411 research outputs found

    SystÚme microfluidique d'analyse sanguine en temps réel pour l'imagerie moléculaire chez le petit animal

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    De nouveaux radiotraceurs sont continuellement dĂ©veloppĂ©s pour amĂ©liorer l'efficacitĂ© diagnostique en imagerie molĂ©culaire, principalement en tomographie d'Ă©mission par positrons (TEP) et en tomographie d'Ă©mission monophotonique (TEM) dans les domaines de l'oncologie, de la cardiologie et de la neurologie. Avant de pouvoir ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s chez les humains, ces radiotraceurs doivent ĂȘtre caractĂ©risĂ©s chez les petits animaux, principalement les rats et les souris. Pour cela, de nombreux Ă©chantillons sanguins doivent ĂȘtre prĂ©levĂ©s et analysĂ©s (mesure de radioactivitĂ©, sĂ©paration de plasma, sĂ©paration d'espĂšces chimiques), ce qui reprĂ©sente un dĂ©fi majeur chez les rongeurs Ă  cause de leur trĂšs faible volume sanguin (-1,4 ml pour une souris). Des solutions fournissant une analyse partielle sont prĂ©sentĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature, mais aucune ne permet d'effectuer toutes les opĂ©rations dans un mĂȘme systĂšme. Les prĂ©sents travaux de recherche s'insĂšrent dans le contexte global d'un projet visant Ă  dĂ©velopper un systĂšme microfluidique d'analyse sanguine complĂšte en temps rĂ©el pour la caractĂ©risation des nouveaux radiotraceurs TEP et TEM. Un cahier des charges a tout d'abord Ă©tĂ© Ă©tabli et a permis de fixer des critĂšres quantitatifs et qualitatifs Ă  respecter pour chacune des fonctions de la puce. La fonction de dĂ©tection microfluidique a ensuite Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e. Un Ă©tat de l'art des travaux ayant dĂ©jĂ  combinĂ© la microfluidique et la dĂ©tection de radioactivitĂ© a permis de souligner qu'aucune solution existante ne rĂ©pondait aux critĂšres du projet. Parmi les diffĂ©rentes technologies disponibles, des microcanaux en rĂ©sine KMPR fabriquĂ©s sur des dĂ©tecteurs semiconducteurs de type p-i-n ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s comme une solution technologique pour le projet. Des dĂ©tecteurs p-i-n ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© fabriquĂ©s en utilisant un procĂ©dĂ© standard. Les performances encourageantes obtenues ont menĂ© Ă  initier un projet de maĂźtrise pour leur optimisation. En parallĂšle, les travaux ont Ă©tĂ© poursuivis avec des dĂ©tecteurs du commerce sous forme de gaufres non dĂ©coupĂ©es. Un premier dispositif intĂ©grant des canaux en KMPR sur ces gaufres a permis de valider le concept dĂ©montrant le grand potentiel de ces choix technologiques et incitant Ă  poursuivre les dĂ©veloppements dans cette voie, notamment en envisageant des expĂ©riences animales. L'utilisation prolongĂ©e des canaux avec du sang non diluĂ© est cependant particuliĂšrement exigeante pour les matĂ©riaux artificiels. Une passivation Ă  l'albumine a permis d'augmenter considĂ©rablement la compatibilitĂ© sanguine de la rĂ©sine KMPR. Le concept initial, incluant la passivation des canaux, a ensuite Ă©tĂ© optimisĂ© et intĂ©grĂ© dans un systĂšme de mesure complet avec toute l'Ă©lectronique et l'informatique de contrĂŽle. Le systĂšme final a Ă©tĂ© validĂ© chez le petit animal avec un radiotraceur connu. Ces travaux ont donnĂ© lieu Ă  la premiĂšre dĂ©monstration d'un dĂ©tecteur microfluidique de haute efficacitĂ© pour la TEP et la TEM. Cette premiĂšre brique d'un projet plus global est dĂ©jĂ  un outil innovant en soi qui permettra d'augmenter l'efficacitĂ© du dĂ©veloppement d'outils diagnostiques plus spĂ©cifiques principalement pour l'oncologie, la cardiologie et la neurologie

    Le renouveau de la sociologie Ă©conomique

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    A l’heure oĂč l’évolution Ă©conomique mondiale pose Ă  l’anthropologie des problĂšmes nouveaux, une discipline voisine, la sociologie, revient elle aussi sur le terrain de l’économie qu’elle avait depuis longtemps dĂ©sertĂ©. Partie intĂ©grante du programme des pĂšres fondateurs (que l’on songe Ă  la place qu’elle occupe dans l’Ɠuvre de Max Weber, ou dans le programme de l’école durkheimienne), la sociologie Ă©conomique, dont nombre d’économistes majeurs reconnaissaient alors la lĂ©gitimitĂ© (Gislain & Te..

    Biomechanical analysis and modeling of lumbar belt: Preliminary study.

