660 research outputs found

    Reconstrucción de significaciones imaginarias de empleadores, alumnos y profesores sobre la formación profesional de administradores

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    El objetivo general esta orientado a reconstruir el imaginario social de empleadores, alumnos y profesores que cobran sentido en la formación de administradores. Desde la perspectiva teórica de Castoriadis. La formación de administradores se encuentra atravesada por diferentes horizontes discursivos y prácticas cuyo efecto y efectividad, dan noticias de las modalidades de la acción administrativa.Utilizando los métodos y técnicas de la metodología cualitativa, se exploran cada uno de los discursos en el tiempo y espacio contextual en donde los diferentes discursos se excluyen, se entrelazan, se contradicen o se superponen.Como hallazgos, están la preponderante “neomecanización” curricular en la formación de administradores, enfatizando en procesos estandarizados para la producción sobre la base del dominio tecnológico, para la eficacia y eficiencia laboral; conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes, en el escaparate de una finalidad utilitaria; No se encuentran significados de una formación en una dimensión humana, con posibilidades de autonomía como cualidad formativa.La reconstrucción imaginaria de la “experiencia” en los empleadores esta referida a capacidades técnicas de operación para la producción pero también para el manejo del personal al que se le tiene que motivar a desarrollar un pensamiento “similar” u homogéneo. Encontramos que esta “experiencia” no esta referida a una experiencia que permita en el alumno el reconocimiento de si mismo en el tiempo y en el espacio formativo, sino de una significación alienada de experiencias ajenas a su voluntad, deseos, necesidades, etc.La práctica docente se reconstruye en espacios en que reproducir conocimientos de lo que se les enseña, en los trabajos y/o exámenes, aplicados a problemas descontextualizados, es la forma adecuada para la formación profesional

    Ribonuclease H, an unexploited target for antiviral intervention against HIV and hepatitis B virus

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    Ribonucleases H (RNases H) are endonucleolytic enzymes, evolutionarily related to retroviral integrases, DNA transposases, resolvases and numerous nucleases. RNases H cleave RNA in RNA/DNA hybrids and their activity plays an important role in the replication of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, as well as in the replication of reverse-transcribing viruses. During reverse transcription, the RNase H activity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) degrades the viral genomic RNA to facilitate the synthesis of viral double-stranded DNA. HIV and HBV reverse transcriptases contain DNA polymerase and RNase H domains that act in a coordinated manner to produce double-stranded viral DNA. Although RNase H inhibitors have not been developed into licensed drugs, recent progress has led to the identification of a number of small molecules with inhibitory activity at low micromolar or even nanomolar concentrations. These compounds can be classified into metal-chelating active site inhibitors and allosteric inhibitors. Among them, α-hydroxytropolones, N-hydroxyixoquinolinediones and N-hydroxypyridinediones represent chemotypes active against both HIV and HBV RNases H. In this review we summarize recent developments in the field including the identification of novel RNase H inhibitors, compounds with dual activity, broad specificity and efforts to decrease their toxicity

    The Use Of Analogies As A Methodology In The School Of Medicine

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    In recent years, the School of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico has been largely engaged in the global medical education trend, through the implementation of curriculum changes which include new methods of teaching and learning. These "new" methods seek to change from the use of teacher-centered strategies or traditional ones, to the student-centered strategies or innovating ones.The fulfillment of this study is due to the need to find educative strategies which help improve our students learning in a clinical subject which is taught in the basic sciences cycle (this cycle comprises the first and second year of the degree), allowing the interrelation between basic sciences and clinical sciences subjects

    Mixed Research Method

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    Research is a methodological process in which a researcher's interest is investigated and investigated exhaustively, whether under the qualitative, quantitative or socio-critical approach, with aims aimed at solving said problem in the field scientific, humanistic and technological. The objective of this document was to analyze the Mixed Method of Research (MMI), from its conceptualization, procedure and importance of its applicability in the investigative work. The methodology used to approach this essay was exhaustive documentary research, which consisted in reviewing bibliographic material on the object of study to perform an analysis of the selected contents. It is concluded that this method allows the synergy between different styles of thought for the obtaining and validation of scientific knowledge, favoring the methodological hybridization of the study problem, without letting escape the minimum detail of it, to establish objective conclusions of objective and subjective

    Integration in the european electricity market: a machine learning-based convergence analysis for the central western europe region

