126 research outputs found

    Integrazione di celle solari di terza generazione nel vetromattone per la realizzazione di involucri edilizi traslucidi fotovoltaici

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    L’integrazione di celle solari di terza generazione - Dye-sensitised Solar Cells (DSSC) - nel vetromattone consente di ottenere un prodotto edilizio in grado di generare energia pulita, personalizzabile in termini di colore, livelli di trasparenza e fi niture, adatto alla realizzazione di componenti edilizi fotovoltaici, traslucidi e multifunzionali, facilmente integrabili nelle chiusure degli edifi ci per la costruzione di involucri edilizi energeticamente effi cienti ed attivi anche in contesti climatici avversi, quali possono essere quelli del Mediterraneo e delle aree subtropicali. L’articolo illustra 4 differenti ipotesi di integrazione delle DSSC nel vetromattone fornendo, per ciascuna, una stima della produzione fotovoltaica e delle performance energetiche (termiche ed ottiche). Anche gli aspetti relativi al sistema di assemblaggio “a secco” dei vetromattoni modifi cati tramite l’integrazione delle DSSC, per la realizzazione dei componenti edilizi fotovoltaici, vengono qui illustrati in uno ad alcune rifl essioni sulla necessità di ripensare il fotovoltaico nell’ottica della building integration.The integration of third generation Dye-sensitised Solar Cells (DSSC) with the glassblock allows to obtain a building product able to produce clean energy, customizable in terms of colours, transparency levels and fi nishing, for the assembly of multifunctional, translucent and photovoltaic building components, which can be easily integrated for the construction of energy effi cient and active building envelopes also in adverse climate areas, such as the Mediterranean and subtropical zones. The paper illustrates 4 different hypotheses of integration of the DSSC with the glassblock and for each provides an evaluation of photovoltaic production and energy performance (thermal and optical). The aspects related to the dry assembly system of the DSSC-integrated glassblocks for the construction of the photovoltaic building components will also be illustrated, together with some considerations about the necessity of rethinking photovoltaic at the prospect of building integration

    Integrazione di celle solari di terza generazione nel vetromattone per la realizzazione di pannelli traslucidi fotovoltaici. Analisi prestazione e stato dell’arte

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    L’articolo illustra i primi risultati ottenuti nell’ambito dell’analisi prestazionale del vetromattone fotovoltaico, un prodotto edilizio innovativo derivato dall’integrazione di celle fotovoltaiche di terza generazione (DSSC) nel vetromattone, ideato per la realizzazione di involucri traslucidi energeticamente effi cienti ed “attivi”, in grado di ridurre i consumi energetici degli edifi ci e di produrre, al contempo, energia verde. L’analisi ù stata condotta su quattro differenti ipotesi di integrazione. Attraverso simulazioni numeriche si ù effettuata una valutazione dell’energia assorbita dagli strati attivi oltre che delle prestazioni ottiche complessive del dispositivo. Lo studio analitico via software rappresenta il primo passo nella valutazione delle prestazioni del prodotto e prelude ad un’analisi di tipo sperimentale. L’articolo illustra anche i risultati di una ricerca condotta nell’ambito della brevettazione nazionale ed internazionale riguardante la tecnologia DSSC e le sue applicazioni; i brevetti sono stati analizzati e classifi cati secondo diverse categorie di indagine ed attraverso le informazioni raccolte ù stato costituito un esteso database digitale

    Energy Optimization of BIPV Glass Blocks: A Multi-software Study

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    Abstract The aim of this paper is to show the results of the performance analyses carried out on four patented glass block configurations integrated with third-generation Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSC) modules. The analyses take into account the thermal, optical and electrical performance by using three different software (COMSOL Multiphysics, WINDOW, Zemax), also enabling to take into consideration the peculiar three-dimensional geometry of this innovative glazed product. Starting from these results, new configurations improved as for the thermal insulation, are also introduced and studied, in order to make further considerations about the applicability of this building component for the construction of energy-saving and generating building envelopes

    Innovative Photovoltaic Translucent Components for the Building Envelope

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    International directives that regulates buildings energy efficiency and environmental sustainability establish strict parameters for the construction of a new generation of “Zero Energy Buildings” indicating transmittance limits for building envelope components and encouraging the use of renewable sources. In this sense, the PV sector aims at the definition of novel efficient solutions for the integration in the building envelope, standing out for their multifunctional features. After an overview on the main PV technologies and building integrated applications, focusing on semi-transparent envelope solutions, the paper shows the results of a research that is being carried out at the Department of Architecture of the University of Palermo, aimed to define innovative solutions for the construction of photovoltaic and energy efficient translucent building envelopes. In particular, the research focuses on the optimization of glassblock panels in terms of thermal insulation, light transmittance, energy production and mechanical resistance. New configurations of glassblock were designed in order to reduce its U value and integrate 3rd generation PV technologies for the production of green energy. Furthermore, a dry assembly system has been designed for the construction of translucent prestressed panels made of DSC integrated glassblocks that are able to guarantee high levels of resistance to horizontal actions and to build translucent, photovoltaic and efficient building envelopes even in dry, tropical and temperate areas or in unfavourable light conditions

    Improving the thermal performance of the transparent building envelope: finite element analysis of possible techniques to reduce the U-value of the glassblocks

