14 research outputs found

    Prospective analysis of agricultural bioinoculants in Colombia: an expert consultation

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    Artículos científicosProductivity and sustainability of agriculture in Colombia can be influenced positively through the use of biodiversity for the production of bioinoculants. They were analyzed in the medium and long term, the future scenarios generated by the regulations involved in the technological advancement of bio-products through the application of a Delphi survey, with the participation of 23 experts in bio-products, taking into account the three dimensions sustainable development. Based on this study, it was found that 65% of the experts believe that the impact of innovation and technological development of the use of bio- products in agricultural production, has a high economic impact with a significant level of agreement (≥0.05). Additionally, 65% selected as the best scenario, in which conditions that promote greater development, access and application of bio-products, so that the rate of adoption of technology is increased by the producers to make. In conclusion, beyond the level of technological development is necessary to revise the legislative process for the marketing of bio-products, it was clear that the future success of the industry in the production of biological products depend on the management of innovative enterprises, efficient marketing thereof, education and transfer to producers and the progress of the investigation

    Análisis prospectivo de los bioinsumos agrícolas en Colombia: una consulta a expertos

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    Título en ingles: Prospective analysis of agricultural bioinoculants in Colombia: an expert consultationLa productividad y sostenibilidad de la agricultura en Colombia pueden ser influidas positivamente a través del aprovechamiento de la biodiversidad para la producción de bioinsumos. Fueron analizados a mediano y largo plazo, los posibles escenarios futuros generados por las regulaciones que intervienen en el avance tecnológico de los bioinsumos, a través de la aplicación de una encuesta Delphi, con la participación de 23 expertos, teniendo en cuenta las tres dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible. Sobre la base de este estudio, se encontró que el 65% de los expertos consideran que el impacto de la innovación o el desarrollo tecnológico del uso de bioinsumos en la producción agrícola, tiene un alto impacto económico con un nivel de concordancia significativo (≥0.05). Adicionalmente, el 65% seleccionó como el mejor escenario, en el cual se den condiciones que promuevan mayor desarrollo, acceso y aplicación de los bioinsumos, de tal forma que se incremente el ritmo de incorporación de la tecnología por parte de los productores. En conclusión, más allá del nivel de desarrollo tecnológico, es necesario revisar los procesos legislativos para la comercialización de los bioinsumos, fue evidente que el éxito futuro de la industria de la producción de productos biológicos dependerá de la gestión de empresas innovadoras, la eficiente comercialización de los mismos, la educación y transferencia a los productores y el progreso de la investigación.Productivity and sustainability of agriculture in Colombia can be influenced positively through the use of biodiversity for the production of bioinoculants. They were analyzed in the medium and long term, the future scenarios generated by the regulations involved in the technological advancement of bio-products through the application of a Delphi survey, with the participation of 23 experts in bio-products, taking into account the three dimensions sustainable development. Based on this study, it was found that 65% of the experts believe that the impact of innovation and technological development of the use of bio- products in agricultural production, has a high economic impact with a significant level of agreement (≥0.05). Additionally, 65% selected as the best scenario, in which conditions that promote greater development, access and application of bio-products, so that the rate of adoption of technology is increased by the producers to make. In conclusion, beyond the level of technological development is necessary to revise the legislative process for the marketing of bio-products, it was clear that the future success of the industry in the production of biological products depend on the management of innovative enterprises, efficient marketing thereof, education and transfer to producers and the progress of the investigation.Key words: Delphi method, plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB), organic farming, sustainable development

    Bioinoculants industry for agricultural use in Colombia

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    Artículo científicoBio-products are primarily produced by using plant growthpromoting bacteria. This group of microorganisms is composed of different genera with the capability to stimulate plant growth increasing their productivity and promoting bio-control. The use of such microorganisms in Colombian agriculture has been highlighted to generate significant changes in production systems. The industry of bio-products was characterized using three parameters: i. records of bioproducts at the Colombian Agricultural Institute -ICA, ii. the patents recorded at the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce -SIC and iii. the Accession request to the genetic resources tool at the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development - MADS, within 2004-2011. One hundred eleven records of bio inoculants were found in Colombia, destined mainly to ornamental crops (24.7%), vegetables (16.3%), and cereals (13.2%). At patent level thirteen ones were identified, nine found in the International Patent Classification IPC - recognized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD. The access to the database of MADS genetic resource allowed to identify 16 applications. Only one microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis was registered at all the assessed institutions. It was concluded that the development of bio-products in Colombia is only emerging in the encouragement research of the use of the microbial biodiversity, as well as the processes regarding patent register of production processes

