73 research outputs found

    The Fremantle Back Awareness Questionnaire: cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, and validity of the Italian version in people with chronic low back pain

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    Background and aim: There is evidence to suggest that assessing back-specific altered self-perception may be useful when seeking to understand and manage low back pain (LBP). The Fremantle Back Awareness Questionnaire (FreBAQ) is a patient-reported measure of back-specific body perception that has never been adapted and psychometrically analysed in Italian. Hence, the objectives of this research were to cross-culturally adapt and validate the Italian version of this outcome measure (namely, the FreBAQ-I), to make it available for use with Italians suffering from chronic LBP. Methods: The FreBAQ-I was developed by forward and backward translation, review by a committee skilled in patient-reported measures and test of the pre-final version to assess its clarity, acceptability, and relevance. The statistical analyses examined: structural validity based on Rasch analysis; hypotheses testing by investigating correlations of the FreBAQ-I with the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ), a pain intensity numerical rating scale (PI-NRS), the Pain Catastrophising Scale (PCS), and the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK) (Pearson's correlations); reliability by internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) and test-retest repeatability (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC (2,1)); and measurement error by determining the minimum detectable change (MDC). After the development of a consensus-based translation of the FreBAQ-I, the new outcome measure was delivered to 100 people with chronic LBP. Results: Rasch analysis confirmed the substantial unidimensionality and the structural validity of the FreBAQ-I. Hypothesis testing was considered good as at least 75% of the hypotheses were confirmed; correlations: RMDQ (r = 0.35), PI-NRS (r = 0.25), PCS (r = 0.41) and TSK (r = 0.38). Internal consistency was acceptable (alpha = 0.82) and test-retest repeatability was excellent (ICC (2,1) = 0.88, 95% CI: 0.83, 0.92). The MDC95 corresponded to 6.7 scale points. Conclusion: The FreBAQ-I was found to be a unidimensional, valid, and reliable outcome measure in Italians with chronic LBP. Its application is advised for clinical and research use within the Italian speaking community

    Open Conversion after EVAR: Indications and Technical Details

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    Endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) is widely used for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Complications secondary to EVAR are also treated with endovascular techniques. When this is not applicable, open surgical repair is mandatory. Surgical re-intervention following EVAR is considered to be more demanding compared with primary open repair and it is related to the type of endograft implanted (infra renal vs. suprarenal fixation), to the indications for surgical conversion (infection vs. non infection), to the setting of presentation (elective vs. emergency) and type of conversion (total vs. partial). While technically challenging, delayed open conversion of EVAR can be accomplished with low morbidity and mortality in both the elective and emergent settings. These results reinforce the justification for long-term surveillance of endografts following EVAR

    Scenario simulations of future salinity and ecological consequences in the Baltic Sea and adjacent North Sea areas-implications for environmental monitoring

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    Substantial ecological changes occurred in the 1970s in the Northern Baltic during a temporary period of low salinity (S). This period was preceded by an episodic increase in the rainfall over the Baltic Sea Watershed area. Several climate models, both global and regional, project an increase in the runoff of the Northern latitudes due to proceeding climate change. The aim of this study is to model, firstly, the effects on Baltic Sea salinity of increased runoff due to projected global change and, secondly, the effects of salinity change on the distribution of marine species. The results suggest a critical shift in the S range 5-7, which is a threshold for both freshwater and marine species distributions and diversity. We discuss several topics emphasizing future monitoring, modelling, and fisheries research. Environmental monitoring and modelling are investigated because the developing alternative ecosystems do not necessarily show the same relations to environment quality factors as the retiring ones. An important corollary is that the observed and modelled S changes considered together with species' ranges indicate what may appear under a future climate. Consequences could include a shift in distribution areas of marine benthic foundation species and some 40-50 other species, affiliated to these. This change would extend over hundreds of kilometres, in the Baltic Sea and the adjacent North Sea areas. Potential cascading effects, in coastal ecology, fish ecology and fisheries would be extensive, and point out the necessity to develop further the "ecosystem approach in the environmental monitoring". (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Sviluppo di modelli innovativi per il monitoraggio multiscala degli indicatori di servizi ecosistemici nelle foreste Mediterranee (Progetto MIMOSE).

