93 research outputs found

    Sotto mentite spoglie. Gender studies in Italia

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    Questo saggio riassume alcune delle principali caratteristiche e contraddizioni degli studi di genere in Italia: il grande ritardo nella legittimazione istituzionale, l’ambivalenza delle accademiche femministe, la fragile struttura delle pratiche didattiche universitarie (rigidità delle divisioni disciplinari e dei curricoli, eccessiva variabilità dei syllabus, scarsa partecipazione attiva degli studenti ai processi di apprendimento). Ottimi programmi specialistici coesistono con la scarsità di corsi introduttivi presso alcune delle principali università italiane. È questa l’eredità di una lunga tradizione italiana: l’insegnamento degli studi di genere travestiti da altro, presentati — dagli anni ’70 fino al 2000 — ‘sotto mentite spoglie’.Key issues and contradictions of Italian gender studies are put under scrutiny in this essay: the big delay of their institutional legitimacy, the ambivalence of feminist academics, the weaknesses of college didactic practices (rigidity of disciplinary boundaries and curricula, extreme variability of syllabuses, poor students’ engagement in learning processes). Wonderful specialist programs coexist with shortage of introductory courses among the main universities. This is the heritage of a long Italian tradition: the teaching of gender studies en travesti; from the 1970’s until 2000 they have been presented ‘under disguise’

    Análisis de los factores críticos del éxito de los proyectos de APP en transportes

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar los factores legales, técnicos y/o económicos claves que influyen en el éxito de un proyecto de concesión en transportes en Perú. Para ello se recurrió al análisis de la normativa que rige a las Asociaciones Público Privadas (APP), así como literatura nacional e internacional que ha explorado cuáles son los factores claves de éxito para proyectos de APP. La metodología empleada inicia con la recolección de información relevante del sector transportes, mediante la aplicación de encuestas/entrevistas a expertos; posteriormente se realiza un análisis factorial y la aplicación de la lógica difusa. Sobre estos resultados se plantea un modelo de regresión ya fin de determinar los factores principales que determinan el éxito de un proyecto de APP. Los resultados obtenidos de la regresión de modelo Logit señalan que, la hipótesis planteada fue parcialmente confirmada, al identificarse que, los factores vinculados a la necesidad de contar con una adecuada fortaleza de las instituciones y un sector privado fuerte, capaz de gestionar la envergadura de los proyectos de concesión son los más relevantes en el éxito de un proyecto de APP en transportes. Finalmente, con los resultados obtenidos, se hace necesario realizar recomendaciones para la formulación y gestión de los proyectos de APP, entre los cuales se recomienda, la formalización de contratos estándar, elaboración de análisis ex post de sobre la estructuración y redacción de los contratos, en especial sobre aquellos contratos que cuentan con adendas.The purpose of this research is to identify the legal, technical and/or economic factors that influence the success of a concession project for the transport sector in Peru. For this purpose, the regulations in Public Private Partnerships (PPP) were analyzed, as well as national and international literature that has explored the key success factors for PPP projects. The methodology used begins with the collection of relevant information from the transportation sector, through the application of surveys/interviews to experts; subsequently, a factor analysis and the application of fuzzy logic are carried out. Based on these results, a regression model is proposed in order to determine the main factors that determine the success of a PPP project. The results obtained from the Logit regression model indicate that the hypothesis was partially confirmed by identifying that the factors related to the need for adequate institutional strength and a strong private sector capable of managing the size of concession projects are the most relevant for the success of a PPP project in transportation. Finally, with the results obtained, it is necessary to make recommendations for the formulation and management of PPP projects, among which it is recommended, the formalization of standard contracts, elaboration of ex post analysis of on the structuring and drafting of contracts, especially on those contracts that have addenda

    Glucose Transport and Transporters in the Endomembranes

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    Glucose is a basic nutrient in most of the creatures; its transport through biological membranes is an absolute requirement of life. This role is fulfilled by glucose transporters, mediating the transport of glucose by facilitated diffusion or by secondary active transport. GLUT (glucose transporter) or SLC2A (Solute carrier 2A) families represent the main glucose transporters in mammalian cells, originally described as plasma membrane transporters. Glucose transport through intracellular membranes has not been elucidated yet; however, glucose is formed in the lumen of various organelles. The glucose-6-phosphatase system catalyzing the last common step of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis generates glucose within the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. Posttranslational processing of the oligosaccharide moiety of glycoproteins also results in intraluminal glucose formation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi. Autophagic degradation of polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and glycolipids leads to glucose accumulation in lysosomes. Despite the obvious necessity, the mechanism of glucose transport and the molecular nature of mediating proteins in the endomembranes have been hardly elucidated for the last few years. However, recent studies revealed the intracellular localization and functional features of some glucose transporters; the aim of the present paper was to summarize the collected knowledge

    Species-Specific Glucose-6-Phosphatase Activity in the Small Intestine-Studies in Three Different Mammalian Models

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    Besides the liver, which has always been considered the major source of endogenous glucose production in all post-absorptive situations, kidneys and intestines can also produce glucose in blood, particularly during fasting and under protein feeding. However, observations gained in different experimental animals have given ambiguous results concerning the presence of the glucose-6-phosphatase system in the small intestine. The aim of this study was to better define the species-related differences of this putative gluconeogenic organ in glucose homeostasis. The components of the glucose-6-phosphatase system (i.e., glucose-6-phosphate transporter and glucose-6-phosphatase itself) were analyzed in homogenates or microsomal fractions prepared from the small intestine mucosae and liver of rats, guinea pigs, and humans. Protein and mRNA levels, as well as glucose-6-phosphatase activities, were detected. The results showed that the glucose-6-phosphatase system is poorly represented in the small intestine of rats; on the other hand, significant expressions of glucose-6-phosphate transporter and of the glucose-6-phosphatase were found in the small intestine of guinea pigs and homo sapiens. The activity of the recently described fructose-6-phosphate transporter-intraluminal hexose isomerase pathway was also present in intestinal microsomes from these two species. The results demonstrate that the gluconeogenic role of the small intestine is highly species-specific and presumably dependent on feeding behavior (e.g., fructose consumption) and the actual state of metabolism

    Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Outbreak at Camp for Children with Hematologic and Oncologic Conditions

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    An outbreak of influenza A pandemic (H1N1) 2009 occurred among campers and staff at a summer camp attended by children with hematologic and oncologic conditions. The overall attack rate was 36% and was highest among children and adolescents (43%), persons with cancer (48%), and persons with sickle cell disease (82%)