504 research outputs found


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    Droit et économie

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    Des cinq concepts ou principes élémentaires de la théorie économique, au moins quatre sont également présents dans la science juridique, à savoir : la rareté, la futurité, la coutume, et la souveraineté. Un cinquième concept de l’économie, l’efficience, articule cette science avec les sciences physiques. Pour l’économiste, la rareté apparaît dans ce qu’il est d’usage d’appeler la « loi de l’offre et de la demande », ou plutôt dans les relations fonctionnelles entre trois variables, l’Offre, l..

    The Role of Oxygen at the Second Discharge Plateau of Nickel Hydroxide

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    It was shown that the appearance of a secondary discharge plateau approximately 400 mV below the primary plateau can result from the reduction of oxygen. During the galvanostatic discharge of planar nickel-hydroxide films at room temperature and in 3 weight percent KOH solutions, the second discharge plateau was observed only in the presence of dissolved oxygen in the electrolyte. When the solution was deoxygenated, no residual capacity could be extracted from the films even at low discharge rates or from overcharged films. In addition, the duration of the second plateau is inversely proportional to the square of the discharge current, which is indicative of a diffusion-controlled process. The nickel hydroxide active material, rather than the electrolyte, seems to be the primary reservoir for the oxygen that is reduced on the second plateau

    Aid and Institution?building: Some Lessons from Indian Agriculture

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    SUMMARY The impact of foreign aid on Indian agriculture is examined, as a case study of whether aid can assist the cross?cultural transfer of institutions. From early US aid involvement in rural community development in the 1950s, through Ford Foundation inputs to intensive strategies of agricultural development in the 1960s, to recent World Bank initiatives in irrigation and extension services, the elements of success and failure in aid practice are distinguished. The record is clearly a complex one, with the building up of agricultural research institutions near the top of the scale of success, community development somewhere in the middle and the current irrigation and extension models not yet ripe for a final assessment. The record shows that aid can assist institution?building, despite the ever?present pitfalls of misleading pilot projects and the pressure to disburse aid against all the odds. SOMMAIRE L'aide et l' établìssement des institutions: quelques leçons de l'agriculture en Inde L'influence de l'aide extérieure sur l'agriculture en Inde est donnée comme un cas d'étude, afin d'évaluer si l'aide peut contribuer au transfert des institutions à travers des cultures. Commencant par la présence de l'aide américaine dans les programmes de développement des communautés rurales dans les années 50s, suivie par l'assistance de la Ford Foundation aux stratégies intensives de développement agricole dans les années 60s, jusqu'aux initiatives récentes de la banque mondiale liées aux services d'extension et d'irrigation, l'article analyse les éléments contribuant à la réussite ou à l'échec de l'aide. Sans aucan doute, l'évaluation globale est complexe: l'établissement des institutions de recherche agricole parait bien réussi, le développement des communautés l'est un peu moins, et les modèles courants de l'extension et de l'irrigation ne permettent pas encore une évaluation finale. L'histoire parait indiquer que l'aide peut aider à l'établissement des institutions, malgré les défauts de projets?pilotes décevants, et la tendence de débourser l'aide à tout prix. RESUMEN Ayuda y creación de instituciones: algunas lecciones de la agricultura hindú Se examina el impacto de la ayuda externa en la agricultura hindú, como un estudio de caso para evidenciar si ésta puede apoyar la transferencia intercultural de instituciones. Se distinguen los elementos de éxito y fracaso en la prática de ayuda desde la participación inicial estadounidense en el desarrollo de comunidades rurales en la década de 1950, los aportes de la Fundación Ford a las estrategias intensivas en el desarrollo agrícola en la década de 1960, hasta las iniciativas recientes del Banco Mundial en servicios de irrigación y extensión. El recuento es evidentemente complejo con la creación de instituciones de investigación agrícola próxima a la cúpula de la escala de éxitos, el desarrollo comunitario aproximadamente en la mitad y los modelos de irrigación y extensión en curso, aún no maduros para una evaluación final. El examen muestra que la ayuda puede apoyar la creación de instituciones, pese a los inevitables peligros de proyectos piloto engañosos y a la presión para entregar ayuda contra viento y marea