    Evaluación de la fotólisis, fotólisis/H2O2 y H2O2 como tratamientos para la reducción de Salmonella spp en aguas de granjas porcícolas

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate three processes for the removal of organic matter and inactivation of Salmonella spp re inoculated in water from pig farms. Specific water samples were obtained to perform physical, chemical and microbiological characterization. Next, the operating conditions that favored the photolysis process were selected through a 2x2 factorial design. Finally, inactivation/removal kinetics were carried out, assessing UV254 nm photolysis, UV254 nm photolysis with hydrogen peroxide H2O2 at 15 ppm and hydrogen peroxide H2O2 at 15 ppm. The inactivation of Salmonella spp was favored by using an aeration of 1 L/min and with a concentration of Salmonella spp of 1x104 UFC/ml obtaining an inactivation of 97.3±1.9% after 10 minutes of treatment. On the other hand, for the inactivation kinetics it was established that the best treatments were photolysis and photolysis/H2O2, without significant differences. At 30 seconds of exposure, the inactivation of Salmonella was 99.9±2.4% in T1, with a removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), NO3 and NO2 of 30±2, 27±3, 83±4, 41±1.0 and 99±5% for T1 and T2 respectively. The bacteria recovered in T2 and T3 and the treatments had no residual effect, determining that the final populations were 8 CFU/ml and 3x103 CFU/ml, respectively.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar tres procesos para la remoción de materia orgánica e inactivación de Salmonella spp re inoculada en agua proveniente de granjas porcícolas. Se hicieron muestreos puntuales del agua para realizar la caracterización física, química y microbiológica. A continuación, se seleccionaron las condiciones de operación que favorecieran el proceso de fotólisis a través de un diseño factorial 2x2. Finalmente se realizaron cinéticas de inactivación/remoción valorando fotólisis UV254 nm, fotólisis UV254 nm con peróxido de hidrógeno H2O2 a 15 ppm y peróxido de hidrógeno H2O2 a 15 ppm. La inactivación de Salmonella spp se favoreció al emplear una aireación de 1 L/min y con una concentración de Salmonella spp de 1x104 UFCmL-1 obteniendo una inactivación de 97.3±1.9% a los 10 minutos de tratamiento. Por otro lado, para las cinéticas de inactivación se estableció que los mejores tratamientos fueron fotólisis y fotólisis/H2O2, sin que hubiera diferencias significativas. A los 30 segundos de exposición la inactivación de Salmonella fue del 99.9±2.4% en T1, con una remoción de la demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), NO3 y NO2 del 30±2, 27±3, 83±4, 41±1,0 y 99±5% para T1 y T2 respectivamente. La bacteria se recuperó en T2 y T3 y los tratamientos no tuvieron efecto residual, determinando que las poblaciones finales fueran de 8 UFC/ml y 3x103 UFC/ml, respectivamente

    Análisis prospectivo de los bioinsumos agrícolas en Colombia: una consulta a expertos

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    Productivity and sustainability of agriculture in Colombia can be influenced positively through the use of biodiversity for the production of bioinoculants. They were analyzed in the medium and long term, the future scenarios generated by the regulations involved in the technological advancement of bio-products through the application of a Delphi survey, with the participation of 23 experts in bio-products, taking into account the three dimensions sustainable development. Based on this study, it was found that 65% of the experts believe that the impact of innovation and technological development of the use of bio- products in agricultural production, has a high economic impact with a significant level of agreement (≥0.05). Additionally, 65% selected as the best scenario, in which conditions that promote greater development, access and application of bio-products, so that the rate of adoption of technology is increased by the producers to make. In conclusion, beyond the level of technological development is necessary to revise the legislative process for the marketing of bio-products, it was clear that the future success of the industry in the production of biological products depend on the management of innovative enterprises, efficient marketing thereof, education and transfer to producers and the progress of the investigation.La productividad y sostenibilidad de la agricultura en Colombia pueden ser influidas positivamente a través del aprovechamiento de la biodiversidad para la producción de bioinsumos. Fueron analizados a mediano y largo plazo, los posibles escenarios futuros generados por las regulaciones que intervienen en el avance tecnológico de los bioinsumos, a través de la aplicación de una encuesta Delphi, con la participación de 23 expertos, teniendo en cuenta las tres dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible. Sobre la base de este estudio, se encontró que el 65% de los expertos consideran que el impacto de la innovación o el desarrollo tecnológico del uso de bioinsumos en la producción agrícola, tiene un alto impacto económico con un nivel de concordancia significativo (≥0.05). Adicionalmente, el 65% seleccionó como el mejor escenario, en el cual se den condiciones que promuevan mayor desarrollo, acceso y aplicación de los bioinsumos, de tal forma que se incremente el ritmo de incorporación de la tecnología por parte de los productores. En conclusión, más allá del nivel de desarrollo tecnológico, es necesario revisar los procesos legislativos para la comercialización de los bioinsumos, fue evidente que el éxito futuro de la industria de la producción de productos biológicos dependerá de la gestión de empresas innovadoras, la eficiente comercialización de los mismos, la educación y transferencia a los productores y el progreso de la investigación