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    U-value of glazed elements is often a critical issue because these components, due to their small thickness and to the poor resistance of the glass and frame materials, cause very relevant heat fluxes. This paper presents an investigation on the thermal properties of a particular glazed component: the glassblock. Generally standard glassblocks have high U- values in comparison to the maximum values allowed by energy efficiency standards for glazed surfaces. This paper reports a summary of possible solutions that could improve the performances of the glassblock. A set of new configurations of the glassblock has been defined by schematic models and their overall thermal resistance has been assessed by the means of Finite Element software. The resulting performances are presented in terms of the global thermal transmittance of the modified glassblocks, also considering the effects of sealing and mortar. The paper also shows some significant potential improvements to address new production lines

    Near Zero Energy House in Palestine: Identification of the Future Challenges

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    Most of researches and experiences of the concept of near zero energy buildings (NZEBs) are highly concentrated on the developed countries more than the developing countries due to many reasons related to the different contexts conditions. This paper is a part of a PhD thesis, which is being supervised by the Department of Architecture at the University of Palermo. The paper aims at highlighting the challenges facing the house design in Palestine as a developing country in terms of NZEBs by making a study which is related to discussing different experiences in the field of energy saving strategies in Palestine and some surrounded countries, such as Jordan which shares certain climatic and architectural characteristics with Palestine. The data analysis process is based on the study of several attempts and experiences taking into consideration the contemporary house design situation in Palestine. This study follows a classification of challenges toward near zero energy house (NZEH) into two categories; firstly the organizational challenges; such as costs, policies, and training challenges in effect relates to how society organizes itself and establishes its priorities. Secondly, the technical challenges of the NZEBs. The discussed results should be considered in the influential governmental institutions to provide the requisite leadership decisions for planning better future built-up environment in Palestine, also in other countries which have nearly similar context


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    The valorisation, protection and preservation policies for the underground building heritage are often difficult to implement due to an inadequate knowledge of hypogeal constructions. The complex and widespread underground structures of the vast “Cavo” Heritage (“horizontal wells”, “shelf wells” or “well tunnels”), so called qanāts, hidden underground and built over the centuries in Palermo, representing an evocative testimony to the history of water culture in the ancient city. Through the historical and constructive analyses and the implementation and development of measurement and 3D representation and visualization, first actions have been carried out. The paper will present the first results of the restoration project and the path of re-introduction in the fruition network of the qanāt “Gesuitico alto”, developed also in the field of “iHeritage. Mediterranean Platform for UNESCO Cultural Heritage” project, financed by ENI CBC MED Programme 2014-2020. The paper presents an experimentation of a procedural workflow of data acquisition, analysis and subsequent 3D virtual navigation of hypogeal environments. The methodology used is the SLAM with a last generation WMLS. The platform of virtual reality visualization, within UnReal Engine, allows the user to immerse and navigate in the anthropic environment by engaging it with a set of infographics that highlight the virtual visit

    Analysis of Renovation Works in Cappuccinelli Social Housing District in Trapani

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    The refurbishment of public residential districts represents a current and complex problem. The Cappuccinelli Social Housing (SH) district in Trapani, designed in the late 1950s by Michele Valori and built during the 1960s, is emblematic of the architectural quality and technological innovation of the time it was designed, but at the same time represents the physical and social decay that occurred just after its construction. The neighborhood was examined through a combination of inspections and documentary research. The inspections were conducted for the entire district in order to identify the recurrent external degradation of building components and the related causes, both physical and anthropogenic. This paper investigates the physical–mechanical degradation and problems connected to previous renovation work in this district. Furthermore, technological design solutions are discussed for deep renovation and energy efficiency improvement of one of the terraced buildings of the Cappuccinelli SH district

    Public and Private Economic Feasibility of Green Areas as a Passive Energy Measure: A Case Study in the Mediterranean City of Trapani in Southern Italy

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    Green infrastructure in urban environments provides a wide range of ecological, social, aesthetic, and health co-benefits. Urban plant covers in particular contribute to improved outdoor environmental conditions that, in turn, influence the energy behavior of buildings and their indoor thermo-hygrometric comfort performance. Within this context, this study illustrates a methodology aimed at verifying the economic feasibility of alternative types of green areas for public and private stakeholders, which are analyzed as passive energy measures. Therefore, our methodology integrates approaches from different disciplines and consists of a microclimatic analysis of different vegetation scenarios and of the outdoor comfort level, an evaluation of the energy needs of a sample of houses, and an economic feasibility estimation considering different scenarios and public and private investors. The methodology is illustrated through its application to a suburban district of the Sicilian city of Trapani in the South of Italy, considered representative of Mediterranean climate conditions. Results showed significant differences between the scenario outcomes depending on the type of vegetation used in the green areas and put in evidence how economic feasibility for some stakeholders may be achieved in the management phase if adequate incentives equal to the planting cost are assumed

    A holistic multi-methodology for sustainable renovation

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    A review of the barriers for building renovation has revealed a lack of methodologies, which can promote sustainability objectives and assist various stakeholders during the design stage of building renovation/retrofitting projects. The purpose of this paper is to develop a Holistic Multi-methodology for Sustainable Renovation, which aims to deal with complexity of renovation projects. It provides a framework through which to involve the different stakeholders in the design process to improve group learning and group decision-making, and hence make the building renovation design process more robust and efficient. Therefore, the paper discusses the essence of multifaceted barriers in building renovation regarding cultural changes and technological/physical changes. The outcome is a proposal for a multi-methodology framework, which is developed by introducing, evaluating and mixing methods from Soft Systems Methodologies (SSM) with Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). The potential of applying the proposed methodology in renovation projects is demonstrated through a case study
