862 research outputs found


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    The need for information and communication increases when organizations experience organizational changes. The paper examines the need of communication in terms of the professor Tichy`s theory of the technical, political and cultural systems of organizatichange, communication, organizational politics, organizational culture

    Customer Contribution to improving Service Quality in the Hospitality Industry

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    The actors on the today business stage have no more well-defined roles with clear and rigid borders between them. Hospitality industry in particular is a good example how it has been blurred the roles that customers play in dealing with service providers. The study reveals that customers can influence the quality of hospitality service through performing a qualitycontrol function. This involves a series of activities to be achieved by them: (1) on-the-spot quality control, (2) service failure control, (3) quality consultancy, and (4) co-production control. However there are some difficulties and the hospitality organizations need a structured approach to overcome them. Developing a strategy to enhance the effectiveness in performing this function is an important challenge for the hospitality organization management. Our study recommends five courses of actions to be included in such a strategy. They envisage (1) increasing the customer`s knowledge of the firm`s quality standards,(2) encouraging customers to voice their concerns, (3) training customers (and employees) to manage the interpersonal encounter, (4) motivating customers to involve in performing the quality-control function and (5) training customers about their tasks in coproduction.quality, hospitality industry, hospitality service, service, customer

    Flux Compactification of M-theory on Compact Manifolds with Spin(7) Holonomy

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    At the leading order, M-theory admits minimal supersymmetric compactifications if the internal manifold has exceptional holonomy. The inclusion of non-vanishing fluxes in M-theory and string theory compactifications induce a superpotential in the lower dimensional theory, which depends on the fluxes. In this work, we verify the conjectured form of this superpotential in the case of warped M-theory compactifications on Spin(7) holonomy manifolds. We calculate the most general causal N=1 three-dimensional, gauge invariant action coupled to matter in superspace and derive its component form using Ectoplasmic integration theory. We also derive a perturbative set of solutions which emerges from a warped compactification on a Spin(7) holonomy manifold with non-vanishing flux for the M-theory field strength and we show that in general the Ricci flatness of the internal manifold is lost. Using the superpotential form we identify the supersymmetric vacua out of this general set of solutions.Comment: Ph.D. Thesis - 131 pages, no figure


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    The need for information and communication increases when organizations experience organizational changes. The paper examines the need of communication in terms of the professor Tichy`s theory of the technical, political and cultural systems of organizat

    Unlimiting thermodynamic constraints in continuous catalytic transformation of carbon dioxide and methanol towards dimethyl carbonate

