8 research outputs found

    Producción de biogás a nivel de laboratorio, utilizando estiércol de ganado vacuno y residuos agroindustriales (torta de piñón, cascarilla de arroz y rumen de ganado vacuno) en la E.E.A. El Porvenir - Distrito de Juan Guerra

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    En el presente trabajo se estudió la obtención de biogás con el estiércol de ganado vacuno y los residuos agroindustriales (torta de piñón, cascarilla de arroz y rumen de ganado bovino). Los biodigestores fueron botellas de plástico de 1750 ml. El biogás producido se colectó por desplazamiento de agua, en botellas calibradas de plástico de 260 ml, durante 35 días. El objetivo principal fue determinar el rendimiento óptimo de la mezcla de estiércol y residuos agroindustriales en la producción de biogás. Además de evaluar la producción de biogás generado por las mezclas de estiércol con los residuos agroindustriales. Dicho trabajo se realizó en las instalaciones de la E.E.A. El PORVENIR – INIA, ubicada en el distrito de Juan Guerra, Provincia de San Martín. Para evaluar el rendimiento se trabajó con los combinaciones de mezclas en peso (%), sustrato : co-sustrato (100:0; 80:20; 50:50 y 40:60) y con las diluciones, % de mezcla : % agua (p/p) 50:50; 33.3:66.6 y 25:75. Se determinó que la producción de biogás es mas alta con la mezcla, estiércol: torta de piñón (50:50) y en la relación de dilución, mezcla : agua (50:50), pero presentando un contenido de metano del 5.5%. La mayor producción de metano obtenida con la torta de piñón fue de 20.7%, con la mezcla, estiércol : torta de piñón (20:80) y la relación de dilución, mezcla : agua (25:75), con una producción 1248 ml de biogás/ kg de mezcla, resultando un biogás de baja calidad, no siendo factible para la combustión y/o producción de energía. La cascarilla de arroz brinda favorables condiciones para la producción de biogás generando una producción de 2735 ml de biogás/ kg de mezcla, con la mezcla, estiércol : cascarilla de arroz (50:50), con la relación de dilución, mezcla : agua (33.3:66.6), presentando un contenido de metano del (48.9%). Al igual que el rumen de ganado bovino, generando una producción de 1128 ml de biogás/ kg de mezcla con la mezcla, estiércol : rumen de ganado vacuno (50:50), con la relación de dilución, mezcla : agua (50:50), presentando un contenido de metano del (47.2%). Palabras clave: Biogás, digestores tipo Batch, producción de biogás.This work carried out with the waste from cattle manure and agro-industrial waste (pinion cake, rice bran and rumen of cattle) to produce biogas. The digesters were plastic bottles of 1750 ml. The biogas produced was collected by water displacement, calibrated plastic bottles of 260 ml, during 35 days. The main objective was to determine the optimum mix of manure and agro-industrial waste in biogas production. Also to evaluate the generation of biogas manure mixes with agro-industrial waste. This work was conducted in the premises of the EEA El Porvenir - INIA, located in the district of Juan Guerra, Province of San Martín. To evaluate the performance of working with mixtures combinations in weight (%) substrate: co-substrate (100:0, 80:20, 50:50 and 40:60), with dilutions,% mixture:% water (w / w) 50:50; 33.3:66.6, and 25:75 respectively. It´s determined that biogas production is higher with the mixture, manure: cake pinion (50:50) and the dilution ratio, mixture: water (50:50), but having a methane content of 5.5%. The increased production of methane obtained with cake pinion was 20.7%, with the mixture, manure: cake pinion (20:80) and the dilution ratio, mixture: water (25:75), producing 1248 ml biogas / kg of mixture, resulting in a low quality biogas, is unfeasible for combustion and / or energy production.Rice hulls provides favorable conditions for generating biogas production of biogas 2735 ml of biogas/ kg of mixture, with the mixture, substrate: co-substrate (50:50), with the dilution, mix: water ( 33.3:66.6), presenting a methane content (48.9%). Like the rumen of cattle, generating a production of 1128 ml of biogas / kg of mixture to the mixture, substrate: co-substrate (50:50), with the dilution, mix: water (50:50) presenting a methane content of (47.2%). Keywords: Biogas, digesters type Batch, biogas production.Tesi

    Re-establishment of the genus Pseudalbizzia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade): the New World species formerly placed in Albizia

