5,807 research outputs found

    Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics Integral Field Spectroscopy of a Tightly Collimated Bipolar Jet from the Herbig Ae star LkHa 233

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    We have used the integral field spectrograph OSIRIS and laser guide star adaptive optics at Keck Observatory to obtain high angular resolution (0.06"), moderate spectral resolution (R ~ 3800) images of the bipolar jet from the Herbig Ae star LkHa 233, seen in near-IR [Fe II] emission at 1.600 & 1.644 microns. This jet is narrow and tightly collimated, with an opening angle of only 9 degrees, and has an average radial velocity of ~ 100 km/s. The jet and counterjet are asymmetric, with the red-shifted jet much clumpier than its counterpart at the angular resolution of our observations. The observed properties are in general similar to jets seen around T Tauri stars, though it has a relatively large mass flux of (1.2e-7 +- 0.3e-7) M_sun/year, near the high end of the observed mass flux range around T Tauri stars. We also spatially resolve an inclined circumstellar disk around LkHa 233, which obscures the star from direct view. By comparison with numerical radiative transfer disk models, we estimate the disk midplane to be inclined i = 65 +- 5 degrees relative to the plane of the sky. Since the star is seen only in scattered light at near-infrared wavelengths, we detect only a small fraction of its intrinsic flux. Because previous estimates of its stellar properties did not account for this, either LkHa 233 must be located closer than the previously believed, or its true luminosity must be greater than previously supposed, consistent with its being a ~4 M_sun star near the stellar birthline.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Spiralling out of control: 3D hydrodynamical modelling of the colliding winds in η\eta\thinspaceCarinae

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    Three dimensional (3D) adaptive-mesh refinement (AMR) hydrodynamical simulations of the wind-wind collision between the enigmatic super-massive star \etacar and its mysterious companion star are presented which include radiative driving of the stellar winds, gravity, optically-thin radiative cooling, and orbital motion. Simulations with static stars with a periastron passage separation reveal that the preshock companion star's wind speed is sufficiently reduced that radiative cooling in the postshock gas becomes important, permitting the runaway growth of non-linear thin shell (NTSI) instabilities which massively distort the WCR. However, large-scale simulations which include the orbital motion of the stars, show that orbital motion reduces the impact of radiative inhibition, and thus increases the acquired preshock velocities. As such, the postshock gas temperature and cooling time see a commensurate increase, and sufficient gas pressure is preserved to stabilize the WCR against catastrophic instability growth. We then compute synthetic X-ray spectra and lightcurves and find that, compared to previous models, the X-ray spectra agree much better with {\it XMM-Newton} observations just prior to periastron. The narrow width of the 2009 X-ray minimum can also be reproduced. However, the models fail to reproduce the extended X-ray mimimum from previous cycles. We conclude that the key to explaining the extended X-ray minimum is the rate of cooling of the companion star's postshock wind. If cooling is rapid then powerful NTSIs will heavily disrupt the WCR. Radiative inhibition of the companion star's preshock wind, albeit with a stronger radiation-wind coupling than explored in this work, could be an effective trigger.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Detection of the compressed primary stellar wind in eta Carinae

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    A series of three HST/STIS spectroscopic mappings, spaced approximately one year apart, reveal three partial arcs in [Fe II] and [Ni II] emissions moving outward from eta Carinae. We identify these arcs with the shell-like structures, seen in the 3D hydrodynamical simulations, formed by compression of the primary wind by the secondary wind during periastron passages.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Seroprevalence of rubella antibodies among antenatal patients in the Western Cape

