127 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of order batching and routing problem in the picking regarding classical HVRP (heterogeneous vehicle routing problem)

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo comparar la conformación de lotes con ruteo, en la preparación de pedidos respecto al problema HVRP (Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem) basándose en la utilización de una metodología de la revisión sistemática de la literatura. Del análisis comparativo se identifica la necesidad de realizar modificaciones radicales e incluir nuevos componentes al problema HVRP, para modelar la conformación de lotes con ruteo de mínimo tiempo, en la preparación de pedidos, considerando K equipos de manejo de materiales (EMM) heterogéneos, n productos, m posiciones de almacenamiento, la disponibilidad del inventario y demás restricciones asociadas a la operación.This paper aims to compare the order batching and routing problem(OBRP) regarding heterogeneous vehicle routing problem (HVRP), in order to identify whether there are any differences and similarities between these ones. The OBRP consist in generating product groups, which are collected from storage locations using material specific handling equipment. Each product group(or batch) is matched to a route, which states the sequences to pick the products in the shortest time possible. On the other hand, HVRP is a variant of the Vehicle Routing Problem(VRP), in which customers are served by a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles with various capacities, in order to delivery products in a distribution network at the lowest possible cost. Additionally, in the related literature were not identified HVRP papers that tackled order batching and routing problem (OBRP), but they were focused primarily in transportation and distribution process. Therefore, it was detected a gap in the state of the art. The comparation analysis was developed using a variation of the methodology called Systematic Literature Review (SLR) , which was based on analysis of papers. This methodology was implemented eight stages, the most important of which are as follows: i) formulating the research questions and evaluation criteria (stage 2), ii) inclusion and exclusion criteria (stage 3), iii) results of systematic review (stage 6), iv) comparative analysis between OBRP and HVRP based on set evaluation criteria (stage 7) and v) conclusions and research opportunities (stage 8). The main findings of this paper were as follow: First, order batching was not modeled in HVRP, hence relevance of this gap. Second, in order batching and routing problem is necessary to represent K heterogeneous MHE with different speed travels, load capacities and lift heights. In HVRP papers the heterogeneity is only caused by vehicles in different load capacities. Third, a constraint among n products, m storage locations and K heterogeneous EMH should be implemented to ensure the feasibility of solutions of OBRP. This constraint is raised, since any MHE are not able to pick some products from storage locations, due to theirs technical characteristics. In addition, none of HVRP papers represented this constraint. Fourth, setup time and handling time were not modeled in reviewed HVRP papers, since these times were not as significant in transportation and distribution routes. Therefore, these times should be included in HVRP to represent OBRP. Fifth, available of inventory were not considered in HVRP papers, since this condition was not important in the modeled process. It should be noted that this condition is critical in OBRP, since only can be picked products with available inventory in Distribution Centre (DC). Based on findings, it was detected a significant gap in the state of the art related to the formulation and solution a minimum time OBRP considering n products, m storage locations and K heterogeneous MHE and described constraint. Therefore, this approach, not only it will fill this gap, but also contribute to knowledge in OBRP. In addition, this paper it will be one of the first to analyze HVRP in warehouse and DC

    Percepción de la calidad de vida de los empleados contratados por empresa temporal, el caso de una empresa de alimentos de la ciudad de Armenia

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    Con el objetivo de determinar y analizar la percepción de la calidad de vida de los empleados de una empresa manufacturera de alimentos en la ciudad de Armenia, cuyos contratos se hacen a través de una empresa de servicio temporal, se realizó una revisión teórica que permitiera determinar cuáles son las necesidades que requieren ser cubiertas para tener un buen nivel de calidad de vida -- De los autores revisados se eligió a Manfred Max Neef y su teoría del Desarrollo a Escala Humana, de la cual se eligieron seis categorías de necesidades a suplir para alcanzar una adecuada calidad de vida, dichas categorías son: subsistencia, protección, participación, ocio, identidad y libertad -- Las categorías fueron incluidas en el instrumento diseñado para este estudio, que conlleva una entrevista semiestructurada, la cual se aplicó no sólo a los empleados contratados en misión, también al grupo de empleados contratados directamente por la compañía -- Los resultados de esta entrevista contrastados con la fundamentación teórica anterior nos dio como resultado una visión más clara de cómo la contratación, a través de empresas de servicios temporales, incide en la percepción de la calidad de vida de los trabajadores contratados bajo esta modalida

