1,239 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Industri Berdasarkan Limbah Yang Menunjang Perekonomian Nelayan Namun Relatif Menurunkan Kualitas Air Dan Produksi Perikanan

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    Economic development in DKI Jakarta is very fast, so naturally if Jakarta is Indonesia\u27s largest producer of waste, whether from domestic wastes, urban sewage and industrial waste. The purpose of this study was to identify both industrial and industrial fishing industry is relatively non-fishery will support economic and industry relative to lower fish production. In this study grouped the industry that supports the economy and industry that could cause negative impacts on marine resources (inhibiting the community\u27s economy) by using the comparative performance index. Research shows that small-scale fishing industry, medium & large are clean development mechanism (CDM), so that the relative does not pollute the environment and to support the fishing economy, but domestic scale fishing industry and retail traders often use the hazardous and toxic materials so that wastes can pollute the environment and endanger the health of those who consume. Non-fishing industries generally produce wastes hazardous and toxic materials so that tends to pollute and damage the environment. Environmental degradation resulting in decreased productivity, thereby reducing the economy of fishing communities. Order fishing industry that hamper the economy in a row is hazardous and toxic materials-producing industries have no wastewater, Producing hazardous and toxic materials Wastewater Treatment Plant do not always operate, garment, Producing hazardous and toxic materials there Wastewater Treatment Plant, Producing hazardous and toxic materials there is Wastewater Treatment Plant, there is a demand ecolabelling and Retailers & domestic fishing industry. Water quality in North Jakarta Coastal was bad category

    Contamination of Cd and Pb on Milkfish Chanos Chanos Cultured in Seribu Islands, Jakarta

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    Seribu Islands located in the north of Jakarta Bay; it is potentially polluted by heavy metal such as Cd and Pb. The aims of this study is to prove contamination presumption, by analyzing and determine correlation Cd and Pb concentration in the sediment, in the water and on milkfish Chanos chanos cultured in this area. On this study, we collected water quality data (pH, temperature, dissolve oxygen and salinity) and heavy metals contamination (Cd and Pb) in the sediment, in the water and on milkfish. We compare collected data with quality standar and correlate heavy metal concentration between in the water and in the sediment; in the water and on milkfish organ; and, in the sediment and on milkfish organ. In general, water quality is sufficient enough to support the life of farmed milkfish. Cd and Pb contamination level in the water lied below the quality standard of Ministry of Environment decree No. 51/2004 in the last April and July. However, the contamination exceeds the standard in the last October. The contamination in sediment lied below RNO (1981), EPA (1999) and IACD/CEDA (1997). Gills, viscera and the meat of the milkfish are contaminated with Cd and Pb, yet, still lied below the quality standard of Ministry of Environment Decree No. 51/2004. The results showed that farmed milkfish in Thousand Islands are safe to eat. We also found that the correlation of Cd and Pb contamination between water and sediment is positive. The correlation of Cd is much higher than Pb. The correlation of Cd between water and viscera as well as between sediment and viscera are the most closely related than any other organ

    Probing the Pulsar Wind Nebula of PSR B0355+54

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    We present XMM-Newton and Chandra X-ray observations of the middle-aged radio pulsar PSR B0355+54. Our X-ray observations reveal emission not only from the pulsar itself, but also from a compact diffuse component extending ~50'' in the opposite direction to the pulsar's proper motion. There is also evidence for the presence of fainter diffuse emission extending ~5' from the point source. The compact diffuse feature is well-fitted with a power-law, the index of which is consistent with the values found for other pulsar wind nebulae. The morphology of the diffuse component is similar to the ram-pressure confined pulsar wind nebulae detected for other sources. The X-ray emission from the pulsar itself is described well by a thermal plus power-law fit, with the thermal emission most likely originating in a hot polar cap.Comment: 9 pages (uses emulateapj.cls), 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Inhibition Effects of Jakarta Bay Sediments to the Growth of Marine Diatom (Chaetoceros Gracilis)

