39 research outputs found

    Scanning the business environment for information : a grounded theory approach.

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    This thesis examines the scanning of the business environment for information by a sample of Portuguese chemical companies. Nineteen companies were studied and forty senior managers were interviewed during 1992. The methodology used coupled the multiple case study approach with the grounded theory method of qualitative analysis. The grounded theory proposed in this thesis comprises three main components: the categories, the principal relationships among them and the contextual factors that shape the categories and relationships. Variability among companies is explained by a few key relationships among these categories. Environmental scanning is the phenomenon under study and constitutes the core category, to which the other six categories that emerged out of the qualitative data analysis were related: perceived environmental change and strategic change, information consciousness and information climate, organizational outwardness and individual exposure to information. The relationships identified among these categories contribute to understanding how managerial perceptions of environmental change affect strategic change and also how internal factors of an organizational, as well as of an individual, nature influence the environmental scanning activity. From an internal perspective, the contextual factors include company history and culture; from an external perspective, those factors include the overall economic, social, cultural and political conditions that characterize modem Portugal and shape those organizations, to a certain extent. This research unravelled three main issues concerning the problematic of environmental scanning in Portuguese chemical companies: 1) The scanning focus and scanning mode used by managers are inappropriate to deal with the important discontinuities they perceive in their business environment; 2) The integration of environmental information with internally-generated information is achieved only at top level, by means of senior managers' ability to relate and integrate disparate data provided by the functional areas; 3) Organizational culture emerged as an important factor in the analysis of information issues within organizations. However, the fact that the three ''best'' companies have developed different sorts of information cultures suggests that there is not a "best" culture: different cultures may be required for different contexts

    New Methodology for Bias Identification and Estimation – Application to Nuclear Fuel Recycling Process

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    This paper focuses on the data reconciliation technique (DR) in case of numerous biases. DR improves the degree of confidence in available information and generates consistent data. The inventory and analysis of the plant data (position and type of sensors …) enable an evaluation of the process redundancy. Classical Gross Error Detection and Identification (GEDI) techniques delete the biased variables, decreasing the redundancy. This leads to information loss and possibly an inability to apply DR. The methodology proposed here combines DR, based on a reduced model, and rigorous simulations to locate and estimate multiple biases and to make data consistent in case of inter-connected flows. This methodology is applied to the nuclear fuel recycling process within the scope of a state estimation tool built on a process simulation code

    Scheduling Toolchains in Hydro-Dominated Systems : evolution, Current Status and Future Challenges for Norway and Brazil

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    This report elaborates on the toolchains applied for generation scheduling in the two countries Norway and Brazil. Both countries have vast hydropower resources, with numerous geographically widespread and complex reservoir systems. Although the underlying objective of the scheduling is essentially the same, the systems are operated in different market contexts, where the different stakeholders' objectives clearly differ. This in turn leads to different uses of the scheduling models and information flow between the models. We review the main operational scheduling models and their overarching toolchains developed and maintained by the two research institutions SINTEF Energy Research and the Brazilian Electric Energy Research Centre (CEPEL). We identify the similarities and differences and try to shed light on the original ideas that motivated the creation of the models and toolchains. We also discuss the current state of these models and how they are being developed through R&D. With the great changes both two systems are expected to see in the future, we discuss the need to improve and extend the current toolchainspublishedVersio

    Direct numerical simulation of a laminar diffusion flame established over a horizontal flat plate in micro-gravity environment

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    A numerical study of a laminar diffusion flame established over a horizontal flat plate in micro-gravity environment is performed. Three dimensional, time-dependent numerical solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations are used to simulate the experiments. In the experiment, fuel is injected through the burner and the oxidiser (air) is provided by a forced flow parallel to the surface. The experiments were conducted in a range of oxygen concentration from 23 to 30 % at two different wind velocities of 2.6 and 4 cm/s in a 5 s drop tower. Combustion process is described by a global one-step, finite-rate reaction given by the Arrhenius expression. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) is used to provid a detailed description of the transition process of the flame in micro-gravity environment. The model results show that after the imposition of the micro-gravity, a plume region is maintained momentarily due to the dominant inertia. The transition time is about 2.5 s for reducing the overall air flow velocity to that of the forced boundary layer flow. The model results reflect the qualitative features of the experiments

    Scheduling Toolchains in Hydro-Dominated Systems : evolution, Current Status and Future Challenges for Norway and Brazil

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    This report elaborates on the toolchains applied for generation scheduling in the two countries Norway and Brazil. Both countries have vast hydropower resources, with numerous geographically widespread and complex reservoir systems. Although the underlying objective of the scheduling is essentially the same, the systems are operated in different market contexts, where the different stakeholders' objectives clearly differ. This in turn leads to different uses of the scheduling models and information flow between the models. We review the main operational scheduling models and their overarching toolchains developed and maintained by the two research institutions SINTEF Energy Research and the Brazilian Electric Energy Research Centre (CEPEL). We identify the similarities and differences and try to shed light on the original ideas that motivated the creation of the models and toolchains. We also discuss the current state of these models and how they are being developed through R&D. With the great changes both two systems are expected to see in the future, we discuss the need to improve and extend the current toolchain

    Estudo comparativo entre azeites monovarietais das regiões de Elvas, Castelo Branco e Santarém

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    O presente trabalho analisa os resultados de alguns parâmetros físico-químicos de cinco azeites monovarietais (Olea europaea cv. "Cordovil de Castelo Branco", "Cobrançosa", "Conserva de Elvas", "Galega vulgar" e "Picual"). O material experimental reporta-se à campanha de 2000/01 e provém de olivais situados em três regiões portuguesas - Elvas, Castelo Branco e Santarém. Os azeites foram extraídos em equipamento experimental Oliomio e as análises aqui abordadas são: ácidos gordos, polifenóis totais, esteróis e estabilidade oxidativa. A análise dos componentes principais evidencia, para as cultivares "Cordovil de Castelo Branco" e "Conserva de Elvas" um comportamento homogéneo nas três regiões em estudo

    Lysine-restricted diet and mild cerebral serotonin deficiency in a patient with pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy caused by ALDH7A1 genetic defect

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    Pyridoxine dependent epilepsy (PDE) is caused by mutations in the ALDH7A1 gene (PDE-ALDH7A1) encoding α-aminoadipic-semialdehyde-dehydrogenase enzyme in the lysine catabolic pathway resulting in an accumulation of α-aminoadipic-acid-semialdehyde (α-AASA). We present the one-year treatment outcome of a patient on a lysine-restricted diet. Serial cerebral-spinal-fluid (CSF) α-AASA and CSF pipecolic-acid levels showed decreased levels but did not normalize. He had a normal neurodevelopmental outcome on a lysine-restricted diet. Despite normal CSF and plasma tryptophan levels and normal tryptophan intake, he developed mild CSF serotonin deficiency at one year of therapy. Stricter lysine restriction would be necessary to normalize CSF α-AASA levels, but might increase the risks associated with the diet. Patients are at risk of cerebral serotonin deficiency and should be monitored by CSF neurotransmitter measurements

    Título: Jardín de flores curiosas

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010El impresor consta en colofón.Sig. : A-Z\p12\sTexto con apostillas marginalesNumerosos errores de paginación