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    International audienceLow back pain is a major public health problem in European Countries. In France, about 50% of population is suffering of this pathology every year (Fassier 2011). Because of health care cost and sick leave (Fassier 2011; Leclerc et al. 2009), low back pain has both societal and economic adverse consequences. Many treatments are proposed. However no guideline is provided to physician. Treatment depends on patient, on low back pain type and evolution and also on physician knowledge and believes. Medical devices, as lumbar belt might be proposed to treat low back pain. Several clinical trials have shown their efficacy (Calmels et al. 2009). Nevertheless, both mechanical and physiological effects of lumbar belts remain unclear. In this study, the application of a lumbar belt on the trunk is simulated by a finite element model. It is often assumed that the pain comes from the toe of the intervertebral discs and is related only to the intradiscal pressure and the thoracolumbar posture. Beside, abdominal pressure is used by belt manufacturers as a marker of the lumbar belt efficiency, because a change in the abdominal pressure could bring a change in the thoracolumbar posture and consequently on the intradiscal pressure. That's why the goal of this study is to determine the mechanical effect of wearing lumbar belt: i) on abdominal pressure; ii) on thoracolumbar posture; iii) on intervertebral disc pressure

    Impact des méthodes de résolution du contact sur le comportement mécanique des structures

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    Le contact mĂ©canique prĂ©sente les non-linĂ©aritĂ©s les plus difficiles Ă  prendre en compte. Selon les cas d'Ă©tude, certaines mĂ©thodes de rĂ©solution sont plus adaptĂ©es que d'autres. De mĂȘme, l'amortissement est introduit dans les codes de calcul sous diffĂ©rentes formes. On prĂ©sente la formulation analytique de ces mĂ©thodes et on analysera les rĂ©sultats issus de l'Ă©tude de sensibilitĂ© pour identifier la mĂ©thode donnant les rĂ©sultats les plus robustes

    Experimental investigation of pressure applied on the lower leg by elastic compression bandage

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    International audienceCompression therapy with stockings or bandage is the most common treatment for venous or lymphatic disorders. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of bandage mechanical properties, application technique and subject morphology on the interface pressure, which is the key of this treatment. Bandage stretch and interface pressure measurements (between the bandage and theleg) were performed on 30 healthy subjects (15 men and 15 women) at two different heights on the lower leg and in two positions (supine and standing). Two bandages were applied with two application techniques by a single operator. The statistical analysis of the results revealed: no significant difference in pressure between men and women, except for the pressure variation between supine and standing position; a very strong correlation between pressure and bandage mechanical properties (p<0.00001) and between pressure and bandage overlapping (p<0.00001); a significant pressure increase from supine to standing positions (p<0.0001). Also, it showed that pressure tended to decrease when leg circumference increased. Overall, pressure applied by elastic compression bandages varies with subject morphology, bandage mechanical properties and application technique. A better knowledge of the impact of these parameters on the applied pressure may lead to a more effective treatment

    BIOTEX-biosensing textiles for personalised healthcare management.

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    Textile-based sensors offer an unobtrusive method of continually monitoring physiological parameters during daily activities. Chemical analysis of body fluids, noninvasively, is a novel and exciting area of personalized wearable healthcare systems. BIOTEX was an EU-funded project that aimed to develop textile sensors to measure physiological parameters and the chemical composition of body fluids, with a particular interest in sweat. A wearable sensing system has been developed that integrates a textile-based fluid handling system for sample collection and transport with a number of sensors including sodium, conductivity, and pH sensors. Sensors for sweat rate, ECG, respiration, and blood oxygenation were also developed. For the first time, it has been possible to monitor a number of physiological parameters together with sweat composition in real time. This has been carried out via a network of wearable sensors distributed around the body of a subject user. This has huge implications for the field of sports and human performance and opens a whole new field of research in the clinical setting

    Echappements Ă  impulsion virtuelle

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    L’échappement Ă  dĂ©tente est reconnu pour sa performance chronomĂ©trique, mais il n’est pas sĂ©curisĂ© pour la montre-bracelet. Plusieurs Ă©chappements ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s pour adapter cet Ă©chappement Ă  la montre, dont l’échappement Robin rĂ©cemment sĂ©curisĂ© par Audemars Piguet. George Daniels a poursuivi une dĂ©marche qui a menĂ© Ă  l’échappement coaxial. Nous proposons un nouveau concept, l’impulsion virtuelle, qui pourrait rĂ©unir tous les avantages de ces Ă©chappements. Notre solution est une simple modification de l’échappement Robin, nous ajoutons seulement une dent d’impulsion indirecte. Le principe de l’impulsion virtuelle consiste en une impulsion indirecte qui ne se fait qu’à l’arrĂȘt et Ă  faible amplitude. Ceci ajoute la contrainte du double coup, donc sĂ©curise, et assure l’auto-dĂ©marrage. Un tracĂ© et un dĂ©monstrateur ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s. Des observations du dĂ©monstrateur, Ă  l’aide d’une camĂ©ra haute vitesse, dĂ©montrent la validitĂ© du concept de l’impulsion virtuelle

    Modeling the registration efficiency of thermal neutrons by gadolinium foils

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    In the paper we present the results of mathematical modeling of the registration efficiency of thermal neutrons for the converters made of natural Gd and its 157 isotope plane-parallel foils. In the performed calculations four fixed energies of neutrons with the corresponding wavelengths of 1, 1.8, 3 and 4 A0A^0 are taken into account. We calculate the efficiencies of the converter for electron escapes to frontward and backward hemispheres and their sum, depending on thickness of converting foils. Results of comparison of our calculations with the experimental data are presented.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Characterization of Fabric-to-Fabric Friction: Application to Medical Compression Bandages

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    Fabric-to-fabric friction is involved in the action mechanism of medical compression devices such as compression bandages or lumbar belts. To better understand the action of such devices, it is essential to characterize, in their use conditions (mainly pressure and stretch), the frictional properties of the fabrics they are composed of. A characterization method of fabric-to-fabric friction was developed. This method was based on the customization of the fourth instrument of the Kawabata Evaluation System, initially designed for fabric roughness and friction characterization. A friction contactor was developed so that the stretch of the fabric and the applied load can vary to replicate the use conditions. This methodology was implemented to measure the friction coefficient of several medical compression bandages. In the ranges of pressure and bandage stretch investigated in the study, bandage-to-bandage friction coefficient showed very little variation. This simple and reliable method, which was tested for commercially available medical compression bandages, could be used for other medical compression fabrics
