52 research outputs found

    A triagem clínica e a experiência na doação na perspectiva do doador de sangue

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    The aim was to describe the experience of donation and clinical screening from the donor's perspective. This is a cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study, with non-probabilistic sampling, between November 2018 and March 2020. The scenario was a hemotherapy service in Rio de Janeiro. A self-administered questionnaire with 32 questions was used for blood donation candidates. Univariate and bivariate analyzes were performed, a chi-square test was applied, considering a significance level of 5%, using IBM's SPSS software. Of the 400 respondents, 54.8% were donating spontaneously; 71.5% declared to be repeat donors; 36% reported having an interest in the results of serological tests; 88.3% admitted to fully trusting the results of such exams; 65.8% declared they had no knowledge about the health units where they could be carried out; and 59.8% considered transmission of infections possible through transfusion. About repeat donors; 66.4% reported having been asked about vulnerabilities and risk situations in clinical screening; for 38.8%, the opportunity for self-exclusion was not clear. In this context, the nurse has a role both in approaching the donor in clinical screening, as well as in explaining the donation process, to allow conscious decision-making by self-exclusion, based on adequate guidance regarding their vulnerability.Objetivou-se descrever a experiência da doação e da triagem clínica na perspectiva do doador. Trata-se de estudo transversal descritivo e analítico, com amostragem não probabilística, entre novembro de 2018 e março de 2020. O cenário foi um serviço de hemoterapia no Rio de Janeiro. Utilizou-se um questionário autoaplicável com 32 perguntas para os candidatos à doação de sangue. Foram feitas análises univariadas e bivariadas, aplicou-se teste do qui-quadrado, considerando-se um nível de significância de 5%, através do software SPSS, da IBM. Dos 400 respondentes, 54,8% estavam doando espontaneamente; 71,5% declararam serem doadores de repetição; 36% referiram ter interesse em resultados de exames sorológicos; 88,3% admitiram confiar plenamente nos resultados de tais exames; 65,8% declararam não ter conhecimento acerca das unidades de saúde onde poderiam realizá-los; e 59,8% consideravam possível a transmissão de infecções por meio transfusional. Sobre os doadores de repetição; 66,4% referiram terem sido questionados sobre vulnerabilidades e situações de risco na triagem clínica; para 38,8%, não ficou clara a oportunidade de autoexclusão. Nesse contexto, o enfermeiro tem papel tanto na abordagem ao doador na triagem clínica, quanto na explicação sobre o processo de doação, de modo a permitir uma tomada de decisão consciente pela autoexclusão, embasada na orientação adequada quanto à sua vulnerabilidade

    Skin lesions associated with invasive devices in highly complex neonatal and pediatric patients

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    The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It has three layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis performs multiple functions in the body, standing out as a defensive barrier and internal integrity in addition to containing the evasion of moisture, and exogenous substances. Injury is by definition any interruption in the continuity of the skin regardless of its extent and may be chronic or acute. A newborn's skin is delicate and vulnerable, and the use of invasive devices in highly complex care can negatively affect its integrity. This review study addressed data from Brazilian research on newborn skin in intensive hospital treatment units. The studies evaluated were obtained from the SciELO, Medline and Lilacs, Google Scholar and Elsevier databases. The inclusion criteria were articles, monographs, dissertations and theses published in the period between 2018 and 2023, in Portuguese with a pre-established theme, and the exclusion criteria were articles, monographs, dissertations and repeated theses, incomplete manuscripts and with unauthorized access free of charge. As results, 3 categories were obtained: Category 1 – Main causes of skin lesions in newborns and highly complex children. Category 2- Prevention measures in newborns and highly complex children with skin lesions. Category 3- Highly complex skin care strategies for newborns and children. It is evident that due to the high susceptibility of newborns and children to develop highly complex skin lesions, it requires greater attention from the nursing team. Early detection of the risk of skin lesions and the use of prophylaxis enable a better quality of life for newborns hospitalized in high complexity, avoiding and minimizing skin lesions caused by the care provided

    Main nursing diagnoses in a patient with traumatic injury of the spinal cord from the perspective of high complexity

