302 research outputs found

    Clasificación y fuentes de la leyenda de Montserrat

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    La importancia de Montserrat como santuario se puede medir no sólo por la extensión de su culto, sino también como centro irradiador de modelos narrativos. La leyenda de Garí fue elaborada en el medievo por los benedictinos y proviene de dos fuentes conocidas: el eremita tentado y la historia del hombre salvaje. En ella se aúnan legados de origen oriental y europeo. El hallazgo de la imagen se suma más tarde a esta narración, lo que pone de manifiesto cómo se van hilvanando las leyendas, su proceso de elaboración: 1º una leyenda de fundación del monasterio santuario como la de Garí. En 2º lugar una leyenda de origen de culto a una imagen. La leyenda mariana de Montserrat forma parte de la cultura devocional dedicada a ciertos santos y a san Miguel, así como también al culto a las imágenes.The importance of Montserrat as a shrine it can be mesured not only for the worship extension but as well as a irradiation´s center of narrative models. The legend of Garí was done in the Middle Ages by Benedictines, it arises from two sources: the temptation´s hermit and the story of the wild man. This legend joins in it the legacy of Oriental origin and European one. In addition they take another story the finding of the image, this is the elaboration process of the Montserrat legend: first at all Garí´s tale or monastery foundation legend, second the origin legend of the worship to the image. Marians legends makes part of the devotional culture dedicates to saints and the devotion to images

    Airlines and their Focus on Cost Control and Productivity

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    Airline deregulation is an issue which has been attracting more attention, especially from the media, in recent years. In this paper, we analyze how the deregulation in the European Union has affected the behaviour of carriers, especially regarding the entrance of new Low Cost Carriers. Subsequently, we analyze how the former legacy carriers have reacted to this entrance studying issues such as the new focus on airline costs and productivity. We also present some evidence about the potential role which can be played by other sectors of the industry like airports, Air Traffic Management firms and aircraft manufacturers

    Measuring service quality in the hotel industry: The value of user generated content

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    This paper presents a fuzzy multi-attribute decision making approach for evaluating the service quality of the hotels of an important tourist destination island: Gran Canaria. We first extract the information provided in www.tripadvisor.com which is becoming one of the most popular websites that assists customers in gathering travel information. The information provided for the hotels located on the island of Gran Canaria using the fixed seven attributes is obtained. Service quality is a composite of these seven attributes, evaluated in a 5 point Likert scale, which are intangible and difficult to measure. For this reason, a method based on Fuzzy Logic is proposed using Fuzzy Numbers (FN). Triangular fuzzy numbers and fuzzy set theory is a very powerful tool to overcome some linguistic problems associated with the Likert scales. Based on the concept of the degree of optimality, we also develop through TOPSIS an overall service performance index for each hotel included in the sample. This index could be used by different stakeholders for understanding and analyzing their relative ranking position and the level of quality provided by the hotels in a specific area. Finally, the ranking is analyzed according to the standard star classification system finding that the hotel industry provides more quality than the extra-hotel industry


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    This paper evaluates gains in efficiency produced by the use of efficient designs to analyze stated choice (SC) data. Based on a standard experiment used in a previous research, we compare the efficiency of this design with that of the efficient design obtained according to the minimization of the D-error, considering different modelling strategies. The experiment was conducted in the context of the choice between the plane and the new high speed train in the route Madrid-Barcelona. As the levels assigned to some attributes in the stated choice exercise were customized to each respondent experience, pivoting the information provided by preliminary revealed preference questions around the reference alternative (the plane, in this case), a different efficient design was created for every respondent in the sample. Results of the analysis demonstrate that substantial gains in the significance level of the parameter estimates could have been attained if the efficient design had been used to analyze SC data.Stated Choice Data, Efficient Designs, Discrete Choice Models

    Early retired or automatized? Evidence from the survey of health, ageing and retirement in Europe

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    This paper measures the implications of the automation process in the labour market for the early retirement decisions in 26 European countries. In order to perform the analysis, we use microdata from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, occupation-level data on automation degree and automation risk and a technological classification of occupations in 4 terrains. We find that the current technological change is playing a significant role in the early retirement decisions, although it affects heterogeneously certain groups in the sample (regarding gender, education level and job status). This fact leads to a contradiction between governments trying to delay retirement ages and labour markets trying to expel workers earlier. Therefore, we conclude that, in order to elaborate policies on ageing and retirement, the effect of new labour-saving technologies in older worker’s decisions must be taken into account. We propose that the delay in statutory retirement ages should be accompanied by training programs and/or policies promoting self-employment for workers at risk of ending their working lives prematurely. Furthermore, the programs aimed to relocate middle-age workers displaced from their original occupations should focus on finding a new occupation among those which are less affected by automation processes.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci´on y Universidades) under grant PID2020-115183RB-C22, the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad) under grant ECO2017-86402-C2-2-R, and the Regional Government of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucía) through Research Group SEJ-487 (Spanish Entrepreneurship Research Group – SERG) and grant P20-00733. Pablo Casas also thanks financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci´on) through grant PEJ2018-003473-A

