502 research outputs found
Linkage Between Learning Style And Experiential Learning In Nonformal Education
Taking into consideration travel as an experiential learning activity that can lead to adult’s improved psychological well-being and increased life satisfaction; this paper describes a study of the relationship between learning styles and experiential learning in nonformal education. During a nonformal education trip, participants traveled to five locations in Brazil where they interacted with local people, observed the regions’ ecosystem, and experienced local activities. Data results show that individuals scored high on the type of activities that were in agreement with their preferred learning style, based on Kolb’s (1984) experiential learning style model. When analyzing the relationship between the learning style inventory and learning activities, one might speculate that doers and feelers are more likely to participate in learning experiences through travel due to their interest in concrete experience and active experimentation. The results of this study can have practical implications in improving adults’ quality of life and enhancing learning through travel by designing programs that provide a variety of activities that appeal to all learning styles
An Evaluation Of The Use Of Learning Objects As An Instructional Aid In Teaching Adults
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of learning objects in the CD-ROM
format for the teaching of introductory American Sign Language to adult learners. A controlled
experiment was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the learning objects to enhance student learning. Findings suggest that there was no indication that the use of learning objects on a CD-ROM affected students’ scores at any level of assessment. Reasons for the learning objects not affecting student outcomes were found in the qualitative comments that the students made in the survey. The reasons included: learners’ inexperience in using the technology and the difference between signs being taught in the classroom and on the CD-ROM. Recommendations for the future application of learning objects as
instructional aids are presented
Online Learning in Secondary Education: A New Frontier
Distance education is not a new concept in the educational arena. In 1892, it was established in the United States with correspondence study at the University of Chicago through the home study department of the Division of Extension
World Affairs Education: Past Experience, Culture, and Meaning Making
This paper describes adult learners\u27 lived experiences as participants in world affairs educational programs; how they make meaning of content and delivery; and how past experience, culture, and meaning making affect program choice. Findings suggest that looking at individuals’ past and present experiences provide insight into participants’ cultural lenses
Using Concept Mapping as a Tool for Conducting Research: An Analysis of Three Approaches
Researchers in a variety of disciplines pursue creative ways to explore complex areas of inquiry. This literature review examines the use of concept maps as a unique tool for conducting research. This study embraces an inclusive definition of concept mapping. Three main approaches for conducting research using concept maps as a tool emerged: relational, cluster, and word frequency. These approaches are included in the different phases of research process such as data collection, analysis, and presentation. Each approach revealed strengths and limitations that researchers need to take into account. This discussion broadens the lens of the meaning of concept mapping as a tool for innovative research approaches
Monitoring the impacts on the ecosystem integrity of Portelo stream (Douro basin, NE Portugal) after a large spill of mining wastes
After a period of intense precipitation, in December 2009, a big amount of
wastes from an abandoned mine were spilled into Portelo stream, a tributary of
Rio Sabor (Douro basin)located in the Montesinho Natural Park (NE Portugal). The
wastes covered the riverbed near the mine and some riparian and agricultural
downstream areas. From 2010 to 2014 we monitored the impacts of waste spill
on the ecosystem integrity, namely in the water chemistry, channel and riparian
habitats and on the composition of macroinvertebrate communities. Eight sampling
points were selected along the hydric system. Toxicity experiments were developed
in laboratory for one fish species, the Northern Iberian barbel (Luciobarbus bocagei),
an endemic cyprinid present in the River Sabor. The results showed a big increase
of conductivity (>300 μS.cm-1), total suspended solids (> 100 mg.L-1) and a drastic
decrease of pH (<5) in the water analyses. It was also detected higher concentrations
of copper, aluminium and cobalt in the water (52 physical and chemical parameters
