24 research outputs found

    Análisis de los costos de los insumos agrícolas en la región insular - galápagos y sus efectos en la comercialización de los productos agrícolas del sector durante el año 2013

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    El problema del análisis de los costos de los insumos agrícolas en la región Insular - Galápagos y sus efectos en la comercialización de los productos agrícolas del sector, es una realidad. De la búsqueda bibliográfica, podemos constatar que existe trabajos realizados en el ámbito de los cultivos agrícolas, los costos de los insumos, la comercialización de los productos en los mercados locales, internacionales; se hace referencia a los aspectos legales contempladas en el Código orgánico de producción, Ley de compañías. La metodología fue de corte cuali-cuantitativo y alcance descriptivo. Los métodos teóricos: histórico-lógico, Analítico-sintético e hipotético-deductivo; la técnica utilizada fue la encuesta aplicada a los agricultores, la muestra se seleccionó aplicando la respectiva fórmula, la misma que sirvió para efectuar el análisis referente a los tipos de productos agrícolas, los insumos que requieren, la maquinaria, la mano de obra y el destino que tienen la producción agrícola de las islas Santa Cruz, Isabela y San Cristóbal; los resultados tabulados de las opiniones sirvieron para confirmar la hipótesis planteada. La propuesta de solución se trata de la implementación y sistematización de las formas de afrontar los procesos de la conformación de las PYMES agrícola en donde se da a conocer todos los aspectos relacionados con los proceso, documentación requerida por las diferentes instancias y a los diferentes organismos a los cuales se les debe atender cuando la empresa entre en funcionamiento.The problem of the analysis of the costs of agricultural inputs in the Insular (Galapagos) region and their impact on the marketing of the agricultural products of the sector is a reality. The bibliographic search, we can see that there is work done in the field of agricultural crops, the cost of inputs, the marketing of the products in local, international markets; reference is made to the legal aspects covered in organic production, company’s law code. The methodology was qualitative-quantitative cut and descriptive scope. Theoretical methods: historic-logic, Analytic-synthetic and deductive; the technique used was the survey applied to farmers, the sample was selected by applying the respective formula, which served to make the analysis concerning the types of agricultural products, inputs required, machinery, labor and the destination that have agricultural Santa Cruz, Isabela and San Cristóbal Islands; the tabulated results of the opinions served to confirm the hypothesis. The proposed solution is the implementation and systematization of the ways to deal with the processes of the formation of agricultural SMEs where it is given to know all aspects with the process documentation "required" by the various to and different agencies which to advance when the company enters into operation

    Caracterización de capacidades nacionales de respuesta a emergencias en sanidad animal y protección vegetal

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    Esta guía pretende poner a disposición de los países un método que les ayude a determinar su grado de preparación en caso de una emergencia sanitaria o fitosanitaria. Los resultados pueden ser utilizados para identificar las fortalezas y debilidades, definir qué es necesario mejorar áreas, seguimiento de los logros, modernizar los procedimientos y preparar proyectos para el fortalecimiento institucional.This guide aims to provide countries with a method to help them determine their level of preparedness in the event of a sanitary or phytosanitary emergency. The results can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses, define what areas need to be improved, monitor achievements, modernize procedures and prepare projects for institutional strengthening

    Programa galego para a optimización da terapia nutricional especializada no paciente crítico. Desnutrición Zero

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    A desnutrición é un problema coñecido nos pacientes hospitalizados, especialmente nos pacientes críticos. A prevalencia no paciente hospitalizado oscila entre un 30 e un 60% e é máis elevada no paciente grave debido á alteración no metabolismo dos diferentes substratos e ao déficit de nutrintes. Obxectivo: diminuír a variabilidade na valoración do risco de malnutrición e optimizar a terapia nutricional especializada (TNE) nos pacientes críticos hospitalizados no Servizo Galego de Saúde, realizando unha valoración do risco de malnutrición e un tratamento homoxéneo dos pacientes críticos con risco en todos os hospitais do Sistema Sanitario Público de Saúde de Galicia.La desnutrición es un problema conocido en los pacientes hospitalizados, especialmente en los pacientes críticos. La prevalencia en el paciente hospitalizado oscila entre un 30 y un 60%, siendo más elevada en el paciente grave, debido a la alteración en el metabolismo de los diferentes sustratos y al déficit de nutrientes. Objetivo: disminuir la variabilidad en la valoración del riesgo de malnutrición y optimizar la terapia nutricional especializada (TNE) en los pacientes críticos hospitalizados en el Servicio Gallego de Salud, realizando una valoración del riesgo de malnutrición y un tratamiento homogéneo de los pacientes críticos con riesgo en todos los hospitales del Sistema Sanitario Público de Salud de Galici

