142 research outputs found

    Le poĂšme philosophique ou « l’hĂ©rĂ©sie de l’enseignement »

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    À travers le « poĂšme philosophique », genre majeur depuis l’AntiquitĂ©, la poĂ©sie a partie liĂ©e avec l’enseignement. Mais ce genre fait l’objet d’une suspicion dans la seconde moitiĂ© du xixe siĂšcle, au mĂȘme titre que l’épopĂ©e Ă  laquelle il est d’ailleurs apparentĂ© et, d’une maniĂšre plus gĂ©nĂ©rale, le « poĂšme » long, narratif, descriptif ou discursif. C’est principalement au nom de « l’hĂ©rĂ©sie de l’enseignement » que Baudelaire, puis MallarmĂ© condamnent toute poĂ©sie d’idĂ©es. Alors qu’une certaine poĂ©sie du xxe siĂšcle affiche, plus que jamais, ses ambitions philosophiques, elle doit donc Ă©viter le « prosaĂŻsme ». Non plus « exposer » des idĂ©es, une « thĂšse », un « message », jugĂ©s Ă©trangers Ă  l’imagination poĂ©tique, mais penser poĂ©tiquement, en images, tel est l’idĂ©al du « poĂšme philosophique moderne », qui rompt le lien historique entre la poĂ©sie et l’enseignement.Because of the “philosophical poem,” a major genre since Antiquity, poetry and teaching have been enduringly associated. This genre, however, fell under suspicion in the second half of the nineteenth century, as did the epic to which it is related, and, in a more general way, the long — narrative, descriptive or discursive — “poem.” It was principally in the name of “the heresy of teaching” that Baudelaire, then MallarmĂ©, condemned the poetry of ideas. While a poetic current in the twentieth century displays, more than ever, its philosophical ambitions, it has had to avoid the prosaic. No longer does the poet “set out” ideas, a “thesis,” a “message,” judged to be alien to the poetic imagination. Instead, to think poetically, in images, this is the ideal of the “modern philosophical poem,” thus breaking the historical link between poetry and teaching

    Sylvie Kandé, le « texte métis » de la poésie

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    L’hybriditĂ©, chez Sylvie KandĂ©, dĂ©signe autant la matiĂšre que la forme de ses recueils. Cet article Ă©claire les diffĂ©rentes significations que cette notion prend pour la poĂšte : celle de la diversitĂ© de voix convoquĂ©es et mĂȘlĂ©es (poĂštes, artistes, historiens et penseurs d’horizons diffĂ©rents) ; celle du mĂ©tissage des corps dans Lagon, lagunes ; ou celle des gestes quotidiens liĂ©s Ă  d’autres mouvements – Gestuaire – appartenant au temps de la colonisation. Entre les continents et les identitĂ©s, la poĂ©sie de Sylvie KandĂ© navigue telle une pirogue, symbole majeur dans La quĂȘte infinie de l’autre rive, Ă©popĂ©e en trois chants

    « Le texte postcolonial n’existe pas »