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    Traumatic spinal cord injury and sequelae are catastrophic events that adversely affect the victim's functional capacity, and rapid rehabilitation is necessary. Nursing patients with spinal cord injury is essential for the patient's rehabilitation. Nursing professionals offer individualized support according to different levels of complexity to prevent and treat the main complications caused by spinal cord injury. The objective of this study was to verify knowledge about the care of patients with spinal cord injuries undergoing rehabilitation. This study was developed from the virtual databases resident in the Library Research Portal: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS); Scientific Electronic Library online (SciELO); Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) and Elsevier. It is concluded that nurses have knowledge of methods and scientific support to care for patients with spinal cord injuries. Their professional qualification provides greater technical competence in activities carried out with victims and facilitates the progression of trauma. Its process has a high contribution to rehabilitation, aiming at care that pays attention to each individual's needs and particularities, helping to face the physical, social and psychological limitations of patients with traumatic spinal cord injuries

    Lithium attenuates behavioral and biochemical effects of neuropeptide S in mice

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    Neuropeptide S (NPS) and its receptor NPSR comprise a recently deorphaned G-protein-coupled receptor system. There is a body of evidence suggesting the involvement of NPS in wakefulness, anxiety, locomotor activity and oxidative stress damage. Considering that mood stabilizers block the stimulatory effect of psychostimulants in rodents, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of the pretreatment with lithium and valproate on the hyperlocomotion evoked by NPS. Another relevant action induced by lithium and valproate is the neuroprotection against oxidative stress. Thus, aiming to get further information about the mechanisms of action of NPS, herein we evaluated the effects of NPS, lithium and valproate, and the combination of them on oxidative stress damage. Behavioral studies revealed that the pretreatment with lithium (100 mg/kg, i.p.) and valproate (200 mg/kg, i.p.) prevented hyperlocomotion evoked by NPS 0.1 nmol. Importantly, the dose of valproate used in this study reduced mouse locomotion, although it did not reach the statistical significance. Biochemical analyses showed that lithium attenuated thiobarbituric reactive species (TBARS) formation in the striatum, cerebellum and hippocampus. NPS per se reduced TBARS levels only in the hippocampus. Valproate did not significantly affect TBARS levels in the brain. However, the combination of mood stabilizers and NPS blocked, instead of potentiate, the neuroprotective effects of each one. No relevant alterations were observed in carbonylated proteins after all treatments. Altogether, the present findings suggested that mainly the mood stabilizer lithium evoked antagonistic effects on the mediation of hyperlocomotion and protection against lipid peroxidation induced by NPS

    Exercise training prevents skeletal muscle damage in an experimental sepsis model

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    OBJECTIVE: Oxidative stress plays an important role in skeletal muscle damage in sepsis. Aerobic exercise can decrease oxidative stress and enhance antioxidant defenses. Therefore, it was hypothesized that aerobic exercise training before a sepsis stimulus could attenuate skeletal muscle damage by modulating oxidative stress. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of aerobic physical preconditioning on the different mechanisms that are involved in sepsis-induced myopathy. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to either the untrained or trained group. The exercise training protocol consisted of an eight-week treadmill program. After the training protocol, the animals from both groups were randomly assigned to either a sham group or a cecal ligation and perforation surgery group. Thus, the groups were as follows: sham, cecal ligation and perforation, sham trained, and cecal ligation and perforation trained. Five days after surgery, the animals were euthanized and their soleus and plantaris muscles were harvested. Fiber cross-sectional area, creatine kinase, thiobarbituric acid reactive species, carbonyl, catalase and superoxide dismutase activities were measured. RESULTS: The fiber cross-sectional area was smaller, and the creatine kinase, thiobarbituric acid reactive species and carbonyl levels were higher in both muscles in the cecal ligation and perforation group than in the sham and cecal ligation and perforation trained groups. The muscle superoxide dismutase activity was higher in the cecal ligation and perforation trained group than in the sham and cecal ligation and perforation groups. The muscle catalase activity was lower in the cecal ligation and perforation group than in the sham group. CONCLUSION: In summary, aerobic physical preconditioning prevents atrophy, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation and improves superoxide dismutase activity in the skeletal muscles of septic rats


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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo disseminar uma ferramenta para integração entre ensino-serviço-comunidade à partir de uma experiência exitosa na criação de um grupo de Saúde do Homem. Pretende-se por meio deste criar subsídios para as equipes de saúde da família ampliarem seus cuidados na Atenção Básica, através do desenvolvimento de ações de promoção da saúde voltadas para o homem. O grupo de Saúde do Homem da USF Cristo Rei tornou-se referência no município de João Pessoa, beneficiando a população assistida, motivando a equipe de saúde e consequentemente formando agentes na comunidade transformadores de suas realidades, à partir da educação popular e baseado na criação de vínculos, contribuindo assim para o fortalecimento da integração  ensino-serviço-comunidade

