45 research outputs found

    Las TIC un medio seguro hacia el dominio del espa帽ol como segunda lengua en sordos

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    La historia de la comunidad sorda ha transcurrido en medio de un proceso que nace con la falta de conocimiento en cuanto a lo que significa la sordera y lo que esta conlleva para la vida de una persona, desde la antig眉edad se ha tratado de aislar y familiarizar con un problema cl铆nico y por ello se aparta de oportunidades intelectuales a las que tiene derechos las personas con sordera. El m茅todo franc茅s trasforma de manera positiva la vida de los sordos al adaptar el sistema de se帽as y la ense帽anza de una segunda Lengua, en ese caso la francesa para comprobar que su falta de audici贸n no impide su desarrollo educativo, este suceso marco una pauta importante que se vio afectada por el Congreso de Mil谩n, el cual marca un retroceso en la historia del sordo, quienes por d茅cadas se vieron afectados por las decisiones que se tomaron en dicho congreso y solo despu茅s de una lucha que ha durado a帽os, se logra el inicio de un reconocimiento como miembros de una comunidad que posee su propio lenguaje , EL Lenguaje de Se帽as (LS), y comparten unas costumbres propias de su cultura como comunidad, y se reconocen como seres totalmente capaces de iniciar y culminar con satisfacci贸n el recorrido de un espacio en el cual se brinden los m茅todos adecuados para su buen desarrollo intelectual. En Colombia, se han adaptado y creado programas, que apoyen su educaci贸n pero falta m茅todos que en verdad sean un proceso que los acerque a dominar el espa帽ol como segunda Lengua, dada la importancia que para ellos representa ser biling眉es. Las TIC, han sido un sistema informativo y tecnol贸gica que ha tenido gran acogida por parte de ni帽os y j贸venes en su proceso educativo y es por ello que puede ser la mejor herramienta para este proceso, adem谩s de tener en cuenta que se han creado distintos programas que pueden dar una pauta de inicio al aprendizaje y de ah铆 en adelante, el puente de comunicaci贸n y transformaci贸n de la persona sorda y de la comunidad sorda en general.The history of the deaf community has passed in a process that began with the lack of knowledge as to what the deafness and what this entails for the life of a person, since ancient times has tried to isolate and familiarize with a clinical problem and therefore departs from intellectual opportunities that have rights to deaf people. The French method positively transforms the lives of the deaf to adapt the system of signs and teaching a second Language, in this case the French to ensure that their lack of hearing does not preclude their educational development, this event marked an important pattern was affected by Congress in Milan, which marks a setback in the history of the deaf, who for decades affected by the decisions taken in the congress and only after a struggle that has lasted years, starting achieved recognition as members of a community that has its own language, sign language (SL) and share some customs of their culture and community, and are recognized as being fully able to start and finish with satisfaction the path of a space which provide appropriate methods for their proper intellectual development. In Colombia, they have adapted and created programs to support their education but lack methods that really are a process that will connect them to master Spanish as a second language, given the importance it represents for them to be bilingual. ICTs have been a technological information system and has been well received by children and young people in their education and that is why we can be the best tool for this process, while taking into account that different programs have been created that can give a start to learning pattern and thereafter, the bridge of communication and transformation of the deaf and the deaf community in general.Licenciado (a) en Educaci贸n B谩sica con 脡nfasis en Humanidades y Lengua CastellanaPregrad

    Analysis of the implementation of the electronic payroll in Colombia

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    Dado que Colombia presenta una gran carga tributaria en comparaci贸n con los dem谩s pa铆ses de Am茅rica Latina, incrementando la evasi贸n y elusi贸n de impuestos, la implementaci贸n de la n贸mina electr贸nica ha resultado ser un mecanismo con el que se pretende centralizar la informaci贸n de cada contribuyente que posea un contrato laboral brindando as铆, una mayor seguridad y transparencia en los datos suministrados por los empleadores a las entidades reguladoras. Por tal motivo muchas empresas del pa铆s atraviesan por un gran desaf铆o que es evolucionar en cuanto a la implementaci贸n de la n贸mina electr贸nica, el cual es un nuevo lenguaje digital que permite comunicar, mejorar el tiempo, eficacia y eficiencia en el proceso de la causaci贸n y liquidaci贸n de n贸mina. El objetivo de este ensayo es abordar y profundizar los temas m谩s relevantes que conllevan el desarrollo e implementaci贸n de este proceso que inici贸 y se est谩 llevando a cabo desde este a帽o bas谩ndonos con los requerimientos t茅cnicos que exige la DIAN bajo la resoluci贸n 0013 del 11 de febrero de 2011.Colombia being one of the countries where taxes are most evaded, the implementation of electronic payroll has been a mechanism with which it is intended to centralize the information of each taxpayer who has an employment contract, thus providing greater security and transparency in the data provided by employers. For this reason, many companies in the country are going through a great challenge that is to evolve in terms of electronic payroll which is a new digital language that allows to communicate, improve time, effectiveness, and efficiency in the process of causation and payroll settlement. The objective of this essay is to address and deepen the most relevant issues that entail the development and implementation of this process that began and is being carried out since this year based on the technical requirements required by the DIAN under resolution 0013 of February 11, 2011

