1,175 research outputs found
La resolución de problemas, ¿una panacea metodológica?
This work tries to expand the method which Polya called, in 1931, ((Problems Solving Method)), and to relate
I with other writers who have dealt with this same subject, to show the similarities of criteria between Polya and
1 the present ways of investigation in the classroom
La resolución de problemas en la formación inicial del profesorado de Primaria: una experiencia de aula
In this article we reflect on the role of problem solving in the prospective primary teachers’ training. After taking up some relevant contributions in the field of problem solving in mathematics education, we focus on the double aspect of problems posing and problems solving, analyzing the relevance that this double component has, both in compulsory education and in prospective primary teachers’ training. The last part of the work begins with a contextualization of the training in mathematics education of future primary teachers at the University of Huelva, to close detailing the development of a classroom experience that exemplifies how we work with future teachers “learn and learn to teach how to pose and solve problems ”.En este artículo reflexionamos acerca del papel de la resolución de problemas en la formación inicial de profesores de Educación Primaria. Tras retomar algunas aportaciones relevantes en el ámbito de la resolución de problemas en la educación matemática, nos centramos en la doble vertiente de plantear y de resolver problemas, analizando la relevancia que esa doble componente tiene, tanto en la educación obligatoria, como en la formación inicial de profesores. El último epígrafe del artículo comienza con una contextualización de la formación en educación matemática de los futuros maestros de Primaria en la Universidad de Huelva, para cerrar detallando el desarrollo de una experiencia de aula que ejemplifica cómo trabajamos con los futuros maestros “aprender y aprender a enseñar a plantear y resolver problemas”
A mathematics teacher’s specialized knowledge in the selection and deployment of examples for teaching sequences
This paper explores the specialized knowledge mobilized by a mathematics teacher in the selection and use of examples for teaching sequences. Taking an experimental case study approach, we analyse the examples deployed in a series of third-year secondary level lessons on sequences and identify the different knowledge subdomains activated according to the mathematics teachers’ specialized knowledge analytical model. We will analyse active and passive examples, pointing out the mathematical entity that is being exemplified and the aspect of this entity which is being emphasized by the example. The results identify the different subdomains and categories which are drawn on in the selection and use of examples, along with the various interconnections across knowledge subdomains which interact in the process.The Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spanish Government, PID2021-122180OB-I00 and the Research Centre COIDESO (University of Huelva, Spain) supported this research
The Pedagogical Knowledge Deployed by a Primary Mathematics Teacher Educator in Teaching Symmetry
Although the knowledge required by mathematics teacher educators is a relatively recent area of research, there has been significant progress in the field over the last few years. The classic distinction of a teacher’s knowledge into content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge prompts us to reflect in this regard on what should constitute the content of primary teacher education programmes, and how the educator might mediate this content to make it accessible to their prospective teachers. This paper aims to contribute to this progress through a study into the work of Lucas, a teacher educator, during the course of a training session with prospective primary teachers. Critical observation of the video recording brought to the fore salient teaching situations on the topic of symmetry, which led us to explore the pedagogical content knowledge deployed in the session through a guided interview with the educator. Analysis of extracts from this interview enabled us to identify three main categories of this PCK: knowledge about how to teach programme content; knowledge about the characteristics of prospective primary teachers’ learning; and knowledge about the standards and norms of primary teacher education programmesThis research was financed by the COIDESO research centre at the University of Huelva, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain (project: RTI2018-096547-B-I00), and the research group DESYM (HUM-168)
Tipping has become a unilateral gratification paid by the client reciprocating the service provider for a good service, to a moral obligation to a service that sometimes does not comply with quality standards. Even though it is true that in some countries the tip is mandatory based on a percentage of the account payable, regardless of the service received, in other countries it is not. However, in countries like Mexico it is customary to pay it based on a percentage and sometimes this percentage depends on the quality of the service received. Mexican legislation does not make tipping mandatory, but the border areas live in a mix of Mexican and American cultures and traditions, making tips a percentage of the consumption
Un instrumento para el análisis de los ejemplos matemáticos para la enseñanza
Los ejemplos matemáticos son uno de los principales recursos docentes para la enseñanza de la disciplina escolar. Existe cierta tendencia a usar ejemplos como herramienta de comunicación y diferentes estudios avalan la importancia del mismo en el aprendizaje de contenidos matemáticos. Ambas consideraciones justifican que deban ser analizados sistemáticamente con el fin de optimizar su uso. Para ello, presentamos una herramienta de análisis que permite clasificar los ejemplos y que ha sido puesta en uso en investigaciones sobre ejemplificación que hemos desarrollad