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    Following recent mimosoid phylogenetic and phylogenomic studies demonstrating the non-monophyly of the genus Albizia, we present a new molecular phylogeny focused on the neotropical species in the genus, with much denser taxon sampling than previous studies. Our aims were to test the monophyly of the neotropical section Arthrosamanea, resolve species relationships, and gain insights into the evolution of fruit morphology. We perform a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of sequences of nuclear internal and external transcribed spacer regions and trace the evolution of fruit dehiscence and lomentiform pods. Our results find further support for the non-monophyly of the genus Albizia, and confirm the previously proposed segregation of Hesperalbizia, Hydrochorea, Balizia and Pseudosamanea. All species that were sampled from section Arthrosamanea form a clade that is sister to a clade composed of Jupunba, Punjuba, Balizia and Hydrochorea. We find that lomentiform fruits are independently derived from indehiscent septate fruits in both Hydrochorea and section Arthrosamanea. Our results show that morphological adaptations to hydrochory, associated with shifts into seasonally flooded habitats, have occurred several times independently in different geographic areas and different lineages within the ingoid clade. This suggests that environmental conditions have likely played a key role in the evolution of fruit types in Albizia and related genera. We resurrect the name Pseudalbizzia to accommodate the species of section Arthrosamanea, except for two species that were not sampled here but have been shown in other studies to be more closely related to other ingoid genera and we restrict the name Albizia s.s. to the species from Africa, Madagascar, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific. Twenty-one new nomenclatural combinations in Pseudalbizzia are proposed, including 16 species and 5 infraspecific varietal names. In addition to the type species Pseudalbizzia berteroana, the genus has 17 species distributed across tropical regions of the Americas, including the Caribbean. Finally, a new infrageneric classification into five sections is proposed and a distribution map of the species of Pseudalbizzia is presented

    A Narrative Review of Motor Competence in Children and Adolescents: What We Know and What We Need to Find Out

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    Lack of physical activity is a global public health problem causing not only morbidity and premature mortality, but it is also a major economic burden worldwide. One of the cornerstones of a physically active lifestyle is Motor Competence (MC). MC is a complex biocultural attribute and therefore, its study requires a multi-sectoral, multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary approach. MC is a growing area of research, especially in children and adolescents due to its positive association with a plethora of health and developmental outcomes. Many questions, however, remain to be answered in this field of research, with regard to: (i) Health and Developmental-related Associations of MC; (ii) Assessment of MC; (iii) Prevalence and Trends of MC; (iv) Correlates and Determinants of MC; (v) MC Interventions, and (vi) Translating MC Research into Practice and Policy. This paper presents a narrative review of the literature, summarizing current knowledge, identifying key research gaps and presenting questions for future investigation on MC in children and adolescents. This is a collaborative effort from the International Motor Competence Network (IMCNetwork) a network of academics and researchers aiming to promote international collaborative research and knowledge translation in the expansive field of MC. The knowledge and deliverables generated by addressing and answering the aforementioned research questions on MC presented in this review have the potential to shape the ways in which researchers and practitioners promote MC and physical activity in children and adolescents across the worl

    Producción de biogás a nivel de laboratorio, utilizando estiércol de ganado vacuno y residuos agroindustriales (torta de piñón, cascarilla de arroz y rumen de ganado vacuno) en la E.E.A. El Porvenir - Distrito de Juan Guerra

