3,884 research outputs found

    Moving from Theory to Real-World Experiences in an e-Learning Community

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    Amido resistente em diversas fontes não convencionais de amido

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    Amido resistente (AR) é aquele que não é digerido no intestino delgado, conduzindo a efeitos benéficos para a saúde, tal como a fibra dietética faz. Procedeu-se à determinação do AR em farinhas e amidos extraídos de duas variedades de castanha (Castanea sativa Mill), Longal e Martainha, da bolota de azinheira (Quercus rotundifolia) e da glande do sobreiro (Quercus suber). As farinhas foram obtidas por moenda dos frutos após secagem a diferentes temperaturas, 40º C, 50º C, 60ºC e 70ºC. Posteriormente, procedeu-se ao isolamento dos amidos das farinhas, através da aplicação de dois métodos de extracção: um físico-químico e outro enzimático. Verificou-se que os teores de AR mais elevados foram os apresentados pelas farinhas dos frutos secos a 60ºC, sendo de 46,8%, 36,5%, 39,9% e 43,9%, respectivamente para as castanhas das variedades Longal e Martainha, para a bolota e para a glande. O método de extracção que apresentou valores mais elevados de AR para os amidos extraídos dos diferentes materiais foi o método físico-químico. Tudo indica que a secagem dos frutos a 60ºC e a aplicação do método de extracção do amido pelo processo físico-químico nas farinhas dos frutos secos a esta temperatura são aqueles que melhor preservam a estrutura dos amidos.Centro de Estudos em Educação, Tecnologias e Saúd

    Visita Exploratória ao Wye College

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    No seguimento de um conjunto de informações que diariamente chega aos nossos gabinetes tivemos conhecimento da existência de um convénio de cooperação entre o ICCTI (Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional) do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia e a British Council, para a realização de visitas exploratórias por docentes e investigadores de Portugal e do Reino Unido. Decidimos, então, aproveitar esta iniciativa, pelo que, iniciámos contactos com o Wye College da Universidade de Londres, onde já tínhamos alguns conhecimentos, para organizarmos uma visita exploratória e conhecermos "in loco" a realidade desta Instituição no domínio científico e pedagógico nas áreas da Economia e das Tecnologias Agro-Alimentares, Rurais e Regionais. Estes contactos foram realizados junto do professor Derek Ray que desde a primeira hora se disponibilizou para nos receber com muito agrado. Feitos os contactos concorremos às bolsas do referido convénio e acertámos a visita com êxito na semana de 20 a 27 de Novembro de 1999

    A Second-Order ΣΔ ADC using sputtered IGZO TFTs with multilayer dielectric

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    This dissertation combines materials science and electronics engineering to implement, for the first time, a 2nd-order ∑∆ ADC using oxide TFTs. The transistors employ a sputtered IGZO semiconductor and an optimizeddielectric layer, based on mixtures of sputtered Ta2O5and SiO2. These dielectrics are studied in multilayer configurations, being the best results achieved for 7 layers: IG7.5 MV/cm, while keeping κ>10, yielding a major improvement over Ta2O5single-layer. After annealing at 200 °C, TFTs with these dielectrics exhibit μSAT≈13 cm2/Vs, On/Off≈107and S≈0.2 V/dec. An a-Si:H TFT RPI model is adapted to simulate these devices with good fitting to experimental data. Concerning circuits, the ∑∆ architecture is naturally selected to deal with device mismatch. After design optimization, ADC simulations achieve SNDR≈57 dB, DR≈65 dB and power dissipation, approximately, of 22 mW (VDD=10 V), which are above the current state-of-the-art for competing thinfilm technologies, such as organics or even LTPS. Mask layouts are currently under verification to enable successful circuit fabrication in the next months.This work is a major step towards the design of complex multifunctional electronic systems with oxide TFT technology, being integrated in ongoing EU-funded and FCT-funded research projects at CENIMAT and UNINOVA

    Integrated strategies for the production, maturation and storage of functional cardiomyocytes derived from human pluripotent stem cells

