6 research outputs found

    Négocier les contextes : intégration des TIC en éducation

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    Espacer l'organisation : trajectoires d'un projet de diffusion de la science et de la technologie au Chili

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    Comprendre le mode d’existence de l’organisation est certainement l’un des plus grands défis que se sont donnés les chercheurs qui s’intéressent à ce domaine d’étude. La littérature nous présente ainsi plusieurs images, métaphores et perspectives qui, combinées, dressent un portrait hybride de ce type de collectif. Je propose, dans cette thèse, de reconnaître et exploiter ce caractère hybride de l’organisation en partant d’une réflexion centrée sur l'espace. En m’inspirant particulièrement des travaux de la géographe Doreen Massey (1999, 2005), le concept d'espace auquel je souscris est celui d’un espace ouvert et dynamique (qui incorpore le temps), basé sur une relationalité matérielle et hétérogène, supposant des acteurs humains et non humains en interaction. L'espace peut donc être compris comme la coexistence d’ontologies hétérogènes, ce que Massey (2005) nomme une coexistence de trajectoires comme stories-so-far. Il s’agit ici d’une vision performative de l’espace organisationnel qui est constitué dans la relation de trajectoires distinctes qui coexistent, se rencontrent, s’affectent, entrent en conflit ou coopèrent (Massey, 1999). Je postule que pour assurer une certaine continuité et cohérence dans la coexistence de trajectoires hétérogènes, un travail d’alignement et d’ordonnancement est mis à l’oeuvre, et ce, par le suivi d’une trajectoire principale — ce que je nomme une trajectoire scriptée. Suivre cette trajectoire permet ainsi à l’organisation de s’étendre, de se rendre présente dans le temps et dans l’espace, sans pour autant perdre son identité : to be here and there at the same time, now and then at the same place. À partir de cette définition de l’espace, je propose d’« espacer l’organisation », et plus particulièrement d’« espacer » Explora, un programme d’éducation non formelle du gouvernement du Chili visant la diffusion et la valorisation de la science et de la technologie. Cette proposition est double : elle renvoie aux pratiques d’espacements — des pratiques hybrides, collectives et situées — des agents organisationnels (dans ce cas, aux pratiques des agents d’Explora impliqués dans l’organisation d’un projet, celui de la Semaine de la science 2006),mais aussi à une pratique de recherche. « Espacer l’organisation » veut donc dire déployer ces espaces pleins, déplier l’organisation, accroître la série des simultanéités-successions pour ainsi créer plus d’espace-temps.To understand the organization’s mode of being is certainly one of the most important challenges faced by researchers who are interested in this field of study. The literature presents several images, metaphors and perspectives which, combined, draw up a hybrid portrait of this type of collective. In this dissertation, I propose to recognize and exploit this hybrid character by starting from a reflection on space. Inspired especially by the work of the geographer Doreen Massey (1999, 2005), the concept of space to which I subscribe is that of an open and dynamic space (which incorporates time), based on a material and heterogeneous relationality, which supposes human and nonhuman actors in interaction. Space can thus be understood as the coexistence of heterogeneous ontologies, what Massey (2005) calls a “coexistence of trajectories as stories-so-far”. It is then a performative vision of organizational space which is constructed through the relation of distinct trajectories that coexist, meet, affect each other, enter in conflict or cooperate (Massey, 1999). I argue that to guarantee a certain form of continuity and coherence in the coexistence of heterogeneous trajectories, a work of alignment and ordering is put at work, and this, by the following-up of a main trajectory — what I call a scripted trajectory. By following this trajectory the organization can then extend itself, making itself present in time and space, without loosing its identity: it can be “here and there at the same time, now and then at the same place.” Starting from this definition of space, I propose to “space the organization,” and more specifically to “space” Explora, a non formal educational program of the Chilean government, which aims to diffuse and promote science and technology. Spacing an organization implies a double proposal: it refers to the spacing practices — hybrid, collective and situated practices — enacted by organizational agents (in this case, Explora’s agents implicated in the organization of a project, that of the Science week 2006), but also to a research practice. “Spacing the organization” consists of deploying these full spaces, unfolding the organization, and increasing the series of simultaneities-successions in order to create more space-time