    Evaluation of two treatment strategies for the prevention of preterm birth in women identified as at risk by ultrasound (PESAPRO Trial): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Premature birth is considered one of the main problems in modern Obstetrics. It causes more than 50 % of neonatal mortality; it is responsible for a large proportion of infant morbidity and incurs very high economic costs. Cervical length, which can be accurately measured by ultrasound, has an inverse relationship with the risk of preterm birth. As a result, having an effective intervention for asymptomatic patients with short cervix could reduce the prematurity. Although recently published data demonstrates the effectiveness of vaginal progesterone and cervical pessary, these treatments have never been compared to one another. Methods/Design: The PESAPRO study is a noncommercial, multicenter, open-label, randomized clinical trial (RCT) in pregnant women with a short cervix as identified by transvaginal ultrasonography at 19 to 22 weeks of gestation. Patients are randomized (1:1) to either daily vaginal progesterone or cervical pessary until the 37th week of gestation or delivery; whichever comes first. During the trial, women visit every 4 weeks for routine questions and tests. The primary outcome is the proportion of spontaneous preterm deliveries before 34 weeks of gestation. A sample size of 254 pregnant women will be included at 29 participating hospitals in order to demonstrate noninferiority of placing a pessary versus vaginal progesterone. The first patient was randomized in August 2012, and recruitment of study subjects will continue until the end of December 2015. Discussion: This trial assesses the comparative efficacy and safety between two accepted treatments, cervical pessary versus vaginal progesterone, and it will provide evidence in order to establish clinical recommendationsThe study has been funded by two national grants from the Spanish Ministry of Health and ISCIII

    Famílies botàniques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia, Assignatura: Botànica Farmacèutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són els recull de 175 treballs d’una família botànica d’interès medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica

    Novel genes and sex differences in COVID-19 severity

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    [EN] Here, we describe the results of a genome-wide study conducted in 11 939 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) positive cases with an extensive clinical information that were recruited from 34 hospitals across Spain (SCOURGE consortium). In sex-disaggregated genome-wide association studies for COVID-19 hospitalization, genome-wide significance (P < 5 × 10−8) was crossed for variants in 3p21.31 and 21q22.11 loci only among males (P = 1.3 × 10−22 and P = 8.1 × 10−12, respectively), and for variants in 9q21.32 near TLE1 only among females (P = 4.4 × 10−8). In a second phase, results were combined with an independent Spanish cohort (1598 COVID-19 cases and 1068 population controls), revealing in the overall analysis two novel risk loci in 9p13.3 and 19q13.12, with fine-mapping prioritized variants functionally associated with AQP3 (P = 2.7 × 10−8) and ARHGAP33 (P = 1.3 × 10−8), respectively. The meta-analysis of both phases with four European studies stratified by sex from the Host Genetics Initiative (HGI) confirmed the association of the 3p21.31 and 21q22.11 loci predominantly in males and replicated a recently reported variant in 11p13 (ELF5, P = 4.1 × 10−8). Six of the COVID-19 HGI discovered loci were replicated and an HGI-based genetic risk score predicted the severity strata in SCOURGE. We also found more SNP-heritability and larger heritability differences by age (<60 or ≥60 years) among males than among females. Parallel genome-wide screening of inbreeding depression in SCOURGE also showed an effect of homozygosity in COVID-19 hospitalization and severity and this effect was stronger among older males. In summary, new candidate genes for COVID-19 severity and evidence supporting genetic disparities among sexes are provided.S

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Instrumento Desempenho, Visão e Estratégia (DVE) para os Serviços Nacionais de Inocuidade dos Alimentos

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    2 Edición, 2008El DVE es un instrumento que puede asistir a los servicios nacionales responsables de la inocuidad de los alimentos en la determinación de su nivel actual de desempeño, en la creación de una visión compartida con el sector privado sobre cómo deberán desempeñarse los servicios en el futuro individualmente y en relación con otros servicios del sistema nacional en el establecimiento de prioridades, la facilitación del planeamiento de una estrategia destinada a dar cumplimiento a sus grandes responsabilidades ante el consumidor, y en el pleno aprovechamiento de las nuevas oportunidades y compromisos que plantea la globalización.The PVS is an instrument that can assist national services responsible for food safety in determining their current level of performance, in creating a shared vision with the private sector on how services should be performed in the future individually. and in relation to other services of the national system in the establishment of priorities, the facilitation of the planning of a strategy destined to fulfill its great responsibilities towards the consumer, and in the full use of the new opportunities and commitments that raises globalization.O PVS é um instrumento que pode auxiliar os serviços nacionais responsáveis ​​pela segurança alimentar na determinação do seu nível atual de desempenho, na criação de uma visão compartilhada com o setor privado sobre como os serviços devem ser realizados no futuro individualmente. E em relação a outros serviços do sistema nacional no estabelecimento de prioridades, na facilitação do planejamento de uma estratégia destinada a cumprir suas grandes responsabilidades para com o consumidor, e no pleno aproveitamento das novas oportunidades e compromissos que aumenta a globalização

    Caracterización de capacidades nacionales de respuesta a emergencias en sanidad animal y protección vegetal

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    Segunda ediciónEsta guía pretende poner a disposición de los países un método que les ayude a determinar su grado de preparación en caso de una emergencia sanitaria o fitosanitaria. Los resultados pueden ser utilizados para identificar las fortalezas y debilidades, definir qué es necesario mejorar áreas, seguimiento de los logros, modernizar los procedimientos y preparar proyectos para el fortalecimiento institucional.This guide aims to provide countries with a method to help them determine their level of preparedness in the event of a sanitary or phytosanitary emergency. The results can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses, define what areas need to be improved, monitor achievements, modernize procedures and prepare projects for institutional strengthening