    Munigua-GIS 2020

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    Die GIS-gestützte Kartierung des Umlandes der römischen Stadt Munigua (Spanien) ist nun online verfügbar. Erstmals lässt sich die hohe Dichte an Fundplätzen im Umland der römischen Stadt erkennen. Munigua, das municipium flavium muniguense, ist seit 1956 Gegenstand intensiver Forschungen der Abteilung Madrid des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Im Rahmen jährlich stattfindender Grabungen und Prospektionen ist eine große Menge an Daten erfasst worden. Mit Hilfe eines Geoinformationssystems (GIS) lassen sich die gesammelten Daten nun kartographisch darstellen, verwalten und statistisch auswerten. Die Kombination epigraphischer und archäologischer Informationen ergibt das Bild einer vielfältigen und verzweigten Vernetzung, in das die Stadt und ihre Bewohner eingebunden waren. Der Katalog enthält alle Fundorte und sämtliche spezifisch verortete Funde unter besonderer Berücksichtigung römischer und spätantiker Chronologie, die im Einflussbereich Muniguas bekannt geworden sind. Die außergewöhnliche Dichte und beachtliche Menge der Daten – über 1965 einzelne Fundplätze wurden kartiert – sticht dabei nicht nur unter den Städten der Provinz Baetica hervor, sondern hat auch darüber hinaus Modellcharakter. Gegenstand des GIS-Projektes ist das Umfeld der Stadt Munigua in römischer Zeit, wobei die familiären Beziehungen der Bewohner der Stadt – der Muniguenser – den geographischen Rahmen abstecken. Inschriften belegen die Familien der Stadt bis Axati/Lora del Río im Osten, bis Carmo/Carmona im Süden und bis Italica/Santiponce im Westen. Nach Norden hin, wo die Sierra Morena eine natürliche Barriere bildet, scheint es hingegen kaum Beziehungen gegeben zu haben. Der Kartierung liegt ein Satz von 30 historischen, georeferenzierten Karten zu Grunde, deren älteste auf das Jahr 1739 zurückdatiert. Mit dem nun öffentlich zugänglichen GIS wird dem Interessierten wie dem Forscher ein Instrumentarium an die Hand gegeben, das zu weiteren Fragen und Einbindungen einlädt. Die GIS-Datenbank konnte dank Sondermitteln realisiert werden. Die Daten sind über den link https://geoserver. dainst.org/ allgemein zugänglich. Allein um die Informationen zur weiteren Verarbeitung herunterzuladen, ist eine Registrierung auf dem iDAI.geoservers notwendig (https://geoserver.dainst.org/account/signup/).The GIS-based mapping of the surrounding area of the Roman city of Munigua (Spain) is now available online. For the first time, the high density of find sites in the surrounding area of the Roman city can be identified. Munigua, the municipium flavium muniguense, has been the subject of intensive research by the Madrid Department of the German Archaeological Institute since 1956. A large amount of data has been collected in the course of annual excavations and prospections. With the help of a geographic information system (GIS), the collected data can now be presented cartographically, managed and statistically evaluated. The combination of epigraphic and archaeological information provides a picture of a diverse and ramified network in which the city and its inhabitants were integrated. The catalogue contains all sites and all specifically located finds, with special attention to Roman and Late Antique chronology, that have become known in Munigua's sphere of influence. The extraordinary density and considerable amount of data – over 1965 individual sites were mapped – not only stands out among