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    Jakarta Bay coastal ecosystem is known suffered from water pollution and habitat degradation. Solid and fluid waste from households and several industrial areas flow and ended up in the bay. Ecotoxicological studies are needed to assess the effects of pollutant on marine organism, including phytoplankton as the primary producer. Therefore chemical analysis and toxicity test were performed to investigate the impact of Jakarta Bay Sediments to marine diatoms Chaetoceros gracilis. Heavy metals concentration especially Cu, Pb, Cd, and Hg in the sediments were lower than in previous studies. It could be related to the stricter environmental regulations which started enforced at the end of 1990s. Meanwhile, PAH and pesticide were higher than in previous studies. Increasing activities and maritime traffic in surrounding area of Tanjung Priok Port area and most likely comes from other adjacent harbors (Muara Baru, Muara Angke, and Marina Ancol harbor) and the massive USAge of the pesticide compound in the households of the Jakarta City area were suspected to be the reasons. Estuaries area and locations <10 km were identified and predicted would produce harmful effects since the concentration of Zn and Hg in those area exceeded Probable Effects Level (PEL) of Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQG). The growth responses of Chaetoceros gracilis were varied greatly. Most of the sites (24 from 31 sites) showed inhibition effects on the growth of diatoms, ranged from 1.75-35.33 % (17.75±9.59 %) relative to control, with the highest inhibition value was at Cengkareng Drain estuary (M2). The relationship between the concentration of contaminants and the inhibition response could not be clearly explained, however, there is an assumption that low concentrations of some heavy metals were suspected to give adverse effects on diatom's growth.Keywords: sediment, toxicity, marine diatoms, Chaetoceros gracilis, Jakarta BayEkosistem Teluk Jakarta dikenal mengalami pencemaran air dan degradasi habitat. Limbah cair dan padat berasal dari Perumahan dan industri mengalir dan berakhir di teluk tersebut. Kajian ekotoksikologi diperlukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pencemar terhadap organisme laut termasuk fitoplankton sebagai produsen primer. Analisis kimia dan uji toksisitas dilakukan untuk mengetahui dampak sedimen Teluk Jakarta terhadap diatom laut Chaetoceros gracilis. Konsentrasi logam berat terutama Cu, Pb, Cd, dan Hg dalam sedimen lebih rendah dari penelitian sebelumnya. Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan peraturan lingkungan ketat yang mulai diberlakukan pada akhir 1990-an. Namun demikian, konsentrasi PAH dan pestisida lebih tinggi dari penelitian sebelumnya. Hal tersebut diduga kuat akibat dari peningkatan aktivitas dan lalu lintas maritim di daerah sekitar Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, juga kemungkinan besar berasal dari pelabuhan lain yang berdekatan (Muara Baru, Muara Angke, dan pelabuhan Marina Ancol) serta akibat penggunaan besar-besaran senyawa pestisida kegiatan rumah tangga di wilayah Kota Jakarta. Daerah dan lokasi estuaria <10 km diidentifikasi dan diprediksi akan menghasilkan efek berbahaya karena konsentrasi Zn dan Hg di area tersebut melebihi Probable Effects Level (PEL) dari Pedoman Kualitas Sedimen (SQG). Respon pertumbuhan diatom laut Chaetoceros gracilis sangat bervariasi. Sebagian besar stasiun (24 dari 31 stasiun) menunjukkan efek penghambatan pada pertumbuhan diatom, berkisar antara 1,75-35,33% (17,75 ± 9,59%) relatif terhadap kontrol, dengan nilai penghambatan tertinggi di muara Sungai Cengkareng (M2). Hubungan antara konsentrasi kontaminan dan respon penghambatan tidak dapat dijelaskan dengan lebih pasti namun terdapat asumsi konsentrasi rendah dari beberapa logam berat diduga memberikan efek buruk pada pertumbuhan diatom

    The Nature of the Secondary Star in the Black Hole X-Ray Transient V616 Mon (=A0620-00)

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    We have used NIRSPEC on Keck II to obtain KK-band spectroscopy of the low mass X-ray binary V616 Mon (= A0620−-00). V616 Mon is the proto-typical soft x-ray transient containing a black hole primary. As such it is important to constrain the masses of the binary components. The modeling of the infrared observations of ellipsoidal variations in this system lead to a derived mass of 11.0 M_{\sun} for the black hole. The validity of this derivation has been called into question due to the possiblity that the secondary star's spectral energy distribution is contaminated by accretion disk emission (acting to dilute the variations). Our new KK-band spectrum of V616 Mon reveals a late-type K dwarf secondary star, but one that has very weak 12^{\rm 12}CO absorption features. Comparison of V616 Mon with SS Cyg leads us to estimate that the accretion disk supplies only a small amount of KK-band flux, and the ellipsoidal variations are not seriously contaminated. If true, the derived orbital inclination of V616 Mon is not greatly altered, and the mass of the black hole remains large. A preliminary stellar atmosphere model for the KK-band spectrum of V616 Mon reveals that the carbon abundance is approximately 50% of the solar value. We conclude that the secondary star in V616 Mon has either suffered serious contamination from the accretion of supernova ejecta that created the black hole primary, or it is the stripped remains of a formerly more massive secondary star, one in which the CNO cycle had been active.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Double resonance spectroscopy of the D1Πu+ and B\u27\u27B-bar 1Σu+ states near the third dissociation threshold of H2

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    Double-resonance laser spectroscopy via the E, F 1Σg+, v\u27 = 6, J\u27 state was used to probe the energy region below the third dissociation limit of molecular hydrogen. Resonantly enhanced multi-photon ionization spectra were recorded by detecting ion production as a function of energy using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Energies and line widths for the v = 14–17 levels of the D1Πu+ state of H2 are reported and compared to experimental data obtained by using VUV synchrotron light excitation (Dickenson et al. 2010 J. Chem. Phys. 133 144317) and fully ab initio non-adiabatic calculations of D1Πu+ state energies and line widths (Glass-Maujean et al. 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 052507). Several high vibrational levels of the B\u27\u27B-bar 1Σu+ state were also observed in this region. Term energies and rotational constants for the v = 67–69 vibrational levels are reported and compared to highly accurate ro-vibrational energy level predictions from fully ab initio non-adiabatic calculations of the first six 1Σu+ levels of H2 (Wolniewicz et al 2006 J. Mol. Spectrosc. 238 118). While additional observed transitions can be assigned to other states, several unassigned features in the spectra highlight the need for a fully integrated theoretical treatment of dissociation and ionization to understand the complex pattern of highly vibrationally excited states expected in this region

