130 research outputs found

    Maternal rumen-protected methionine supplementation and its effect on blood and liver biomarkers of energy metabolism, inflammation, and oxidative stress in neonatal Holstein calves

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    In nonruminants, nutrition during pregnancy can program offspring development, metabolism, and health in later life. Rumen-protected Met (RPM) supplementation during the prepartum period improves liver function and immune response in dairy cows. Our aim was to investigate the effects of RPM during late pregnancy on blood biomarkers (23 targets) and the liver transcriptome (24 genes) in neonatal calves from cows fed RPM at 0.08% of diet dry matter/d (MET) for the last 21 d before calving or controls (CON). Blood (n=12 calves per diet) was collected at birth before receiving colostrum (baseline), 24 h after receiving colostrum, 14, 28, and 50 d (post-weaning) of age. Liver was sampled (n=8 calves per diet) via biopsy on d 4, 14, 28, and 50 of age. Growth and health were not affected by maternal diet. The MET calves had greater overall plasma insulin concentration and lower glucose and ratios of glucose-to-insulin and fatty acids-to-insulin, indicating greater systemic insulin sensitivity. Lower concentration of reactive oxygen metabolites at 14 d of age along with a tendency for lower overall concentration of ceruloplasmin in MET calves indicated a lesser degree of stress. Greater expression on d 4 of fructose-bisphosphatase 1 (FBP1), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 (PCK1), and the facilitated bidirectional glucose transporter SLC2A2 in MET calves indicated alterations in gluconeogenesis and glucose uptake and release. The data agree with the greater expression of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Greater expression on d 4 of the insulin receptor (INSR) and insulin-responsive serine/threonine-protein kinase (AKT2) in MET calves indicated alterations in insulin signaling. In that context, the similar expression of sterol regulatory element-binding transcription factor 1 (SREBF1) in CON and MET during the preweaning period followed by the marked upregulation regardless of diet after weaning (d 50) support the idea of changes in hepatic insulin sensitivity during early postnatal life. Expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A) was overall greater and acyl-CoA oxidase 1 (ACOX1) was lower in MET calves, indicating alterations in fatty acid oxidation. Except forkhead box O1 (FOXO1), all genes changed in expression over time. Transcriptome results indicated that calves from MET-supplemented cows underwent a faster maturation of gluconeogenesis and fatty acid oxidation in the liver, which would be advantageous for adapting to the metabolic demands of extrauterine life

    Uso de insulina para aumento da fertilidade de vacas de corte pós-parto lactantes inseminadas

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of insulin alone or in association with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) on the fertility of postpartum beef cows subjected to synchronization. A total of 340 cows was subjected to fixed time artificial insemination. In the trial 1, the cows were subjected to temporary weaning (TW), while in the trial 2 the same protocol was tested without TW. The addition of an insulin injection to a progesterone/eCG-based protocol without TW increased the pregnancy rate of beef cows with body condition score (BCS) equal to or lower than 2.5. Insulin had no effect on cows submitted to TW or with BCS equal to or higher than 3.0.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar apenas o efeito da insulina ou dela em associação com gonadotrofina coriônica equina (eCG) na fertilidade de vacas em pós-parto submetidas à sincronização. Um total de 340 vacas foi submetido à inseminação artificial em tempo fixo. No experimento 1, as vacas foram submetidas ao desmame temporário (DT), enquanto no experimento 2, o mesmo protocolo foi testado sem DT. A adição de uma injeção de insulina a um protocolo baseado em progesterona/eCG sem DT aumentou a taxa de prenhez de vacas de corte com escore de condição corporal (ECC) igual ou menor que 2,5. A insulina não teve efeito em vacas submetidas a DT ou com ECC igual ou maior que 3,0

    Revisão sistemática sobre diagnóstico molecular da tristeza parasitária bovina no Brasil: ocorrência e oportunidades futuras

