310 research outputs found

    Up Front and Beyond the Centre Line: Australian Aborigines in Elite Australian Rules Football

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    Although there has been a substantial growth in the number of Aboriginal players in the Australian Football League over the past decade, issues of structural and institutional racism have not been explored. This investigation of the assignment of players by position revealed marked patterns of difference, which tend to reflect stereotypes about Aboriginal athletes. The results are similar to research conducted in the USA and the UK but suggest even stronger patterns of differentiation

    Nonlinear Device Noise Models:Thermodynamic Requirements

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    All correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Prof. John WyattThis paper proposes three tests to determine whether a given nonlinear device noise model is in agreement with accepted thermodynamic principles. These tests are applied to several models. One conclusion is that every Gaussian noise model for any nonlinear device predicts thermodynamically impossible circuit behavior: these models should be abandoned. But the nonlinear shot-noise model predicts thermodynamically acceptable behavior under a constraint derived here. Further, this constraint specifies the current noise amplitude at each operating point from knowledge of the device v - i curve alone. For the Gaussian and shot-noise models, this paper shows how the thermodynamic requirements can be reduced to concise mathematical tests involving no approximatioSupported by the National Science Foundation Contract No. 94-23221

    Thermal Noise Behavior of the Bridge Circuit

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    This paper considers a connection between the deterministic and noisy behavior of nonlinear networks. Specifically, a particular bridge circuit is examined which has two possibly nonlinear energy storage elements. By proper choice of the constitutive relations for the network elements, the deterministic terminal behavior reduces to that of a single linear resistor. This reduction of the deterministic terminal behavior, in which a natural frequency of a linear circuit does not appear in the driving-point impedance, has been shown in classical circuit theory books (e.g. [1, 2]). The paper shows that, in addition to the reduction of the deterministic behavior, the thermal noise at the terminals of the network, arising from the usual Nyquist-Johnson noise model associated with each resistor in the network, is also exactly that of a single linear resistor. While this result for the linear time-invariant (LTI) case is a direct consequence of a well-known result for RLC circuits, the nonlinear result is novel. We show that the terminal noise current is precisely that predicted by the Nyquist-Johnson model for R if the driving voltage is zero or constant, but not if the driving voltage is time-dependent or the inductor and capacitor are time-varyingSupported by the National Science Foundation under Grant 94-23221, by DARPA/ARO under Contract DAAH04-94-G-0342, and by the NEC Research Institute, Princeton, New Jersey

    Thermodynamically valid noise models for nonlinear devices

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (p. 209-221).Noise has been a concern from the very beginning of signal processing and electrical engineering in general, although it was perhaps of less interest until vacuum-tube amplifiers made it audible just after 1900. Rigorous noise models for linear resistors were developed in 1927 by Nyquist and Johnson [1, 2]. However, the intervening years have not brought similarly well-established models for noise in nonlinear devices. This thesis proposes using thermodynamic principles to determine whether a given nonlinear device noise model is physically valid. These tests are applied to several models. One conclusion is that the standard Gaussian noise models for nonlinear devices predict thermodynamically impossible circuit behavior: these models should be abandoned. But the nonlinear shot-noise model predicts thermodynamically acceptable behavior under a constraint derived here. This thesis shows how the thermodynamic requirements can be reduced to concise mathematical tests, involving no approximations, for the Gaussian and shot-noise models. When the above-mentioned constraint is satisfied, the nonlinear shot-noise model specifies the current noise amplitude at each operating point from knowledge of the device v - i curve alone. This relation between the dissipative behavior and the noise fluctuations is called, naturally enough, a fluctuation-dissipation relation. This thesis further investigates such FDRs, including one for linear resistors in nonlinear circuits that was previously unexplored. The aim of this thesis is to provide thermodynamically solid foundations for noise models. It is hoped that hypothesized noise models developed to match experiment will be validated against the concise mathematical tests of this thesis. Finding a correct noise model will help circuit designers and physicists understand the actual processes causing the noise, and perhaps help them minimize the noise or its effect in the circuit.by Geoffrey J. Coram.Ph.D

    Nonuniversal scaling behavior of Barkhausen noise

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    We simulate Barkhausen avalanches on fractal clusters in a two-dimensional diluted Ising ferromagnet with an effective Gaussian random field. We vary the concentration of defect sites cc and find a scaling region for moderate disorder, where the distribution of avalanche sizes has the form D(s,c,L)=s(1+τ(c))D(sLDs(c))D(s,c,L) = s^{-(1+\tau (c))}{\cal{D}}(sL^{-D_s(c)}). The exponents τ(c)\tau (c) for size and α(c)\alpha (c) for length distribution, and the fractal dimension of avalanches Ds(c)D_s(c) satisfy the scaling relation Ds(c)τ(c)=α(c)D_s(c)\tau (c) =\alpha (c). For fixed disorder the exponents vary with driving rate in agreement with experiments on amorphous Si-Fe alloys.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, 4 PostScript figures include