    Diverse voices in harmony

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    En la misma línea que el encuentro, el Dossier coordinado por las doctoras Lissette Marroquín Velásquez, de la Universidad de Costa Rica, y Consuelo Vásquez Donoso, de la Universidad de Québec á Montreal, y la maestra Griselda Guillén Ojeda, de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, presenta una serie de voces que van a plantear las diversas dimensiones del campo de la comunicación organizacional que emergen de la especificidad de nuestros contextos latinoamericanos.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro de Investigación en Comunicación (CICOM

    Definiendo la comunicación organizacional desde el Sur: en búsqueda de perspectivas latinoamericanas

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    Este artículo presenta los primeros resultados de una investigación cuyo objetivo es retratar el campo de la comunicación organizacional latinoamericana. Para eso, adoptamos una perspectiva ascendente y situada que considera las percepciones y realidades vividas por las personas investigadoras latinoamericanas, especialistas en comunicación organizacional. El estudio se basa en una encuesta realizada a personas investigadoras de 14 países de América Latina. Se enfoca en las definiciones de comunicación organizacional y el posicionamiento de estas personas académicas con respecto a la existencia de perspectivas latinoamericanas de la comunicación organizacional.This article presents the first results of a research that aims to portray the field of Latin American organizational communication. For this, we adopt a bottom-up and situated perspective that considers the perceptions and realities experienced by Latin American organizational communication scholars. The article is based on a survey of researchers from 14 countries in Latin America. It focuses on the definitions of organizational communication and the position of these scholars regarding the existence of Latin American perspectives on organizational communication.Este artigo apresenta os primeiros resultados de uma pesquisa que visa retratar o campo da comunicação organizacional latino-americana. Para isso, adotamos uma perspectiva ascendente e situada que considera as percepções e realidades vividas pelas pessoas pesquisadoras latino-americanas especialistas em comunicação organizacional. O artigo se baseia em uma pesquisa com pessoas pesquisadoras de 14 países da América Latina. Concentra-se nas definições de comunicação organizacional e no posicionamento destas pessoas acadêmicas no que diz respeito à existência de perspectivas latino-americanas sobre comunicação organizacional

    Reduction of aerosol dissemination in a dental area generated by high-speed and scaler ultrasonic devices employing the "Prime Protector".

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    The use of an external dome aerosol containment device (Prime Protector) is proposed to reduce the spread of particles within the dental office. Hence, the aim of our study was to compare the spread of bioaerosols generated by a High-speed Handpiece (HH) and an Ultrasonic Prophylaxis Device (UPD), with and without the Prime Protector dome (PP) by counting Colony Forming Units (CFU) of Lactobacillus casei Shirota, at different distances on the x and y axis. The PP was located considering the parallelism between the base of the dome and the frontal plane of the simulator, aligning the center of the mouth with the center of the dome. The PP dome measurements are 560.0mm x 255.0mm x 5mm. Petri dishes were placed at 0.5 m, 1 m and 1.5 m respectively. Aerosol generation in the laboratory environment was done three times with the following experimental groups 1) HH, 2) HH-PP, 3) UPD, 4) UPD-PP. Each dental device activation (HH and UPD) had a time frame of 2 minutes on the upper anterior teeth of the dental phantom with a liquid suspension containing Lactobacillus casei Shirota (YAKULT 0836A 0123; 1027F 0407). Air pressure and ventilation were parameterized. No separate high-volume evacuation used, nor was there any air removal attached to the dome. Results showed no significant difference between distance and axis in the CFU count. When means for devices and distances were compared between each of them all showed significant differences except for UPD and UPD-PP (p <0,004). In conclusion, external devices like Prime Protector could help decrease aerosol diffusion during high-speed handpiece activation. However, this dome does not replace the use of PPE inside dental clinics

    Em busca de uma abordagem latino-americana paracomunicação organizacional: Uma revisão crítica da pesquisaem comunicação organizacional na América Latina entre2010-2014

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    This article presents a critical review of organizational communication scholarship in Latin America to explore its distinctive traits. Combining J. Marques de Melo’s (1999) features of Latin American communication studies with Anglo-American frameworks of organizational communication, it offers a systematic mapping of Latin American organizational communication scholarship by focussing on the major trends of the academic production in peer-reviewed journals from 2010 to 2014. The results show that there are subtle but consistent signs of a Latin American approach to organizational communication regarding theoretical miscegenation and the ethics and political commitment of the researcher. This is mainly manifested in the practical orientation of research and the growing interest in documenting and intervening in local organizational realities.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro de Investigación en Comunicación (CICOM)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Ciencias Sociales::Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación Colectiv