717 research outputs found

    Selfish Network Creation with Non-Uniform Edge Cost

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    Network creation games investigate complex networks from a game-theoretic point of view. Based on the original model by Fabrikant et al. [PODC'03] many variants have been introduced. However, almost all versions have the drawback that edges are treated uniformly, i.e. every edge has the same cost and that this common parameter heavily influences the outcomes and the analysis of these games. We propose and analyze simple and natural parameter-free network creation games with non-uniform edge cost. Our models are inspired by social networks where the cost of forming a link is proportional to the popularity of the targeted node. Besides results on the complexity of computing a best response and on various properties of the sequential versions, we show that the most general version of our model has constant Price of Anarchy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proof of a constant Price of Anarchy for any network creation game.Comment: To appear at SAGT'1

    Finite-Temperature Fidelity-Metric Approach to the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model

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    The fidelity metric has recently been proposed as a useful and elegant approach to identify and characterize both quantum and classical phase transitions. We study this metric on the manifold of thermal states for the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick (LMG) model. For the isotropic LMG model, we find that the metric reduces to a Fisher-Rao metric, reflecting an underlying classical probability distribution. Furthermore, this metric can be expressed in terms of derivatives of the free energy, indicating a relation to Ruppeiner geometry. This allows us to obtain exact expressions for the (suitably rescaled) metric in the thermodynamic limit. The phase transition of the isotropic LMG model is signalled by a degeneracy of this (improper) metric in the paramagnetic phase. Due to the integrability of the isotropic LMG model, ground state level crossings occur, leading to an ill-defined fidelity metric at zero temperature.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Emerging and Adjunctive Therapies for Spinal Cord Injury Following Acute Canine Intervertebral Disc Herniation

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    Some dogs do not make a full recovery following medical or surgical management of acute canine intervertebral disc herniation (IVDH), highlighting the limits of currently available treatment options. The multitude of difficulties in treating severe spinal cord injury are well-recognized, and they have spurred intense laboratory research, resulting in a broad range of strategies that might have value in treating spinal cord-injured dogs. These include interventions that aim to directly repair the spinal cord lesion, promote axonal sparing or regeneration, mitigate secondary injury through neuroprotective mechanisms, or facilitate functional compensation. Despite initial promise in experimental models, many of these techniques have failed or shown mild efficacy in clinical trials in humans and dogs, although high quality evidence is lacking for many of these interventions. However, the continued introduction of new options to the veterinary clinic remains important for expanding our understanding of the mechanisms of injury and repair and for development of novel and combined strategies for severely affected dogs. This review outlines adjunctive or emerging therapies that have been proposed as treatment options for dogs with acute IVDH, including discussion of local or lesion-based approaches as well as systemically applied treatments in both acute and subacute-to-chronic settings. These interventions include low-level laser therapy, electromagnetic fields or oscillating electrical fields, adjunctive surgical techniques (myelotomy or durotomy), systemically or locally-applied hypothermia, neuroprotective chemicals, physical rehabilitation, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, electroacupuncture, electrical stimulation of the spinal cord or specific peripheral nerves, nerve grafting strategies, 4-aminopyridine, chondroitinase ABC, and cell transplantation

    Bogoliubov Excitations of Disordered Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We describe repulsively interacting Bose-Einstein condensates in spatially correlated disorder potentials of arbitrary dimension. The first effect of disorder is to deform the mean-field condensate. Secondly, the quantum excitation spectrum and condensate population are affected. By a saddle-point expansion of the many-body Hamiltonian around the deformed mean-field ground state, we derive the fundamental quadratic Hamiltonian of quantum fluctuations. Importantly, a basis is used such that excitations are orthogonal to the deformed condensate. Via Bogoliubov-Nambu perturbation theory, we compute the effective excitation dispersion, including mean free paths and localization lengths. Corrections to the speed of sound and average density of states are calculated, due to correlated disorder in arbitrary dimensions, extending to the case of weak lattice potentials.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Multiple scattering of photons by atomic hyperfine multiplets

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    Mesoscopic interference effects in multiple scattering of photons depend crucially on the internal structure of the scatterers. In the present article, we develop the analytical theory of multiple photon scattering by cold atoms with arbitrary internal hyperfine multiplets. For a specific application, we calculate the enhancement factor of elastic coherent backscattering as a function of detuning from an entire hyperfine multiplet of neighboring resonances that cannot be considered isolated. Our theory permits to understand why atoms behave differently from classical Rayleigh point-dipole scatterers, and how the classical description is recovered for larger but still microscopic objects like molecules or clusters.Comment: minor changes, published versio

    Positional errors in species distribution modelling are not overcome by the coarser grains of analysis