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    La thĂ©orie postcoloniale du monde anglophone paraĂźt Ă©trangĂšre Ă  l’idĂ©e mĂȘme d’une gĂ©nĂ©tique des textes. Un malentendu persistant divise la critique postcoloniale du monde anglo-saxon et la critique française, encore souvent hostile Ă  une approche interdisciplinaire considĂ©rĂ©e comme trop gĂ©nĂ©rale et, surtout, idĂ©ologique. Le rapport au texte est sans doute l’une des raisons majeures de ce malentendu. NĂ©gligeant, oubliant mĂȘme la textualitĂ© des Ɠuvres, la critique postcoloniale les traverse pour accĂ©der aux idĂ©ologies et aux situations sociopolitiques qui prĂ©sident Ă  leur naissance. Alors mĂȘme qu’elle reproche Ă  la critique gĂ©nĂ©tique son dĂ©faut de « thĂ©orie », la critique postcoloniale met en place nombre d’élĂ©ments susceptibles de nourrir une rĂ©flexion sur la genĂšse : textualitĂ© de l’univers colonial comme « discours », procĂ©dĂ©s d’intertextualitĂ© et de rĂ©Ă©criture, rĂŽle du bilinguisme et des langues en gĂ©nĂ©ral dans la dĂ©finition d’un corpus spĂ©cifique, etc. Ces Ă©lĂ©ments, centraux dans la thĂ©orie postcoloniale, sont susceptibles d’ĂȘtre repensĂ©s en termes de genĂšse. Cette convergence de la gĂ©nĂ©tique et des Ă©tudes postcoloniales, outre sa portĂ©e heuristique, devrait permettre un examen critique, Ă  distance, des apports de la thĂ©orie postcoloniale.Anglophone postcolonial theory appears completely alien to textual genetics. There remains a misunderstanding that divides Anglophone postcolonial criticism and French criticism, which is still often adverse to an interdisciplinary approach considered too general and moreover too ideological. One of the main reasons for this disagreement is a difference in attitude towards the text. Postcolonial criticism overlooks and even forgets the works’ textuality, and runs through them in order to get to the ideologies and sociopolitical situations that governed their creation. Even though postcolonial criticism reproaches genetic criticism for its lack of “theory”, it sets up a number of elements liable to enrich a reflection on the genesis of the text : the textuality of the colonial world as “discourse”, intertextuality and rewriting processes, the role of bilingualism and of languages in general in the definition of a specific corpus, etc. These elements, central in postcolonial theory, can be reconsidered in terms of genesis. Beyond its heuristic impact and with the benefit of hindsight, this convergence of textual genetics and postcolonial studies should allow a critical examination of postcolonial theory contributions.La teorĂ­a postcolonial del mundo anglĂłfono pareciera no tener nada que ver con la idea de una genĂ©tica de los textos. Un malentendido persistente divide la crĂ­tica postcolonial del mundo anglosajĂłn y la crĂ­tica francesa, todavĂ­a hostil con frecuencia a todo enfoque interdisciplinario, considerado como demasiado general y, sobre todo, ideolĂłgico. La relaciĂłn con el texto es sin duda uno de los motivos mayores de ese malentendido. Descuidando, e incluso ignorando la textualidad de las obras, la crĂ­tica postcolonial los atraviesa para acceder a las ideologĂ­as y a las situaciones sociopolĂ­ticas que han condicionado su surgimiento. Al mismo tiempo que le reprocha a la crĂ­tica genĂ©tica su falta de “teorĂ­a”, la crĂ­tica postcolonial maneja numerosos conceptos susceptibles de enriquecer la reflexiĂłn acerca de la gĂ©nesis : textualidad del universo colonial en tanto que “discurso”, procedimientos de intertextualidad y de reescritura, papel del bilingĂŒismo y de las lenguas en general en la definiciĂłn de un corpus especĂ­fico. Estos elementos centrales de la teorĂ­a postcolonial pueden ser reelaborados en tĂ©rminos de gĂ©nesis. La convergencia de la genĂ©tica y los estudios postcoloniales, mĂĄs allĂĄ de sus alcances heurĂ­sticos, abre la posibilidad de un examen crĂ­tico, distanciado, de los aportes de la teorĂ­a postcolonial.Die postkoloniale Theorie der englischsprachigen Welt strĂ€ubt sich gegen die Idee einer Textgenetik. Ein anhaltendes MissverstĂ€ndnis scheidet die postkoloniale Kritik der angelsĂ€chsischen Welt und die französische Kritik, die wiederum hĂ€ufig noch immer Vorbehalte gegen einen interdisziplinĂ€ren Ansatz hegt, welchen sie fĂŒr zu allgemein und vor allem zu ideologisch hĂ€lt. Das VerhĂ€ltnis zum Text ist zweifelsohne einer der HauptgrĂŒnde fĂŒr dieses MissverstĂ€ndnis. Die TextualitĂ€t der Werke vernachlĂ€ssigend oder sogar ignorierend, durchforstet die postkoloniale Kritik diese auf darin schlummernde Ideologien und gesellschaftspolitische Situationen, die deren Genese vorausgehen. Auch wenn diese der genetischen Kritik einen Mangel an „Theorie“ vorwirft, stellt die postkoloniale Theorie eine Reihe Elemente bereit, die eine Reflexion ihrer Genese nahelegen : TextualitĂ€t des kolonialen Universums als „Diskurs“ ; Verfahren von IntertextualitĂ€t und Überarbeitung ; die Rolle der Zweisprachigkeit und allgemein von Sprache bei der Definition eines bestimmten Textkorpus, usw. Es ist naheliegend, diese fĂŒr die postkoloniale Theorie zentralen Elemente vor dem Hintergrund der Genetik zu reflektieren. Diese Konvergenz von Genetik und postkolonialen Studien könnte, neben ihrer Rolle als Heuristik, eine kritische ÜberprĂŒfung, aus der Distanz, der postkolonialen Theorieelemente erlauben.La teoria postcolonianale del mondo anglofono pare estranea all’idea stessa di genetica dei testi. Un persistente malinteso divide la critica postcoloniale del mondo anglosassone e la critica francese, spesso ancora ostile a un approccio interdisciplinare perchĂ© considerato troppo generale e soprattutto ideologico. Il rapporto con il testo Ăš senza dubbio una delle ragioni principali di questo malinteso. Nel trascurare e persino dimenticare la testualitĂ  delle opere, la critica postcoloniale passa loro attraverso, interessata piuttosto alle ideologie e alle situazioni sociopolitiche che contribuiscono alla loro nascita. Proprio mentre rimprovera alla critica genetica il suo difetto di teoria, la critica postcoloniale mette in gioco un certo numero di elementi in grado di sviluppare una riflessione sulla genesi : testualitĂ  dell’universo coloniale come “discorso”, processo d’intertestualitĂ  e riscrittura, ruolo del bilinguismo e delle lingue in generale nella definizione di un corpus specifico, ecc. Questi elementi, centrali nella teoria postcoloniale, possono essere ripensati in termini di genesi. Questa convergenza della genetica e degli studi postcoloniali, oltre la sua portata euristica dovrebbe permettere un esame critico, a distanza, dei contributi della teoria postcoloniale.A teoria post-colonial do mundo anglĂłfono sabe a estranha no conceito de genĂ©tica dos textos. Um persistente equĂ­voco divide a crĂ­tica post-colonial anglo-saxĂłnica e a crĂ­tica francesa, frequentemente hostil a uma abordagem interdisciplinar que considera demasiado geral e, mais ainda, ideolĂłgica. O contacto com o texto Ă© sem dĂșvida uma das razĂ”es essenciais desse equĂ­voco. Pouca importĂąncia atribuindo Ă  textualidade das obras, a crĂ­tica post-colonial passa por elas a caminho das ideologias e das situaçÔes sociopolĂ­ticas que as originam. Ao mesmo tempo que acusa a falta de “teoria” da crĂ­tica genĂ©tica, a crĂ­tica post-colonial lança mĂŁo de um certo nĂșmero de elementos susceptĂ­veis de alimentar a reflexĂŁo sobre a gĂ©nese : textualidade do universo colonial enquanto “discurso”, processos de intertextualidade e de reescrita, papel do bilinguismo e as lĂ­nguas em geral na definição de um corpus especĂ­fico, etc. Estes elementos, centrais para a teoria post-colonial, sĂŁo susceptĂ­veis de serem repensados em termos de gĂ©nese. Essa convergĂȘncia da genĂ©tica e dos estudos post-coloniais, para alĂ©m do seu alcance heurĂ­stico, deveria permitir um exame crĂ­tico, Ă  distĂąncia, dos resultados da teoria post-colonial