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    En el presente trabajo se estudió la obtención de biogás con el estiércol de ganado vacuno y los residuos agroindustriales (torta de piñón, cascarilla de arroz y rumen de ganado bovino). Los biodigestores fueron botellas de plástico de 1750 ml. El biogás producido se colectó por desplazamiento de agua, en botellas calibradas de plástico de 260 ml, durante 35 días. El objetivo principal fue determinar el rendimiento óptimo de la mezcla de estiércol y residuos agroindustriales en la producción de biogás. Además de evaluar la producción de biogás generado por las mezclas de estiércol con los residuos agroindustriales. Dicho trabajo se realizó en las instalaciones de la E.E.A. El PORVENIR – INIA, ubicada en el distrito de Juan Guerra, Provincia de San Martín. Para evaluar el rendimiento se trabajó con los combinaciones de mezclas en peso (%), sustrato : co-sustrato (100:0; 80:20; 50:50 y 40:60) y con las diluciones, % de mezcla : % agua (p/p) 50:50; 33.3:66.6 y 25:75. Se determinó que la producción de biogás es mas alta con la mezcla, estiércol: torta de piñón (50:50) y en la relación de dilución, mezcla : agua (50:50), pero presentando un contenido de metano del 5.5%. La mayor producción de metano obtenida con la torta de piñón fue de 20.7%, con la mezcla, estiércol : torta de piñón (20:80) y la relación de dilución, mezcla : agua (25:75), con una producción 1248 ml de biogás/ kg de mezcla, resultando un biogás de baja calidad, no siendo factible para la combustión y/o producción de energía. La cascarilla de arroz brinda favorables condiciones para la producción de biogás generando una producción de 2735 ml de biogás/ kg de mezcla, con la mezcla, estiércol : cascarilla de arroz (50:50), con la relación de dilución, mezcla : agua (33.3:66.6), presentando un contenido de metano del (48.9%). Al igual que el rumen de ganado bovino, generando una producción de 1128 ml de biogás/ kg de mezcla con la mezcla, estiércol : rumen de ganado vacuno (50:50), con la relación de dilución, mezcla : agua (50:50), presentando un contenido de metano del (47.2%). Palabras clave: Biogás, digestores tipo Batch, producción de biogás.This work carried out with the waste from cattle manure and agro-industrial waste (pinion cake, rice bran and rumen of cattle) to produce biogas. The digesters were plastic bottles of 1750 ml. The biogas produced was collected by water displacement, calibrated plastic bottles of 260 ml, during 35 days. The main objective was to determine the optimum mix of manure and agro-industrial waste in biogas production. Also to evaluate the generation of biogas manure mixes with agro-industrial waste. This work was conducted in the premises of the EEA El Porvenir - INIA, located in the district of Juan Guerra, Province of San Martín. To evaluate the performance of working with mixtures combinations in weight (%) substrate: co-substrate (100:0, 80:20, 50:50 and 40:60), with dilutions,% mixture:% water (w / w) 50:50; 33.3:66.6, and 25:75 respectively. It´s determined that biogas production is higher with the mixture, manure: cake pinion (50:50) and the dilution ratio, mixture: water (50:50), but having a methane content of 5.5%. The increased production of methane obtained with cake pinion was 20.7%, with the mixture, manure: cake pinion (20:80) and the dilution ratio, mixture: water (25:75), producing 1248 ml biogas / kg of mixture, resulting in a low quality biogas, is unfeasible for combustion and / or energy production.Rice hulls provides favorable conditions for generating biogas production of biogas 2735 ml of biogas/ kg of mixture, with the mixture, substrate: co-substrate (50:50), with the dilution, mix: water ( 33.3:66.6), presenting a methane content (48.9%). Like the rumen of cattle, generating a production of 1128 ml of biogas / kg of mixture to the mixture, substrate: co-substrate (50:50), with the dilution, mix: water (50:50) presenting a methane content of (47.2%). Keywords: Biogas, digesters type Batch, biogas production.Tesi

    Re-establishment of the genus Pseudalbizzia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade): the New World species formerly placed in Albizia

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    Following recent mimosoid phylogenetic and phylogenomic studies demonstrating the non-monophyly of the genus Albizia, we present a new molecular phylogeny focused on the neotropical species in the genus, with much denser taxon sampling than previous studies. Our aims were to test the monophyly of the neotropical section Arthrosamanea, resolve species relationships, and gain insights into the evolution of fruit morphology. We perform a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of sequences of nuclear internal and external transcribed spacer regions and trace the evolution of fruit dehiscence and lomentiform pods. Our results find further support for the non-monophyly of the genus Albizia, and confirm the previously proposed segregation of Hesperalbizia, Hydrochorea, Balizia and Pseudosamanea. All species that were sampled from section Arthrosamanea form a clade that is sister to a clade composed of Jupunba, Punjuba, Balizia and Hydrochorea. We find that lomentiform fruits are independently derived from indehiscent septate fruits in both Hydrochorea and section Arthrosamanea. Our results show that morphological adaptations to hydrochory, associated with shifts into seasonally flooded habitats, have occurred several times independently in different geographic areas and different lineages within the ingoid clade. This suggests that environmental conditions have likely played a key role in the evolution of fruit types in Albizia and related genera. We resurrect the name Pseudalbizzia to accommodate the species of section Arthrosamanea, except for two species that were not sampled here but have been shown in other studies to be more closely related to other ingoid genera and we restrict the name Albizia s.s. to the species from Africa, Madagascar, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific. Twenty-one new nomenclatural combinations in Pseudalbizzia are proposed, including 16 species and 5 infraspecific varietal names. In addition to the type species Pseudalbizzia berteroana, the genus has 17 species distributed across tropical regions of the Americas, including the Caribbean. Finally, a new infrageneric classification into five sections is proposed and a distribution map of the species of Pseudalbizzia is presented