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    The performance of species distribution models (SDMs) is known to be affected by analysis grain and positional error of species occurrences. Coarsening of the analysis grain has been suggested to compensate for positional errors. Nevertheless, this way of dealing with positional errors has never been thoroughly tested. With increasing use of fine-scale environmental data in SDMs, it is important to test this assumption. Models using fine-scale environmental data are more likely to be negatively affected by positional error as the inaccurate occurrences might easier end up in unsuitable environment. This can result in inappropriate conservation actions. Here, we examined the trade-offs between positional error and analysis grain and provide recommendations for best practice. We generated narrow niche virtual species using environmental variables derived from LiDAR point clouds at 5 x 5 m fine-scale. We simulated the positional error in the range of 5 m to 99 m and evaluated the effects of several spatial grains in the range of 5 m to 500 m. In total, we assessed 49 combinations of positional accuracy and analysis grain. We used three modelling techniques (MaxEnt, BRT and GLM) and evaluated their discrimination ability, niche overlap with virtual species and change in realized niche. We found that model performance decreased with increasing positional error in species occurrences and coarsening of the analysis grain. Most importantly, we showed that coarsening the analysis grain to compensate for positional error did not improve model performance. Our results reject coarsening of the analysis grain as a solution to address the negative effects of positional error on model performance. We recommend fitting models with the finest possible analysis grain and as close to the response grain as possible even when available species occurrences suffer from positional errors. If there are significant positional errors in species occurrences, users are unlikely to benefit from making additional efforts to obtain higher resolution environmental data unless they also minimize the positional errors of species occurrences. Our findings are also applicable to coarse analysis grain, especially for fragmented habitats, and for species with narrow niche breadth

    A KRT71 Loss-of-Function Variant Results in Inner Root Sheath Dysplasia and Recessive Congenital Hypotrichosis of Hereford Cattle

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    Genodermatoses, such as heritable skin disorders, mostly represent Mendelian conditions. Congenital hypotrichosis (HY) characterize a condition of being born with less hair than normal. The purpose of this study was to characterize the clinicopathological phenotype of a breed-specific non-syndromic form of HY in Hereford cattle and to identify the causative genetic variant for this recessive disorder. Affected calves showed a very short, fine, wooly, kinky and curly coat over all parts of the body, with a major expression in the ears, the inner part of the limbs, and in the thoracic-abdominal region. Histopathology showed a severely altered morphology of the inner root sheath (IRS) of the hair follicle with abnormal Huxley and Henle’s layers and severely dysplastic hair shafts. A genome-wide association study revealed an association signal on chromosome 5. Homozygosity mapping in a subset of cases refined the HY locus to a 690 kb critical interval encompassing a cluster of type II keratin encoding genes. Protein-coding exons of six positional candidate genes with known hair or hair follicle function were re-sequenced. This revealed a protein-changing variant in the KRT71 gene that encodes a type II keratin specifically expressed in the IRS of the hair follicle (c.281delTGTGCCCA; p.Met94AsnfsX14). Besides obvious phenocopies, a perfect concordance between the presence of this most likely pathogenic loss-of-function variant located in the head domain of KRT71 and the HY phenotype was found. This recessive KRT71-related form of hypotrichosis provides a novel large animal model for similar human conditions. The results have been incorporated in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA) database (OMIA 002114-9913)

    Ab-initio study of BaTiO3 surfaces

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    We have carried out first-principles total-energy calculations of (001) surfaces of the tetragonal and cubic phases of BaTiO3. Both BaO-terminated (type I) and TiO2-terminated (type II) surfaces are considered, and the atomic configurations have been fully relaxed. We found no deep-gap surface states for any of the surfaces, in agreement with previous theoretical studies. However, the gap is reduced for the type-II surface, especially in the cubic phase. The surface relaxation energies are found to be substantial, i.e., many times larger than the bulk ferroelectric well depth. Nevertheless, the influence of the surface upon the ferroelectric order parameter is modest; we find only a small enhancement of the ferroelectricity near the surface.Comment: 8 pages, two-column style with 4 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#pad_sur

    Vegetation structure derived from airborne laser scanning to assess species distribution and habitat suitability: The way forward

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    Ecosystem structure, especially vertical vegetation structure, is one of the six essential biodiversity variable classes and is an important aspect of habitat heterogeneity, affecting species distributions and diversity by providing shelter, foraging, and nesting sites. Point clouds from airborne laser scanning (ALS) can be used to derive such detailed information on vegetation structure. However, public agencies usually only provide digital elevation models, which do not provide information on vertical vegetation structure. Calculating vertical structure variables from ALS point clouds requires extensive data processing and remote sensing skills that most ecologists do not have. However, such information on vegetation structure is extremely valuable for many analyses of habitat use and species distribution. We here propose 10 variables that should be easily accessible to researchers and stakeholders through national data portals. In addition, we argue for a consistent selection of variables and their systematic testing, which would allow for continuous improvement of such a list to keep it up-to-date with the latest evidence. This initiative is particularly needed not only to advance ecological and biodiversity research by providing valuable open datasets but also to guide potential users in the face of increasing availability of global vegetation structure products
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