13 research outputs found

    La aplicación de las TIC en los sistemas de gestión de las PyME del sector portuario / Application of ICT in systems management of the port SME secto

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    The project as a result of the research entitled "Impact of ICT in the organizational structure of SMEs in the port sector using virtual environments" under CONADI convening of the Cooperative University of Colombia, measures and verifies how Information Technology and Communication, ICT, have influenced the organizational structure of SMEs (Small and medium enterprises) in the port sector, analyzing each of the perspectives and organizational components and how these can be adapted using ICT. As a general conclusion SMEs should be aware of the importance of ICT in the organizational and productive development as an added value and competitive advantage. The draft revision of the organizational theories, management indices, and experiences of use and impact of ICT in organizations was done. The methodology used is observational and evaluative type with technological development.El proyecto como producto de la investigación titulada “Incidencia de las TIC en la estructura organizacional de las PyME del sector portuario utilizando ambientes virtuales” en el marco de la convocatoria CONADI de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, mide y verifica cómo las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, TIC, han influenciado en la estructura organizacional de las PyME (Pequeñas y medianas empresas) del sector portuario, analizando cada una de las perspectivas y componentes organizacionales y la forma en que estas se pueden adaptar utilizando las TIC. Como conclusión general las PyME deben conocer la importancia que tienen las TIC en el desarrollo organizacional y productivo como valor agregado y ventaja competitiva. En el proyecto se hace una revisión de las teorías organizacionales, índices de gestión, experiencias de uso e impacto de las TIC en las organizaciones. La metodología utilizada es de tipo observacional y evaluativa con desarrollo tecnológico

    Software para la dinámica cardíaca adulta mediante sistemas dinámicos

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    The normal and abnormal behavior of an adult heart dynamics and its state of evolution towards one of these two states has been characterized successfully in the context of the theory of dynamic systems and probability. The diagnostic methodology of clinical application designed under these two theories has managed to evaluate in an objective and reproducible way the cardiac dynamics from the values of the frequency of the Holter registers. The automation of this methodology through the design of a software that can be docked in any operating system for PC, and contributes as a diagnostic aid tool to generate more timely responses to the patient's clinical condition. Additionally, the values of the probability of these spaces occupied by the attractor, calculated by the Software, allow using an interface that can be consulted by the specialist to evaluate how far a cardiac dynamic is from normality, analyzing in this way the effectiveness of the treatment.A través de la teoría de la probabilidad y de los sistemas dinámicos se ha construido una metodología para evaluar la dinámica cardíaca –recientemente automatizada– mediante un software que puede ser acoplado a cualquier sistema operativo para PC. El software permite mediante una interfaz consultar la dinámica cardíaca por un especialista del área clínica y así evaluar qué tan alejada se encuentra una dinámica cardiaca de la normalidad. En este estudio se hizo uso de dicho software para desarrollar un estudio de concordancia diagnóstica para confirmar su capacidad como herramienta de evaluación a nivel clínico. Para ello se parte de la medición de: 120 registros Holter, 100 patológicos y 20 normales, durante 21 horas; con los cuales se toman los valores de la frecuencia cardíaca y numero de latidos; en base a esta información el software elabora secuencias pareadas y construye atractores con los cuales cuantifica la dimensión fractal, los espacios de ocupación en el espacio fractal de Box Counting, y los valores de la probabilidad de los espacios ocupados por el atractor. De lo anterior se encontró que este proceso permite diferenciar la normalidad de la patología aguda y su evolución, obteniendo valores de sensibilidad y especificidad del 100%. Dado este contexto, es de destacar que el proceso permite analizar de una manera objetiva y reproducible la efectividad de los tratamientos médico

    Modelo de arquitectura de TI para las mypimes del sector del sector textil - confecciones de la ciudad de Bogotá