    Efficacy and safety of the CVnCoV SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine candidate in ten countries in Europe and Latin America (HERALD): a randomised, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase 2b/3 trial

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    Background: Additional safe and efficacious vaccines are needed to control the COVID-19 pandemic. We aimed to analyse the efficacy and safety of the CVnCoV SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine candidate. Methods: HERALD is a randomised, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase 2b/3 clinical trial conducted in 47 centres in ten countries in Europe and Latin America. By use of an interactive web response system and stratification by country and age group (18–60 years and ≥61 years), adults with no history of virologically confirmed COVID-19 were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive intramuscularly either two 0·6 mL doses of CVnCoV containing 12 μg of mRNA or two 0·6 mL doses of 0·9% NaCl (placebo) on days 1 and 29. The primary efficacy endpoint was the occurrence of a first episode of virologically confirmed symptomatic COVID-19 of any severity and caused by any strain from 15 days after the second dose. For the primary endpoint, the trial was considered successful if the lower limit of the CI was greater than 30%. Key secondary endpoints were the occurrence of a first episode of virologically confirmed moderate-to-severe COVID-19, severe COVID-19, and COVID-19 of any severity by age group. Primary safety outcomes were solicited local and systemic adverse events within 7 days after each dose and unsolicited adverse events within 28 days after each dose in phase 2b participants, and serious adverse events and adverse events of special interest up to 1 year after the second dose in phase 2b and phase 3 participants. Here, we report data up to June 18, 2021. The study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04652102, and EudraCT, 2020–003998–22, and is ongoing. Findings: Between Dec 11, 2020, and April 12, 2021, 39 680 participants were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive either CVnCoV (n=19 846) or placebo (n=19 834), of whom 19 783 received at least one dose of CVnCoV and 19 746 received at least one dose of placebo. After a mean observation period of 48·2 days (SE 0·2), 83 cases of COVID-19 occurred in the CVnCoV group (n=12 851) in 1735·29 person-years and 145 cases occurred in the placebo group (n=12 211) in 1569·87 person-years, resulting in an overall vaccine efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19 of 48·2% (95·826% CI 31·0–61·4; p=0·016). Vaccine efficacy against moderate-to-severe COVID-19 was 70·7% (95% CI 42·5–86·1; CVnCoV 12 cases in 1735·29 person-years, placebo 37 cases in 1569·87 person-years). In participants aged 18–60 years, vaccine efficacy against symptomatic disease was 52·5% (95% CI 36·2–64·8; CVnCoV 71 cases in 1591·47 person-years, placebo, 136 cases in 1449·23 person-years). Too few cases occurred in participants aged 61 years or older (CVnCoV 12, placebo nine) to allow meaningful assessment of vaccine efficacy. Solicited adverse events, which were mostly systemic, were more common in CVnCoV recipients (1933 [96·5%] of 2003) than in placebo recipients (1344 [67·9%] of 1978), with 542 (27·1%) CVnCoV recipients and 61 (3·1%) placebo recipients reporting grade 3 solicited adverse events. The most frequently reported local reaction after any dose in the CVnCoV group was injection-site pain (1678 [83·6%] of 2007), with 22 grade 3 reactions, and the most frequently reported systematic reactions were fatigue (1603 [80·0%] of 2003) and headache (1541 [76·9%] of 2003). 82 (0·4%) of 19 783 CVnCoV recipients reported 100 serious adverse events and 66 (0·3%) of 19 746 placebo recipients reported 76 serious adverse events. Eight serious adverse events in five CVnCoV recipients and two serious adverse events in two placebo recipients were considered vaccination-related. None of the fatal serious adverse events reported (eight in the CVnCoV group and six in the placebo group) were considered to be related to study vaccination. Adverse events of special interest were reported for 38 (0·2%) participants in the CVnCoV group and 31 (0·2%) participants in the placebo group. These events were considered to be related to the trial vaccine for 14 (<0·1%) participants in the CVnCoV group and for five (<0·1%) participants in the placebo group. Interpretation: CVnCoV was efficacious in the prevention of COVID-19 of any severity and had an acceptable safety profile. Taking into account the changing environment, including the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants, and timelines for further development, the decision has been made to cease activities on the CVnCoV candidate and to focus efforts on the development of next-generation vaccine candidates. Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and CureVac