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    Objectives. To determine the seroprevalence of rubella virus infection among antenatal patients aged  between 15 and 45 years in the Western Cape province of South Africa, in order to provide data to  determine the need for vaccination to protect women of childbearing age.Design. A cross-sectional study.Setting. Virology laboratory, Groote Schuur Hospital, National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), South Africa.Subjects and methods. One thousand two hundred provincial serum specimens from participants in  the 2003 Department of Health antenatal HIV /syphilis serosurvey were selected from the 4 districts of the Western Cape. The specimens were agestratified and screened qualitatively for  rubellaimmunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies by means of a commercial immunoassay during October 2004.Results. Within the Western Cape a total o£95.3% of women in the 15- 24-year age group, 97.5% in the 25 - 34-year group and 98% in the 35 - 45-year age group were immune to rubella. There was no statistically significant difference in the rate of rubella susceptibility between the 4 districts tested.Conclusions. The study is an important step in addressing the seroprevalence of rubella infection in  women of childbearing age in South Africa. Further information is needed on rubella seroprevalence from the other provinces in South Africa as well as formal implementation of rubella and congenital rubella syndrome surveillance to determine the feasibility of routine rubella immunisation

    Investigation of laser frequency stabilization

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    Frequency stabilization of far infrared lase

    Adolescents Growing Up in Stressful Environments, Dual Diagnosis, and Sources of Success

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    This article considers the social and psychological challenges to youth in contemporary society. The authors examine the variety of social impediments that face youths in most of our social institutions, from schools and the juvenile justice system to the family. They underscore the need for prevention, health promotion, and comprehensive assessment. Further, they assert that ‘‘dual diagnosis’’ needs to be considered not as a ‘‘special population’’ but as the typical or common experience of at-risk youths once they are diagnosed at mental health centers or juvenile justice reception and diagnostic centers. They conclude that evidence-based assessment, intervention, prevention, and health promotion will start to unravel the matter of misdirected diagnosis and treatment. The articles in this special issue amply illustrate what can be done

    On the changes in the physical properties of the ionized region around the Weigelt structures in Eta Carinae over the 5.54-yr spectroscopic cycle

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    We present HST/STIS observations and analysis of two prominent nebular structures around the central source of Eta Carinae, the knots C and D. The former is brighter than the latter for emission lines from intermediate or high ionization potential ions. The brightness of lines from intermediate and high ionization potential ions significantly decreases at phases around periastron. We do not see conspicuous changes in the brightness of lines from low ionization potential (<13.6 eV) that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is AsubV =2/0. that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is AV = 2.0. Weigelt C and D are characterized by an electron density of that the total extinction towards the Weigelt structures is AV = 2.0. Weigelt C and D are characterized by an electron density of 10exp6.9 cm-3 that does not significantly change throughout the orbital cycle. The electron temperature varies from 5500 K (around periastron) to 7200 K (around apastron). The relative changes in the brightness of He I lines are well reproduced by the variations in the electron temperature alone. We found that, at phases around periastron, the electron temperature seems to be higher for Weigelt C than that of D. The Weigelt structures are located close to the Homunculus equatorial plane, at a distance of about 1240 AU from the central source. From the analysis of proper motion and age, the Weigelt complex can be associated with the equatorial structure called the Butterfly Nebula surrounding the central binary system.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    X-rays and Protostars in the Trifid Nebula

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    The Trifid Nebula is a young HII region recently rediscovered as a "pre-Orion" star forming region, containing protostars undergoing violent mass ejections visible in optical jets as seen in images from the Infrared Space Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope. We report the first X-ray observations of the Trifid nebula using ROSAT and ASCA. The ROSAT image shows a dozen X-ray sources, with the brightest X-ray source being the O7 star, HD 164492, which provides most of the ionization in the nebula. We also identify 85 T Tauri star and young, massive star candidates from near-infrared colors using the JHKs color-color diagram from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). Ten X-ray sources have counterpart near-infrared sources. The 2MASS stars and X-ray sources suggest there are potentially numerous protostars in the young HII region of the Trifid. ASCA moderate resolution spectroscopy of the brightest source shows hard emission up to 10 keV with a clearly detected Fe K line. The best model fit is a two-temperature (T = 1.2x10^6 K and 39x10^6 K) thermal model with additional warm absorbing media. The hotter component has an unusually high temperature for either an O star or an HII region; a typical Galactic HII region could not be the primary source for such hot temperature plasma and the Fe XXV line emission. We suggest that the hotter component originates in either the interaction of the wind with another object (a companion star or a dense region of the nebula) or from flares from deeply embedded young stars.Comment: Accepted in ApJ (Oct, 20 issue, 2001