364 research outputs found

    L'obra per a teclat d'Anselm Viola (1738-1798)

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    Anselm Viola (b. Torroella de Montgri, 1737, d. Montserrat, 1798) was a monk, co:nposer, choir master and teacher in the Choir School at the monastery of Montserr:x, Catalonia. His style ranges from traditional Baroque counterpoint to that of a more spc:culative kind that would place him in pre-classicism. The harmony of the sonatas, based on the IV-V-I formula, follows the steps of Haydinian harmony in the trias armonica and in classical music, but is given strength through the rhetorical dynamism of the V-I grads. In certain works there is a harmony of contrasts which is far from the tonal centre. The catalogue of his works includes: masses, psalms, verses, a concert for bassoon and orchestra, 18 studies for bassoon, a íÜgue, sonatas and chord practice exercises. The composition works of Viola indicate the evolution towards classicism in the so-called ((School of Montserrat)). (Josep Maria Gregori)Anselm Viola, (Torroella de Montgrí, 1738 - Montserrat, 1798), h e monje, compositor, maestro de capilla y maestro de la escolania del citado monasterio. Su estilo oscila entre la tradici6n barroca del contrapunto y un estilo mk especulativa que 10 sitúa en el pre-clasicismo. La armonía de las sonatas, basada en la f6rmula IV-V-I, sigue 10s pasos de la armonía haydiniana de la trias armonica y de la música clásica, reforzados por el dinamis~no ret6rico de 10s grados V-I. En algunas obras presenta una armonía de contrastes alejada del centro tonal. El catálogo de sus obras incluye: misas, salmos, versos, un concierto para baj6n y orquesta, 18 estudios para fagot, una fuga, tientos partidos y sonatas. La obra compositiva de Viola muestra la evoluci6n hacia el clasicismo de la ((Escuela de Montserrat)

    Experimental and computational fluid dynamic studies of mixing for complex oral health products

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    Mixing high viscous non-Newtonian fluids is common in the consumer health industry. Sometimes this process is empirical and involves many pilot plants trials which are product specific. The first step to study the mixing process is to build on knowledge on the rheology of the fluids involved. In this research a systematic approach is used to validate the rheology of two liquids: glycerol and a gel formed by polyethylene glycol and carbopol. Initially, the constitutive equation is determined which relates the viscosity of the fluids with temperature, shear rate, and concentration. The key variable for the validation is the power required for mixing, which can be obtained both from CFD and experimentally using a stirred tank and impeller of well-defined geometries at different impeller speeds. A good agreement between the two values indicates a successful validation of the rheology and allows the CFD model to be used for the study of mixing in the complex vessel geometries and increased sizes encountered during scale up

    Children and adolescents in foster care and adoption: proposals for their educational attention in primary and high schools centres

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    El centre educatiu ha de facilitar la incorporació de la infància i l’adolescència en acolliment i adopció mitjançant un pla personalitzat d’acollida que inclourà una avaluació inicial que guiï l’atenció educativa. Un pla proactiu de protecció enfront de la discriminació seria també recomanable, així com un sistema d’avaluació flexible i mesures disciplinàries en positiu. També resulta essencial una bona comunicació i cooperació amb la família o els responsables del menor i la coordinació amb el servei d’orientació. El procés d’aprenentatge es facilitarà enormement si es dona una vinculació positiva entre el menor i el seu professor o professora, per la qual cosa és imprescindible respondre des de la comprensió, el suport i l’afecte, establint límits clars i ferms de forma predictible i evitant les sancions que puguin ser percebudes com a rebuig

    The Participation of Children and Adolescents in the Protection System: The Case of the Spanish Legislation

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    Children’s right to participation is enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), specifically in Article 12; however, the participation of children in the protection system continues to be a challenge. There is a need for a paradigm shift, in which children and adolescents (CA) are considered as active subjects of rights in all areas of their lives, and that means allowing them to participate in decisions that concern them. The study analysed 20 Spanish laws, both national and autonomous, that regulate child protection and the rights of CA in the protection system. It focuses on examining the participation of children in the protection system, divided into its three dimensions: the right to be informed, the right to be heard and the right to be involved. There is complexity in the different regulations. All of them are consistent with the CRC and provide for participation, but not all to the same extent. There is a lack of harmonisation between the legislation of autonomous communities, leading to practical difficulties for the professionals who have to implement the legislation on a daily basis.This research was funded by the coordinated research project I+D+i RTI2018-099305-B-C21 Un modelo de acción socioeducativa para la reunificación familiar en el sistema de protección a la infancia y la adolescencia desde el enfoque de la parentalidad positiva (A model of socio-educational action for family reunification in the child and adolescent protection system based on a positive parenting approach), granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spai