were determined, including different heavy metals). Aquatic and riparian habitats were severely disturbed and several metrics (e.g. taxonomic richness, diversity,
evenness) confirmed biotic substantial changes in composition and abundance
of macroinvertebrate communities. Furthermore, biochemical indicators (Na+and
K+ plasmatic concentrations) used in laboratory tests showed to be sensitive, under
acute copper exposure of barbel populations (different copper concentrations, 0.06-
0.48 ppm were used), and contributed to justify the disappearance and or reduction
of fish species in the affected located in the Montesinho Natural Park. Rehabilitation
of disturbed areas must be implemented in order to recover the ecological integrity
of the aquatic and riparian ecosystems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Endangered mussels as antimicrobial-resistant E. coli and other species (Enterobacteriaceae family) reservoirs
Freshwater unionoids are one of the most threatened animal groups worldwide, suffering dramatic
regressions globally. The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera, currently listed as critically
endangered in Europe, and Potomida littoralis, listed as endangered, are both present in the River Tua basin
(Portugal). The inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to the emergence and spread of resistant bacteria,
recognized today as a serious public health problem. Based in the concept of “One health”, the objective of
this study was to examine the antibacterial resistance rates in Escherichia coli and other Enterobacteriaceae
isolates obtained from both bivalves collected in the River Tua Basin during the summer of 2018. Activity of
22 antibiotics was studied using disc diffusion (Kirby–Bauer) method. Multidrug resistant in E. coli and
Enterobacteriaceae isolates was observed only from P. littoralis. Overall, results show that M. margaritifera
inhabits more pristine sectors of river not subject to the development of multidrug resistance, unlike P.
littoralis which, although does not tolerate high levels of contamination, is naturally found in lower stretches
is subject to greater pressure and, as such, a greater probability of the appearance of multi-resistant
organisms. The presence of E. coli in freshwater bivalves can represents serious public health problems once
bacteria are one the most important biological contaminants in foodborne diseases. Given the conservation
status of both studied species their protection against this silent/invisible enemy should be a priority,
although work done with UnionidMussels fromNorthern Portugal showed that they had a great antimicrobial
and antibiofilm activity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
De Gumball à Glitch Art: imagens para pensar imagens
This work is part of the master’s degree research that analyzes audiovisual products consumed by Brazilian students seeking to understand these products as places of formation and as a strategic possibility of access to contemporary art. The choice of productions - one of the television media and the other a video installation - was because they both have metalanguages and question the very structure and functionality of images and representations. The methodology of analysis consisted in describing and interrelating the effects of sense provoked by these productions, trying to understand, through the interaction regime of the accident, how the nonsense style causes ruptures in the habitual mechanisms of reading from its effects of surprise and of estrangement. The conclusions point out that critically addressing audiovisual productions consumed daily by students has become one of the contemporary challenges of art education.Este trabajo es parte de la investigación de maestría que analiza los productos audiovisuales consumi-dos por los estudiantes brasileños, buscando entenderlos como lugar de formación y como posibilidad estratégica de acceso al arte contemporáneo. La elección de las producciones, una de los medios televisivos y otra una videoinstalación, se dio por el hecho de que ambas comportan metalenguaje y cuestionan la propia estructura y funcionalidad de las imágenes y de las representaciones. La metodología de análisis consistió en describir e interrelacionar los efectos de sentido provocados por estas producciones, buscando comprender a través del régimen de interacción del accidente, como el estilo nonsense causa rupturas en los mecanismos habituales de lectura a partir de sus efectos de sorpresa y de distanciamiento. Las conclusiones apuntan que abordar críticamente las producciones audiovisuales consumidas diariamente por los estudiantes se ha convertido en uno de los desafíos contemporáneos de la enseñanza del arte.Este trabalho é parte da pesquisa de mestrado que analisa produtos audiovisuais consumidos por estudantes brasileiros buscando entendê-los como lugar de formação e como possibilidade estratégica de acesso à arte contemporânea. A escolha das produções, uma da mídia televisiva e outra uma videoinstalação, se deu pelo fato de que ambas comportam metalinguagens e questionam a própria estrutura e funcionalidade das imagens e das representações. A metodologia de análise consistiu em descrever e inter-relacionar os efeitos de sentido provocados por estas produções buscando compreender através do regime de interação do acidente, como o estilo nonsense provoca rupturas em nossos mecanismos habituais de leitura a partir dos seus efeitos de surpresa e de estranhamento. As conclusões apontam que abordar criticamente as produções audiovisuais consumidas diariamente pelos estudantes tornou-se um dos desafios contemporâneos do ensino de arte