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    The textile and clothing sector is a sector that has presented great advances in the country. However, the investment in IT tools has not been very broad, for this reason is necessary to study and define an architecture IT model that meets your needs in order to improve their productivity indicators and have reliable information at all times. The aim of this article is to carry out the definition of an IT architecture model for the SMEs of the textile sector - confections of the city of Bogotá, that allows to align the technology with its business processes and that is scalable according to the size of the organization. A diagnosis was made of the current state of the information, business, data and technological architecture that served as the basis for the definition of the proposed model. The use of good practices provided by the TOGAF methodology can apply to small enterprises so that they can have different strategies aimed at the use, appropriation and application of information technologies in business processes to improve their indicators.El sector de textiles y confecciones, es un sector que ha presentado grandes avances en el país. Sin embargo, la inversión en herramientas de TI no ha sido muy amplia, por lo cual se hace necesario el estudio y la definición de un modelo de arquitectura de TI que se ajuste a sus necesidades, con el fin de mejorar sus indicadores de productividad y contar con información confiable en todo momento. En el presente estudio, se tuvo como objetivo la definición de un modelo de arquitectura de TI para las Mipymes del sector textil - confecciones de la ciudad de Bogotá, que permita alinear la tecnología con sus procesos de negocio y que sea escalable según el tamaño de la organización. Se realizó un diagnóstico del estado actual de la arquitectura de información, del negocio, datos y tecnológica que sirvió como base para la definición del modelo propuesto. El uso de buenas prácticas proporcionadas por la metodología TOGAF puede ser aplicada a Mipymes con el fin de que puedan contar con diferentes estrategias encaminadas al uso, apropiación y aplicación de tecnologías de información en los procesos del negocio para mejorar sus indicadores

    Modelo de arquitectura de TI para las mypimes del sector del sector textil - confecciones de la ciudad de Bogotá

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    The textile and clothing sector is a sector that has presented great advances in the country. However, the investment in IT tools has not been very broad, for this reason is necessary to study and define an architecture IT model that meets your needs in order to improve their productivity indicators and have reliable information at all times. The aim of this article is to carry out the definition of an IT architecture model for the SMEs of the textile sector - confections of the city of Bogotá, that allows to align the technology with its business processes and that is scalable according to the size of the organization. A diagnosis was made of the current state of the information, business, data and technological architecture that served as the basis for the definition of the proposed model. The use of good practices provided by the TOGAF methodology can apply to small enterprises so that they can have different strategies aimed at the use, appropriation and application of information technologies in business processes to improve their indicators.El sector de textiles y confecciones, es un sector que ha presentado grandes avances en el país. Sin embargo, la inversión en herramientas de TI no ha sido muy amplia, por lo cual se hace necesario el estudio y la definición de un modelo de arquitectura de TI que se ajuste a sus necesidades, con el fin de mejorar sus indicadores de productividad y contar con información confiable en todo momento. En el presente estudio, se tuvo como objetivo la definición de un modelo de arquitectura de TI para las Mipymes del sector textil - confecciones de la ciudad de Bogotá, que permita alinear la tecnología con sus procesos de negocio y que sea escalable según el tamaño de la organización. Se realizó un diagnóstico del estado actual de la arquitectura de información, del negocio, datos y tecnológica que sirvió como base para la definición del modelo propuesto. El uso de buenas prácticas proporcionadas por la metodología TOGAF puede ser aplicada a Mipymes con el fin de que puedan contar con diferentes estrategias encaminadas al uso, apropiación y aplicación de tecnologías de información en los procesos del negocio para mejorar sus indicadores

    La aplicación de las TIC en los sistemas de gestión de las PyME del sector portuario / Application of ICT in systems management of the port SME secto

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    The project as a result of the research entitled "Impact of ICT in the organizational structure of SMEs in the port sector using virtual environments" under CONADI convening of the Cooperative University of Colombia, measures and verifies how Information Technology and Communication, ICT, have influenced the organizational structure of SMEs (Small and medium enterprises) in the port sector, analyzing each of the perspectives and organizational components and how these can be adapted using ICT. As a general conclusion SMEs should be aware of the importance of ICT in the organizational and productive development as an added value and competitive advantage. The draft revision of the organizational theories, management indices, and experiences of use and impact of ICT in organizations was done. The methodology used is observational and evaluative type with technological development.El proyecto como producto de la investigación titulada “Incidencia de las TIC en la estructura organizacional de las PyME del sector portuario utilizando ambientes virtuales” en el marco de la convocatoria CONADI de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, mide y verifica cómo las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, TIC, han influenciado en la estructura organizacional de las PyME (Pequeñas y medianas empresas) del sector portuario, analizando cada una de las perspectivas y componentes organizacionales y la forma en que estas se pueden adaptar utilizando las TIC. Como conclusión general las PyME deben conocer la importancia que tienen las TIC en el desarrollo organizacional y productivo como valor agregado y ventaja competitiva. En el proyecto se hace una revisión de las teorías organizacionales, índices de gestión, experiencias de uso e impacto de las TIC en las organizaciones. La metodología utilizada es de tipo observacional y evaluativa con desarrollo tecnológico