    Evaluación fisicoquímica y biológica en sistemas de tratamiento comerciales en Costa Rica

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    In Costa Rica, 70.9% of the population uses the septic tank as an individual treatment system for domestic wastewater. Although septic tanks are the most used treatment technology in the country, there is no detailed information about their operation and efficiency. The maintenance tasks, such as the removal of septic sludge, was carried out directly by each family that uses this system, using their own resources. The evaluation was carried out in treatment systems manufactured by one of the most important private companies in the country. Each equipment consists of a septic tank and an upflow anaerobic filter for the treatment of domestic wastewater. The evaluation included a physical, chemical and biological characterization of the quality and quantity of wastewater produced in three different treatment systems, considering hourly variations, as well as the characterization of the quality and quantity of sludge accumulated in each system. The treatment systems were installed in two multifamily buildings and a single-family house. The results indicated that the treatment systems are very sensitive in terms of quantity and quality of wastewater, presenting significant hourly variations and also affected by the type of water use that occurs in homes; which is directly related to the operation of the treatment.En Costa Rica, el 70.9% de la población utiliza el tanque séptico como sistema de tratamiento individual a las aguas residuales domésticas. A pesar de que los tanques sépticos son la tecnología de tratamiento más utilizada en el país, no se cuenta con información detallada acerca de su funcionamiento y su eficiencia. Además, labores de mantenimiento, como lo es la remoción de lodos sépticos, son ejecutadas directamente por cada familia que usa este sistema y sin que exista un protocolo de limpieza unificado. La evaluación de estos sistemas se llevó a cabo en sistemas de tratamiento fabricados por una de las empresas privadas más importantes del país. Cada equipo evaluado consistía en un tanque séptico y un filtro anaerobio de flujo ascendente (FAFA) para el tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas. La caracterización incluyó aspectos físicos, químicos y biológicos de la calidad y cantidad del agua residual producida en tres sistemas de tratamiento distintos, considerando variaciones horarias, así como la calidad y la cantidad de lodos acumulados en cada sistema. Los sistemas de tratamiento estaban instalados en dos edificios multifamiliares y una casa unifamiliar. Los resultados indicaron que los sistemas de tratamiento son muy sensibles en cuanto a cantidad y calidad del agua residual, presentando variaciones horarias significativas y además, afectadas por el tipo de uso de agua que se da en los hogares; lo cual está directamente relacionado al funcionamiento del tratamiento

    Scientometric analysis of Colombian research on bio-inoculants for agricultural production

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    The excessive use of synthetic chemical inputs in agricultural production has led to the disruption of biogeochemical cycles. One of the alternatives that arose within the systems of sustainable agriculture was the partial or total replacement of chemicals by biological substances. The analysis of relevant scientific literature has become a tool for assessing the quality of knowledge generation and its impact on the environment. A scientometric analysis was conducted of Colombian research on bio-inoculants from 2009 through 2014 in journals added to the Web of SciencesTM in order to identify the characteristics of the main target crops, the microorganisms used, and the beneficial effects on agriculture. In this work, 34 articles were identified: 24 (71 %) were research on bio-fertilizer development and 10 (29 %) on bio-pesticides. Articles mainly focused on the study of Gram-negative bacilli affecting the area (77 %), while others focused on issues and topics surrounding vegetables (30 %).The analysis of co-occurrence of keywords identified: i) several genera of microorganisms (e.g. Azotobacter sp., Bradyrhizobium sp.) and sustainable agriculture as issues that have a leading role in this scientific field, ii) plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) as an emerging issue, iii) biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) as a subject which has risen in a complementary manner and iv) endophytic bacteria and biodiversity as issues in growth. This study showed that research in Colombia could be targeted on issues such as endophytic bacteria, diversity and productivity

