18 research outputs found

    Riquesa d'espècies i interès per a la conservació dels ocells a l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona : relacions amb la xarxa actual d'espais protegits

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    En aquest treball s'analitza la distribució espacial de la riquesa d'espècies d'ocells i la seva relació amb diverses variables territorials i amb la distribució dels espais del Pla d'Espais d'Interès Natural de Catalunya (PEIN) en tres conjunts d'espècies amb un interès de conservació contrastat: (1) el total d'espècies; (2) les que tenen un estatus de conservació desfavorable a Europa (categories 2 i 3 de la classificació SPEC [Species of European Conservation Concern; Tucker & Heath, 1994]; és a dir, SPEC 2+3); i (3) les incloses a l'Annex I de la Directiva del Consell 79/409/EEC per a la conservació de les aus silvestres (Directiva Ocells). L'estudi es va dur a terme al Vallès Oriental i àrees limítrofes. La riquesa d'espècies d'ocells es va obtenir d'un mostreig de camp previ, realitzat durant vuit anys separadament per a les espècies nidificants (primavera) i hivernants (hivern), i prenent com a unitat d'estudi les quadrícules UTM d'1 km × 1 km. La relació entre els diversos grups d'ocells i entre aquests i les variables territorials més significatives es va dur a terme mitjançant correlacions de Pearson. També es van comparar els valors de riquesa d'espècies dels grups estudiats i de les variables territorials seleccionades dins i fora dels espais del PEIN sobre una mostra aleatòria de les quadrícules. La riquesa total i el nombre d'espècies SPEC 2+3 són significativament més alts fora dels espais del PEIN, i es concentren en els mosaics agroforestals del Moianès i Osona per a les nidificants, i a la plana del Vallès per a les hivernants. Tots aquests grups d'espècies presenten correlacions positives i significatives amb la proporció de conreus i la diversitat de cobertes del sòl. La riquesa d'SPEC 2+3 mostra, a més, unes correlacions moderadament altes amb la riquesa total d'ocells. Contràriament, la riquesa d'espècies incloses a la Directiva Ocells segueix patrons de distribució diferents, amb alguns hot spots locals dins del Parc Natural del Montseny, i com a conseqüència, les correlacions amb la riquesa total i SPEC 2+3 són discretes. L'estudi posa de manifest un panorama de conservació complex al Vallès Oriental, amb uns espais protegits que afavoreixen la conservació d'algunes espècies de la Directiva Ocells i uns espais agroforestals molt rics en espècies, però no protegits per cap figura especial. També cal destacar la necessitat de potenciar i conservar els hàbitats oberts resultants d'un aprofitament agroramader extensiu,tant dins com fora dels espais protegits

    Airborne LiDAR reveals a vast archaeological landscape at the Nan MadolWorld Heritage Site

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    An airborne LiDAR survey of the Nan MadolWorld Heritage Site and adjacent Temwen Island revealed a complex, irrigated cultivation system, the first found in the Central and Eastern Caroline Islands. This informs the goals of the sustainable conservation project, funded by the U.S. Department of State Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation, that inspired the survey, and expands understanding of Nan Madol and its place in the network of Pacific island interaction and trade. Fieldwork verified the presence, across Temwen, of low, wet, cultivable areas, many of which are connected by water channels or separated by earthen berms. The berms themselves may also have been cultivated. In complexity, labor investment, and organization, the system is comparable to Nan Madol itself, the largest archaeological site in Micronesia, with structures on about 100 artificial islets built of stone and coral on a reef flat. Constructed over a millennium, Nan Madol was the seat of the Saudeleur Dynasty, which persisted from about 1200 to 1600 CE. The cultivation system appears to have been able to provide ample food for consumption, feasting, and redistribution or trade. If the landscape alteration described here proves to date to the time of the Saudeleur Dynasty, it will offer many avenues of research into the economic basis of Nan Madol's regional dominance.This research was funded by the U.S. Department of State via an Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation large grant, award number SLMAQM18GR222

    Transplacental Transmission of Leishmania infantum as a Means for Continued Disease Incidence in North America

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    Dogs are a favored feeding source for sand flies that transmit human L. infantum infection. Zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis (ZVL) is an emerging problem in some U.S. dog breeds, with over 20% of at-risk Foxhounds infected. Although classically Leishmania is transmitted by infected sand flies which exist in the United States, no role has yet been determined for vector-borne transmission. Means of ongoing L. infantum transmission in U.S. dogs is unknown. Possibilities include transplacental and horizontal/venereal transmission. Aims for this study were to establish whether transplacental transmission occurred in Leishmania-infected U.S. dogs and determine the effect of this transmission on immune recognition of Leishmania. This novel report describes wide-spread infection as identified by kqPCR in 8 day-old pups born to a naturally-infected, seropositive U.S. dog with no travel history. This is the first report of transplacental transmission of L. infantum in naturally-infected dogs in North America. Evidence that mom-to-pup transmission of ZVL may continue disease in an otherwise non-endemic region has significant implications on current control strategies for ZVL. Determining frequency of vertical transmission and incorporating canine sterilization with vector control may have a more significant impact on ZVL transmission to people in endemic areas than current control efforts

    The James Webb Space Telescope Mission

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    Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies, expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m4m. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people realized that vision as the 6.5m6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000 team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure

    The protocol for the Families First Edmonton trial (FFE): a randomized community-based trial to compare four service integration approaches for families with low-income

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    Determining crystal structures through crowdsourcing and coursework

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    We show here that computer game players can build high-quality crystal structures. Introduction of a new feature into the computer game Foldit allows players to build and real-space refine structures into electron density maps. To assess the usefulness of this feature, we held a crystallographic model-building competition between trained crystallographers, undergraduate students, Foldit players and automatic model-building algorithms. After removal of disordered residues, a team of Foldit players achieved the most accurate structure. Analysing the target protein of the competition, YPL067C, uncovered a new family of histidine triad proteins apparently involved in the prevention of amyloid toxicity. From this study, we conclude that crystallographers can utilize crowdsourcing to interpret electron density information and to produce structure solutions of the highest quality