    Identifying probable post-traumatic stress disorder: applying supervised machine learning to data from a UK military cohort

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    Background: Early identification of probable post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can lead to early intervention and treatment. Aims: This study aimed to evaluate supervised machine learning (ML) classifiers for the identification of probable PTSD in those who are serving, or have recently served in the United Kingdom (UK) Armed Forces. Methods: Supervised ML classification techniques were applied to a military cohort of 13,690 serving and ex-serving UK Armed Forces personnel to identify probable PTSD based on self-reported service exposures and a range of validated self-report measures. Data were collected between 2004 and 2009. Results: The predictive performance of supervised ML classifiers to detect cases of probable PTSD were encouraging when compared to a validated measure, demonstrating a capability of supervised ML to detect the cases of probable PTSD. It was possible to identify which variables contributed to the performance, including alcohol misuse, gender and deployment status. A satisfactory sensitivity was obtained across a range of supervised ML classifiers, but sensitivity was low, indicating a potential for false negative diagnoses. Conclusions: Detection of probable PTSD based on self-reported measurement data is feasible, may greatly reduce the burden on public health and improve operational efficiencies by enabling early intervention, before manifestation of symptoms

    The Impossibility of a Perfectly Competitive Labor Market

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    Using the institutional theory of transaction cost, I demonstrate that the assumptions of the competitive labor market model are internally contradictory and lead to the conclusion that on purely theoretical grounds a perfectly competitive labor market is a logical impossibility. By extension, the familiar diagram of wage determination by supply and demand is also a logical impossibility and the neoclassical labor demand curve is not a well-defined construct. The reason is that the perfectly competitive market model presumes zero transaction cost and with zero transaction cost all labor is hired as independent contractors, implying multi-person firms, the employment relationship, and labor market disappear. With positive transaction cost, on the other hand, employment contracts are incomplete and the labor supply curve to the firm is upward sloping, again causing the labor demand curve to be ill-defined. As a result, theory suggests that wage rates are always and everywhere an amalgam of an administered and bargained price. Working Paper 06-0

    Public attitudes towards alcohol control policies in Scotland and England: Results from a mixed-methods study

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    The harmful effects of heavy drinking on health have been widely reported, yet public opinion on governmental responsibility for alcohol control remains divided. This study examines UK public attitudes towards alcohol policies, identifies underlying dimensions that inform these, and relationships with perceived effectiveness. A cross-sectional mixed methods study involving a telephone survey of 3477 adult drinkers aged 16-65 and sixteen focus groups with 89 adult drinkers in Scotland and England was conducted between September 2012 and February 2013. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to reduce twelve policy statements into underlying dimensions. These dimensions were used in linear regression models examining alcohol policy support by demographics, drinking behaviour and perceptions of UK drinking and government responsibility. Findings were supplemented with a thematic analysis of focus group transcripts. A majority of survey respondents supported all alcohol policies, although the level of support varied by type of policy. Greater enforcement of laws on under-age sales and more police patrolling the streets were strongly supported while support for pricing policies and restricting access to alcohol was more divided. PCA identified four main dimensions underlying support on policies: alcohol availability, provision of health information and treatment services, alcohol pricing, and greater law enforcement. Being female, older, a moderate drinker, and holding a belief that government should do more to reduce alcohol harms were associated with higher support on all policy dimensions. Focus group data revealed findings from the survey may have presented an overly positive level of support on all policies due to differences in perceived policy effectiveness. Perceived effectiveness can help inform underlying patterns of policy support and should be considered in conjunction with standard measures of support in future research on alcohol control policies

    Access to Infrastructure

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    Access to infrastructure is a perennial issue in the field of communication, which started in the era of postal services and continues to the present era of broadband networks. As infrastructures, or large-scale systems, information and communication technologies (ICTs) are central to citizens’ political, economic, and social lives. Historically and today, a variety of factors such as political and regulatory decisions impact access to infrastructure. Current concerns about equitable access include the network neutrality