    Increases in sampling support the southern Gondwanan hypothesis for the origin of dinosaurs

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    Dinosaurs were ubiquitous in terrestrial ecosystems through most of the Mesozoic and are still diversely represented in the modern fauna in the form of birds. Recent efforts to better understand the origins of the group have resulted in the discovery of many new species of early dinosaurs and their closest relatives (dinosauromorphs). In addition, recent re-examinations of early dinosaur phylogeny have highlighted uncertainties regarding the interrelationships of the main dinosaur lineages (Sauropodomorpha, Theropoda and Ornithischia), and questioned the traditional hypothesis that the group originated in South Gondwana and gradually dispersed over Pangaea. Here, we use a historical approach to examine the impact of new fossil discoveries and changing phylogenetic hypotheses on biogeographic scenarios for dinosaur origins over 20 years of research time, and analyse the results in the light of different fossil record sampling regimes. Our results consistently optimize South Gondwana as the ancestral area for Dinosauria, as well as for more inclusive clades including Dinosauromorpha, and show that this hypothesis is robust to increased taxonomic and geographic sampling and divergent phylogenetic results. Our results do not find any support for the recently proposed Laurasian origin of dinosaurs and suggest that a southern Gondwanan origin is by far the most plausible given our current knowledge of the diversity of early dinosaurs and non-dinosaurian dinosauromorphs

    Disorder-Induced Critical Phenomena in Hysteresis: Numerical Scaling in Three and Higher Dimensions

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    We present numerical simulations of avalanches and critical phenomena associated with hysteresis loops, modeled using the zero-temperature random-field Ising model. We study the transition between smooth hysteresis loops and loops with a sharp jump in the magnetization, as the disorder in our model is decreased. In a large region near the critical point, we find scaling and critical phenomena, which are well described by the results of an epsilon expansion about six dimensions. We present the results of simulations in 3, 4, and 5 dimensions, with systems with up to a billion spins (1000^3).Comment: Condensed and updated version of cond-mat/9609072,``Disorder-Induced Critical Phenomena in Hysteresis: A Numerical Scaling Analysis'

    Hysteresis, Avalanches, and Disorder Induced Critical Scaling: A Renormalization Group Approach

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    We study the zero temperature random field Ising model as a model for noise and avalanches in hysteretic systems. Tuning the amount of disorder in the system, we find an ordinary critical point with avalanches on all length scales. Using a mapping to the pure Ising model, we Borel sum the 6ϵ6-\epsilon expansion to O(ϵ5)O(\epsilon^5) for the correlation length exponent. We sketch a new method for directly calculating avalanche exponents, which we perform to O(ϵ)O(\epsilon). Numerical exponents in 3, 4, and 5 dimensions are in good agreement with the analytical predictions.Comment: 134 pages in REVTEX, plus 21 figures. The first two figures can be obtained from the references quoted in their respective figure captions, the remaining 19 figures are supplied separately in uuencoded forma

    Genome-wide Characterization of Shared and Distinct Genetic Components that Influence Blood Lipid Levels in Ethnically Diverse Human Populations

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    Blood lipid concentrations are heritable risk factors associated with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Lipid traits exhibit considerable variation among populations of distinct ancestral origin as well as between individuals within a population. We performed association analyses to identify genetic loci influencing lipid concentrations in African American and Hispanic American women in the Women’s Health Initiative SNP Health Association Resource. We validated one African-specific high-density lipoprotein cholesterol locus at CD36 as well as 14 known lipid loci that have been previously implicated in studies of European populations. Moreover, we demonstrate striking similarities in genetic architecture (loci influencing the trait, direction and magnitude of genetic effects, and proportions of phenotypic variation explained) of lipid traits across populations. In particular, we found that a disproportionate fraction of lipid variation in African Americans and Hispanic Americans can be attributed to genomic loci exhibiting statistical evidence of association in Europeans, even though the precise genes and variants remain unknown. At the same time, we found substantial allelic heterogeneity within shared loci, characterized both by population-specific rare variants and variants shared among multiple populations that occur at disparate frequencies. The allelic heterogeneity emphasizes the importance of including diverse populations in future genetic association studies of complex traits such as lipids; furthermore, the overlap in lipid loci across populations of diverse ancestral origin argues that additional knowledge can be gleaned from multiple populations