    Patterns of multimorbidity and some psychiatric disorders : a systematic review of the literature

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    OBJECTIVE: The presence of two or more chronic diseases results in worse clinical outcomes than expected by a simple combination of diseases. This synergistic effect is expected to be higher when combined with some conditions, depending on the number and severity of diseases. Multimorbidity is a relatively new term, with the first fundamental definitions appearing in 2015. Studies usually define it as the presence of at least two chronic medical illnesses. However, little is known regarding the relationship between mental disorders and other non-psychiatric chronic diseases. This review aims at investigating the association between some mental disorders and non-psychiatric diseases, and their pattern of association. METHODS: We performed a systematic approach to selecting papers that studied relationships between chronic conditions that included one mental disorder from 2015 to 2021. These were processed using Covidence, including quality assessment. RESULTS: This resulted in the inclusion of 26 papers in this study. It was found that there are strong associations between depression, psychosis, and multimorbidity, but recent studies that evaluated patterns of association of diseases (usually using clustering methods) had heterogeneous results. Quality assessment of the papers generally revealed low quality among the included studies. CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence of an association between depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, and psychosis with multimorbidity. Studies that tried to examine the patterns of association between diseases did not find stable results. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION: https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42021216101, identifier: CRD42021216101

    High incidence of Noonan syndrome features including short stature and pulmonic stenosis in patients carrying NF1 missense mutations affecting p.Arg1809: genotype-phenotype correlation

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    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is one of the most frequent genetic disorders, affecting 1:3,000 worldwide. Identification of genotype-phenotype correlations is challenging because of the wide range clinical variability, the progressive nature of the disorder, and extreme diversity of the mutational spectrum. We report 136 individuals with a distinct phenotype carrying one of five different NF1 missense mutations affecting p.Arg1809. Patients presented with multiple cafe-au-lait macules (CALM) with or without freckling and Lisch nodules, but no externally visible plexiform neurofibromas or clear cutaneous neurofibromas were found. About 25% of the individuals had Noonan-like features. Pulmonic stenosis and short stature were significantly more prevalent compared with classic cohorts (P<0.0001). Developmental delays and/or learning disabilities were reported in over 50% of patients. Melanocytes cultured from a CALM in a segmental NF1-patient showed two different somatic NF1 mutations, p.Arg1809Cys and a multi-exon deletion, providing genetic evidence that p.Arg1809Cys is a loss-of-function mutation in the melanocytes and causes a pigmentary phenotype. Constitutional missense mutations at p.Arg1809 affect 1.23% of unrelated NF1 probands in the UAB cohort, therefore this specific NF1 genotype-phenotype correlation will affect counseling and management of a significant number of patients

    High Incidence of Noonan Syndrome Features Including Short Stature and Pulmonic Stenosis in Patients carrying NF1 Missense Mutations Affecting p.Arg1809: Genotype-Phenotype Correlation: HUMAN MUTATION

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    Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is one of the most frequent genetic disorders, affecting 1:3,000 worldwide. Identification of genotype鈥損henotype correlations is challenging because of the wide range clinical variability, the progressive nature of the disorder, and extreme diversity of the mutational spectrum. We report 136 individuals with a distinct phenotype carrying one of five different NF1 missense mutations affecting p.Arg1809. Patients presented with multiple caf茅鈥恆u鈥恖ait macules (CALM) with or without freckling and Lisch nodules, but no externally visible plexiform neurofibromas or clear cutaneous neurofibromas were found. About 25% of the individuals had Noonan鈥恖ike features. Pulmonic stenosis and short stature were significantly more prevalent compared with classic cohorts (P < 0.0001). Developmental delays and/or learning disabilities were reported in over 50% of patients. Melanocytes cultured from a CALM in a segmental NF1鈥恜atient showed two different somatic NF1 mutations, p.Arg1809Cys and a multi鈥恊xon deletion, providing genetic evidence that p.Arg1809Cys is a loss鈥恛f鈥恌unction mutation in the melanocytes and causes a pigmentary phenotype. Constitutional missense mutations at p.Arg1809 affect 1.23% of unrelated NF1 probands in the UAB cohort, therefore this specific NF1 genotype鈥損henotype correlation will affect counseling and management of a significant number of patients