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    The European electricity market is immersed in an integration process that requires a fundamental transformation. In this process, Flow-Based Market Coupling, which was employed for the first time in the Central Western Europe electricity market in 2015 as a means to manage cross-border capacity allocation, is a crucial cornerstone. The novelty of this paper lies in the analysis of the price convergence or congestion across the Central Western Europe region since the Flow-Based Market Coupling was implemented. We propose using random forests to build learning models that are trained and tested with features from connected markets of this region during 2016 and 2017. These machine learning models are used for mining knowledge about our target variable, price equalization. To search for robust predictive patterns that decision-makers can use to understand congestion situations, we have tested different combinations of learning schemes, several estimators and different model parameters. The results of all implemented models are robust and reveal that promoting renewable energy can contradict the integration of the electricity market if the grid network and, in particular, the transmission lines are not adapted to the new paradigm

    As eleições municipais em Baja California: entre o bipartidarismo e a alternância, 1983-2013

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    The aim of the paper is to present a quantitative analysis of the elections results in the municipalities of Baja California between 1983 and 2013, within the context of Political Opening in Mexico that began in the 80’s. It analyzes the process of consolidation of bipartisanship in the State as well as the way in which political alternation became      a regular situation for elections since 1983. Results show that both the Institutional Revolutionary Party [Partido Revolucionario Institucional –PRI–] and the National Action Party [Partido Acción Nacional –PAN–] have concentrated most of the votes in the elections.En el artículo se elabora un recuento de los resultados electorales de las elecciones municipales en Baja California entre 1983 y 2013 a través del análisis cuantitativo, en el contexto de la apertura política en México a partir de los años ochenta. Se analiza  el proceso de consolidación del bipartidismo en la entidad y cómo la alternancia se volvió parte de la normalidad electoral a partir de 1983. Los resultados demuestran  que tanto el Partido Revolucionario Institucional como el Partido Acción Nacional han terminado por concentrar los votos emitidos en los procesos electorales.Neste artigo é elaborada uma recontagem dos resultados eleitorais das eleições municipais em Baja California entre 1983 e 2013, através da análise quantitativa, no contexto da abertura política no México a partir dos anos 80. É analisado o processo de consolidação do bipartidarismo na entidade e a forma em que a alternância virou parte da normalidade eleitoral a partir de 1983. Os resultados mostram que tanto o Partido Revolucionário Institucional, como o Partido de Ação Nacional acabaram concentrando os votos emitidos nos processos eleitorais

    El proceso electoral federal 2014-2015: México

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    El proceso electoral constituye unas de las actividades primordiales de un país, y México, no lejano de este ideal, cada vez se transforma para otorgar plena legalidad en dicho ejercicio. Nuestro país al ser un territorio cambiante y con diversidad de culturas, ha sido testigo de cambios memorables, resultado de grandes procesos electorales a nivel local y federal, por lo que un proceso electoral tiene como objetivo reformar periódicamente a las personas que poseen poderes otorgados por la Constitución a la par con otras leyes y que al mismo tiempo son reconocidos por la propia sociedad. En razón de esto, es que se realiza el presente trabajo con el fin de dar a conocer un panorama de la situación que México enfrento tras las elecciones pasadas; Analizando los mecanismos que se aplicaron y estudiando los parámetros que se tomaron para que fuera un ejercicio que gozara de imparcialidad, legalidad y certeza. Ciertamente, cada proceso electoral resulta distinto pero son estos mecanismos los que nos enseñan y nos dan la pauta para hacer el cambio dirigiéndonos a la modernización en nuestra estructura política

    Una defensa de la comprensión de la Teoría del Derecho de H.L.A. Hart como la mejor explicación del Derecho del Estado constitucional. El positivismo jurídico hartiano frente al neoconstitucionalismo

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    El problema que abordaré en esta investigación es la crítica del neoconstitucionalismo al positivismo jurídico. Las teorías neoconstitucionalistas afirman que el positivismo jurídico es insuficiente para explicar el Derecho del Estado constitucional, de modo que el contexto en el que desarrollaré el trabajo es aquel tipo de sistema jurídico.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Estudios Avanzados en Derechos HumanosPresidente: Rafael Fernando de Asís Roig; Secretario: José Antonio Ramos Pascua; Vocal: Cristina García Pascua

    Ward rounds in the subjects clinical propedeutics and internal medicine: similar or different?

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    In this article it is stated the convenience of combining the conventional ward round with an additional and independent group  activity with third year students  of the Medical major; this would facilitate the achievement of formative objectives with these abilities, at least during the first weeks of the subject clinical propedeutics and medical semiology. An analysis of some particularities    is made which differentiates the ward round in the subjects clinical propedeutics and internal medicine.; differences determined by the level of training sense-perceptive abilities with which students start in both subjects and determinant  at the same time of adequacies in professional performance