the cities of the province of Baetica, but also serves as a model. The subject of the GIS project is the surroundings of the town of Munigua in Roman times, with the family relationships of the town's inhabitants – the Muniguensians – setting the geographical framework. Inscriptions attest to the families of the town as far east as Axati/Lora del Río, as far south as Carmo/Carmona and as far west as Italica/Santiponce. To the north, on the other hand, where the Sierra Morena forms a natural barrier, there seem to have been few relations. The mapping is based on a set of 30 historical, georeferenced maps, the oldest dating back to 1739. The GIS, which is now publicly accessible, provides both interested parties and researchers with a set of tools that invites further questions and integrations. The GIS database could be realized thanks to special funds. The data is generally accessible via the link https://geoserver.dainst.org/. Only to download the information for further processing a registration on the iDAI.geoservers is necessary (https://geoserver.dainst.org/account/signup/).La cartografía basada en el SIG del hinterland de la ciudad romana de Munigua (España) ya está disponible en línea. Por primera vez se puede percibir la alta densidad de ocupación del territorio en los alrededores de la ciudad romana. Munigua, el Municipium Flavium Muniguense, ha sido objeto de intensas investigaciones por parte del Departamento de Madrid del Instituto Arqueológico Alemán desde 1956. En el curso de las excavaciones y prospecciones anuales se ha recopilado una gran cantidad de datos. Con la ayuda de un sistema de información geográfica (SIG), éstos pueden ahora visualizarse cartográficamente, gestionarse y evaluarse estadísticamente. La combinación de información epigráfica y arqueológica transmite la imagen de una red diversa y ramificada en la que la ciudad y sus habitantes estaban involucrados. El catálogo contiene todos los sitios y todos los hallazgos específicamente localizados con especial consideración de la cronología romana y de la antigüedad tardía. La extraordinaria densidad y la considerable cantidad de datos – se cartografiaron más de 1965 sitios individuales – no sólo destaca entre las ciudades de la provincia de Bética, sino que también sirve como modelo más allá de la misma. El tema del proyecto del SIG es el entorno de la ciudad de Munigua en época romana, en la que las relaciones familiares de los habitantes de la ciudad– los Muniguenses – definen el marco geográfico. Las inscripciones documentan las relaciones de las familias de la ciudad hasta Axati/Lora del Río por el este, Carmo/Carmona por el sur e Italica/Santiponce por el oeste. Al norte, donde la Sierra Morena forma una barrera natural, parece que apenas hubo relaciones. El aparato cartográfico incluye – además del Mapa Topográfico Nacional y otros soportes como ortofotografías o imágenes LIDAR – un conjunto de 30 mapas históricos georreferenciados, el más antiguo de los cuales datade 1739. Con el SIG, que ya es de acceso público, se proporciona al interesado, así como al investigador, un conjunto de instrumentos que invita a formular más preguntas y a participar. La base de datos del SIG pudo realizarse gracias a fondos especiales. Los datos son generalmente accesibles a través del enlace https://geoserver.dainst.org/. Para descargar la información para su posterior procesamiento es necesario registrarse en el servidor iDAI. geoserver (https://geoserver.dainst.org/account/signup/)

