89 research outputs found

    Informal Action—Adjudication—Rule Making: Some Recent Developments in Federal Administrative Law

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    Direct energy consumption of ICT hardware is only “half the story.” In order to get the “whole story,” energy consumption during the entire life cycle has to be taken into account. This chapter is a first step toward a more comprehensive picture, showing the “grey energy” (i.e., the overall energy requirements) as well as the releases (into air, water, and soil) during the entire life cycle of exemplary ICT hardware devices by applying the life cycle assessment method. The examples calculated show that a focus on direct energy consumption alone fails to take account of relevant parts of the total energy consumption of ICT hardware as well as the relevance of the production phase. As a general tendency, the production phase is more and more important the smaller (and the more energy-efficient) the devices are. When in use, a tablet computer is much more energy-efficient than a desktop computer system with its various components, so its production phase has a much greater relative importance. Accordingly, the impacts due to data transfer when using Internet services are also increasingly relevant the smaller the end-user device is, reaching up to more than 90 % of the overall impact when using a tablet computer.QC 20140825</p

    Povezanost polimorfizma rs1437396 gena CCDC88A s poremećajem zloporabe alkohola

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    Girdin is a protein involved in neuronal migration and hippocampal development. It is encoded by the coiled-coil domain-containing 88A (CCDC88A) gene, located on the short arm of chromosome 2 (2p). The CCDC88A gene is modulated by the intergenic single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the rs1437396, situated 9.5 kb downstream from its transcription stop site. As recent genome-wide research has associated the T allele of the SNP with increased risk of alcohol use disorder (AUD), we wanted to validate this finding in an independent cohort and to test further for an association with comorbid major depressive disorder (MDD). The study included 226 AUD patients (AUD group), 53 patients with comorbid MDD, and 391 controls selected randomly. The participants were genotyped for the rs1437396 polymorphism using the real-time polymerase chain reaction. The association between the rs1437396 polymorphism and increased risk of AUD and AUD+MDD was tested with logistic regression. Our results show significantly higher frequency of the T risk allele in the AUD group (p=0.027) and even higher in the AUD+MDD group (p=0.016). In conclusion, this is the first study that has validated the association between the rs1437396 polymorphism of the CCDC88A gene and AUD with or without MDD. Studies on larger samples of patients are needed to further investigate the mechanism of this association.Girdin je protein koji sudjeluje u neuronskoj migraciji i razvoju hipokampusa, a kodira ga gen 88A koji sadržava domenu sa smotanom zavojnicom (eng. coiled-coil domain-containing 88A gene, krat. CCDC88A) koja se nalazi na kraćem kraku kromosoma 2 (2p). Gen CCDC88A mijenja se s međugenskim jednonukleotidnim polimorfizmom (eng. single-nucleotide polymorphism, krat. SNP) na mjestu rs1437396, 9,5 kb nizvodno od svojega transkripcijskog završetka. Budući da je u nedavnom istraživanju na razini genoma zamijećena povezanost alela T ovoga polimorfizma s povećanim rizikom od poremećaja zloporabe alkohola (eng. alcohol use disorder), htjeli smo provjeriti tu povezanost u neovisnoj kohorti randomiziranih ispitanika i dodatno ispitati je li polimorfizam povezan i s popratnim povratnim depresivnim poremećajem (eng. major depressive disorder). Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 226 bolesnika s poremećajem zloporabe alkohola, 51 bolesnika s popratnim povratnim depresivnim poremećajem i 391 kontrolnog ispitanika. Ispitanici su genotipizirani radi utvrđivanja onih koji imaju polimorfizam rs1437396 pomoću polimerazne lančane reakcije u stvarnom vremenu (eng. real-time polymerase chain reaction) te je logaritamskom regresijskom analizom utvrđena povezanost polimorfizma rs1437396 s rizikom od poremećaja zloporabe alkohola s popratnim povratnim depresivnim poremećajem ili bez njega. Naši podatci upućuju na značajno veću učestalost alela T u bolesnika s poremećajem zloporabe alkohola (p=0,027) te na još značajniju učestalost u bolesnika s obama poremećajima (p=0,016). Ovo je prvo istraživanje koje je potvrdilo povezanost između polimorfizma rs1437396 gena CCDC88A i poremećaja zloporabe alkohola s popratnim povratnim depresivnim poremećajem ili bez njega. Daljnja istraživanja mehanizama ove povezanosti potrebno je provesti na većim uzorcima


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    This paper reports on a study conducted at at the University of Tetovo (UT), Northern Macedonia and USAMVBT “Regele Mihai I al Romaniei ” from Timisoara, Romania, analysing the effect of peer feedback in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning. The authors hypothesized that peer feedback was not percieved as a genuine strategy for learning languages, while it could be put forth as a useful strategy for improving not only language skills but also critical thinking, as well as empathy. Based on the participants ' responses, the students ' perceptions were anlyzed with an aim of encouraging them to become more confident learners, to improve their English language proficiency and to gain feedback skills. The study was conducted throughout the second semester of the academic year 2018-2019. Acknowledging convenience sampling, the 21 (n=21) subjects who participated in this study included 14 (n=14) students from the seventh semester of the UT, English Language and Literature Department and 12 (n=12) students from USAMVB “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Romania. The effects and perceptions of peer feedback were discussed from the students ' perspective and from our corroborated points of view. Data were collected using student questionnaires in which participants were asked to reflect back on their experience on peer feedback throughout their studies. Student responses were subjected to a modified content analysis to identify the main themes and topics. Semi-structured interviews with 12 students were undertaken to substantiate the essential findings of content analysis

