1,703 research outputs found

    Efectes socioeconòmics i distributius de l'expansió dels cultius bioenergètics

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    La revisió de la literatura sobre els cultius bioenergètics ha permès als autors d'aquest informe sistematitzar i documentar els impactes que aquests cultius estan tenint sobre la seguretat alimentària, l'economia, l'accés i els drets de propietat sobre la terra, i la salut de les famílies que els cultiven al Sud global. Els resultats qüestionen els informes que consideren que l'obtenció d'energia a partir de biomassa facilitaria l'accés a l'energia, reduiria les emissions globals i contribuiria al desenvolupament socioeconòmic.La revisión de la literatura sobre los cultivos bioenergéticos ha permitido a los autores de este informe sistematizar y documentar los impactos que estos cultivos están teniendo sobre la seguridad alimentaria, la economía, el acceso y los derechos de propiedad sobre la tierra, y la salud de las familias que los cultivan en el Sur global. Los resultados cuestionan los informes que consideran que la obtención de energía a partir de biomasa facilitaría el acceso a la energía, reduciría las emisiones globales y contribuiría al desarrollo socioeconómico

    Check list of Cumacea from Iberian waters

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    Qui ha participat en el darrer informe de mitigació de l'IPCC?

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552El Grup Intergovernamental d'Experts sobre el Canvi Climàtic (IPCC) té per objectiu proporcionar avaluacions integrals dels coneixements sobre el canvi climàtic, les seves causes, possibles repercussions i estratègies de resposta. Aquest article analitza qui són les persones que han participat en l'últim informe de mitigació de l'IPCC. Els resultats mostren una sobrerepresentació d'acadèmics formats al nord (especialment als EUA i el Regne Unit) i que una àmplia majoria ja havien participat en altres informes.El Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) tiene por objetivo proporcionar evaluaciones integrales de los conocimientos sobre el cambio climático, sus causas, posibles repercusiones y estrategias de respuesta. Este artículo analiza quiénes son las personas que han participado en el último informe de mitigación del IPCC. Los resultados muestran una sobrerrepresentación de académicos formados en el norte (especialmente en EEUU y Reino Unido) y que una amplia mayoría ya habían participado en otros informes

    La lexicografia catalana a l'Alguer

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    The re are a few alguerès works made with lexicographic methods or pretensions, apart from some contributions more or less interesting or useful for the knowledge of the local language, intended principally for dialectologists: only two titles produce explicitly the label of «Vocabulary» or «Dictionary» and use the typical structure of this kind of works. We can add to these references an unpublished work by G. Palomba

    Diversidade Linguístico-Cultural Latino-Americana e os direitos linguísticos dos povos originários

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    Esta publicação contém uma coletânea de textos produzidos pelos participantes do Seminário Ibero-Americano da Diversidade Linguística, que aconteceu em Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, de 17 a 20 de novembro de 2014. O evento foi organizado pelo Departamento do Patrimônio Imaterial do Iphan e pela Diretoria de Relações Internacionais do Ministério da Cultura. Contou com a parceria e apoio da Universidade de Integração Latino-Americana (Unila), da Itaipu Binacional e da Secretaria Geral Ibero-americana (Segib) - Direitos LinguísticosEste trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma breve refe- rência da diversidade etnolinguística que caracteriza os diversos países da América do Sul, tendo como base o reconhecimento oficial dos direitos linguísticos e culturais dos diversos povos originários que se distribuem por esses países. Mostra-se como as diversas bases legais internacionais das políticas e direitos linguísticos vêm influenciando a mudança política dos governos locais em se tratando da proteção dos direitos individuais e cole- tivos dos povos originários, e como cada país da América do Sul vem de- senvolvendo políticas linguísticas específicas para concretizar esses direitosDepartamento do Patrimônio Imaterial do Iphan; Diretoria de Relações Internacionais do Ministério da Cultura; Universidade de Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Itaipu Binacional e da Secretaria Geral Ibero-americana (Segib

    Una relectura del regionalisme musical a Mallorca a principis del segle XX: la relació entre l’Orfeó Mallorquí i el Cercle d’Obrers Catòlics de Palma.

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    At the beginning of the 20th century, the singing-choir movement became highly popular in Mallorca. The general explanation about it, as in the others Catalan Countries, has followed the common idea that this movement was divided among republican/laborist choirs, related to Josep Anselm Clave model, or regionalist/nationalist groups, assigned to the Orfeó Català. However, the discovering of unknown files of the one most prominent catholic and conservative trade union in the island at the time has allowed us to redefine that division and rewrite the choir's historical differences not in the sense of the regionalism, but rather in terms of conservatism and progressivis

    Hidromechanical simulation in a fractured rock mass: the experimental site of Coaraze (Southern-Alps, France)

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    Hydromechanical processes in large permeable jointed rock masses have been poorly studied due to the difficulties in determining boundary conditions in such large sites. To study this type of problems, in situ field experiments have been carried out since 1997 on a small fractured calcareous rock mass in Southern France, near Coaraze (limestone aquifer). The present work is intended to enhance understanding of hydromechanics in rock masses by testing the stress and strain state of the rock matrix and its discontinuities at the experimental site of Coaraze subjected to a stationary water flow introduced between the discontinuities. This stationary water flow is controlled by a floodgate located on the downstream spring, inducing a hydrostatic water pressure, which is directly opposed to the normal component of the stress in the joint. The water flow directly reduces the frictional strength by dropping the effective stress. The effects of water pressure and lithostatic stress on the deformations are simulated by the application of a two-dimensional computational model called DRAC. The program package DRAC is based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) and it has been developed by the Dept. of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences, of the Technical University of Catalonia, and designed for the analysis of rock mechanics and other geotechnical problems. In the present work, its functionability and applicability as a discontinuous method is demonstrated, taking into account separately the behaviour of both the rock (solid elements) and the discontinuities (interface elements). DRAC seems to be a good approach when simulating hydromechanical rock mass processes in large and permeable jointed rock masses

    Singing in silence

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    Singing had a crucial role in workers daily life until recent times. Most people who worked in factories, textile mills, etc., were used to sing. It was a general form to communicate news, tell stories or expressing identity or feelings over a circumstance or event: in short, it was a way to create spaces of sociability and to draw the limits of the community’s reality; and all of that has to be seen as a remain of the rural society, and which clashed against the new ruling capitalism and working time and socialization that factories did represent. Despite of this fact, however, there was an intense singing activity into the factories and workshops, activity that was even increased with the popularization of recorded music systems like radio or discs, which provided new musical matter through which new songs could be created. In this paper, we explore the conflict between worker's necessity to sing within the industrial environment despite the prohibitions, and the diverse ways to do it, sometimes just singing laugher and others, singing in silence; and also the estrategies developed by owners and bosses to try to avoid all this musical activity in order to assure the new productivity concept that the factory and the economic capitalist system required