978 research outputs found

    Portuguese Lexical Clusters and CVC Sequences in Speech Perception and Production

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    This paper investigates similarities between lexical consonant clusters and CVC sequences differing in the presence or absence of a lexical vowel in speech perception and production in two Portuguese varieties. The frequent high vowel deletion in the European variety (EP) and the realization of intervening vocalic elements between lexical clusters in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) may minimize the contrast between lexical clusters and CVC sequences in the two Portuguese varieties. In order to test this hypothesis we present a perception experiment with 72 participants and a physiological analysis of 3-dimensional movement data from 5 EP and 4 BP speakers. The perceptual results confirmed a gradual confusion of lexical clusters and CVC sequences in EP, which corresponded roughly to the gradient consonantal overlap found in production

    Infância e desenvolvimento

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    p. 31-41Infância e desenvolvimento tem como objectivo reflectir conceitos educacionais, especificamente a relação entre a criança e a educação. Não é nossa pretensão dissertar sobre a história das ideias àcerca da infância mas, centrarmo- nos na infância nos dias de hoje e (re)pensar, por um lado, o conceito de criança adequado à actualidade e, por outro, às práticas educativas e suas implicações no processo de desenvolvimento. Centrando-nos no período dos zero aos seis anos abordamos as questões relacionadas com a estruturação da criança, justificando o porquê das prioridades de intervenção nesta faixa etária

    trilogy of the Lord of the rings : from book to film, The

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    Mestrado em Línguas , Literaturas e CulturasEste trabalho é estudo comparativo e analítico da trilogia literária do J.R.Tolkien O Senhor dos Anéis, assim como da produção cinematográfica do director Peter Jackson quarenta anos depois da publicação dos livros. O objectivo é demonstrar que apesar de uma adaptação cinematográfica não conseguir substituir a obra literária, pode contudo, com a tecnologia de hoje, ser o seu complemento visual. Igualmente importante neste trabalho é o estudo sobre os grupos de fãs organizados, o franchisado publicitário cinematográfico e marketing criado à volta de uma publicidade virtual e de estreia global na nova era de filmes para uma audiência em massa. ABSTRACT: This is a comparative and analytical work of J.R.R. Tolkien literary trilogy The Lord of the Rings as well as the cinematographic production of Peter Jackson forty years after the publication of the books. The goal is to demonstrate that though a film adaptation will never replace the original literary work, it can be, however, its visual compliment or extension. Equally important, is the study of the organised fans and fandom, the publicity, marketing and film franchise that involves an online publicity andglobal release in a new cinematographic era for mass audiences

    Millennium bcp´s role in the mobile payments environment

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    CEMSHaving been approached by Millennium bcp with the challenge of defining what should the role of the bank in the future of the Portuguese Mobile Payments arena, this document proceeds to reflect on the work done during the project, as well as summarizing key insights from it

    Do internamento para a vida em liberdade: primeiros passos para a inserção social dos jovens

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    Em nome do interesse da criança, a propósito de um caso recente

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    Delinquência juvenil: tolerância zero?

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    Die Perzeption von lexikalischen Plosivclustern und CVC-Sequenzen im Portugiesischen

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    The present study is concerned with the perception of the stop consonant clusters /pt/ and /kt/ and CVC-Sequences /pVt/ and /kVt/ in European and Brazilian Portuguese. A certain neutralisation of these lexical differences in both varieties has been attested (Bisol 1999, Mateus & d’Andrade 2000, Mateus et al. 2005, Vigário 2003), and therefore we tested the following three hypotheses: firstly, that listeners would not distinguish between clusters and CVC-sequences in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and in European Portuguese (EP). Secondly, that they would be more likely to hear a cluster for the European and a CVC-sequence for the Brazilian data, thirdly, that the native listeners would be more likely to recognise subtle differences in the phonetic detail than non-native listeners. Twenty-one L1 EP and sixteen L1 BP speakers participated in a forced choice perception experiment in which they had to judge whether medial /pt/ and /kt/, /pVt/ and /kVt/, excised from real words that had been produced by one EP and one BP speaker, had been produced as a cluster or as CVC-sequence. The results showed support for the second, but not for the other two hypotheses. The general conclusion is that the lexical differentiation between stop clusters and CVC-sequences is neutralised in different ways, and that their perception depends more on the speaker’s variety and on the consonantal place of articulation than it does on the native or non-native listener’s varieties.The present study is concerned with the perception of the stop consonant clusters /pt/ and /kt/ and CVC-Sequences /pVt/ and /kVt/ in European and Brazilian Portuguese. A certain neutralisation of these lexical differences in both varieties has been attested (Bisol 1999, Mateus & d’Andrade 2000, Mateus et al. 2005, Vigário 2003), and therefore we tested the following three hypotheses: firstly, that listeners would not distinguish between clusters and CVC-sequences in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and in European Portuguese (EP). Secondly, that they would be more likely to hear a cluster for the European and a CVC-sequence for the Brazilian data, thirdly, that the native listeners would be more likely to recognise subtle differences in the phonetic detail than non-native listeners. Twenty-one L1 EP and sixteen L1 BP speakers participated in a forced choice perception experiment in which they had to judge whether medial /pt/ and /kt/, /pVt/ and /kVt/, excised from real words that had been produced by one EP and one BP speaker, had been produced as a cluster or as CVC-sequence. The results showed support for the second, but not for the other two hypotheses. The general conclusion is that the lexical differentiation between stop clusters and CVC-sequences is neutralised in different ways, and that their perception depends more on the speaker’s variety and on the consonantal place of articulation than it does on the native or non-native listener’s varieties

