1,406 research outputs found

    Sensing the nation's law historical inquiries into the aesthetics of democratic legitimacy : introduction

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    We are said to live in an age of democratic legitimacy. The rightfulness of a political and legal order is meant to reside in a widespread belief in the rightfulness of democracy. Contemporary democratic legitimacy is tied, among other things, to consent, to representation, to the identity of ruler and ruled, and, of course, to legality and the legal forms through which democracy is structured. The nation, its unity, and whatever democratic legitimacy its form of rule enjoys, become tangible and emerges as much in shared taste, in the pre-supposition and generation of aesthetic con-sensus, as in the formation or execution of a common will or the inculcation or reasoning of a common reason. This introduction presents the ten chapters of the edited volume, each of which engages with the intersection of aesthetics and law, and, more specifically with the question of how the nation – and its (fundamental) law – are ‘sensed’ by way of various aesthetic forms

    Law’s Pluralities and the Place of Law among the Plurality of Normativities

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    Studio su profili a basso numero di Reynolds con tecniche numeriche

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi ha come scopo lo studio su profili operanti a basso numero di Reynolds attraverso l’utilizzo del codice di calcolo STAR-CD 3.15. Il profilo preso in esame è l’SG 6042, di cui si ha a disposizione la polare sperimentalmente ottenuta per Re = 100.000. Data la fenomenologia caratterizzata del basso valore del numero di Reynolds, lo studio si è principalmente concentrato sulla valutazione dei parametri che meglio approssimano il comportamento reale del flusso: griglia di calcolo, modello di turbolenza, condizioni al contorno, metodo di soluzione delle equazioni di campo. Vengono, inoltre, riportati tutti i risultati numerici e i grafici relativi alle grandezze d’interesse e, di seguito, una loro approfondita analisi

    Osservazioni sul ‘sigillo’ di Teognide

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    Commento a Theogn. 19-26; 'status quaestionis' e riesame delle tesi relative all’identificazione del ‘sigillo’ (dal XVI sec. a oggi); nuove ipotesi sul significato e la funzione dell’elegia, che costituisce un invito a diffondere la poesia teognidea in quanto teognidea. La ricerca di un referente (testuale o concreto) per il ‘sigillo’ menzionato al v. 19 è del tutto inutile, e le eccessive preoccupazioni ‘filologiche’ attribuite a Teognide appaiono in gran parte insussistenti. Tra stato della Silloge e apposizione del ‘sigillo’ teso a tutelare la paternità teognidea non sussiste nessuna contraddizione: la costituzione stessa della raccolta realizza l’invito dei vv. 19-26.Commentary on Theogn. 19-26; 'status quaestionis' and reexamination of the many thesis concerning the identification of the ‘seal’ (from 16th Century up to now); new hypothesis about the meaning and the function of the elegy, which represents an exhortation to spread Theognidean poetry as Theognidean. The search for a concrete or textual referent of the ‘seal’ mentioned at l. 19 is pointless, and the exorbitant ‘philological’ anxiety ascribed to Theognis is largely groundless. There is no contradiction between the actual status of the Sylloge and the apposition of a seal in order to protect Thognidean authorship: the very formation of the collection fulfils the request of ll. 19-26

    Make it new! The redeeming Modernism of law and the collapsing of its polarities

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    This article argues that law is an inherently modernist normative practice. Constructing a vision of Modernism which is at once an epistemology and an attitudinal disposition to doubt and make anew our assumptions about the world, the authors demonstrate that legal practice encounters the world through individual cases, 'examples'. Through these examples the law is capable of both interacting with and comprehending that world, while also being forced to question the law's own precepts and their application. In this manner, the law's generalisations and abstractions become concrete, and can indeed be upended, through fleeting, impressionistic and highly case-specific examples. This exemplarity within law explains how law is able to navigate its apparently contradictory aspirations and natures which have bedevilled legal philosophy for millennia. In reality, law exists within a series of polarities, rather than contradictions, which are navigated through the law?s encounters with examples from the extra-legal world. The authors conclude that this aspect of the law?s nature also has practical consequences, requiring the law to maintain the fora in which new and novel cases are heard, and through which law?s modernist spirit can thrive

    The art of truth : remarks made between political and legal discourse.

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    In 1873, Nietzsche claimed that a generally and uniformly valid designation is invented for things. This designation has normative force: as a matter of fact, the «linguistic» legislation dominating the practice of language establishes the first laws of truth (On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense). In other words, for Nietzsche the artificial nature of truth, given the artificial nature of language itself, was out of discussion. In this paper, I approach the contemporary debate on post-truth by juxtaposing it with the idea of «artificial» or «conventional» truth typical of legal discourse and by showing the aporia behind each search for truth. In order to do so, I focus on the specific nature of «legal» truth and I invite to consider the centrality of the performative force of truth-making procedures – crucial for lawyers and legal practice – in order to underline the importance played by technology in the construction of truth also in the political discourse.En 1873, Nietzsche afirmó que, para las cosas, se ha inventado una designación válida general y uniforme. Esta designación tiene fuerza normativa: de hecho, la legislación «lingüística» que domina la práctica del lenguaje establece las primeras leyes de la verdad (Sobre verdad y mentira en sentido extramoral). En otras palabras, para Nietzsche, la naturaleza artificial de la verdad, dada la naturaleza artificial del lenguaje mismo, estaba fuera de discusión. En este artículo, abordo el debate contemporáneo sobre la posverdad yuxtaponiéndolo a la idea de verdad “artificial” o “convencional” típica del discurso legal y mostrando la aporía detrás de cada búsqueda de la verdad. Para hacerlo, me centraré en la naturaleza específica de verdad “legal” y propongo considerar la centralidad de la fuerza performativa de los procedimientos de creación de la verdad –crucial para los abogados y la práctica legal– para subrayar la importancia que la tecnología juega en la construcción de la verdad también en el discurso político


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    La presente tesi analizza alcune delle opportunità offerte dalla cosiddetta “architettura leggera” soffermandosi, in particolare, sullo studio delle strutture tensegretiche. Per tale via, è stata valutata la possibilità di coprire l’arena teatro Puccini di Torre del Lago mediante una tensostruttura ibrida costituita da una membrana tessile irrigidita da cavi metallici immersi. La ricerca della soluzione ha considerato necessariamente molte delle problematiche tipiche della progettazione delle tensostrutture quali la ricerca della forma, l’analisi statica non lineare, la pretensione dei cavi. Una particolare attenzione è stata dedicata al dimensionamento ed alla verifica di resistenza e stabilità delle strutture di bordo

    For the Record - Media as Nomoi

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    Scena. We are experiencing an explosion of recording (Ferraris 2015), which generates a proliferation of ontological and epistemological dimensions. For instance, our life here and now and our life in the datasphere (what we buy, when and why we were at the hospital, when we travel and with whom, etc.) today constitute two parallel dimensions intersecting and reciprocally defining each other (Floridi 2014). There is one Dr. AC buying milk, standing in front of a supermarket fridge on that date in that place, and there is one Dr. AC inhabiting the web through her publications, her visiting fellowships, and in the organisation of events, plus there is a patient, a mother, a daughter, etc. (the list made by John Searle is usually pretty long and contains all the functions we can have in the social world): the more that is recorded, the more can be traced back, and the more what we appear to be depends on how easily a datum can be found, iterated, re-interpreted. Technology, more than ever, is permanently producing and filling in a universal - almost infinite - archive, where information, transactions, communications (emails, telephone conversations, chats), intentions, mistakes and various other forms of human existence and traceability are contained