125 research outputs found

    Los ácidos mono, di, y tricloroacéticos : nuevos mineralizantes del plomotetraetilo en ethil-fluid y gasolinas plomadas

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Sección de Químicas, leída en 1975.Fac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Los ácidos mono, di, y tricloroacéticos : nuevos mineralizantes del plomotetraetilo en ethil-fluid y gasolinas plomadas

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Sección de Químicas, leída en 1975.Fac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Alternativas a un sistema domótico basado en IoT

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    Grado en Ingeniería Informátic

    Masculinización del cíclido nativo Tenhuayaca, Petenia splendida (Günther, 1862), usando nauplios de Artemia como vehículo del esteroide 17-? metiltestosterona

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    At world-wide level the use of steroids to obtain all-male population in cichlids, has been widely used with the objective to avoid the reproduction process and to canalize the energy of the food in weight gain. In this sense, the application of steroids has been commonly through the artificial diets. Nevertheless, for some cichlid such as tenhuayaca or bay snook Petenia splendida, which is considered an appropriate species for aquaculture in the Southeastern of Mexico and Central America, the use of artificial diets during the larval period is not possible, for this reason the use of live preys is required which could be use as vehicle for the steroids. In the present study the production of all-male population was evaluated in P. splendida using Artemia nauplii as vehicle for the steroid 17-? methyltestosterone (MT). For this study the first feeding larvae were fed with Artemia nauplii with MT for 5, 10, 20, 28, 45 and 60 days of feeding, and a control treatment without MT. Significant differences were detected in the masculinization percentage and survival of the larvae fed for 60 days with MT using Artemia nauplii (96% and 85% respectively) compared with the control treatment where only 56% of males and a similar survival of 83% were obtained. For this reason, we conclude that the use Artemia nauplii as vehicle of MT is a suitable alternative to obtain all male production in P. splendida when larvae are feed for 60 days.El uso de esteroides para producir poblaciones monosexo en cíclidos, ha sido ampliamente utilizado con el objetivo de evitar el proceso de reproducción y sobrepoblación de los estanques de cultivo, por medio de su aplicación a través del alimento balanceado. Sin embargo, cíclidos como la tenhuayaca, la cual tiene un alto potencial acuícola en el sureste de México y Centroamérica, durante su fase larvaria no aceptan el alimento balanceado, por lo que el uso de Artemia como vehículo para la administración de esteroides sintéticos ha sido propuesto recientemente. En el presente estudio se evaluó la masculinización de crías de Petenia splendida mediante la utilización de nauplios de Artemia como vehículo del esteroide 17-? metiltestosterona (MT), para lo cual se utilizaron larvas de primera alimentación a las cuales se les suministraron nauplios de Artemia como vehículo de la MT durante 5, 10, 20, 28, 45 y 60 días de alimentación, respectivamente y un tratamiento sin MT. Se determinó que los mayores porcentajes de masculinización y supervivencia, (96% de machos, 85% respectivamente) se presentaron cuando se alimentaron las larvas con nauplios por 60 días. En el tratamiento control solamente se obtuvo un 56% de machos con una supervivencia de 83%, por lo cual concluimos que el uso de presas vivas como vehículo de la MT es adecuado para la producción de crías de P. splendida

    Environmental impact assessment of chicken meat production via an integrated methodology based on LCA, simulation and genetic algorithms

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    This study performed a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impact of chicken meat production from a Mexican case study, with a “cradle-to-slaughterhouse gate” approach. To overcome the LCA's limitations and provide a more holistic picture of the system, simulation and artificial intelligence techniques were integrated. First, raw material/energy requirements were obtained from the case study and simulated using Process simulation (PS) and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation to estimate the emissions and quantify their uncertainty. Then, IMPACT 2002 + was used to calculate the overall impact using Ecoinvent and LCA Food databases. The results highlight that chicken farms are the main factors responsible for the environmental impacts assessed, where feed production (use of chemicals and energy requirements) and on-farm emissions (organic waste decomposition) are the main contributors. Concerning the slaughterhouse, the energy production (electricity and steam) and the cooling-related activities present a significant impact. Afterwards, three impact allocation procedures (mass method, neural networks, and stepwise regression) were tested, showing similar results. Finally, a multiobjective optimization model based on a Genetic Algorithm was applied looking to minimize the environmental impacts and maximize the economic benefits. The selected alternative achieved a reduction of 15.14% per functional unit at the environmental indicators. The results encourage the use of support techniques for LCA to perform a reliable assessment and an environmental/economic optimization of the system