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    A bovinocultura brasileira enfrenta diversos desafios, dentre esses, as doenças transmitidas por vetores que geram prejuízos significativos pela ampla disseminação no país. As técnicas moleculares são mais sensíveis na identificação de animais persistentemente infectados. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi compilar dados referentes à ocorrência de Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina e Babesia bovis, causadores da tristeza parasitária bovina (TPB), detectados por técnicas moleculares, identificando lacunas e oportunidades para futuras pesquisas no Brasil. Para isso, foi conduzida uma revisão sistemática, onde os principais critérios de inclusão foram: estudos realizados com amostras do Brasil; utilização de amostras de bovinos naturalmente infectados; dados exatos sobre número ou percentual de animais positivos; número de amostras por rebanho ≥ 10; e informações, pelo menos, do estado de origem das amostras. Ao todo, 38 estudos foram incluídos na revisão, utilizando-se de técnicas de PCR convencional (multiplex PCR, PCR, nPCR e snPCR) e PCR quantitativa e semiquantitativa (qPCR e HRM). As faixas de ocorrência para as espécies foram: 35 a 98,78% para A. marginale; 8,19 a 86,25% para B. bigemina; e de 7,32 a 95,47% para B. bovis. Os maiores percentuais de ocorrência de A. marginale e B. bovis foram no estado de RO, e de B. bigemina foi no estado de SP. Apesar da quantidade de dados encontrados, ainda são evidentes inúmeras oportunidades de direcionamento para futuras pesquisas, principalmente no que diz respeito ao uso de técnicas moleculares e quantificação das perdas nos rebanhos de maior ocorrência da TPB

    Milk production and feeding behavior of lactating cows supplemented with a dry fungus fermentation product that expresses residual fibrolytic enzyme activity / Produção de leite e comportamento alimentar de vacas em lactação suplementadas com um produto de fermentação de fungo seco que expressa atividade de enzima fibrolítica residual

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with a product of fermentation of dry fungi expressing residual enzymatic fibrolytic activity on the productive and behavioral performance of lactating cows. The study was carried out on a commercial dairy farm. 36 Holstein cows divided into two groups (control and supplemented) were evaluated for 23 days. The product came from a commercial source MAXFIBER® (Provita Supplements, Pinneberg / Germany) and was supplied in the amount of 10g / animal / day. The total digestibility of the mixed feed, the individual milk production, the feeding behavior in intelligent feeders (Intergado®), and the behavior of the animals were verified using cowMed animal monitoring collars (ChipInside® Technology / Santa Maria / RS / Brazil). Supplementation affected the animals' behavior, with an increase in activity time (P = 0.002) and a tendency to decrease in rumination time (P = 0.08). There was an increase in the frequency of ingestion (P = 0.001) and the duration of the meal (P = 0.001). Milk production was higher in the supplemented group (P = 0.05). The use of this additive alters the animals' behavior, reflecting an increase in milk production.

    Effect of GnRH or Estradiol Benzoate on Reproductive Traits during a Heatsynch Protocol in Dairy Cows