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    El canvi climàtic i una desitjada transició d’una societat dependent dels combustibles fòssils cap a una més sostenible ha donat lloc a que un dels majors reptes globals sigui la gestió del carboni. És a dir, com fer servir de manera eficient el diòxid de carboni (CO2) que és emès i acumulat a l’atmosfera. A les últimes dècades, s’ha estudiat àmpliament la transformació catalítica del CO2 en productes químics de valor afegit com els carbonats orgànics e inorgànics a través de transformacions no reductores del CO2. En aquest context, la present tesi té com a finalitat la síntesi del dimetil carbonat (DMC) a través de la carboxilació del metanol. El principal objectiu del projecte és trobar un sistema catalític capaç de produir DMC en continu mitjançant la transformació directa del CO2 utilitzant catalitzadors heterogenis Superar les limitacions termodinàmiques representa el major repte dins d’aquest estudi. Els catalitzadors suportats en CeO2 junt amb l’apropiat agent deshidratant (2-cianopiridina, 2-CP) milloren el rendiment de la reacció, donant alts valors tant en la conversió de metanol com la selectivitat de DMC. L’enverinament d’un catalitzador i la seva conseqüent desactivació és un dels majors problemes trobats a qualsevol procés rellevant de la indústria química. La producció de DMC a escala de laboratori va portar malauradament a la mateixa conclusió. Per a millorar la vida mitjana i estabilitat dels catalitzadors, s’han pensat i provat una sèrie d’estratègies. S’ha trobat que els metalls del grup dels lantànids en CeO2 poden allargar la vida del catalitzador així com mantenir una alta activitat catalítica. L’ús d’algunes tècniques espectroscòpiques in situ / operando (ex. Xanes, Raman, DRIFTS) han permès l’obtenció de noves perspectives en el possible rol de les característiques redox de la CeO2 en la carboxilació del metanol per a produir DMC. S’ha observat que junt amb la catàlisi àcid-base, les propietats redox de la CeO2 juguen un paper vital en el procés catalític.Uno de los mayores retos globales que ha surgido por el cambio climático y la concienciación de la sociedad en transformar los combustibles fósiles por otros más sostenibles, es la gestión del carbono. Esto significa cómo usar de manera eficiente el dióxido de carbono (CO2) emitido y acumulado en la atmosfera. En las últimas décadas, la trasformación catalítica del CO2 en productos químicos como los carbonatos orgánicos e inorgánicos a través de transformaciones no reductoras del CO2 se ha investigado ámpliamente. En este contexto, la presente tesis está enfocada en la síntesis de dimetil carbonato (DMC) vía la reacción de carboxilación del metanol. El principal objetivo de este proyecto es encontrar un sistema catalítico capaz de transformar CO2 en DMC mediante un proceso continuo y el uso de un catalizador heterogéneo. Sobrepasar las limitaciones termodinámicas es una de las partes más complejas de este trabajo. Catalizadores basados en CeO2 conjuntamente con un agente deshidratante (2-cianopiridina, 2-CP) presentaron buenas actividades, obteniendo conversiones altas de metanol y selectividad de DMC. El envenenamiento del catalizador y su subsecuente desactivación es uno de los mayores inconvenientes en cualquier proceso de la industria química, como se observó en la síntesis de DMC a escala de laboratorio. Se pensaron y probaron diferentes estrategias con el objetivo de mejorar la vida y estabilidad del catalizador. Se observó que la combinación de materiales de CeO2 con metales del grupo de los lantánidos incrementa la vida media del catalizador de la misma forma que mantiene su actividad catalítica. El uso de algunas técnicas espectroscópicas in situ / operando (por ejemplo, Xanes, Raman, DRIFTS) ofrecieron nuevos perspectivas sobre el posible rol de las características redox de los materiales de CeO2 en la carboxilación de metanol para producir DMC. Junto con la catálisis ácido-base, las propiedades redox del CeO2 juegan un papel muy importante en el proceso catalítico.One of the major global challenges urged by the climate change and the desired paradigm shift from the fossil-fuels dependent society to a more sustainable one is the carbon management. This means how to efficiently utilize carbon dioxide (CO2) being emitted and accumulated in the atmosphere. In the last decades, catalytic transformation of CO2 into useful chemicals such as organic and inorganic carbonates via non-reductive CO2 transformations has been widely investigated. In this context, the present thesis targets the dimethyl carbonate (DMC) synthesis via methanol carboxylation reaction. The principal objective of the project is to find a catalytic system capable to perform the continuous DMC synthesis by direct transformation of CO2 over heterogeneous catalysts. Circumventing the thermodynamic limitations represents the most challenging part of the work. CeO2-based catalysts in cooperation with the proper organic dehydrating agent (2-cyanopyridine, 2-CP) are found to perform well in the reaction, yielding high methanol conversion and DMC selectivity. Catalyst poisoning and subsequent deactivation is one of the most encountered problems for any chemically relevant industrial process. Laboratory scale DMC production led, invariably, to the same conclusion. A series of strategies have been thought and tested to improve the catalyst lifetime and stability. It was found out the rare-earth metals promoted CeO2 materials can extend the catalyst life while keeping a high catalytic activity. The use of some in situ / operando spectroscopic techniques (i.e. Xanes, Raman, DRIFTS) offered new insights into the possible redox involvement of CeO2 materials in the methanol carboxylation reaction towards DMC. It is shown that along with acid-base catalysis, CeO2 redox properties play pivotal roles in the catalytic process

    Internet Banking integration within the banking system

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    Internet Banking developed due to increasing demand of online banking transactions. The biggest advantages of Internet Banking consist of complex banking solutions, 24 hours availability, quick and secure access to the back-end application through Internet. These advantages are due to the use of SOA (service-oriented architecture). SOA appeared as a necessity of companies to integrate big and independent portions of applications, in order to obtain an homogeneous functionality of the system. For the Internet Banking applications, SOA proved to be the optimal architectural solution, for a smoth integration between banking services from the front-end to the back-end.This paper intend to offer an insite analyse of the Internet Banking applications architecture integrated with other banking systems. A SOA oriented analyse will establish the scope of the integration architecture.Internet Banking, SOA, architecture, front-end, back-end, Banking Systems

    Periaortic venous necklace and renal right double arteries; Case report

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    The case was found on an organic sample consisting of the two kidneys with the renal pedicles and the corresponding segments of the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava. From the inferior face of the left renal vein, on the lower side of the aorta, a venous branch with an upward path of 8.02 mm was detached, passing on the anterior face of the aorta, passing before its right side, in order to end on the left side of the inferior vena cava, 13.9 mm above the end of the left renal vein in the inferior vena cava, this branch thus describing a periaortic ring (necklace), in which on the left side of the aorta the inferior adrenal vein ends. The periaortic ring (necklace) had a cross-sectional dimension of 3.2 mm and a vertical one of 1.7 cm. On the right side of the aorta, a 2.9 mm venous branch came out of the renal vein, ending on the left side of the inferior vena cava, 1.2 mm above the end of the left renal vein. At the level of the right kidney there were two renal arteries, superior and inferior. Between the two arteries there was an interval of 5.1 cm