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    Gli ecosistemi, attraverso le loro funzioni, forniscono un ampio range di beni e servizi, che risultano fondamentali per il benessere dell’uomo. Questi vengono complessivamente definiti Servizi Ecosistemici (SE). I SE possono essere intesi come un flusso di valori verso la società, quale risultato dello stato e della quantità del capitale naturale disponibile. Il mantenimento degli stocks del capitale naturale può permettere di prevedere i flussi futuri dei SE, assicurando quindi il benessere dell’uomo per le generazioni future. Il progetto FIRB 2012 MIMOSE è finalizzato allo sviluppo di un approccio multiscala innovativo e all’implementazione di strumenti previsionali volti al monitoraggio dei SE in habitat forestali Mediterranei. Un set di indicatori viene considerato per stimare i SE forniti dalle foreste, sviluppando strumenti integrati per il loro monitoraggio multiscala. Le attività di ricerca vertono allo sviluppo di un metodo statistico innovativo per la stima spaziale degli indicatori di SE, sulla base di dati disponibili a diversi livelli di scala spaziale. Sono realizzate mappe wall-to-wall per la fornitura dei SE, derivate da diversi domini spaziali, dal livello di scala locale sino ad aree forestali di grande estensione. I dati sugli indicatori dei SE sono forniti nel contesto di attività di campionamento già stabilite (raccolta dati a livello di aree di saggio e di popolamento), per poi applicare tecniche di spazializzazione per aggregare i dati raccolti su scala locale a livelli di scala più ampia (paesaggio, scala regionale); l’approccio utilizzato viene valutato attraverso l’applicazione di strumenti di monitoraggio in un set di aree test. Si procede quindi alla valutazione dei cambiamenti spazio-temporali nella previsione dei SE, considerando indicatori sensibili alla gestione forestale, ovvero capaci di evidenziare cambiamenti nella previsione di fornitura di beni e servizi ad opera dei sistemi forestali, in relazione a differenti scenari gestionali, con l’obiettivo di fornire indicazioni ai gestori forestali ed alle comunità locali per l’applicazione di pratiche di gestione che possano mantenere o incrementare la fornitura dei SE in un preciso contesto territoriale. Questo progetto permette di realizzare un’attenta analisi dei gaps esistenti negli attuali schemi di inventariazione in relazione alla fornitura dei SE, con l’obiettivo di dare indicazioni utili all’implementazione ed integrazione degli stessi mediante individuazione di nuovi indicatori, nell’ottica di una gestione forestale sostenibile. Le attività di ricerca in corso possono concretamente contribuire all’incorporazione dei SE nei processi decisionali connessi alla gestione dei paesaggi forestali, fornendo un’opportunità per comprendere la congruenza tra i diversi SE negli ambienti forestali

    The E-Cultural Adaption Framework (E-CAF) : adapting the local travel interface for Egyptian consumers

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    Although the Internet has become a global medium, which companies use to access individuals worldwide, it is argued in this thesis that cultural issues still need to be taken into account when designing Web sites. In fact, international marketers agree that culture in terms of consumers‘ values and beliefs remains a significant constraint for reaching international consumers. Professional analysts and designers generally agree that well-designed user interfaces improve the performance and appeal of the Web and help in reaching large numbers of consumers across cultures. Therefore, one way of improving the user-interface is by paying attention to users' culture, which means developing culturally adapted Web sites. The Web localisation literature addresses the users' ultural concerns by utilising some of the popular cultural models like those of Hofstede and Hall; however these tools are not appropriate for handling the cultural values affecting the online behaviour of consumers. Effective Web localisation can be achieved through an appropriate cultural framework that incorporates the cultural values that affect the online behaviour of consumers. This thesis introduces the electronic cultural adaption framework or E-CAF, as a structure for adapting local Web interfaces. The E-CAF, constructed for the travel domain, uses six cultural dimensions derived from the observation of behaviour and identifies unique cultural variables that affect online consumer behaviour. The E-CAF is constructed using grounded theory methodology and is then evaluated as a tool for adapting local Web interfaces. This includes discussing the applicability of the E-CAF as a tool for identifying online marketing strategies suitable for targeting consumers across cultures and using the E-CAF to assess and evaluate the cultural adaptation of three Egyptian local travel interfaces. Finally, the E-CAF is utilized as a means for developing questions that can help designers to collect the clients' designing requirements. This helps the designers to build an effective local interface based on an understanding of each client‘s special design requirements.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The Role of Vascular Lesions in Diabetes Across a Spectrum of Clinical Kidney Disease