    Resignificando la educaci贸n: 12 reflexiones pedag贸gicas sobre la escuela

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    208 p谩ginasEste libro re煤ne 12 art铆culos de maestros y maestras de la ciudad que reflexionan sobre el rol de la Escuela en la actualidad. Sin duda, la pandemia es un hecho que atraviesa varias de estas p谩ginas, pues esta coyuntura ha hecho que estudiantes, docentes y familias resignifiquen su papel en la educaci贸n. Pero este libro no se agota all铆, en tanto aparecen iniciativas como las redes de maestros y maestras en torno a la paz, la interculturalidad, as铆 como nuevas miradas sobre la inclusi贸n educativa y la evaluaci贸n que aportan al di谩logo pedag贸gico. De esta manera, el Instituto para la Investigaci贸n Educativa y el Desarrollo Pedag贸gico (IDEP) busca que docentes y directivos de las instituciones educativas aporten a la transformaci贸n educativa desde sus saberes y experiencias.I. La Escuela en Casa. P谩gina 17: Transitando por la Escuela: realidades y posibilidades. P谩gina 29: Relaci贸n Familia- Escuela, Educaci贸n Asistida y Ambientes de Aprendizaje en Casa. P谩gina 43: Percepciones de familias sobre su participaci贸n en la Escuela. Articulando voces de madres, padres y acudientes de estudiantes en Jard铆n y Transici贸n. II. Nuevas miradas de la evaluaci贸n P谩gina 71: Del pensamiento a la acci贸n: la evaluaci贸n en el preescolar. P谩gina 87: La evaluaci贸n durante el confinamiento educativo: evidencias investigativas de una crisis en sus pr谩cticas y usos. III. Redes de paz, reconciliaci贸n y ciudadan铆a. P谩gina 103: La Red Eleggu谩: Abriendo caminos para la tolerancia y la interculturalidad. P谩gina 113: Pedagog铆as colectivas para la Paz- Tejido de esperanzas de maestras y maestros de la Red Chisua. IV. Inclusi贸n educativa. P谩gina 131: Experiencias de apropiaci贸n: Narrativas de maestras desde la inclusi贸n. P谩gina 149: El rol del docente de apoyo frente al reto de una educaci贸n inclusiva de calidad para la atenci贸n a la poblaci贸n estudiantil con discapacidad. P谩gina 161: La oferta biling眉e-bicultural a nivel distrital, una apuesta en la educaci贸n de la persona sorda. V. Estudiantes y maestros en cambio. P谩gina 177: El maestro investigador en el aula y su caracterizaci贸n pedag贸gica. P谩gina 195: Los Procesos de Lectura y Escritura Creativa en ni帽os, ni帽as y adolescentes. An谩lisis de una experiencia

    Actividades l煤dico pedag贸gicas de reciclaje, como estrategias de sensibilizaci贸n ambiental, Centro Educativo el Almorzadero, Barbacoas