    Computational fluid dynamic studies of mixers for highly viscous shear thinning fluids and PIV validation

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    Agitation of highly viscous shear thinning fluids is normally conducted with complex impeller designs. Often, impellers almost as large as the tanks containing them and impeller blades equipped with holes are adopted in industry. In this work, we studied experimentally the main features of the flow generated by this type of impellers for a mixture of glycerol with a carbomeric gel by means of particle image velocimetry. The experiments were conducted at temperatures ranging from 40 to 60 °C and impeller speeds ranging from 40 to 140 rpm. In all cases, the flow regime was laminar or in the transition region. We also used computational fluid dynamics simulations to describe the behaviour of the mixer, validating the results experimentally with good agreement. We used the numerical results to obtain information on the performance of the mixer, determining the locations and size of vigorous agitation zones and the local effect of the holes present on the impeller blades. The power curves of the mixer were obtained, and the mixer efficiency in terms of power consumption was found to be similar to other impellers used to mix highly viscous non-Newtonian fluids

    Potato cyst nematodes: a new threat to potato production in east Africa

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 25 May 2020Potato cyst nematodes (PCN), such as Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida, are quarantine restricted pests of potato causing major yield and financial losses to farmers. G. rostochiensis was first reported from Kenya’s key potato growing area in 2015. We sought to determine the diversity, prevalence and distribution of PCN species across the country by conducting a country-wide survey between 2016 and 2018, which included a more focused, follow-up assessment in three key potato growing counties. A total of 1,348 soil samples were collected from 20 potato growing counties. Information regarding local potato farming practices, potato cultivar use, their diversity and availability was also recorded. PCN cysts were obtained from 968 samples (71.8%) in all the counties surveyed, with Nyandarua County recording the highest PCN field-incidence at 47.6%. The majority of PCN populations, 99.9%, were identified as G. rostochiensis, while G. pallida was recovered from just one field, in a mixed population with G. rostochiensis. Inconsistencies in PCR amplification efficiency was observed for G. rostochiensis using the recommended EPPO primers, compared with ITS primers AB28/TW81, indicating that this protocol cannot be entirely relied upon to effectively detect PCN. Egg density in Nyandarua County varied between 30.6 and 158.5 viable eggs/g soil, with an average egg viability of 78.9 ± 2.8% (min = 11.6%, max = 99.9%). The PCN-susceptible potato cultivar named Shangi was the most preferred and used by 65% of farmers due to its shorter dormancy and cooking time, while imported cultivars (Destiny, Jelly, Manitou, and Markies) with resistance to G. rostochiensis were used by 7.5% of farmers due to unavailability and/or limited access to seeds. Thus, most farmers preferred using their own farm-saved seeds as opposed to purchasing certified seeds. Establishing the distribution and prevalence of PCN and elucidating the local farming practices that could promote the spread of PCN is a necessary precursor to the implementation of any containment or management strategy in the country and ultimately across the region

    Experimental and CFD studies of power consumption in the agitation of highly viscous shear thinning fluids

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    Mixing of non-Newtonian fluids is widely encountered in the process industries. In this research, we obtained a constitutive expression that relates the viscosity of a mixture of glycerol and a gel formed of polyethylene glycol and Carbomer to the shear rate, temperature and mass fraction of one of the two components. We found that the mixtures of these two fluids were well characterized by a non-Newtonian power law model. We then used a number of homogeneous mixtures of the two fluids at different temperatures and mass fractions in a simple stirred tank agitated mechanically by a Rushton turbine to derive experimental power curves, which we then derived numerically in a CFD model by replicating the experimental conditions. We used a combination of an air bearing and a load cell to precisely measure the power required by the impeller to agitate the non-Newtonian mixtures. The computational and experimental results are in good agreement, indicating that the rheological data and the CFD model are accurate
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