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    Introduction: The clinical-histologic correlation in diabetic nephropathy is not completely known. Methods: We analyzed nephrectomy specimens from 90 patients with diabetes and diverse degrees of proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Results: Thirty-six (40%) subjects had normoalbuminuria, 33 (37%) microalbuminuria, and 21 (23%) non-nephrotic proteinuria. Mean estimated GFR (eGFR) was 65±23 (40% 10% to 20% of the sample. Moderate hyalinosis and arteriolar sclerosis were observed in 80% to 100% of cases with normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria, proteinuria, as well as in class I, II, or III. Conclusions: Weak correspondence between analytical parameters and kidney histology was found. Thus, disease may progress undetected from the early clinical stages of the disease. Finally, vascular damage was a very common finding, which highlights the role of ischemic intrarenal disease in diabetes

    Prospettive e potenzialità della digitalizzazione del settore forestale in Italia

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play a key role for improving the implementation of sustainable forest management at local, regional, and global level. The ICT potential to easily exploit a wider and more up-to-date set of information on the economic, environmental, and so- cial value of forests is of relevant help for the daily work of technicians, land owners, and companies in boosting the efficiency and effectiveness of forest management. The concept of “Precision Forestry” (PF) was developed from the early 2000s, as a branch of precision farming or precision agriculture. PF includes the use of ICT, remote and proximal sensing technologies, and other devices to coordinate and control several processes on a spatial scale (“Precision”) for monitoring, planning, and managing forest resources (“Forestry”). The aim of this monography is to collect and describe some of the most important PF experiences applied or potential- ly useful for the Italian forestry sector. It may represent a reference guide for the stakeholders, such as forest owners, professional technicians, public administrators, and policy makers. The book includes eleven chapters reviewing the main tech- nological tools available in the Italian context and the most recent advances of ICT in forestry, also focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of their practical implementation. The opportunities and challenges of implementing PF meth- ods, practices and technologies are also discussed. In the first two chapters the precision forestry concept and its historical development are introduced. In the third chap- ter some basic elements of ICT, GIS, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), remote/proximal sensing, and related technologies which are essential for a better compre- hension of PF applications are recalled. In chapter 4 recent advances in large scale forest inventories with a focus on mapping and on the spatial estimation of forest variables integrating field surveys and multisource re- motely sensed data are described. Current advancements in the acquisition of field information including Terrestrial La- ser Scanning (TLS), new digital dendrometers, tree-talkers, terrestrial cameras, and APP for portable devices such as smartphones or tablets for dendrometric tree measures and new citizen science applications to support quantitative and qualitative spatial estimation of forest variables over large areas (i.e., forest health, fuel types) are also presented. The chapter ends up with the description of some experiences in the implementation of Forest Information Systems in Italy to provide a simple open-access to such new generation of spatial forest information. In chapter 5 PF tools, instruments, and technologies to sup- port sustainable forest management are illustrated. APPs developed to acquire field plots data to simulate manage- ment operations, the application of photogrammetric tech- nologies from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and TLS data for monitoring with high-spatial scale forest monitoring and for acquiring indicators at single tree level are presented. A de- tailed description of new user-friendly tools for forest roadplanning, design and construction, as well as forest opera- tion planning is also included. Precision forest tree farming (with particular reference to poplar cultivation), useful to promote and increase the prof- itability and sustainability of forest plantations within the Italian context is described in chapter 6. The innovation and enhancement within the supply chain of wood plantations (from planting to harvesting, including monitoring and identification of stress) by soil proximal sensing techniques, Early Warning Systems, and specific software are highlight- ed. Considering the even higher market demands, promoted by the large-scale planting programs for climate changes mit- igation and the demands for propagation material for en- vironmental recovery, innovative techniques and methods supported by ICT in the forest nursery sector are described in chapter 7. In chapter 8 available technologies related to precision har- vesting are analyzed and described taking into consideration the wood chain efficiency, by means of improved commu- nications between the owner/buyer and operators as well as among machineries used in forest operations, health and safety of forest operators, environmental impacts mitigation and recovery, and operators training. Advanced communi- cation systems and sensors for the exchange of data and information between machines, machine-equipments and/or machine-operators, teleoperations and automation are also described. Chapters 9 and 10 are related to wood products traceabil- ity, timber quality assessment as well as the technologies for the optimization of wood transformation processes. The concepts of wood product traceability and tracing, togeth- er with latest digital technologies for the identification and tracking of the logs (i.e., fingerprinting and RFID), are de- tailly reported. Chapter 11 is finally dedicated to the relationship between the EU policy framework and the digitalization process in both agricultural and forestry sectors. The book summarizes, under a proactive and homogeneous framework, PF methods, tools and technologies in relation with the digital transition of the Italian forestry sectors. The authors hope this book will be useful for improving the implementation of sustainable forest management practic- es at all levels in Italy, providing a comprehensive review useful for policy makers, technicians, forestry owners and students