Conocimiento táctico y la toma de decisiones en jóvenes jugadores de fútbol (10 años)
El propósito del estudio es evaluar el conocimiento técnico-táctico en jugadores de fútbol con alto nivel de pericia. A 13 jugadores de 10 años del Albacete Balompié se les evaluó el rendimiento mediante video sobre un juego modificado de fútbol 3vs3 mediante la Herramienta de Evaluación del Rendimiento de Juego (HERJ). El objeto fue evaluar el rendimiento de los componentes individuales y grupales del juego (toma de decisiones y ejecución). A continuación se les realizaron dos entrevistas para conocer su conocimiento de base. En la primera se les preguntó por el conocimiento en los deportes de invasión, tomando referencia el fútbol. En la segunda se analizó el conocimiento procedimental a partir de secuencias de video de fútbol A-7. Los resultados revelan que los jugadores adquieren antes el rendimiento de juego (toma de decisiones y ejecución) que el conocimiento del dominio específico. A su vez poseen un rendimiento superior en la selección de las respuestas que en la ejecución. Los niños de 10 años deben hacer deporte pero la planificación de enseñanza tiene que centrarse en sus características y posibilidadesThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the technical and tactical knowledge of football players with high levels of expertise. the performance of 13 ten-year-old footballers from the albacete balompié team was evaluated using a modified 3vs3 football game video and the game performance assessment tool (herj in spanish). the purpose was to evaluate the performance of individual and group components during the match (decision making and execution). two interviews were then conducted to ascertain the players' knowledge base. the first inquired about the knowledge of invasion sports, using football as a reference. the second analysed procedural knowledge on the basis of a-7 football video footage. the results show that the footballers acquired game performance (decision making and execution) before they acquired the specific dominance knowledge. at the same time, they performed better in selecting responses than in execution. ten-year-old children should play sport, but educational planning needs to focus on their characteristics and possibilitie
Towards a Resilient Openflow Channel Through MPTCP
In the recent years, Software Defined Networking (SDN) has changed the way networks are engineered, making them more flexible, programmable and dynamic. SDN advocates for the centralization of control functionalities in a central node, the so-called controller. This entity has a wide view of the entirenetwork, including the topology, facilitating the management and decreasing the complexity. However, the existence of a single entity running the complete control plane constitutes a single point of failure, thus triggering the need of improving the resiliency and reliability of the controller and the connectionbetween the control and the data plane. This paper presents a solution for the improvement of the resiliency and the reliability on the OpenFlow channel through the use of multipath TCP (MPTCP). The proposed solutionis based on the simultaneous use of in-band and out-of-band paths for the OpenFlow control channel, and includes a first experimental evaluation of the performance gains that can be achieved.This work has been partially funded by the H2020 collaborative Europe/Taiwan research project 5G-CORAL (grant num. 761586) and the EU H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER Project
(grant num. 761536
Approaching to a student teacher’s specialised knowledge from a narrative
Utilizaremos el modelo analítico del Conocimiento Especializado del Profesor de Matemáticas
para el análisis de una narrativa de una estudiante para Maestro. Comenzamos con una breve
explicación del origen del modelo y de la finalidad con que se construyó, que permitirá comprender
sus potencialidades y limitaciones, especialmente al aplicarlo al análisis de una narrativa. A
continuación, haremos una presentación general de sus subdominios, utilizando ejemplos
relacionados con la temática de fondo de la narrativa para una mejor comprensión en el análisis
posterior. Este análisis mostrará evidencias del conocimiento de Rosa y de las relaciones entre los
distintos subdominios de MTSK, así como indicios y oportunidades para profundizar en su
conocimiento. Terminaremos reflexionando sobre la comprensión del conocimiento de Rosa que
nos permite el modelo, donde los algoritmos convencionales de la resta parecen ocupar un lugar
central.We will use the analytical model of Mathematics’ Teacher Specialized Knowledge Mathematics
(MTSK) for the analysis of a narrative of a prospective teacher. We begin with a brief explanation
of the origin of the model and the purpose for which it was built, which will allow understanding its
possibilities and limitations, especially when applying it to the analysis of a narrative. Next, we will
make a general presentation of their subdomains, using examples related to the background topic of
the narrative to achieve a better understanding in the later analysis. This analysis will show
evidence of Rosa's knowledge and the relationships between the different subdomains of MTSK, but
also indications and opportunities. We will end up reflecting on the understanding of Rosa's
knowledge that the model allows us, where the conventional algorithms of subtraction seems to
have a central role
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