    Contribution à la réflexion sur les apprentissages formels et informels dans un environnement plurilingue et pluriculturel (le cas de l'anglais dans la région du Banat en Roumanie)

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    Cette thèse vise à dégager les enjeux des rapports entre les différentes modalités d enseignement et d apprentissage des langues de statut différent en raison de l évolution de l environnement historico-culturel de la région du Banat.J avance l hypothèse que les ressources et les stratégies que les élèves utilisent dans l environnement informel et non-formel des langues peuvent être mobilisées dans l apprentissage formel des langues à certaines conditions: l engagement de l apprenant, le développement de son sentiment d efficacité personnelle et l aide de l expert. L apport des théories, notamment de la théorie écologique (Van Lier, 2004), m a conduit à m interroger sur l existence potentielle d un 4e environnement favorable à la mise en synergie des ressources et des stratégies présentes dans ces environnements. Pour étayer cette hypothèse, j ai mis en place un protocole en deux étapes: tout d abord, une enquête auprès d élèves et d enseignants de la région de Banatsous la forme d un questionnaire adressé à cent élèves de collège et vingt professeurs, et une enquête qualitative au moyen de dix entretiens semi-directifs. Dans une seconde étape, j ai mis en œuvre un scénario d apprentissage de type blog dans ce 4e environnement avec un public de cinq élèves de 5e d un collège de Timişoara. J ai analysé les stratégies et l engagement des élèves roumains pour démontrer comment une approche s appuyant sur la prise de conscience de la pertinence de ressources et stratégies utilisées dans les environnements informels et non formels est susceptible d optimiser les performances des élèves dans leur apprentissage d une langue étrangère.This doctoral dissertation is part of a systemic reflection and aims at identifying the relationship between different methods of teaching and learning languages due to the evolution of the historic-cultural environment of the Banat region. I put forward the hypothesis that the resources and the strategies used by the pupils within the informal and non-formal environment of languages can be mobilized within formal language learning under certain conditions: the pupil s commitment, the development of his/her self-efficiency and the expert s help. The contribution of theories, namely of the ecological theory (Van Lier, 2004), has lead me to question my thinking on the potential existence of a 4th environment favourable to the synergy of resources and strategies present within these environments.In order to support this hypothesis, I have established a two-stage protocol: firstly, an inquiry of pupils and teachers of the Banat region under the form of a questionnaire has been addressed to one hundred secondary school pupils and twenty teachers, and a qualitative inquiry through about ten semi-directive interviews. Secondly, I have established a learning device within this 4th environment, a blog, with an audience of five pupils from the fifth grade of a secondary school in Timişoara. I have thus analysed the strategies and the commitment of the Romanian pupils in order to demonstrate that an approach relying on the awareness of the relevance of the use of resources and strategies within the informal and non-formal environments is responsible for optimising the performances of pupils in foreign language.LE MANS-BU Lettres (721812108) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of 1,2-disubsubstituted 4-quinolone analogues of Pseudonocardia sp. natural products.

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    A series of analogues of Pseudonocardia sp. natural products were synthesized, which have been reported to possess potent antibacterial activity against Helicobacter pylori and induce growth defects in Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Taking inspiration from a methodology used in our total synthesis of natural products, we applied this methodology to access analogues possessing bulky N-substituents, traditionally considered to be challenging scaffolds. Screening of the library provided valuable insights into the structure-activity relationship of the bacterial growth defects, and suggested that selectivity between bacterial species should be attainable. Furthermore, a structurally related series of analogues was observed to inhibit production of the virulence factor pyocyanin in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which may be a result of their similarity to the Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) quorum sensing autoinducer. This provided new insights regarding the effect of N-substitution in PQS analogues, which has been hitherto underexplored.SF was supported by a BBSRC studentship. DRS acknowledges support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/P020291/1) and Royal Society (Wolfson Research Merit Award)

    Groundwater-dependent ecosystems at risk - Global hotspot analysis and implications

