1,214 research outputs found

    Final Master\u27s Portfolio

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    Jonathan G. Correa\u27s Master\u27s Portfoli

    Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Our case presents a rare diagnosis that will most likely never be encountered by the community emergency medicine physician. It demonstrates how a thorough physical exam and appropriate imaging can differentiate benign vs. serious processes in a common complaint, and lead to further work up and diagnosis of a serious life-threatening etiology. Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare soft tissue tumor seen in children and adolescents. In this case report, we discuss how the common emergency department chief complaint of abdominal pain lead to the uncommon diagnosis of a rare tumor. This Emergency Department workup and appropriate imaging allowed for identification and necessary transfer to a specialty center, which led to definitive diagnosis and prompt treatment of this rare condition. In our case a 13-year-old male with no past medical history presented to the emergency department with his parents for evaluation of three days of abdominal pain. Physical exam demonstrated an uncomfortable appearing male with right upper quadrant and right lower quadrant tenderness with involuntary guarding. The patient was found to have a leukocytosis and in the setting of involuntary guarding, a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis was obtained, and demonstrated a large mass in the right upper abdomen. The patient was transferred to a nearby pediatric hospital, and was evaluated by pediatric surgery and hematology/oncology and was diagnosed with an alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Currently, the patient is continuing treatment with chemotherapy. Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma represents less than 1% of all childhood malignancies. They have an annual incident rate of less than 1 per million children. The most common locations for this tumor are the limbs, spinal cord, and pelvic region, followed by the urogenital area. Other not so frequent locations include the skin and abdomen (such as in our case) In this case, the patient had a common complaint most emergency physicians will see daily in their pediatric patient population, however, the patient had persistent involuntary guarding which is a red flag physical exam finding. Red flag signs, symptoms and physical exam findings, can distinguish benign pediatric abdominal pain from serious etiology. In this case, the work up led to discovery of a rare presentation of a life-threatening tumor.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2019caserpt/1112/thumbnail.jp

    10B4C Multi-Grid as an alternative to 3He for Large Area Neutron Detectors

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    Despite its present shortage, 3He continues to be the most common neutron converter for detectors in neutron scattering science. However, it is obvious that the development of large area neutron detectors based on alternative neutron converters is rapidly becoming a matter of urgency. In the technique presented, grids each comprising 30 10B4C layers (each 1 µm thick) are used to convert neutrons into ionising particles which are subsequently detected in proportional gas counters. Several prototypes, the largest with a total active area of 8 cm x 200 cm, were tested. Up to 4.6 m2 of 10B-enriched boron carbide were coated onto aluminium blades using a DC magnetron sputtering machine. Characterisation of the prototype showed neutron efficiency to be n = 53.04% for 2.5 A neutrons, which is in line with expectations from MC simulation. Gamma-sensitivity = 5 · 10-5 was measured for a broad range of energies. Long term stability measurements were also performed. These results demonstrate the potential of this technique as alternative to 3He-based position sensitive detectors

    Juan Diego Jaramillo, toda una vida “poniendo a temblar” la ciencia

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    Responder a los niños por qué tiembla la tierra, viajar por países con alta sismicidad, construir una mesa para simular temblores y acompañar a la ciudad en el estudio de su topografía y capacidad de respuesta frente a un eventual terremoto. Ese es parte del legado de Juan Diego Jaramillo Fernández, reconocido con el Premio Anual de Descubrimiento y Creación, Categoría Trayectoria de Investigación. Ha sido consultor para centrales hidroeléctricas, es miembro del Grupo de Sismología de Medellín y del Air Earth Engineering Research Institute de la Universidad de Berkeley (California) y ha acompañado al Servicio Geológico Colombiano en diversos proyectos

    Investigation of gamma-ray sensitivity of neutron detectors based on thin converter films

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    Currently, many detector technologies for thermal neutron detection are in development in order to lower the demand for the rare 3He gas. Gas detectors with solid thin film neutron converters readout by gas proportional counter method have been proposed as an appropriate choice for applications where large area coverage is necessary. In this paper, we investigate the probability for gamma-rays to generate a false count in a neutron measurement. Simulated results are compared to measurement with a 10B thin film prototype and a 3He detector. It is demonstrated that equal gamma-ray rejection to that of 3He tubes is achieved with the new technology. The arguments and results presented here are also applicable to gas detectors with converters other than solid 10B layers, such as 6Li layers and 10BF3 gas.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Instrumentatio

    Diseño e instalación de sistema de generación eléctrica por movimiento circular uniforme