O uso da internet por professores dos 4º e 5º anos do ensino fundamental, para fomentar a pesquisa, na perspectiva da alfabetização científica : estudo de caso em uma escola de Santa Catarina
O objetivo da presente pesquisa é compreender, a partir da perspectiva da alfabetização científica, como a internet é utilizada por professores de 4° e 5° anos do Ensino Fundamental, como fonte de informação no auxílio ao ensino das ciências. A pergunta que norteia a pesquisa é: como os professores de 4º e 5º anos do Ensino Fundamental utilizam a internet, enquanto fonte informação para pesquisa, no ensino das ciências, na perspectiva da alfabetização científica em uma escola privada do estado de Santa Catarina? O trabalho está situado no campo da educação científica e seus processos de ensino e aprendizagem na escola, focando nas unidades temáticas alfabetização científica, conhecimento científico, pesquisa científica e fontes de informação da internet, no ensino das ciências. O trabalho se caracteriza como descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem do problema de forma qualitativa. A estratégia de investigação é o estudo de caso em uma escola do estado de Santa Catarina. O instrumento de coleta de dados utilizado é a entrevista semiestruturada, com questões abertas e fechadas, aplicada a sete professores dos 4o e 5o anos do Ensino Fundamental. A análise dos dados das entrevistas foi realizada utilizando-se a técnica de Análise Textual Discursiva (ATD) proposta por Moraes e Galiazzi (2013). Após a aplicação da ATD, emergiram quatro categorias: Biblioteca; Fontes de Informação da Internet; Pesquisa Científica; e, Ensino e Aprendizagem. Os resultados demonstram que indicações da internet como fonte de informação se intensificaram no período da pandemia do Covid-19 (ano de 2020), ano letivo em que as aulas foram intermediadas pela tecnologia. Neste período, os alunos estiveram privados do acesso às salas ambiente, laboratórios e outras estruturas que contribuem para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem em aulas presenciais. Conclui-se que fica aparente, neste estudo, lacunas quanto à formação dos professores no que se refere à alfabetização científica, à pesquisa, uso das fontes e rigor científico.The objective of this study is to understand, from the perspective of scientific literacy, how teachers from the 4th and 5th grades of Elementary School, utilize the internet as a source of information to get pedagogical resources for science teaching. The question that guides the research is: how do 4th and 5th grade elementary school teachers use the internet, as a source of information for research, in science teaching, from the perspective of scientific literacy in a private school in the state of Santa Catarina? The study belongs to the field of science education and its teaching and learning processes at school, focusing on the thematic units related to scientific literacy, scientific knowledge, scientific research and internet information sources, in science teaching. The work is a descriptive and exploratory research, with a qualitative approach to the problem. The investigation consists of a case study with data collected in a school in the state of Santa Catarina. The data collection instrument was a semi-structured interview, with open and closed questions, applied to seven teachers from the 4th and 5th years of Elementary School. Researcher chose Discursive Textual Analysis (DTA) technique proposed by Moraes and Galiazzi (2013) to collect data. Four categories emerged: Library; Information Sources on the Internet; Scientific research; and Teaching and Learning. The results show that the internet as a source of information intensified during Covid-19 pandemic period (year 2020), a school year intermediated by technology. During this period, the majority of the students did not have access to the environment rooms, laboratories and other school structures to contribute to the teaching and learning process, as they had in face-to-face classes. To conclude, in this study, gaps in the training of teachers emerged, in terms of scientific literacy, research, use of sources and scientific rigor
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