    De Nueva España a México : El universo musical mexicano entre centenarios (1517-1917)

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    742 págs. Imágenes color y b/n. Partituras musicales.El fenómeno de las conmemoraciones culturales siempre ha sido un terreno abonado para la producción cultural y artística del que se han valido los Estados para ofrecer interpretaciones legitimadoras e ideologizadas de la historia, articuladas en torno a las ideas de memoria, nación y progreso. El presente volumen, resultado de una triple conmemoración (el centenario de la Revolución Mexicana y la publicación de la primera historia de la música en México de Alba Herrera –1917–, por un lado; y la llegada del militar andaluz Francisco Hernández de Córdoba a la costa de la península del Yucatán –1517–, por otro), presenta una visión retrospectiva de la historia musical mexicana a lo largo de esas cuatro centurias. Frente a la rígida división cronológica impuesta por ciertas narrativas, se ofrece así una noción inclusiva, actual e informada del universo musical mexicano en toda su multiplicidad y riqueza de matices, integrando las épocas colonial e independiente como lo que realmente son: partes constitutivas de la memoria musical, histórica, cultural y política del país, con las luces y las sombras propias de cualquier otro periodo

    Differential contribution of renal cytochrome P450 enzymes to kidney endothelial dysfunction and vascular oxidative stress in obesity

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    Arachidonic acid (AA)-derived cytochrome P450 (CYP) derivatives, epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) and 20-hidroxyeicosatetranoic acid (20-HETE), play a key role in kidney tubular and vascular functions and blood pressure. Altered metabolism of CYP epoxygenases and CYP hydroxylases has differentially been involved in the pathogenesis of metabolic disease-associated vascular complications, although the mechanisms responsible for the vascular injury are unclear. The present study aimed to assess whether obesity-induced changes in CYP enzymes may contribute to oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in kidney preglomerular arteries. Endothelial function and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production were assessed in interlobar arteries of obese Zucker rats (OZR) and their lean counterparts lean Zucker rats (LZR) and the effects of CYP2C and CYP4A inhibitors sulfaphenazole and HET0016, respectively, were examined on the endothelium-dependent relaxations and O2 − and H2O2 levels of preglomerular arteries. Non-nitric oxide (NO) non-prostanoid endothelium-derived hyperpolarization (EDH)-type responses were preserved but resistant to the CYP epoxygenase blocker sulfaphenazole in OZR in contrast to those in LZR. Sulfaphenazole did not further inhibit reduced arterial H2O2 levels, and CYP2C11/CYP2C23 enzymes were downregulated in intrarenal arteries from OZR. Renal EDH-mediated relaxations were preserved in obese rats by the enhanced activity and expression of endothelial calcium-activated potassium channels (KCa). CYP4A blockade restored impaired NO-mediated dilatation and inhibited augmented O2 − production in kidney arteries from OZR. The current data demonstrate that both decreased endothelial CYP2C11/ CYP2C23-derived vasodilator H2O2 and augmented CYP4A-derived 20-HETE contribute to endothelial dysfunction and vascular oxidative stress in obesity. CYP4A inhibitors ameliorate arterial oxidative stress and restore endothelial function which suggests its therapeutic potential for the vascular complications of obesity-associated kidney injury