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es exponer las características , diseño e implementación de un sistema de generación eléctrica utilizando el principio básico del funcionamiento de la bicicleta, este sistema de generación ya ha sido desarrollado anteriormente en algunas regiones de Colombia pero sin el enfoque que se le dará en la construcción de este proyecto, en algunos lugares del mundo existen empresas como lo es WE WATT que desarrolla sistemas de generación eléctrica renovable, más sin embargo los costos de adquisición son muy elevados. Luego de realizar una investigación sobre las principales propiedades del diseño del sistema de generación eléctrica por movimiento circular uniforme se implementó diferente software de diseño mecánico y eléctrico para garantizar el buen funcionamiento y eficiencia del sistema

    La historia de las montañas contada por sus rocas

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    El Centro de Monitoreo de la Conservación del Ambiente, del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, declara a Colombia como un país megadiverso. Y esto se debe, en gran parte, a los miles de millones de años de procesos geológicos que han dado lugar a cordilleras, valles, sistemas de fallas y condiciones climáticas que propician que esta sea una de las 17 naciones que albergan el 70 por ciento de la biodiversidad del planeta. Por eso, Colombia no solo es un país megadiverso, también es geodiverso. El estudio de rocas de las cordilleras Occidental y Central permite a investigadores de EAFIT reconstruir la evolución de los Andes del norte, en Antioquia, desde hace millones de años hasta el último medio siglo. Entender su desarrollo y comportamiento es útil para temas de gestión del riesgo, amenaza sísmica y geoturismo

    En crisis económicas la tasa de fertilidad se reduce en sectores más pobres

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    ​El económico, sin duda, es un factor fundamental a la hora de tener o no hijos y, aún más, si se trata de una época de recesión o una de bonanza. Un estudio de EAFIT y el Banco de la República evidencia cómo los sectores menos favorecidos reducen su tasa de fertilidad en los momentos de crisis

    Drones: un estudio de alto vuelo en EAFIT

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    Aunque nacieron con propósitos militares, cada vez es más frecuente el uso de vehículos aéreos no tripulados con fines comerciales

    Variabilidad espacial y temporal de larvas de jurel Trachurus murphyien el Perú entre 1966 –2010

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    Constant presence of Jack mackerel Trachurus murphyilarvae in the Peruvian sea between 1966 and 2010 was confirmed by an analysis of their spatial and temporal variability. In general, there is a slight positive trend in abundance of Jack mackerelT. murphyilarvae, with noticeable changes in their spatial distribution and high interannual variability. High abundance of larvae is observed in some years, which are usually followed by a longer sequence of poor abundance years. Yearly averages varied between 3 and 79 larvae/m 2 . The spatial distribution of average larvae density showed three notorious periods along time: the first between 1970 and 1979 with higher larvae densities south of 14°S; the second between 1980 and 1999 with the higher densities to the north of 14°S; and the third between 2000 and 2010 with higher densities south of 18°S. The displacement of the centers of gravity of the spatial distribution marked three noticeable periods: between 1966 and 1978 were more coastal, south of 14°S; between 1979 and 1994 more oceanic and north of 14°S; and between 1995 and 2010 which were at an intermediate position. The relationship of larvae density with oceanographic variables as well as with the distribution of adult and juvenile Jack mackerel T. murphyiare discussed, stressing the observation that there is a main center of permanent spawning activity of this species in Peruvian watersEl análisis espacial y temporal de larvas de jurel Trachurus murphyien el mar peruano entre los años 1966 y 2010 confirma su presencia constante durante todo el periodo estudiado. En general, en este periodo la abundancia de larvas de jurel T. murphyimuestra una tendencia ligeramente ascendente destacándose cambios en la distribución espacial y una alta variabilidad interanual, con cortos periodos de alta abundancia promedio, intercalados con periodos más prolongados y de baja abundancia. El promedio anual estimado varió entre 3 y 79 larvas/ m2 . La distribución espacial presentó tres periodos importantes: uno con mayores densidades de larvas al sur de los 14°S, entre 1970 y 1979; cambió hacia el norte de esta latitud, entre 1980 y 1999; y otro de mayor densidad al sur de los 18°S, en el último periodo 2000 – 2010. Los centros de gravedad de la distribución de larvas presentaron tres periodos muy notorios: fueron más costeros hacia el sur de los 14°S, entre 1966 y1978; más oceánicos y al norte de los 14°S, entre 1979 y 1994; y con una posición intermedia entre 1995 – 2010. Se discute la relación entre la distribución de las larvas con las variables oceanográficas y la distribución de T. murphyiadultos y juveniles, además se destaca que el mar del Perú es un centro principal y permanente de actividad reproductiva de esta especie