4 research outputs found

    Comparação do nível de medo da morte entre estudantes e profissionais de enfermagem no México

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    OBJECTIVE: to compare the level of fear of death in nursing students and professionals. METHOD: this was a comparative-transversal study examining 643 nursing students and professionals from a third-level institution. A random sampling method was employed, and the sample size was calculated by power analysis. The study was developed during three stages: the first stage consisted of the application of a pilot test, the second stage involved the recruitment of the participants, and the third stage measured the participants' responses on the Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale. RESULTS: the average fear of death was moderate-high (-X=3.19±0.55), and the highest score was observed for the fear of the death of others (-X=3.52±0.20). Significant differences in the perceptions of fear of death were observed among the students of the first three years (p;.05). CONCLUSIONS: it is possible that first-year students exhibit a reduced fear of death because they have not had the experience of hospital practice. Students in their second and third year may have a greater fear of death because they have cared for terminal patients. However, it appears that greater confidence is acquired over time, and thus fourth-year students and professionals exhibit less fear of death than second- and third-year students (pOBJETIVO: comparar o nível de medo da morte em estudantes e profissionais de enfermagem. MÉTODO: comparativo-transversal. Os participantes eram 643 estudantes e profissionais de Enfermagem de uma instituição de terceiro nível. Amostragem aleatória, a amostra foi calculada pela análise de potência. O estudo foi desenvolvido durante três etapas: a primeira etapa foi a aplicação de um teste piloto, a segunda etapa incluiu o recrutamento dos participantes e, na terceira etapa, foi aplicada a Escala de Medo da Morte Collett-Lester. RESULTADOS: a média de medo da morte foi moderada-alta (-X=3,19±0,55). A pontuação mais alta foi do medo da morte de outros (-X=3,52±0,20). A percepção do medo da morte foi diferente entre os estudantes dos três primeiros anos (p;,05). CONCLUSÕES: possivelmente, os estudantes do 1o ano percebem um menor medo da morte porque não tiveram a experiência da prática hospitalar. Os estudantes do 2o e do 3o ano têm maior medo da morte porque já cuidaram de pacientes terminais. Aparentemente, conforme o tempo passa (estudantes do 4o ano e profissionais), adquire-se mais confiança e o medo da morte diminui (pOBJETIVO: comparar el nivel de miedo a la muerte en estudiantes y profesionales de enfermería. MÉTODO: comparativo-transversal. Los participantes fueron 643 estudiantes y profesionales de Enfermería de una institución de tercer nivel. Muestreo aleatorio, la muestra se calculó por el análisis de potencia. El estudio se desarrolló durante tres etapas: la primera etapa fue la aplicación de una prueba piloto, la segunda etapa abarcó el reclutamiento de los participantes y la tercera etapa se aplicó la Escala de Miedo la Muerte de Collett-Lester. RESULTADOS: el promedio del miedo a la muerte fue moderado-alto (-X=3.19±0.55). El puntaje más alto fue miedo a la muerte de otros (-X=3.52±0.20). La percepción del miedo a la muerte entre los estudiantes de los primeros tres años, fueron diferentes (p;.05). CONCLUSIONES: posiblemente, los estudiantes de 1° perciben menor miedo a la muerte porque no han tenido la experiencia de práctica hospitalaria. Estudiantes de 2° y 3° tienen mayor miedo a la muerte porque han cuidado a pacientes terminales. Parece ser que conforme va pasando el tiempo (estudiantes de 4° y profesionales) se adquiere mayor confianza y el miedo a la muerte va disminuyendo (

    A comparison of the level of fear of death among students and nursing professionals in Mexico

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    OBJECTIVE: to compare the level of fear of death in nursing students and professionals. METHOD: this was a comparative-transversal study examining 643 nursing students and professionals from a third-level institution. A random sampling method was employed, and the sample size was calculated by power analysis. The study was developed during three stages: the first stage consisted of the application of a pilot test, the second stage involved the recruitment of the participants, and the third stage measured the participants' responses on the Collett-Lester Fear of Death Scale. RESULTS: the average fear of death was moderate-high (-X=3.19±0.55), and the highest score was observed for the fear of the death of others (-X=3.52±0.20). Significant differences in the perceptions of fear of death were observed among the students of the first three years (p.05). CONCLUSIONS: it is possible that first-year students exhibit a reduced fear of death because they have not had the experience of hospital practice. Students in their second and third year may have a greater fear of death because they have cared for terminal patients. However, it appears that greater confidence is acquired over time, and thus fourth-year students and professionals exhibit less fear of death than second- and third-year students (p<.05)

    Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable

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    Brazil, home to one of the planet's last great forests, is currently in trade negotiations with its second largest trading partner, the European Union (EU). We urge the EU to seize this critical opportunity to ensure that Brazil protects human rights and the environment