence. The values of these temperatures are found to be dependent on the considered observable as already evidenced in other far from equilibrium systems.Comment: four pages 2 figures one tabl