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    The production of cardiomyocytes (CM) from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) holds great promise for cardiotoxicity drug testing, disease modeling and cardiac regeneration [1]. However, the complex nets of signalling pathways involved in cardiomyogenesis compromises the effectiveness of the existing differentiation protocols to reproducibly produce high-quality CM from hPSC (hPSC-CM). Produced hPSC-CM are immature compared with adult CMs, express typical fetal cardiac genes, have immature electrophysiological properties and use glucose as major energy source [2]. The applicability of hPSC-CM in the clinic/industry is also dependent on the development of efficient methods for worldwide shipment of these cells. In this study we aim to overcome these hurdles by devising an integrated strategy for scalable production, maturation and storage of functional hPSC-CM. hPSC (hiPSC and hESC lines) were cultured as aggregates in environmentally controlled bioreactors, where the necessary conditions to control stem cell fate are tightly tuned [3]. Dissolved oxygen and hydrodynamic forces were manipulated in order to improve CM differentiation yields [4]. CM differentiation was monitored using flow cytometry and qRT-PCR. Novel feeding strategies were tested aiming at improving hPSC-CM enrichment and maturation. We also evaluated the feasibility to cold store monolayers and aggregates of hPSC-CM using a clinical compatible preservation formulation. After storage the ultrastructure and functionality of the hPSC-CM were assessed by TEM and electrophysiology analyses. Our results showed that hypoxia and hydrodynamic forces affect cell differentiation towards functional CM. The bioreactor protocol herein described (i.e. the controlled hypoxic and specific hydrodynamic environment) improved PSC differentiation by enhancing culture homogeneity, process reproducibility, and CM productivities. Moreover, enhanced CM maturation was attained when hPSC-CM were cultured in glucose depleted media supplemented with fatty acids; hPSC-CM showed a more elongated structure with organized sarcomeric pattern and displayed higher expression of genes responsible for contraction, calcium handling and electrophysiology. Noteworthy, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis and 13C labeled subtracts we showed that hPSC-CM use fatty acid β-oxidation as energy source, a typical feature of adult CMs. At the end, we showed that monolayers of hPSC-CM and cardiospheres can be stored up to 7 days at hypothermic conditions without compromising cell viability, morphology and electrophysiological properties. This work describes significant advances towards mass production of mature hPSC-CM and their short-term storage, meeting some of the needs of the cardiac regenerative medicine market and industrial field

    Estudo da importância dos RNAs não codificantes longos na conversão direta de fibroblastos em cardiomiócitos funcionais

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    Heart disease is one of the leading causes of mortality in developed countries. The associated pathology is typically characterized by the loss of cardiomyocytes that leads, eventually, to heart failure. Presently, there are many promising strategies for cardiac regeneration. Direct cardiac reprogramming is becoming known as a novel therapeutic approach to regenerate injured hearts. Direct cardiac reprogramming is a simple and quick process however, the molecular mechanisms of cardiac reprogramming and cardiomyocyte-like cells functional maturation remain to be understood. Direct cardiac reprogramming has great potential to become one of the main strategies for regenerative medicine in heart failure since fibroblasts, contrary to cardiomyocytes which do not divide, are easily available in the heart, they are a large population of cells in the heart, which become activated and turn to myofibroblasts, contributing to fibrosis after cardiac injury. Currently it is known that a specific combination of three transcription factors, Mef2c, Gata4 and Tbx5 (MGT), are enough to reprogram non-myocyte mouse heart cells into induced cardiomyocyte-like cells. Nevertheless, human fibroblasts when infected with MGT appeared to have a small percentage of conversion. With MGT retrovirus we successfully transfected: mouse adult fibroblasts (MAFs), Feeders and Gm 03348 (human fibroblasts with 10 years old). Through qPCR analysis we evaluated the expression of lncRNAs: Gm 15856, Mir22hg, Gm 027028 and Gm 28592. Our goal was to understand which lncRNAs are the best candidates to knockdown in order no enhance direct cardiac reprogramming. In addition, we studied how nutrient manipulation in cell culture media can influence direct cardiac reprogramming. It was found that media with higher levels of glucose and glutamine had larger rates of cellular survival and proliferation.As doenças cardíacas são uma das principais causas de mortalidade nos países desenvolvidos. A patologia associada é tipicamente caracterizada pela perda de cardiomiócitos que leva, eventualmente, à insuficiência cardíaca. Atualmente, existem muitas estratégias promissoras para a regeneração cardíaca. A reprogramação cardíaca direta tem se tornado conhecida como uma nova abordagem terapêutica para regeneração cardíaca depois de uma lesão. A reprogramação cardíaca direta é um processo simples e rápido, no entanto os seus mecanismos moleculares e de maturação celular continuam maioritariamente desconhecidos. A reprogramação cardíaca direta é uma abordagem terapêutica com grande potencial para se tornar uma das principais estratégias da medicina regenerativa no combate à insuficiência cardíaca, uma vez que os fibroblastos estão facilmente disponíveis no coração e dividem-se facilmente ao contrário dos cardiomiócitos. Os fibroblastos cardíacos são uma população alargada no coração que, após uma lesão, tornam-se em miofibroblastos ativos contribuindo para a fibrose. Atualmente, sabe-se que uma combinação específica de três fatores de transcrição, Mef2c, Gata4 e Tbx5 (MGT), é suficiente para reprogramar fibroblastos cardíacos de ratinho em cardiomiócitos induzidos. Por outro lado, quando fibroblastos humanos são infetados com MGT apresentam uma pequena percentagem de conversão. Com o retrovírus MGT transfectamos com sucesso: fibroblastos adultos de ratinho (MAFs), Feeders e Gm 03348 (fibroblastos humanos com 10 anos de idade). Através da análise de qPCR, avaliamos a expressão dos lncRNAs: Gm 15856, Mir22hg, Gm 027028 e Gm 28592. O nosso objetivo foi estudar quais os lncRNAs são os melhores candidatos para knockdown, e assim melhorar a eficiência da reprogramação cardíaca direta. Para além disso, estudamos como a manipulação de nutrientes nos meios de cultura pode influenciar a reprogramação cardíaca direta. Verificou-se que meios com níveis mais altos de glucose e glutamina apresentaram maiores taxas de sobrevivência e proliferação celular.Mestrado em Biologia Molecular e Celula