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    Many land-based ecosystems are dependent on groundwater and could be threatened by human groundwater abstraction. One key challenge for the description of associated impacts is the initial localisation of groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs). This usually requires a mixture of extensive site-specific data collection and the use of geospatial datasets and remote sensing techniques. To date, no study has succeeded in identifying different types of GDEs in parallel worldwide. The main objective of this work is to perform a global screening analysis to identify GDE potentials rather than GDE locations. In addition, potential risks to GDEs from groundwater abstraction shall be identified. We defined nine key indicators that capture GDE potentials and associated risks on a global grid of 0.5° spatial resolution. Groundwater-dependent streams, wetlands and vegetation were covered, and a GDE index was formulated incorporating the following three aspects: the extent of groundwater use per GDE type, GDE diversity and GDE presence by land cover. The results show that GDE potentials are widely distributed across the globe, but with different distribution patterns depending on the type of ecosystem. The highest overall potential for GDEs is found in tropical regions, followed by arid and temperate climates. The GDE potentials were validated against regional studies, which showed a trend of increasing matching characteristics towards higher GDE potentials, but also inconsistencies upon closer analysis. Thus, the results can be used as first-order estimates only, which would need to be explored in the context of more site-specific analyses. Identified risks to GDEs from groundwater abstraction are more geographically limited and concentrated in the US and Mexico, the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb, as well as Central, South and East Asia. The derived findings on GDEs and associated risks can be useful for prioritising future research and can be integrated into sustainability-related tools such as the water footprint.</p

    Carbon footprint of apple and pear : orchards, storage and distribution

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    Apple and pear represent 51% of fresh fruit orchards in Portugal. This paper presents a life-cycle (LC) greenhouse gas (GHG) assessment (so-called carbon footprint) of 3 apple and 1 pear Portuguese production systems. An LC model and inventory were implemented, encompassing the farm stage (cultivation of fruit trees in orchards), storage and distribution (transport to retail). The functional unit considered in this study was 1 kg of distributed fruit (at retail). Four different LC inventories for orchards were implemented based on data collected from three farms. Inventory data from two storage companies were also gathered. The main results show that the GHG emissions of apple and pear ranged between 192 and 229 gCO2eq kgfruit-1. The GHG emissions (direct and indirect) from the cultivation phase ranged from 36% to 60% of total emissions. Fruit storage, which lasted for as much as 8-10 months, was also responsible for significant emissions due to high energy requirements

    Life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of portuguese olive oil

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    The main goal of this paper was to assess the greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of olive oil production in Portugal. A life-cycle model and inventory were implemented for the entire production process, including a comprehensive analysis of olive cultivation, olive oil extraction, packaging, and distribution. Data originates from five differently-sized Portuguese olive growers and from a total of six olive oil mills, representing the three extraction processes in use: three-phase extraction, two-phase extraction, and traditional pressing. The results show that the GHG intensity lies in the range 1.8-8.2 kg CO2eq/liter and that the main contributors were fertilizers (production and field emissions). Efficient use of fertilizers thus seems to be a key factor for mitigating the GHG intensity of olive oil production.This research was supported by project ECODEEP (Eco-efficiency and Eco-management in the Agro Industrial sector, FCOMP–05–0128–FEDER–018643) and the Portuguese Scienc

    Carbon footprint of apple and pear: orchards, storage and distribution

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    Apple and pear represent 51% of fresh fruit orchards in Portugal. This paper presents a life-cycle (LC) greenhouse gas (GHG) assessment (so-called carbon footprint) of 3 apple and 1 pear Portuguese production systems. An LC model and inventory were implemented, encompassing the farm stage (cultivation of fruit trees in orchards), storage and distribution (transport to retail). The functional unit considered in this study was 1 kg of distributed fruit (at retail). Four different LC inventories for orchards were implemented based on data collected from three farms. Inventory data from two storage companies were also gathered. The main results show that the GHG emissions of apple and pear ranged between 192 and 229 gCO2eq kgfruit-1. The GHG emissions (direct and indirect) from the cultivation phase ranged from 36% to 60% of total emissions. Fruit storage, which lasted for as much as 8-10 months, was also responsible for significant emissions due to high energy requirements.Project ECODEEP (Eco-efficiency and Eco-management in the Agro Industrial sector, FCOMP–05–0128–FEDER–018643) and the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation projects: MIT/SET/0014/2009, PTDC/SEN-TRA/117251/201

    Sustainability Competencies and Skills in Software Engineering: An Industry Perspective

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    Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demands adequate levels of awareness and actions to address sustainability challenges. Software systems will play an important role in moving towards these targets. Sustainability skills are necessary to support the development of software systems and to provide sustainable IT-supported services for citizens. While there is a growing number of academic bodies, including sustainability education in engineering and computer science curricula, there is not yet comprehensive research on the competencies and skills required by IT professionals to develop such systems. This study aims to identify the industrial sustainability needs for education and training from software engineers' perspective. We conducted interviews and focus groups with experts from twenty-eight organisations with an IT division from nine countries to understand their interests, goals and achievements related to sustainability, and the skills and competencies needed to achieve their goals. Our findings show that organisations are interested in sustainability, both idealistically and increasingly for core business reasons. They seek to improve the sustainability of processes and products but encounter difficulties, like the trade-off between short-term financial profitability and long-term sustainability goals. To fill the gaps, they have promoted in-house training courses, collaborated with universities, and sent employees to external training. The acquired competencies make sustainability an integral part of software development. We conclude that educational programs should include knowledge and skills on core sustainability concepts, system thinking, soft skills, technical sustainability, sustainability impact and measurements, values and ethics, standards and legal aspects, and advocacy and lobbying