24 research outputs found


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    L\u2019oggetto del presente studio si focalizza sulla figura delle State-owned Enterprises (controllate totalmente o in quote rilevanti dallo Stato di appartenenza) su due distinti versanti. Da un lato, si \ue8 analizzata l\u2019attivit\ue0 che queste imprese svolgono in qualit\ue0 di investitore internazionale in Paesi terzi rispetto a quello cui sono riconducibili (proiezione esterna); dall\u2019altro lato, si \ue8 studiato il rapporto che intercorre con l\u2019investitore internazionale all\u2019interno del territorio nazionale (proiezione interna). Per quanto concerne la proiezione esterna delle imprese di Stato, l\u2019attenzione si \ue8 particolarmente rivolta al duplice rapporto che intercorre, da un lato, con lo Stato cui fanno riferimento (home State); dall\u2019altro, con lo Stato in cui pongono in essere l\u2019investimento internazionale (host State). Si \ue8 immediatamente osservato come tali soggetti non siano ad oggi contemplati da alcuna normativa vincolante sul piano internazionale, potendosi rintracciare unicamente strumenti di soft law che le menzionino espressamente. \uc8 stata quindi analizzata la natura di tali soggetti, riconducibili alla categoria delle imprese multinazionali, analizzandone i punti di contatti nonch\ue9 le diversit\ue0. Per quanto riguarda la proiezione interna, l\u2019attenzione \ue8 stata posta sulla giustiziabilit\ue0 degli atti posti in essere dalle imprese di Stato, sia per quanto riguarda la giurisdizione dei tribunali arbitrali internazionali, sia per quanto concerne l\u2019attribuzione degli atti posti in essere da quest\u2019ultime al home State. Per ci\uf2 che concerne la determinazione della giurisdizione dei tribunali arbitrali internazionali, l\u2019ipotesi di studio accolta dalla presente ricerca \ue8 di sfavore nei confronti della classica distinzione proposta per risolvere la tematica a della giustiziabilit\ue0 degli atti posti in essere da un\u2019impresa di Stato, ovverosia quella fondata sulla distinzione tra gli atti jure imperii e quelli jure gestionis. Al contrario, si vorrebbe accogliere la distinzione che si basa sui cc.dd. tests strutturale e funzionale, in quanto tale approccio risulterebbe pi\uf9 idoneo per identificare differenti livelli di responsabilit\ue0 latu sensu intesa (accountability) dello Stato ai sensi del diritto internazionale. IX Per quanto riguarda l\u2019attribuibilit\ue0 degli atti posti in essere dall\u2019impresa di Stato al soggetto pubblico cui fanno riferimento, verranno esaminate le modalit\ue0 con cui gli artt. 4, 5 e 8 del Progetto sono applicati dai tribunali arbitrali internazionali al campo degli investimenti internazionali, terreno ben diverso rispetto a quello tipico della loro applicazione. L\u2019intento primario sar\ue0 quello di esaminare la possibilit\ue0 che tale attribuzione possa condurre a una forma di responsabilit\ue0 internazionale del home State, nel caso in cui si ravvisi che la violazione del contratto alla base del rapporto tra impresa e SOE (riconducibile ed attribuibile allo Stato che ospiti l\u2019investimento) violi al contempo anche una norma di diritto internazionale (il BIT di riferimento tra i due Stati parte)

    La vida cotidiana en la Venecia de Casanova

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    "Este Artículo pertenece a la sección Cine.

    Spoglie avicole : produzione di esche da pesca, incenerimento ed infossamento

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    Il compostaggio aziendale delle spoglie avicole

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    Association between inflammatory cytokines and ADHD symptoms in children and adolescents with obesity: a pilot study

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    Whilst the association between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and obesity is supported by meta-analytic evidence, the mechanisms underpinning this link need to be further elucidated. Inflammatory processes may increase the risk of ADHD symptoms in individuals with obesity. This pilot study set out to start testing this hypothesis by assessing the correlation between serum levels of inflammatory cytokines and ADHD symptoms severity in a sample of children and adolescents with obesity. We measured ADHD symptoms severity in 52 children/adolescents with obesity (BMI > 95th centile) with the Conners questionnaire, revised, short version, parent (CPRS-R:S) and teacher (CTRS-R:S) versions. Additionally, a categorical diagnosis of ADHD was established using the Kiddie-SADS-PL. Serum levels of IL-6, Il-10, and TNF-alpha were also obtained. The prevalence of ADHD was 9.6%. We found a significant correlation between IL-6, as well as TNF-alpha, and hyperactivity/impulsivity subscores of the CPRS-R:S and CTRS-R:S, that held even after controlling for BMI and oppositional symptoms. This study provides a rationale for larger, longitudinal studies to gain insight into inflammatory processes underpinning the link between obesity and ADHD. This line of research has the potential to lead to novel, pathophysiologically-based management strategies for individuals with obesity and ADHD

    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and impairment in executive functions: a barrier to weight loss in individuals with obesity?

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    BackgroundAn increasing body of research points to a significant association of obesity to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and deficits in executive functions. There is also preliminary evidence suggesting that children with ADHD may be at risk of obesity in adulthood. DiscussionIn this article, we discuss the evidence showing that ADHD and/or deficits in executive functions are a barrier to a successful weight control in individuals enrolled in weight loss programs. Impairing symptoms of ADHD or deficits in executive functions may foster dysregulated eating behaviors, such as binge eating, emotionally-induced eating or eating in the absence of hunger, which, in turn, may contribute to unsuccessful weight loss. ADHD-related behaviors or neurocognitive impairment may also hamper a regular and structured physical activity. There is initial research showing that treatment of comorbid ADHD and executive functions training significantly improve the outcome of obesity in individuals with comorbid ADHD or impairment in executive functions. SummaryPreliminary evidence suggests that comorbid ADHD and deficits in executive functions are a barrier to a successful weight loss in individuals involved in obesity treatment programs. If further methodologically sound evidence confirms this relationship, screening and effectively managing comorbid ADHD and/or executive functions deficits in individuals with obesity might have the potential to reduce not only the burden of ADHD but also the obesity epidemics. <br/

    Long-lasting effects of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in major depressed patients

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    The majority of previous clinical studies have indicated that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) may have antidepressant effects. Herein, we investigated the longitudinal, long-term antidepressant efficacy of daily left prefrontal cortex (PFC) rTMS for a 1-week period. Nineteen patients were randomly assigned to two treatment groups at 90% of individual motor threshold (MT): Twelve received active repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and seven received sham treatment. Each patient underwent five sessions of twenty 2-s trains of 20 Hz rTMS with 800 stimuli/day. The Beck Depression Inventory and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale were used to assess severity of depression at 1, 4 and 12 weeks post-therapy. A significant reduction of baseline depression scores was observed after 1 week of active treatment that lasted for 1 month, indicating improvement of depressive symptoms. No significant effects were observed in patients receiving sham treatment. The results of this controlled study are in agreement with the findings of previous studies suggesting that daily left PFC rTMS has an antidepressant effect