    Double resonance spectroscopy of the D1Πu+ and B\u27\u27B-bar 1Σu+ states near the third dissociation threshold of H2

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    Double-resonance laser spectroscopy via the E, F 1Σg+, v\u27 = 6, J\u27 state was used to probe the energy region below the third dissociation limit of molecular hydrogen. Resonantly enhanced multi-photon ionization spectra were recorded by detecting ion production as a function of energy using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Energies and line widths for the v = 14–17 levels of the D1Πu+ state of H2 are reported and compared to experimental data obtained by using VUV synchrotron light excitation (Dickenson et al. 2010 J. Chem. Phys. 133 144317) and fully ab initio non-adiabatic calculations of D1Πu+ state energies and line widths (Glass-Maujean et al. 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 052507). Several high vibrational levels of the B\u27\u27B-bar 1Σu+ state were also observed in this region. Term energies and rotational constants for the v = 67–69 vibrational levels are reported and compared to highly accurate ro-vibrational energy level predictions from fully ab initio non-adiabatic calculations of the first six 1Σu+ levels of H2 (Wolniewicz et al 2006 J. Mol. Spectrosc. 238 118). While additional observed transitions can be assigned to other states, several unassigned features in the spectra highlight the need for a fully integrated theoretical treatment of dissociation and ionization to understand the complex pattern of highly vibrationally excited states expected in this region

    ENSO effects on primary productivity in Southern Atacama desert

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    International audienceIn the winter-rain southern Atacama Desert of the Coquimbo Region of Chile, El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events modulate primary productivity. In this region, there are important changes in water availability between La Niña (dry) and El Niño (rainy) years. Using inter-annual comparisons of LANDSAT images from 30° to 31° S latitude, we observed changes in primary productivity between dry and rainy years at the regional level. There were also significant, negative correlations between productivity and elevation, with changes occurring first at low elevation during rainy years. The limiting factors to dryland vegetation primary productivity is different in regard to elevation. Rain during an El Niño year is the main factor that explains the increase in primary productivity at low elevation, while lower temperatures reduce and delay the net primary productivity at mid elevation

    Low State, Phase-Resolved IR Spectroscopy of VV Puppis

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    We present phase-resolved low resolution JHKJHK and higher resolution KK-band spectroscopy of the polar VV Pup. All observations were obtained when VV Pup was in a low accretion state having a K magnitude near 15. The low resolution observations reveal cyclotron emission in the JJ band during some phases, consistent with an origin near the active 30.5 MG pole on the white dwarf. The secondary in VV Pup appears to be a normal M7V star and we find that the HH and KK band fluxes are entirely due to this star at all orbital phases during the low accretion state. We use our higher resolution Keck spectroscopy to produce the first KK-band radial velocity curve for VV Pup. Our orbital solution yields K2K_2=414±27\pm27 km sec−1^{-1} and leads to mass estimates of M1_1=0.73±\pm0.05 M⊙_{\odot} and M2_2=0.10±\pm0.02 M⊙_{\odot}. We find that the mass accretion rates during the normal low states of the polars VV Pup, EF Eri, and EQ Cet are near 10−13^{-13} M⊙_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}. The fact that \.M is not zero in low state polars indicates active secondary stars in these binary systems, including the sub-stellar donor star present in EF Eri.Comment: Accepted in Astronomical Journal 5 figure

    Application of a predictive model of axillary lymph node status in patients with sentinel node metastasis from breast cancer. A retrospective cohort study

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    Background and objectives The Axillary Lymph Node Dissection (ALND) is the standard treatment in patients with invasive breast cancer and sentinel node metastasis, but in 60% of the cases there is no further axillary neoplastic involvement, so this invasive intervention represents an overtreatment. The purpose of the study is to identify patients with low risk of additional nodal metastases, to omit ALND. Methods The MSKCC Additional nodal metastasis nomogram was applied on a sample of 175 patients with invasive breast cancer who underwent ALND after detection of macrometastasis with the extemporaneous examination of the sentinel lymph node. Patients were classified as “low risk” when the result of the nomogram was ≀50%. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and AUC (Area Under Curve) of the ROC curve of the nomogram were then calculated. Results A cut-off by 50% yielded 92.3% sensitivity, 81,4% specificity, 80% positive predictive value and 92.9% negative predictive value. The ROC curve AUC in these patients was 0.885. Conclusions The MSKCC nomogram has proven to be an effective tool in estimating the axillary lymph node status and it can potentially be used to better select the patients with sentinel node macrometastasis who can actually benefit from ALND