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    Background: Milk production of cows is closely correlated with its reproductive efficiency. One of the several factors influencing the dairy efficiency is the decline in fertility of the cows/heifers. Use of hormonal protocol are often used to improve the fertility of the recipients. Several programs are available to inseminate dairy cows, with variation in the use of different types of hormones, time of use and range of duration period, as well as the time of AI. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of follicular wave emergence induction of estradiol benzoate in comparison to GnRH in a Heatsynch protocol and its influence on reproductive parameters.Materials, Methods & Results: In this study were used primiparous and multiparous Holstein cows (n = 325). Animals were divided randomly into two different treatments according with the hormone used to induce follicular wave emergence (D0). The GnRH group (n = 167), was given 25 mg, while in the EB group (n = 158) was used 2 mg. At same day, were inserted, a controlled internal drug-releasing containing 1.9 g of progesterone CIDR®. On day 7, CIDR was removed and cows were given 25 mg luteinizing hormone followed by an injection of 1 mg Inducer Ovulation at day 8. Cows were then observed for signs of estrus for at least two hours (twice daily at 7 am and 6 pm) for three days following CIDR® removal. Cows detected in estrus were inseminated 12 h later the estrus detection. Pregnancy status was determined by ultrasonography at 30 ± 5 d and 60 ± 5 d after AI. A single technician was responsible for the estrus detection and inseminations. A single technician was responsible for the estrus detection and inseminations. Ultrassonographic examinations with ultrasound, transrectal linear probe of 5 MHz, were performed for the diagnosis of pregnancy at 30 and 60 days after artificial insemination. Binomially distributed data, such as, estrous response, conception rate, pregnancy rate and pregnancy losses, were analyzed by Chi-square test. Pregnancy rates at 30-35 days and 60-65 days as well as pregnancy losses were considered in the model for the effect of parity (primiparous vs. multiparous) and the group of estrus behavior during the Heatsynch protocol. Conception rate was similar between GnRH (36.1%, 57/158) and EB (37.7%, 63/167) treatments. Cows showing estrus signs after CIDR removed were 71.9% in GnRH and 62% in EB group (P = 0.05). Embryonic losses were different (P = 0.03) according to groups of cows showing estrus signals or not.Discussion: Our results demonstrate that conception rates are not affected by using either EB or GnRH at the beginning of the Heatsynch protocol. Therefore, the EB can be an alternative choice to GnRH at Heatsynch beginning. Similar results were found by autor in dairy cows, once it was also observed that there is no difference in conception rate in two TAI protocols using either GnRH or EB. In Heatsynch protocols the increase in estrus detection are a key factor to increase fertility in lactating dairy cows. It can be explained once animals in regular estrous cycle have a palpable corpus luteum and circulating progesterone concentration higher than 1 ng/mL which leads than to enhance pregnancy ratios. The use of BE at the time of CIDR insertion in TAI protocols for dairy cattle proved to be an alternative to GnRH considering conception rates. Therefore, the use of BE at the time of CIDR insertion in a Heatsynch protocol in dairy cattle proved to be an alternative to GnRH which can be an important tool to increase the TAI utilization by farmers. Furthermore, in Heatsynch protocol cows showing estrus have pregnancy rates improved and lower pregnancy losses

    Efeito da reutilização do CIDR na taxa de prenhez de vacas de corte primíparas pós-parto de acordo com o escore de condição corporal

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    O escore de condição corporal (ECC) e a concentração sérica de progesterona são pontos importantes para o sucesso dos programas de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) em vacas de corte. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a taxa de prenhez de vacas de corte primíparas Bos taurus durante o pós-parto com ECC?3,0 ou >3,0, submetidas a protocolos de inseminação artificial com tempo fixo utilizando CIDR novo ou de 2º uso. Foram utilizadas vacas prímiparas (n=237), que receberam um CIDR novo (CIDR Novo, n=122) ou de 2º uso (CIDR Usado, n=115) e 2mg de benzoato de estradiol no dia 0. Todas as vacas receberam uma injeção de 12,5mg de dinoprost no dia 7 e 0,5mg de cipionato de estradiol no dia 9, quando o CIDR foi removido. Também no dia 9 os terneiros foram separados das vacas até o momento da IATF, realizada 48h após a remoção do CIDR. O diagnóstico de gestação foi realizado por ultrassonografia 35 dias após a IATF. A taxa de prenhez geral obtida neste experimento foi de 48,1% (114/237). Desconsiderando-se o ECC, a diferença de taxa de prenhez aproximou-se da significância (P=0,057) entre os grupos, sendo de 54% (66/122) para o grupo CIDR Novo e 41% (48/115) para o grupo CIDR Usado. Quando considerada a interação entre o tratamento e o ECC, observou-se que não houve diferença na taxa de prenhez entre os grupos. Porém, observa-se novamente uma tendência (P=0,087) de menor taxa de prenhez para o grupo CIDR Usado comparado ao CIDR Novo para vacas com ECC?3,0. Portanto, apesar de apenas uma tendência, observou-se que vacas com baixo ECC submetidas à sincronização com CIDR previamente usado apresentam redução da taxa de prenhez

    Escore de locomoção e condição corporal apresentam baixa contribuição relativa para a ocorrência de lesões podais em vacas leiteiras