    Application of ICT in systems management of the port SME sector

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    The project as a result of the research entitled "Impact of ICT in the organizational structure of SMEs in the port sector using virtual environments" under CONADI convening of the Cooperative University of Colombia, measures and verifies how Information Technology and Communication, ICT, have influenced the organizational structure of SMEs (Small and medium enterprises) in the port sector, analyzing each of the perspectives and organizational components and how these can be adapted using ICT. As a general conclusion SMEs should be aware of the importance of ICT in the organizational and productive development as an added value and competitive advantage. The draft revision of the organizational theories, management indices, and experiences of use and impact of ICT in organizations was done. The methodology used is observational and evaluative type with technological development

    Comunicação & TIC. Percepção de estudantes e professores do uso de plataformas Tecnológicas na aprendizagem por competências

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    This paper presents a pilot trial for the design of learning situations through the use of technological platforms such as ILDE (Integrated Learning Design Environments), as a support for the educational competency assessment of the academic courses in a Colombian university that is carrying out a core curricular reform process. This experience was implemented in heterogeneous learning environments distributed and designed previously by the professor through collaborative learning situations by selecting learning patterns such as brainstorming, pyramiding, and simulation among others. Consequently, the evidences were presented and collected in an electronic portfolio. The results obtained determined a very positive trend for the definition of the new scenarios and educational processes of higher educationEl artículo presenta una experiencia piloto para el diseño de situaciones de aprendizajes utilizando plataformas tecnológicas como ILDE (Integrated Learning Design Environments) como apoyo a la evaluación educativa por competencias en cursos académicos de una universidad colombiana, en proceso de reforma curricular. Dicha experiencia se llevó a cabo en entornos de aprendizaje heterogéneos y distribuidos diseñados previamente por el profesor mediante situaciones de aprendizaje colaborativas seleccionando patrones de aprendizaje como la lluvia de ideas, el piramidal, la simulación entre otras y posteriormente, se explicitaron el tipo de evidencias que se debían generar y se recogieron en un portafolio electrónico. Los resultados obtenidos marcan una tendencia muy positiva para la definición de los nuevos escenarios y procesos educativos de la educación superiorO artigo apresenta um piloto de experiência para o desígnio de situações de aprendizagens que usam plataformas tecnológicas como ILDE (Aprendizagem Integrada de Proteção Ambiental), como apoio para a avaliação educacional para competições em cursos acadêmicos duma universidade colombiana, em curso de reforma curricular. Esta experiência foi levada a cabo em ambientes de aprendizagem heterogêneos distribuídos e projetados previamente pelo professor por meio de situações de aprendizagem colaboradoras selecionando padrões de aprendizagem como chuva de idéias, piramidal, simulação entre outras e mais tarde, se explicitaram o tipo de evidências que deviam gerar, e foram apanhadas numa pasta eletrônica. Os resultados obtidos marcam uma tendência muito positiva para a definição dos novos enredos e processos educacionais da educação superior

    Educación & tic percepción de estudiantes y docentes del uso de plataformas tecnológicas en el aprendizaje por competencias

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    This paper presents a pilot trial for the design of learning situations through the use of technological platforms such as ILDE (Integrated Learning Design Environments), as a support for the educational competency assessment of the academic courses in a Colombian university that is carrying out a core curricular reform process. This experience was implemented in heterogeneous learning environments distributed and designed previously by the professor through collaborative learning situations by selecting learning patterns such as brainstorming, pyramiding, and simulation among others. Consequently, the evidences were presented and collected in an electronic portfolio. The results obtained determined a very positive trend for the definition of the new scenarios and educational processes of higher educationO artigo apresenta um piloto de experiência para o desígnio de situações de aprendizagens que usam plataformas tecnológicas como ILDE (Aprendizagem Integrada de Proteção Ambiental), como apoio para a avaliação educacional para competições em cursos acadêmicos duma universidade colombiana, em curso de reforma curricular. Esta experiência foi levada a cabo em ambientes de aprendizagem heterogêneos distribuídos e projetados previamente pelo professor por meio de situações de aprendizagem colaboradoras selecionando padrões de aprendizagem como chuva de idéias, piramidal, simulação entre outras e mais tarde, se explicitaram o tipo de evidências que deviam gerar, e foram apanhadas numa pasta eletrônica. Os resultados obtidos marcam uma tendência muito positiva para a definição dos novos enredos e processos educacionais da educação superior.El artículo presenta una experiencia piloto para el diseño de situaciones de aprendizajes utilizando plataformas tecnológicas como ILDE (Integrated Learning Design Environments) como apoyo a la evaluación educativa por competencias en cursos académicos de una universidad colombiana, en proceso de reforma curricular. Dicha experiencia se llevó a cabo en entornos de aprendizaje heterogéneos y distribuidos diseñados previamente por el profesor mediante situaciones de aprendizaje colaborativas seleccionando patrones de aprendizaje como la lluvia de ideas, el piramidal, la simulación entre otras y posteriormente, se explicitaron el tipo de evidencias que se debían generar y se recogieron en un portafolio electrónico. Los resultados obtenidos marcan una tendencia muy positiva para la definición de los nuevos escenarios y procesos educativos de la educación superio