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    La presente investigaci贸n hace 茅nfasis en la importancia de plantear dentro del aula, estrategias y/o actividades orientadas a sensibilizar a la ni帽ez y juventud del Centro Educativo El Almorzadero, municipio de Barbacoas, en el manejo de residuos s贸lidos, especialmente por uso inadecuado de los mismos con actividades como t茅cnicas agr铆colas por parte de los agricultores, incluida la quema de residuos de cultivos, cosecha o rastrojos, t茅cnicas que no son recomendable desde el punto de vista de la conservaci贸n del suelo y desde luego del ambiente del municipio en menci贸n. La degradaci贸n ambiental se ha producido debido a la falta de conciencia e ignorancia de las personas sobre los da帽os que se le causan al medio ambiente con actos que no son los m谩s que malas pr谩cticas ambientales, lo cual se manifiesta en aspectos como calentamiento global, escasez de agua, infecciones, epidemias, etc. Los residuos org谩nicos s贸lidos representan alrededor del 70% del volumen total de residuos generados por el hombre, por lo que encontrar una adecuada disposici贸n y un buen manejo contribuye a una buena gesti贸n, y mejora del producto final de estos procesos reduciendo una gran cantidad de impactos en el entorno, lo que conduce a la sostenibilidad de los recursos naturales. Por ello, la importancia de realizar actividades l煤dico pedag贸gicas que juegan un papel muy importante en el desarrollo de los ni帽os, pues existe un estrecho v铆nculo entre el juego y la comprensi贸n, lo que hace que el aprendizaje sea m谩s f谩cil y ameno, permitiendo que un ni帽o con imaginaci贸n se acerque a el mundo que te rodea y se sienta parte de 茅l.This research emphasizes the importance of proposing within the classroom, strategies and / or activities aimed at sensitizing children and youth of the El Almorzadero Educational Center, municipality of Barbacoas, in the management of solid waste, especially due to inappropriate use of the The same with activities such as agricultural techniques by farmers, including the burning of crop residues, harvest or stubble, techniques that are not recommended from the point of view of soil conservation and of course the environment of the municipality in question. Environmental degradation has occurred due to the lack of awareness and ignorance of people about the damage caused to the environment with acts that are nothing more than bad environmental practices, which is manifested in aspects such as global warming, scarcity of water, infections, epidemics, etc. Solid organic waste represents around 70% of the total volume of waste generated by man, so finding adequate disposal and good management contributes to good management and improvement of the final product of these processes, reducing a large number of impacts. in the environment, which leads to the sustainability of natural resources. Therefore, the importance of carrying out educational playful activities that play a very important role in the development of children, as there is a close link between play and understanding, which makes learning easier and more enjoyable, allowing a child with imagination gets closer to the world around you and feels part of it1. Titulo 2. Planteamiento del Problema de Investigaci贸n 2.1 Descripci贸n del problema 2.2 Pregunta problema 2.3 Sistematizaci贸n 3. Objetivos 3.1 Objetivo General 3.2 Objetivos Espec铆ficos 4. Justificaci贸n y delimitaci贸n 4.1 Justificaci贸n 4.2 Delimitaci贸n 4.3 Limitaciones 5. Marco de referencia 5.1 Estado del Arte 5.2 Marco Te贸rico 6. Marco metodol贸gico de la investigaci贸n 6.1 Paradigma 6.2 Recolecci贸n de la informaci贸n 6.3 Tipo de Investigaci贸n o Dise帽o metodol贸gico 6.4 Fuentes de informaci贸n 6.4.2 Fuentes secundarias. 6.5 Poblaci贸n y Muestra 6.5.1 Poblaci贸n: 6.5.2 Muestra 6.6 Criterios de Inclusi贸n y Exclusi贸n 6.7 Instrumentos de recolecci贸n de datos 6.8 An谩lisis de la informaci贸n 6.8.1 Resultados de encuestas a docentes 6.8.2 Resultados de encuesta a padres de familia 6.8.3 Resultado de encuesta a estudiantes 6.9 Cronograma 7. Resultados 7.1 An谩lisis e interpretaci贸n de los resultados 7.2 Discusi贸n 8. An谩lisis Financiero Conclusiones Recomendaciones Bibliograf铆aEspecializaci贸nEspecialista en Educaci贸n para la Sostenibilidad AmbientalEspecializaci贸n en Educaci贸n para la Sostenibilidad AmbientalSOSTENIBILIDAD AMBIENTA

    Cost-effectiveness of a folic acid fortification program in Chile.

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    OBJECTIVE: Periconceptional intake of folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs), a frequent birth defect that can cause significant infant mortality and disability. In Chile, fortification of wheat flour with folic acid has resulted in significant reduction in the risk of anencephaly and spina bifida. We investigated the cost-effectiveness implications of this policy. METHODS: We conducted an ex-post economic analysis of this intervention. Estimates of the effect of fortification in decreasing NTDs and deaths were derived from a prospective evaluation. The costs of fortification and provision of medical care to children with spina bifida in Chile were based on primary data collection. FINDINGS: The intervention costs per NTD case and infant death averted were I1200and11,000,respectively.ThecostperDALYavertedwasI 1200 and 11,000, respectively. The cost per DALY averted was I 89, 0.8% of Chile's GDP per capita. Taking into account averted costs of care, fortification resulted in net cost savings of I$ 2.3 million. CONCLUSION: Fortification of wheat flour with folic acid is a cost-effective intervention in Chile, a middle income country in the post-epidemiological transition. This result supports the continuation of the Chile fortification program and constitutes valuable information for policy makers in other countries to consider