    Epidemiological profile and prevalence of clinical and serological disability among candidates for blood donation / Perfil epidemiológico e prevalência de inaptidão clínica e sorológica entre candidatos à doação de sangue

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    Objective: to describe the epidemiological profile and identify the prevalent causes of clinical and serological unfitness among donation candidates in the last five years. Methods: this is a cross-sectional, exploratory and analytical study. Data were obtained using the Hemote Plus® System. Results: most candidates were men (50.9%), aged 20 to 29 years (34.0%), white (66.7%), single (59.9%) with high school education (33.3 %) and spontaneous motivation (65.5%). Among them, 25.9% were considered unfit. The most prevalent causes of disability were: anemia (27.7%) and sexually transmitted infections (12.4%). Women (57.9%), individuals with a lower level of education (53.9%), and those with less than 39 years of age (65.5%) tended more toward sdisability. Conclusion: it is evident the need for educational practices and guidance on risk behaviors in the recruitment of donors and clinical screening, emphasizing the importance of the nursing professional in this context.Objetivo: describir el perfil epidemiológico e identificar las causas prevalentes de ineptitud clínica y serológica entre los candidatos a donación em los últimos cinco años. Metodo: se trata de um estudio transversal, exploratorio y analítico. Los datos se obtuvieron utilizando el sistema Hemote Plus®. Resultados: la mayoría de los candidatos eran hombres (50,9 %), de 20 a 29 años (34,0 %), blancos (66,7 %), solteros (59,9 %), com educación secundaria (33,3 %) y motivación espontánea (65,5 %). Entre ellos, el 25,9% fueron considerados no aptos. Las causas de discapacidad más prevalentes fueron: anemia (27,7%) e infecciones de transmisión sexual (12,4%). Las mujeres (57,9%), los indivíduos con menor nivel educativo (53,9%) y los menores de 39 años (65,5%) tendían más a la discapacidad. Conclusión: se evidencia la necesidad de prácticas educativas y orientaciones sobre comportamientos de riesgo em la captación de donantes y tamizaje clínico, destacando la importância del profesional de enfermeira en este contexto.Objetivo: descrever o perfil epidemiológico e identificar as causas prevalentes de inaptidão clínica e sorológica entre os candidatos à doação nos últimos cinco anos. Método: trata-se de um estudo seccional, exploratório e analítico. Os dados foram obtidos por meio do Sistema Hemote Plus®. Resultados: a maioria dos candidatos eram homens (50,9%), de 20 a 29 anos (34,0%), brancos (66,7%), solteiros (59,9%) com ensino médio completo (33,3%) e motivação espontânea (65,5%). Dentre eles,25,9% foram considerados inaptos. As causas mais prevalentes de inaptidão foram: anemia (27,7%) e infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (12,4%). Tenderam mais à inaptidão as mulheres (57,9%), indivíduos menor nível de escolaridade (53,9%), e com menos de 39 anos (65,5%). Conclusão: evidencia-se a necessidade de práticas educativas e orientação sobre comportamentos de risco na captação de doadores e triagem clínica, ressaltando a importância do profissional de enfermagem neste contexto.

    Exérese de canino inferior impactado com localização ectópica / Exeresis of impacted lower canine in an ectopic location

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    A ocorrência de caninos mandibulares impactados é um fenômeno bastante incomum, existindo apenas 127 casos na literatura. Esta condição acomete mais frequentemente o gênero feminino e envolve, principalmente, o lado direito. Os exames de imagem são necessários para auxiliar no diagnóstico e planejamento do tratamento. As opções de tratamento compreendem: transplante autógeno, exérese do canino impactado ou tracionamento ortodôntico. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar um caso de canino transmigrado e em posição ectópica tratado através da exodontia. Paciente E.B.B., 18 anos, gênero masculino, foi atendido na clínica de Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Ao exame clínico inicial, observou-se a ausência do elemento dentário 33, que segundo o paciente não erupcionou. A hipótese de diagnóstico foi de impactação de canino inferior. O tratamento instituído para o caso foi a remoção cirúrgica do elemento impactado, uma vez que o tracionamento ortodôntico foi descartado pelo paciente. O ato operatório foi realizado em ambiente ambulatorial sob anestesia local.  Assim, optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico pela viabilidade econômica, menor tempo de tratamento e bom prognóstico. O caso deste trabalho foi conduzido adequadamente, visto suas características condizerem com o tipo de tratamento indicado nas literaturas de referência