11 research outputs found

    Relationship between anthropometric parameters, physiological responses, routes and competition results in formula windsurfing

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    Formula windsurfing is faster than the Olympic version, due to anumber of unique differences. This study was designed to identify the importance of anthropometric and cardiac factors on the final result of the European Formula Windsurf Championships (2007). We selected 45 competitors (30 amateurs and 15 professionals) of 30±9.77 years of age, a height of 182.6±0.06 cm, a weight of 81.67±7.35 kg and a BMIof 24.7±2.1 kg. They were divided into three groups (PG: 15; TG: 45and GPSG: 12). We followed the recommendations of Carter and Marfell-Jones for the anthropometric measurements. The route, speed, distance and heart rate were recorded using an FRWD W600 GPS (Global Positioning System) unit. The anthropometric measurements indicate a professional profile with 2.3±0.4 endomorphy 5±0.8 mesomorphy and 2.4±0.6 ectomorphy. Arm span and fat mass show a significant (p≤0.02) and very significant (p≤0.005) correlation with the final classification. The average speed was 11.84±2.38 km·h–1, the heart rate varied from 128 to 180 b·min–1 and the average was 127.62±13.73 b·min–1. The distances covered (12784.77±5522.19 m) and the times used for the races (2049.3±989.68 s) were very variable. This will assist not only in initial selection for the sport, but also in the design of training programmes which further develop that morphology, where possible, in the pursuit of improved performance

    Psychosocial benefits of exercise for older adults with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: Innovative practice

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    The aim of this study was to explore the perceived psychosocial benefits of a three-month exercise program for 10 older adults with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment, a condition in which memory loss is the main symptom. Qualitative data were collected by observation (research diary) and 20 semi-structured interviews with the participants (10) and their caregivers (10). The narratives showed remarkable psychosocial benefits, such as improved mood, motivation, autonomy, perceived competence, self-esteem, and social relationships. The results of this study should provide new insights into the importance of exercise for this population, and may help to design appropriate programs for them

    Fraud in nutritional supplements for athletes: a narrative review

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    El uso de suplementos nutricionales (SN) es una práctica muy extendida tanto entre los deportistas profesionales como entre los amateurs. Su elección debe realizarse basándose en criterios de seguridad, legalidad y eficacia. Son varios los riesgos que algunos de estos productos pueden desencadenar, siendo motivo de fraude para el consumidor. A modo de ejemplo, la presencia de una sustancia legal en dosis superiores a sus recomendaciones puede ocasionar efectos secundarios indeseados; por el contrario, su presencia en cantidades inferiores a las necesarias (umbral efectivo) puede no provocar el efecto esperado o anunciado por el producto. Por ello, el objetivo de la presente revisión es describir la existencia de fraude en relación con el etiquetado nutricional y/o el contenido de los SN destinados a deportistas. Se realizó una revisión narrativa a través de Pubmed en la que 16 estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Los resultados muestran que el etiquetado nutricional difiere de la cantidad real de ingredientes. Este tipo de fraude se ha encontrado en suplementos de proteína en polvo, mezclas preentrenamiento, creatina y bebidas que contienen vitaminas y minerales, entre otros. El fraude debido a errores en el etiquetado, por omisión de sustancias presentes en el producto o por errores en el análisis o declaración de las cantidades, es alto. Esta falta de transparencia en la composición real del etiquetado puede contribuir a problemas de rendimiento deportivo y/o de salud en el deportista. Por lo tanto, es necesaria una mejora de la legislación de los SN para garantizar su seguridad, eficacia y legalidad.The use of nutritional supplements (NSs) is a widespread practice in both professional and amateur athletes. Their choice must be based on criteria of safety, legality, and effectiveness. There are several risks that some of these products can trigger, this being a reason for fraud to the consumer. By way of example, the presence of a legal substance in doses higher than its recommendation may cause unwanted side effects; on the other hand, its presence in quantities lower than necessary (effective threshold) may not have the effect expected or announced by the product. Therefore, the objective of this review was to describe the existence of fraud in relation to nutritional labeling and/or to the content of NSs intended for athletes. A narrative review was conducted through PubMed in which 16 studies met the inclusion criteria. The results show that nutritional labeling differs from the actual amounts of ingredients. This type of fraud has been found in protein powder supplements, pre-workout mixtures, creatine, and beverages containing vitamins and minerals, among others. Fraud due to errors in the labeling by omission of substances present in the product or by errors in the analysis or declaration of quantities, is high. This lack of transparency in the actual composition of labels can contribute to sports performance and/or health problems in the athlete. Therefore, an improvement of the legislation on NS is necessary to ensure their safety, effectiveness, and legality

    Does the diurnal cycle of cortisol explain the relationship between physical performance and cognitive function in older adults?

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    Background Regular physical activity is a promising strategy to treat and prevent cognitive decline. The mechanisms that mediate these benefits are not fully clear but physical activity is thought to attenuate the harmful effects of chronic psychological stress and hypercortisolism on cognition. However, the circadian pattern of cortisol secretion is complex and it is not known which aspects are most closely associated with increased cognitive function and better physical performance. This is the first study to simultaneously measure cognitive function, the diurnal cycle of salivary cortisol and physical performance in older adults, without cognitive impairment (n = 30) and with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) (n = 30). Results Regression analysis showed that better cognitive function was associated with better physical performance. A greater variance in cortisol levels across the day from morning to evening was associated with better cognitive function and physical performance. Conclusions The results support the idea that a more dynamic cortisol secretion pattern is associated with better cognitive function and physical performance even in the presence of cognitive impairment, but our results could not confirm a mediating role in this relationship

    Psychosocial benefits of exercise for older adults with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: Innovative practice

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    The aim of this study was to explore the perceived psychosocial benefits of a three-month exercise program for 10 older adults with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment, a condition in which memory loss is the main symptom. Qualitative data were collected by observation (research diary) and 20 semi-structured interviews with the participants (10) and their caregivers (10). The narratives showed remarkable psychosocial benefits, such as improved mood, motivation, autonomy, perceived competence, self-esteem, and social relationships. The results of this study should provide new insights into the importance of exercise for this population, and may help to design appropriate programs for them