    Traditional Toys and Student Motivation and Commitment in Technological Education

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    Problem Statement: This research aims to understand the contribution of traditional toys as catalysts for motivation and student commitment in the development of Technological Education projects and activities. Research Questions: To what extent do work units related to traditional toys promote student motivation and commitment in the subject of Technological Education. Purpose of Study: Technological Education requires students to gain knowledge and know-how such that motivation and commitment are crucial for the development of classroom projects and activities. It is in this context that traditional toys are assumed to be catalysts for motivation and student interest. Research Methods: In terms of methodology, an exploratory research of a qualitative nature was carried out, based on semi-structured interviews to teachers and students within a 2nd cycle of Basic Education environment, encompassing five state schools in the Viseu municipality, Portugal. Nine teachers and forty-five technological education pupils, aged between 10 and 12, attending the 5th and 6th years of schooling participated. Findings: Content analysis of the answers revealed that the implementation of work units involving the construction of traditional toys are conducive to student motivation and commitment. Starting off with an initial idea, pupils are enabled to experience all the stages of toy building, from conception to completion, contributing to greater student satisfaction in the teaching-learning process. Conclusions: The traditional toys constitute an added value in the subject of Technological Education, promoting student motivation and commitment in the development of projects and activities. Students acquire knowledge and skills, which will enable them to analyze and thus resolve specific situations and prepare them for an increasingly technological world.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A avaliação de escolas: entre a intenção e a ação

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    Esta comunicação apresenta resultados parciais de uma investigação mais ampla, em curso, que se propôs averiguar os efeitos do programa de avaliação externa das escolas (AEE) nas dinâmicas de autoavaliação e nos planos de ação para a melhoria da escola. Trata-se de uma investigação inserida numa matriz de cariz essencialmente qualitativa e opta pelo estudo de casos múltiplos. Nesta comunicação restringe-se a abordagem e procura-se conhecer os significados atribuídos pelos atores ao modo como se desenvolveu o processo de conceção e implementação da autoavaliação de escola. Com este objetivo foram realizadas um conjunto de entrevistas a diversos atores da comunidade educativa de cada uma das escolas. Os resultados preliminares tendem a evidenciar que as organizações educativas, nas respostas às prescrições externas para a avaliação da escola e para a melhoria recorrem a estratégias e táticas plurais, de tal modo que as formas organizacionais assumidas pelos processos avaliativos mais do que contributos para a melhoria da escola, traduzem o cumprimento de um “ritual legitimador” e de um “gerencialismo” da imagem pública, relegando para um plano secundário a melhoria efetiva da qualidade do serviço educativo.FC

    How to Create and Sustain Meaningful Discussions in Online Courses?

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    While taking online courses students are required to participate in online discussions. These are often mandatory activities that count towards the course final grade. Even though, in many occasions, online students find this requirement dreadful and unproductive. A case study has been conducted with a postgraduate educational technology online course at a large university in the United States. This course offers two innovative strategies to overcome this issue and concomitant evidence of effectiveness