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    This study aims to evaluate the occurrence and distribution of foot lesion and body condition scores to define which lesions are determinant for the manifestation of locomotion scores in dairy cows. A database from 482 Holstein cows was evaluated considering information on body condition scores (BCS), locomotion scores (LS), and cows with hoof lesions. Sole hemorrhage was the hoof lesion with the greatest occurrence (74.15%), followed by nail hypoplasia (11.35%). Most cows with LS 1 showed a 3 and 4 BCS, in contrast to most animals with 2.5 and 3.5 LS, which showed a 2 and 3 LS. Linear correlations indicate that a 0 LS is inversely associated with sole hemorrhage lesions (r = -0.19), and sole hemorrhage and digital dermatitis (r = -0.26), whereas LS 1 cows are inversely related to sole hemorrhage and digital dermatitis (r = 0.14). Regardless of the categorization between healthy and lame animals, most individuals in the system showed a BCS between 3.0 and 3.5. However, we found that locomotion and body condition scores showed a low relative contribution to the occurrence of foot disorders.O objetivo foi avaliar a ocorrência, distribuição de lesões podais e escore de condição corporal, para então definir quais lesões são determinantes para a manifestação do escore de locomoção em vacas leiteiras. Uma base de dados de 482 vacas da raça Holandês foi avaliado, utilizando informações de escore de condição corporal (ECC), escore de locomoção (EL) e animais com lesões podais. A lesão de maior ocorrência foi hemorragia de sola (74%), seguido por unha em saca-rolha (11%). A maior proporção de vacas com EL 1, apresentou ECC entre 3 e 4, em contraste, no EL 2 e 3, a maioria dos animais encontrava-se com escore 2.5 e 3.5. A correlação linear indicou que EL 0 é inversamente associado com lesões de hemorragia de sola (r = -0.19) e hemorragia de sola e dermatite digital (r= -0.26). Vacas com EL 1 relacionaram-se inversamente apenas com hemorragia de sola e dermatite digital (r = 0.14). Independentemente da categorização entre claudicantes e saudáveis, a maioria dos animais apresentou ECC 3.0 e 3.5. No entanto, com base nos animais avaliados neste sistema o escore de locomoção e de condição corporal apresentaram baixa contribuição relativa para a ocorrência de afecções podais

    Use of the Rumination Profile Through Collar Sensors for Mastitis Diagnosis in Dairy Cows

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    Background: Mastitis is an inflammatory disease of the mammary gland, mostly associated with bacterial infections. It is responsible for great economic losses due to decreased milk yield, discarded milk, milk composition alterations and treatment costs, besides it impairs the animal health and welfare. The rumination time is an important behavioral marker and its assessment can be used as an early diagnosis tool, which can improve cure rate. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity of behavior monitoring system collars in the diagnosis of mastitis and the average rumination time (RT) of Holstein cows during the healthy period and affected by the disease.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was conducted on a commercial property located in the municipality of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The RT data from 39 multiparous Holstein cows with an average milk yield of 38.4 L/day was collected. RT monitoring was performed using C-Tech1 collars combined with CowMed® software, which assess behavior data from the animals and emits warning signals when it finds abnormalities in any parameter. In order to verify whether the animals were determined correlated with diseases, the sensitivity of the data was evaluated, when the system had given the alert to animals considered ill, they underwent to a further clinical evaluation performed by a veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis. From the diagnosis, the cows were divided into subclinical mastitis (SM) and clinical mastitis (CM) groups. SM was detected by the Californian Mastitis Test (CMT) and cows that were graded 1 (++), 2 (++) or 3 (+++) without the presence of any other clinical sign were assigned to the SM group. CM was assessed by observation of abnormalities in milk such as changes in color and consistency, as well as the presence of lumps, clots or blood; and clinical examination of the udder was performed for detection of hot, hard, swollen or painful quarters. Thereafter, variations in the mean RT between the healthy (15 days) and sick periods (days when there was an alert) were evaluated. For the identification of the etiological agents involved in the cases of CM, microbiological cultures were performed on Accumast® plates with milk samples, which were incubated at a temperature of 37°C and the diagnosis of the pathogens were performed after16 h of incubation. During the study, 57 cases of mastitis were observed, 42 were SM and 15 were CM. The sensitivity of the system, which is the ability to detect positive cases of the disease, was 73.8% for SM and 73.3% for MC. The RT of the animals were compared individually during the healthy period with the sick period and it was observed that SM reduced the RT by 5.33% whereas MC reduced the RT by 14.9%.Discussion: The maximum RT values were lower during the disease period in relation to the period in which the animals were healthy, for both SM and CM, which is due to the fact that the disease is responsible for causing inappetence in animals, among other clinical signs, therefore, reducing feed consumption. The lowest variation in RT, between the healthy and sick period, was observed in cases of SM, which was already expected, since the clinical form tends to cause more discomfort to the animals. As for the main etiological agents involved in the clinical condition, Streptococcus agalactiae and S. uberis were detected. In view of the above, the evaluation of the mean RT of multiparous dairy cows was efficient in the predictive diagnosis of SM and CM up to 2 days before the onset of the disease. In addition, the variability of this result demonstrated that animals with subclinical cases presented less fluctuation in RT