    Feasibility of the 30 s Sit-to-Stand Test in the Telehealth Setting and Its Relationship to Persistent Symptoms in Non-Hospitalized Patients with Long COVID

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    Fatigue, dyspnea and pain are the main limitations of patients with long COVID. The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of the 30 s sit-to-stand (30s-STS) test in the telehealth setting and its relationship to persistent symptoms in a sample of non-hospitalized patients with long COVID. A cross-sectional study was conducted in community patients with long COVID. Data collection and assessments were performed by videoconference and consisted of the fatigue assessment scale (FAS), London activity of daily living scale (LCADL), post-COVID-19 functional status (PCFS) and European quality of life questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L), including the pain/discomfort dimension. The 30s-STS test was performed using a standardized protocol adapted for remote use, and the modified Borg scale (0-10) was used to assess dyspnea and lower limb fatigue immediately after the test. The feasibility of the 30s-STS test was assessed by the proportion of eligible participants who were able to complete the test. Safety was assessed by the number of adverse events that occurred during the test. Seventy-nine participants were included (median age: 44 years, 86.1% women). Performance in the 30s-STS test was 11.5 ± 3.2 repetitions with 60.8% of the sample below reference values. All eligible participants were able to complete the test. No adverse events were reported during the evaluation. Participants with lower 30s-STS performance had more fatigue and dyspnea, worse quality of life, more severe pain/discomfort, and worse functional status (p < 0.05). A significant correlation was obtained between LCADL and dyspnea, reported on the Borg scale (0-10) post 30s-STS (r = 0.71; p < 0.001). In conclusion, the 30s-STS test proved to be a feasible test to implement in the telehealth setting and is related to fatigue, dyspnea, quality of life and pain in non-hospitalized patients with long COVID. Clinicians may use this test when assessment of the physical sequelae of COVID-19 in the face-to-face setting is not possible

    Medición y mejoramiento de la operación de despacho de carbón a través de modelos estadísticos r and r

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar una propuesta para medir la variabilidad del pesaje en la operación de despacho del carbón, en una mina de explotación de mediana escala, ubicada en el departamento de Boyacá, a través de la aplicación de la metodología estadística de Reproducibilidad y Replicabilidad (R and amp;R). A partir del desarrollo del artículo, se puede concluir que la metodología R and amp;R permite identifi car el comportamiento, causas y factores críticos, relacionados con la báscula y operarios, los cuales afectan la variabilidad de las mediciones de pesaje del carbón, que para la empresa en estudio, impacta en los costos logísticos de transporte y en la satisfacción de los clientes. Además, el enfoque desarrollado permitió incluir herramientas cuantitativas, en un proceso logístico crítico para la sostenibilidad de las empresas y el aprovechamiento de los recursos mineros

    Handgrip strength measurement protocols for all-cause and cause-specific mortality outcomes in more than 3 million participants: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis

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    Background & aims: Handgrip strength is a strong predictor of the risk of mortality. The objective of this systematic review was to analyse handgrip strength measurement protocols used in all-cause and cause-specific mortality studies. Method: A systematic search of PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science and Scopus was conducted from inception to February 2022. Prospective cohort studies with objective measures of handgrip strength were included. Studies had to report at least one all-cause, cancer, or cardiovascular mortality outcome. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the Newcastle Ottawa Scale. Meta-regression was used to quantify the bias associated with handgrip strength values in relation to the use of different measurement protocols. Results: Forty-eight studies with a total of 3,135,473 participants (49.6% women) were included. Half of the studies controlled body position, 39.6% arm position, 33.3% elbow position, 12.5% wrist position, 13% handgrip duration, 23% hand-adjustment to dynamometer and 12.5% verbal encouragement. The number of measurements, the laterality of the hand tested, and the estimation method of the handgrip strength value varied considerably between the study protocols. The spline regression model showed a non-linear inverse association between the values of handgrip strength and the number of protocol items controlled. Handgrip strength was higher when the number of measurements per hand or arm position was not controlled. Conversely, handgrip strength was lower when elbow position was not controlled or verbal encouragement were not provided. Conclusion: In general, the protocols used to assess handgrip strength in mortality studies are incomplete and highly heterogeneous. Handgrip strength values were higher when studies controlled fewer handgrip strength measurement protocol variables. There is a need to improve the controlling of handgrip strength measurement protocols and to standardise the method to enhance the accuracy of mortality risk estimates associated with handgrip strength