    Scientometric analysis of Colombian research on bio-inoculants for agricultural production

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    The excessive use of synthetic chemical inputs in agricultural production has led to the disruption of biogeochemical cycles. One of the alternatives that arose within the systems of sustainable agriculture was the partial or total replacement of chemicals by biological substances. The analysis of relevant scientific literature has become a tool for assessing the quality of knowledge generation and its impact on the environment. A scientometric analysis was conducted of Colombian research on bio-inoculants from 2009 through 2014 in journals added to the Web of SciencesTM in order to identify the characteristics of the main target crops, the microorganisms used, and the beneficial effects on agriculture. In this work, 34 articles were identified: 24 (71 %) were research on bio-fertilizer development and 10 (29 %) on bio-pesticides. Articles mainly focused on the study of Gram-negative bacilli affecting the area (77 %), while others focused on issues and topics surrounding vegetables (30 %).The analysis of co-occurrence of keywords identified: i) several genera of microorganisms (e.g. Azotobacter sp., Bradyrhizobium sp.) and sustainable agriculture as issues that have a leading role in this scientific field, ii) plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) as an emerging issue, iii) biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) as a subject which has risen in a complementary manner and iv) endophytic bacteria and biodiversity as issues in growth. This study showed that research in Colombia could be targeted on issues such as endophytic bacteria, diversity and productivity

    Lunch boxes Biokids

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    Loncheras “Biokids”, dirigidos a niños en etapa escolar, contribuyendo en su rendimiento académico y físico a través de productos saludables, nutritivos y deliciosos. Esta propuesta parte de la necesidad de padres de familia en ofrecer una lonchera saludable a sus hijos, porque pasan la mayor parte del tiempo en los colegios y muchos no les brindan alternativas nutritivas en sus establecimientos y el porcentaje de padres que trabajan van en aumento, lo que limita muchas veces en elaborar una lonchera saludable para sus hijos. En el transcurso de la realización del presente proyecto, inició la Emergencia Sanitaria Nacional por la propagación del virus SARS-COV2 a nivel mundial, por ello el proyecto tomo un giro y desarrollo una nueva marca, puesto que no se realizarían clases presenciales a lo largo del año. “Biofit Boxes”, una caja biodegradable con productos saludables, nutritivos y de alta calidad. Tiene un mayor público objetivo y favoreció al incremento de los estados financieros y sostenibilidad de la empresa. Para poder desarrollar este proyecto se requiere una inversión total de 32,903 soles, de los cuales el 50% será financiado por una entidad financiera y el otro 50% será de participación de los accionistas. Contamos con una buena proyección financiera por lo cual consideramos viable la realización del proyecto. “Loncheras Biokids” y “Biofit Boxes” contribuirán con la mejora de los hábitos de alimentación de niños, jóvenes y adultos en la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana y poder disminuir el porcentaje de obesidad, sobrepeso, entre otros.Lunch boxes "Biokids" is a project for school children, contributing to their academic and physical performance through our healthy, nutritious and delicious products. This proposal is based on the need of parents to offer a healthy lunch box for their children, because they spend most of their time at school and many of this schools do not offer them nutritional alternatives in their establishments. Additionally, the percentage of working parents is increasing, which often limits the preparation of a correct lunch box for their children. In the course of this project, the National Health Emergency began due to the spread of the SARS-COV2 virus worldwide, for this reason the project had to take a turn and develop a new brand, since it was not hold face-to-face classes throughout the year. That’s how, “Biofit Boxes” was born, as a biodegradable box containing healthy, nutritious and high-quality products. It is a product with a larger target audience and favor the increase in the financial statements and sustainability of the company. To implement this project we require a total investment of S/32,903.00 Soles, of which 50% will be financed by a financial institution and the other 50% will be from the participation of the shareholders. We have a good financial projection in the years following to the investment, so we consider the realization of the project is viable. "Lunch boxes Biokids" and “Biofit Boxes” will contribute to the improvement of the eating habits of children, youth and adults in the city of Metropolitan Lima and reduce the percentage of obesity, overweight, and others.Trabajo de investigació