    Tourism and inequality in Gran Canaria; notes for analysis

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    [Abstract] Gran Canaria has one of the tourist / inhabitant highest percentages in the world; we analyze the perceptions of residents regarding this phenomenon, emphasizing the perception of inequality in the distribution of benefits from tourism in society. In the past three years foreign tourism increased very significantly in the Canary Island (2 millions more tourists); like unemployment and the risk of poverty and social exclusion in destination also increased. The overall objective of the study was to collect, evaluate and analyze through the use of quantitative and qualitative social research techniques the opinions, perceptions, and attitudes of residents in Gran Canaria about tourism and tourists.[Resumen] Desigualdad y turismo en Gran Canaria; apuntes para su análisis. Gran Canaria tiene uno de los porcentajes turista/habitante más altos del mundo; analizamos las percepciones de los residentes al respecto de este fenómeno, haciendo hincapié en la percepción sobre la desigualdad en el reparto de los beneficios generados por el turismo en la sociedad. El objetivo general del estudio ha sido el de recabar, evaluar y analizar a través del uso de técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas de investigación social (encuesta a 504 residentes y entrevistas a trabajadores turísticos y no turísticos1) las opiniones, percepciones, valoraciones y actitudes de los residentes en Gran Canaria sobre el turismo y los turistas

    Regional Spanish Tourism Competitiveness: A DEA-MONITUR approach

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the regional tourist competitiveness performance in Spain. We use the seven pillars of tourism from a very detailed and complete database compiled by the Spanish Government - MoniTUR 2010 as primary data. Thus, we calculate a DEA-MONITUR regional tourist competitiveness index in order to compare and rank the total 17 Spanish Autonomous Communities using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Our results show how this performance is very different among regions, and the position of each of the laggard Autonomous Communities should be analysed by their respective destination management organizations (DMOs) in order to envisage adequate corrective measures

    La antigua ceremonia de las doncellas Cantaderas en León

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    The feast of Cantaderas that the people and the Church of León celebrated in the Cathedral in August 15th (Virgin's Assumption), was a ritual in wich a series of events of both a cyclical (annual-vital) and historical legendary character were superposed and exalted. We start describing the feast through historical and literary sources, during a period that goes from the sixteenth to the seventeenth centuries. Then we consider the feast as a passage rite and especially as a liminal stage consideration that provides as with a better understanding of the relationship between all the ritual elements.La fiesta de las Cantaderas, que celebraba el pueblo y la iglesia de León en su catedral el 15 de agosto (Asunción de la Virgen), era un ritual en el que se superponían y exaltaban una serie de eventos, de carácter tanto cíclico (anual-vital) como históricolegendario. En primer lugar, la describimos, a través de las fuentes histórico-literarias, en un período que se extiende entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. Después, la analizamos como un ritual de paso y especialmente como una situación de liminaridad, lo que nos ayuda a comprender la interconexión de todos los elementos rituales

    La iconografía religiosa en el siglo XVIII

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    This article analyses the iconography of Christ, Mary and rhe saines of sorne shrines situated in different Spanish regions as was seen and reflected in the eighteenth century. Through devotional engravings and medals we recreare a world between Art History and Ethnography, since wath we are interesred in is not only their formal description, but also the privileges associated with their fabrication, their market and the use that the devout made of them. And ali this within the context of the reign of Carlos III, when the silversmith' s trade and religious prints were regulated.En este artículo se analiza la iconografía de Cristo, María y los santos, de un puñado de santuarios ubicados en diferentes regiones españolas, tal como se veía y reflejaba en el siglo XVIII. Estampas y medallas devocionales sirven para recrear un mundo que está entre la historia del arte y la etnografía, porque no sólo nos preocupa cómo son y de qué materiales están hechos estos objetos, sino que también vemos los privilegios de fabricación, su mercado y el uso que hacen de ellos los devotos. Enmarcado todo ello en la época de Carlos III, que legisló especialmente en materia de platería y grabado en los lugares sagrados

    Estudios taxonómicos del Gen. Cistus L. Sect. Ladanium (Spach) Willk. (Cistaceae) en la provincia de Madrid.

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    . A taxonomic study in Ihe genus (istus L. sect. Ladaniuni (Spach) WiIlk.. has been realized in Madrid province and the lectotypiflcation of the taxa C. ladanifer L.. Ci ¡aurilólius L. and (Xx cyprus Larn. has been made.. Se realiza un estudio taxonómico en el género Cistus L., sección Ladanium (Spach) Willk., en la provincia de Madrid y se efectúa la lectotipificación dc Ciadanífér L.. (1 ¡auri/biius L. y Cx evprius Lam