167 research outputs found

    Uomini e poteri sul territorio di Noto nel tardo medioevo

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    Pietro I di Sicilia

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    Biografia di re Pietro I di Sicili

    Forme della negoziazione politica nel regno di Sicilia fra Trecento e Quattrocento

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    Analisi delle forme della contrattazione politica fra corpi cittadini e monarchia nel regno di Sicilia del XIV e XV secolo attraverso la documentazione dei "capitoli" presentati a Corte. Si descrive la tipologia della fonte e il suo addensarsi attorno agli anni delle trasformazioni istituzionali e politiche a cavallo dei due secoli; si analizzano linguaggii e protagonisti della contrattazione, si identificano i punti fondamentali del negoziato permanente fra i due poteri del regno

    I Maestri Razionali e le origini della magistratura contabile (secc. XIII-XV)

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    Ricostruzione dell'emergere della magistratura di controllo contabile del Regno di Sicilia e dei suoi sviluppi medievali

    Chapter Il «faticato peregrinaggio» di Isidoro Carini negli archivi e nelle biblioteche di Spagna (1881-1882)

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    The Relazione by Isidoro Carini about his research mission in Spain (1881-1882) and the events of its publication allow to reconstruct the beginnings of both the use of spanish sources for the Sicilian and Italian medieval history and of the context of the Sicilian medieval historiography at the end of the 19th Century

    Il "faticato peregrinaggio" di Isidoro Carini negli archivi e nelle biblioteche di Spagna (1881-1882)

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    ITALIANO: Attraverso la Relazione di Isidoro Carini sulla missione negli archivi e nelle biblioteche spagnole nel 1881-1882 e dallo studio delle vicende della pubblicazione dei suoi risultati si ricostruisce l’avvio dell’utilizzazione delle fonti iberiche per la storia medievale siciliana e nazionale e il contesto della storiografia sulla Sicilia medievale alla fine dell’Ottocento. / ENGLISH: The Relazione by Isidoro Carini about his research mission in Spain (1881-1882) and the events of its publication allow to reconstruct the beginnings of both the use of Spanish sources for the Sicilian and Italian medieval history and the context of the Sicilian medieval historiography at the end of the 19th Century

    Real-world assessment of healthcare provided by the National Health Service: The network of regional Beaver research platforms

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    Real-world evidence can provide answers on healthcare utilization and appropriateness, post-marketing drugs safety and comparative effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness profiles of healthcare pathways. Healthcare utilization databases, possibly integrated with drug and disease registries, electronic medical records, survey and cohort data (i.e. real-world data), allow to trace healthcare ‘footprints’ left from beneficiaries of National Health Service. Beaver is a research platform available on demand to Italian regions which we developed for computing indicators of healthcare utilization and clinical outcomes, as well as for generating evidence on effectiveness and cost-effectiveness profile. Two distinct solutions may be adopted. One, the so-called Beaver Light front-end allows to automatically compute health indicators of adherence to official guidelines. Two, the so-called Beaver Full front-end involves an eight-step procedure entirely driven by the study protocol. In order to fulfil the directives recently issued by the European Parliament and Council and the Italian Authority for the protection of individual data, the platform resides in each region’s infrastructure, so limiting the free movement of electronic health data. Indeed, regional authorities should be responsible for data safety and for allowing data accessibility. The use of standardized and validated algorithms enables to obtain regional estimates that, being obtained by employing regional platforms containing data extracted with standardized procedure, may be compared and possibly summarized by using common meta-analytic techniques. In conclusion, the Beaver regional platform is a promising tool which may contribute to stimulate healthcare research in Italy

    Investigating the inhibition of FTSJ1 a tryptophan tRNA-specific 2’-O-methyltransferase by NV TRIDs, as a mechanism of readthrough in nonsense mutated CFTR

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    Abstract: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease caused by mutations in the CFTR gene, coding for the CFTR chloride channel. About 10% of the CFTR gene mutations are "stop" mutations, which generate a Premature Termination Codon (PTC), thus synthesizing a truncated CFTR protein. A way to bypass PTC relies on ribosome readthrough, which is the ri-bosome’s capacity to skip a PTC, thus generating a full-length protein. “TRIDs” are molecules exerting ribosome readthrough; for some, the mechanism of action is still under debate. We in-vestigate a possible mechanism of action (MOA) by which our recently synthesized TRIDs, namely NV848, NV914, and NV930, could exert their readthrough activity by in silico analysis and in vitro studies. Our results suggest a likely inhibition of FTSJ1, a tryptophan tRNA-specific 2’-O-methyltransferase