    Lo tangible e intangible del diseño

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    1 archivo PDF (366 páginas)"El Departamento de Evaluación del Diseño, en el Tiempo de la División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, publica este libro colectivo, donde se aborda la discusión y el análisis sobre "Lo tangible e intangible del diseño". Este libro tiene como finalidad el profundizar en distintas posiciones teóricas, metodológicas y empíricas, donde un grupo interdisciplinario de profesores investigadores del Departamento de Evaluación, desde la arquitectura, los estudios urbanos, la educación, la historia, la semiótica, el diseño de la comunicación gráfica y el industrial; buscan convergencias y discuten divergencias que puedan generar servir como referentes intelectuales y teóricos, en el diseño. Este libro es resultado del Cuarto Coloquio Departamental: Lo tangible e Intangible del Diseño. Evaluación de Objetos, Espacios, Mensajes, realizado durante el mes de septiembre del año 2004, el cual se constituyó como un espacio para el intercambio de experiencias académicas y profesionales, desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria, centrada en la reflexión y la discusión sobre la manera de cómo se puede analizar, definir y evaluar, lo tangible y lo intangible en el diseño"

    Cov-caldas: A new COVID-19 chest X-Ray dataset from state of Caldas-Colombia

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    The emergence of COVID-19 as a global pandemic forced researchers worldwide in various disciplines to investigate and propose efficient strategies and/or technologies to prevent COVID-19 from further spreading. One of the main challenges to be overcome is the fast and efficient detection of COVID-19 using deep learning approaches and medical images such as Chest Computed Tomography (CT) and Chest X-ray images. In order to contribute to this challenge, a new dataset was collected in collaboration with “S.E.S Hospital Universitario de Caldas” (https://hospitaldecaldas.com/) from Colombia and organized following the Medical Imaging Data Structure (MIDS) format. The dataset contains 7,307 chest X-ray images divided into 3,077 and 4,230 COVID-19 positive and negative images. Images were subjected to a selection and anonymization process to allow the scientific community to use them freely. Finally, different convolutional neural networks were used to perform technical validation. This dataset contributes to the scientific community by tackling significant limitations regarding data quality and availability for the detection of COVID-19. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Defects in memory B-cell and plasma cell subsets expressing different immunoglobulin-subclasses in patients with CVID and immunoglobulin subclass deficiencies

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    Background: Predominantly antibody deficiencies (PADs) are the most prevalent primary immunodeficiencies, but their B-cell defects and underlying genetic alterations remain largely unknown. Objective: We investigated patients with PADs for the distribution of 41 blood B-cell and plasma cell (PC) subsets, including subsets defined by expression of distinct immunoglobulin heavy chain subclasses. Methods: Blood samples from 139 patients with PADs, 61 patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), 68 patients with selective IgA deficiency (IgAdef), 10 patients with IgG subclass deficiency with IgA deficiency, and 223 age matched control subjects were studied by using flow cytometry with EuroFlow immunoglobulin isotype staining. Patients were classified according to their B-cell and PC immune profile, and the obtained patient clusters were correlated with clinical manifestations of PADs. Results: Decreased counts of blood PCs, memory B cells (MB Cs), or both expressing distinct IgA and IgG subclasses were identified in all patients with PADs. In patients with IgAdef, B-cell defects were mainly restricted to surface membrane (sm)IgA(+) PCs and MBCs, with 2 clear subgroups showing strongly decreased numbers of smIgA(+) PCs with mild versus severe smIgA(+) MBC defects and higher frequencies of nonrespiratory tract infections, autoimmunity, and affected family members. Patients with IgG subclass deficiency with IgA deficiency and those with CVID showed defects in both smIgA(+) and smIgG(+) MBCs and PCs. Reduced numbers of switched PCs were systematically found in patients with CVID (absent in 98%), with 6 different defective MBC (and clinical) profiles: (1) profound decrease in MBC numbers; (2) defective CD27(+) MBCs with almost normal IgG(3)(+) MBCs; (3) absence of switched MBCs; and (4) presence of both unswitched and switched MBCs without and; (5) with IgG(2)(+) MBCs; and (6) with IgA(1)(+) MBCs. Conclusion: Distinct PAD defective B-cell patterns were identified that are associated with unique clinical profiles