    Evaluation of the results of the virtual learning object for improving water management and consumption habits in the inhabitants of the upper Bogotá river basin

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    The purpose of this article is to describe the results of the evaluation of a virtual learning object to help improve the consumption habits and management of water resources in the inhabitants of the upper reaches of the Bogotá River. The evaluation was developed in 4 stages.Stages1 and 2 evaluated 20 users with the profile of students of the systems engineering program at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.Stage 3 evaluated 10 users with advanced knowledge ofthe problems and the management of at least one computer system in the upper basin of the Bogotá river. Stage 4 evaluated 20 users inhabitants of the upper basin of the Bogotá river. The surveys of stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 were divided into 5 dimensions distributed by groups of questions that evaluate the perception of the developer and the users. This information generated positive results allowing to visualize the scope of the functionality and the perception of the users, additionally evaluated the impact of the application on the different types of users forthe application of these systems in the upper Bogotáriver basin, allowing generatingimportant conclusions that establish the evaluation of the virtual educational environments as important supports in teaching, not only of environmental systems, and that should be evaluated by the users that integrally interact with the system. The above process allows for establishing essential conclusions resulting from the evaluation of virtual educational environments as necessary supports in the teaching process, not only of environmental systems; it establishes clearparameters for measuring virtual learning objects in which different professionals are involved in the development of educational environments and people in the learning process.The purpose of this article is to describe the results of the evaluation of a virtual learning object to help improve the consumption habits and management of water resources in the inhabitants of the upper reaches of the Bogotá River. The evaluation was developed in 4 stages.Stages1 and 2 evaluated 20 users with the profile of students of the systems engineering program at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.Stage 3 evaluated 10 users with advanced knowledge ofthe problems and the management of at least one computer system in the upper basin of the Bogotá river. Stage 4 evaluated 20 users inhabitants of the upper basin of the Bogotá river. The surveys of stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 were divided into 5 dimensions distributed by groups of questions that evaluate the perception of the developer and the users. This information generated positive results allowing to visualize the scope of the functionality and the perception of the users, additionally evaluated the impact of the application on the different types of users forthe application of these systems in the upper Bogotáriver basin, allowing generatingimportant conclusions that establish the evaluation of the virtual educational environments as important supports in teaching, not only of environmental systems, and that should be evaluated by the users that integrally interact with the system. The above process allows for establishing essential conclusions resulting from the evaluation of virtual educational environments as necessary supports in the teaching process, not only of environmental systems; it establishes clearparameters for measuring virtual learning objects in which different professionals are involved in the development of educational environments and people in the learning process.https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7239-0763https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/gruplac/jsp/visualiza/visualizagr.jsp?nro=00000000000599mario.castrof@campusucc.edu.cohttps://scholar.google.es/citations?user=8mk978EAAAAJ&hl=e

    Difficulties in the appropriation of the concept of computability in Systems Engineering students

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    The study was carried out in the city of Bogotá, during the first semester of the year 2020, at the higher education institution Escuela Tecnológica Instituto Técnico Central, in the subject discrete mathematics. The population consisted of 26 students. The mixed approach of the research has a sequential design and its objective was to analyze the relationship between the levels of appropriation of the concept of computability and the difficulties experienced by students around four variables. One of the main difficulties in the appropriation of the concept of computability comes from the mathematics of computability and specifically is related to the understanding of mathematical concepts, symbolism and algebraization; it also requires the holistic vision of the existing isomorphism between set theory, propositional logic, logical circuits and Boolean algebra. The results show that the difficulties characterized are close to the levels of appropriation (identified) around the concept of computability. The limitations corresponded to the crisis generated by the Covid 19, where it was not possible to apply the instruments in person. The teaching of mathematics in current times will not be the same as before, where the emphasis was on continuous mathematics; there is a new look towards the discrete and the finite. Finally, a series of guidelines for mathematics teaching in the XXI century in engineering faculties are proposed