    The role of mesenchymal stem cells and osteocytes in subchondral bone changes in hip osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the whole joint, and subchondral bone changes are a universal OA feature. The cellular mechanisms of subchondral bone sclerosis in late OA joints implicate altered osteoblast and osteoclast activities, however the roles of the most abundant bone cells, the osteocytes, and their immature progenitors, the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are not understood. The cell fraction characterised by the CD45-CD271+ phenotype represents a reservoir of native bone-resident MSCs in humans, however it consists of topographically different subsets, whose relative contributions to bone formation in OA remain unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate gene expression profiles and topographical features of osteocytes, MSCs and their subsets in femoral head OA bone. Compared to healthy cancellous bone, CD45-CD271+ MSCs resident in OA bone were more abundant (3.4-fold, p<0.05) and had significantly (p<0.05) higher expression of osteogenic genes, such as runt related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2, 7-fold) and osteonectin (SPARC, 5-fold) indicating their osteogenic commitment. Furthermore, chondrogenic genes were significantly (p<0.05) decreased (SOX9, 5-fold and UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase, UGDH, 14-fold). The native OA osteocytes transcriptional profile was consistent with their early, embedding stage of development, evidenced by significantly (p<0.01) higher levels of podoplanin (E11, 9-fold) and matrix metalloproteinase-14 (MMP14, 4-fold) compared to healthy bone osteocytes. Active bone formation in OA was evident as an accumulation and co-localisation of CD271+ MSCs and immature E11+ osteocytes in areas of bone sclerosis. Additionally, transcriptional and immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that both MSCs and osteocytes in OA-affected bone favoured bone formation by elevated expression of the osteoclastogenesis inhibitor osteoprotegerin. To define osteogenically-committed MSC subset, CD56 was chosen as a candidate molecule. Dual immunofluorescence confirmed co-localisation of CD271 and CD56 at the bone surface. CD271+CD56+ cells were significantly more abundant in OA bone compared to healthy bone (8-fold, p<0.0001) and also accumulated in OA sclerotic areas, having the unique topography in proximity to active bone formation sites. The CD271+CD56+ MSC subset displayed significantly (p<0.01) over 100-fold higher expression of osteogenesis- and chondrogenesis-related genes, including osteopontin (SPP1), osteocalcin (BGLAP) and SOX9, compared to a donor-matched CD271+CD146+ subset, whilst the predominant CD271+CD146-CD56- subset represented a transcriptionally ‘intermediate’ MSC population with the highest levels of stromal-derived factor 1 (CXCL12) transcript. While all three subsets were multipotential, their native gene expression traits were lost after in vitro culture. This study implicates native bone-resident MSCs in subchondral bone sclerosis in late-stage hip OA. It defines the CD271+CD56+ osteogenically-committed MSC subset that has bone-lining topography and therefore the closest proximity to bone formation sites. Novel MSC subsets may represent future therapeutic targets for OA and other bone associated pathologies

    Analyse, représentation et optimisation de la circulation des avions sur une plate-forme aéroportuaire

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    Au cours des dernières décennies, la demande de trafic au niveau des aéroports a augmenté régulièrement à tel point que le trafic au sol est devenu critique pour la sécurité et l'efficacité des opérations aéroportuaires. Cette thèse propose une approche à deux niveaux pour l'analyse et l'optimisation du trafic avion au sol sur les aéroports. Elle est divisée en trois parties : - La première partie introduit la problématique générale et son environnement - La deuxième partie traite la gestion à moyen terme du trafic au sol des avions. Une approche globale pour estimer la capacité théorique et la capacité pratique du trafic avion est proposée. Celle-ci met en oeuvre une approche d'optimisation du flux dans un réseau qui conduit à la formulation de différents problèmes de programmation mathématique - La troisième partie traite du niveau tactique et une approche adaptative est développée pour définir les routes et les horaires associés aux mouvement d'arrivée ou de départ des avions. Une approche de résolution opérationnelle est alors proposée. ABSTRACT : The airport traffic demand has been increasing steadily over the las1 decades making ground traffic at airports a critical issue with respect to security and efficiency. This thesis presents a multilevel approach for the analysis and the optimisation of airport ground traffic operations. This thesis is divided in threes parts : - the first part introduces the overall problematic and its environment, - the second part of the thesis deals with the medium term planning level. A global approach to estimate the theoretical as well as the practical airside capacity at airports, is proposed. This approach is based on a mathematical network representation which allows to take into account the structure of the ground traffic system and the resolution of a set of large mathematical programming which can interact with traffic simulators. - the third part of the thesis deals with the short term tactical level. An adaptive approach to manage at the tactical level the routing and scheduling of arriving and departing traffic. An operational approach is then proposed to solve the corresponding optimization problem