    Neuroaxial anesthesia caused paraplegia: a case report

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    Patients who undergo; anesthesia, neuraxial analgesia, or some type of neuraxial blockage are exposed to multiple complications. 33-year-old male patient, suffers a femur fracture with a long oblique trace causing pain and functional limitation for movements. Surgical resolution is determined using neuraxial block at L2-L3 level, and intravenous sedation. During his postoperative follow-up, a decrease in strength was confirmed in the lower limbs with 0/5 on the Daniels scale, 100% sensitivity without sphincter control, steroids were prescribed along with magnetic resonance imaging and a neurosurgical evaluation was requested. The MRI shows bulging of the fibrous annulus that obliterates the epidural fat and makes contact with the thecal sac in the L5-S1 intervertebral disc level. The neurosurgery service prescribes rehabilitation sessions at home, electrostimulation and neuropathic medications. Patient was discharged with rehabilitation sessions at home and medical treatment. In his last consultation, an evaluation from the psychiatry department was requested for ideas of disability, hopelessness, fantasies of death without a suicide plan related to limitations and loss of functionality. Patient does not return to external follow-up, cannot be located

    El sector fitness al interior de México para 2022: análisis desde sus distintas regiones

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    The objective of the study is to analyze, compare and reflect on the fitness sector in the interior of Mexico, from different locations located in four of its regions. The study replicates in the Mexican context the methodology of Fitness Trends From Around the Globe and was developed in five stages, adapting the methodology to Spanish and local culture, selection of the participating states and the association with university professionals in the area, analysis of the fitness trends of the national and participating states, analysis of the local contexts, and integration of the final document. In 11 trends, the five main fitness trends in the states, exercise and weight loss programs, functional training, multidisciplinary teams are incorporated together, adaptation of post-pandemic services, personal training, outdoor fitness activities, bodyweight training, online training, strength training, exercise apps and exercise programs to combat childhood obesity. It is expected to strengthen this collaboration to improve the design, expand the application and innovate in the analysis models, elements that would allow observing and responding to the changes in the fitness sector in Mexico and the particularities of its regions, and thereby provide competitive advantages to the sector.El objetivo del estudio es analizar, comparar y reflexionar sobre el sector fitness al interior de México, desde distintas localidades ubicadas en cuatro de sus regiones. El estudio replica en el contexto mexicano la metodología de Fitness Trends From Around the Globe y se desarrolló en cinco etapas, adaptación de la metodología al español y a la cultura local, selección de los estados participantes y la vinculación con profesionales universitarios del área, análisis de las tendencias fitness de lo nacional y de los estados participantes, análisis de los contextos locales, e integración del documento final. En 11 tendencias, se incorporan en su conjunto las cinco principales tendencias de fitness en los estados, programas de ejercicio y pérdida de peso, entrenamiento funcional, equipos multidisciplinares de trabajo, adaptación de servicios post pandemia, entrenamiento personal, actividades fitness al aire libre, entrenamiento con el peso corporal, entrenamiento en línea, entrenamiento de fuerza, apps de ejercicio y programas de ejercicio para combatir la obesidad infantil. Se espera fortalecer esta colaboración para mejorar en el diseño, ampliar la aplicación e innovar en los modelos de análisis, elementos que permitirían observar y responder a los cambios del sector fitness en México y a las particularidades de sus regiones, y con ello brindar ventajas competitivas al sector

    Chronic venous insufficiency: a review

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    Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) comprises a complete spectrum of morphological and functional abnormalities of the venous system1 including any long-term functional and morphological alteration. CVI accounts for several abnormalities of the venous system. It is a highly prevalent disease that causes serious economic consequences, a decrease in the quality of life and can lead to serious complications. An exhaustive review was performed with the available literature, using the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Cochrane databases from 2004 to 2021. The search criteria were formulated to identify reports related to chronic venous insufficiency. The pathophysiology of chronic venous insufficiency begins with chronic venous hypertension and the dilation of the vessel, this leads to a series of pathological changes in the venous wall and surrounding tissues, in advanced stages of CVI, skin lesions are associated with an increased proliferation of skin capillaries and microcirculatory abnormalities that may be the result of an altered level of factors responsible for the angiogenic response, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and angiostatin. In this review, updates on pathophysiology, clinic, diagnosis, classification and treatment of this disease are analyzed, with special emphasis on therapeutic options. Chronic venous insufficiency is a disease that affects the patient at several levels, mainly diminishing his/her quality of life. Currently there are various treatments ranging from habit modifications, pharmacological, to endovenous and surgical treatment.