    Metabolic and Ruminal Fluid Markers of Dairy Cows Supplemented with a Combination of Yeast Culture and Hydrolyzed Yeast

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    Background: In order to reduce the effects of a negative energy balance, some measures have been taken into account in nutritional management during the transition period. The use of yeast, has been a good alternative used to improve the rumen metabolism and helping the adjustment of the microbiotato the new diet. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of supplementing a combination of yeast culture and hydrolyzed yeast on the metabolism of dairy cows during the transition period.Materials, Methods & Results: The experiment was conducted in a semi-extensive system, using 20 Holstein cows, divided equally into a control group (CG) and a supplemented group (SG). The SG received 28 g/animal/day of a combination of yeast culture and hydrolyzed yeast from 20 ± 2 days pre-calving until early lactation (18 ± 3 days). Serum concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), albumin and urea were determined at calving, and for three time points during the early postpartum period and three time points during the early lactation period. Regarding energy metabolism, prepartum concentrations of NEFA were higher than the physiological standard in both groups. However, NEFA, albumin and urea decreased during the early postpartum period in the supplemented animals and could be attributed to the yeast in enhancing ruminal microorganisms’ cellulolytic capacity, increasing fibre digestibility and starch utilization.Discussion: The increased concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) due to the mobilization of fat deposits that happens in the transition period, especially in the postpartum period reflects the cow’s adaptation to the negative energy balance (NEB). The lower concentrations of NEFA observed in the present study could be attributed to the effect of the yeast in enhancing the ruminal microorganisms’ cellulolytic capacity. The control cows had a BCS within the recommended range while the supplemented group had it close to the minimal limit proposed for this period. Thus, supplemented cows lost less BCS during the early postpartum period, had a lower BCS loss during the experimental period and had lower NEFA concentration that the CG. It was possible to observe a difference in serum albumin and urea between treatments only in the postpartum period. Besides showing no significant effect in BCS on prepartum period, control cows had a BCS within the recommended range while the supplemented group had it close to the minimal limit proposed for this period. Cows with high BCS prepartum had higher plasma NEFA before and after calving. It can be observed in the present study in both groups. However, a positive effect in prevent subclinical disorders might be attributed to YC, since the SG showed low NEFA plasma levels compared to the CG.  Thus, supplemented cows lost less BCS during the early postpartum period, had a lower BCS loss during the experimental period and had lower NEFA concentration that the CG. There is a negative correlation between BCS and NEFA in the early postpartum period and this information explains the results observed in the present study where BCS declines in the SG are followed by a NEFA increase. This is not so marked in the CG, indicating that SG supplementation can act by improving digestibility. Yeast supplementation promotes higher output energy, enhancing postpartum performance in dairy cows. Yeast supplementation showed benefits in early lactation compared to the prepartum and early postpartum periods, suggesting that supplementation has to have an adaptation period to be effective in protein synthesis. In conclusion, supplementation with a combination of yeast culture and hydrolyzed yeast to cows during the transition period can positively influence the energy and protein metabolism, reducing the collateral effects of negative energy balance