    Violência doméstica: significados em torno da intervenção em grupo com mulheres vítimas

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia da Justiça)No plano internacional, a intervenção em grupo é a modalidade terapêutica mais utilizada com vítimas de violência conjugal Tutty, Bidgood e Rothery (1993). Não obstante, em Portugal, a intervenção em grupo é muito recente e pouco comum. Embora existam poucos estudos sobre a eficácia desta forma de intervenção (Lundy & Grossman, 2001), os que existem apontam para um conjunto de ganhos que o grupo proporciona às mulheres (e.g., competências pessoais, competências sociais, estratégias de coping) (e.g., Raynor & Cantin, 1997, Cox & Stoltenberg, 1991). Com o intuito de conhecermos melhor a experiência, os significados e o impacto deste formato de intervenção terapêutica nas mulheres vítimas de violência conjugal, desenvolvemos uma investigação qualitativa, tendo como metodologia de estudo a análise de conteúdo temática. A amostra é constituída por 19 mulheres vítimas de violência conjugal, que beneficiaram de uma intervenção psicoterapêutica em grupo, desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto Grupos de Ajuda Mútua (GAM), dinamizado pela Universidade do Minho. Procedeu-se à recolha dos dados através de uma entrevista semiestruturada e, posteriormente, o tratamento dos dados foi efetuado com o apoio do software NVIVO8. Os resultados permitem concluir que a intervenção em grupo tem um impacto positivo junto das mulheres vítimas de violência conjugal. Na perspetiva das participantes esta modalidade terapêutica concede um conjunto de vantagens, designadamente, maior suporte social, aumento do bem-estar geral (e.g., diminuição de sintomas), maior apoio psicoemocional, desenvolvimento de estratégias coping (e.g., resolução de problemas, tomada de decisão), partilha de experiência, aumento do conhecimento sobre a violência conjugal (e.g., rompimento com a ideia de caso único, identificação do ciclo da violência), entre outros ganhos que ajudam as vítimas a lidar melhor com o problema e os seus efeitos.Internationally, the group intervention is the most widely used treatment modality with victims of domestic violence Tutty, Bidgood, and Rothery (1993). However, in Portugal, in the intervention group is very recent and unusual. Although there are few studies on the effectiveness of this form of intervention (Lundy & Grossman, 2001), there are those who point to a set of gains that the group provides women (e.g., personal skills, social skills, coping strategies) (e.g., Raynor & Cantin, 1997, Cox & Stoltenberg, 1991). In order to know better the experience, meanings, and impact of this form of therapeutic intervention in women victims of domestic violence, we have developed a qualitative inquiry, with the study methodology to thematic content analysis. The sample consists of 19 women victims of domestic violence who received a therapeutic intervention group, developed under the project Self- Help Groups (GAM), boosted by the University of Minho. Proceeded to collect data through a semi structured interview and subsequently the processing was done with the support of software NVIVO8. The results showed that the intervention group has a positive impact on women victims of conjugal violence. In the perspective of the participants this therapeutic modality provides a number of advantages, namely, greater social support, increased general well-being (e.g., decreased symptoms ), more psycho-emotional support, developing coping strategies (e.g., problem solving, decision making), sharing experience, increase knowledge about marital violence (e.g., break with the idea of a single case, identification of violence cycle), among other gains that help victims cope better with the problem and its effects
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