    Fiction de langue

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    Dans le prolongement des perspectives ouvertes par Lise Gauvin, coordinatrice du numĂ©ro 101 de LittĂ©rature, il faut aborder la production romanesque rĂ©cente et examiner Ă  nouveau la position de l’écrivain. Ainsi que l’observe Glissant, l’écrivain vit dans “l’imaginaire des langues”, sans pour autant ĂȘtre nĂ©cessairement polyglotte. Rares sont, sinon les Ă©crivains, du moins les Ɠuvres effectivement bilingues. La seule langue “à soi”, c’est donc celle que l’écrivain s’invente “comme une sorte de langue Ă©trangĂšre”

    Camus postcolonial ?

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    Camus, « juste sans justice » selon Simone de Beauvoir, rĂȘvant d’une AlgĂ©rie fĂ©dĂ©rale et multiculturelle dans un systĂšme colonial assoupli, a suscitĂ© d’innombrables polĂ©miques qui ne sauraient se rĂ©duire au dĂ©bat avec Sartre, Fanon ou Memmi. TrĂšs tĂŽt, Camus a Ă©tĂ© lu et traduit dans le monde anglophone. E. W. Said, se rĂ©fĂ©rant Ă  un essai du critique irlandais O’Brien, fait de Camus, comme « pied-noir », un porte-parole du discours colonial qui aurait ignorĂ© la rĂ©alitĂ© de l’AlgĂ©rie. Le philosophe Michael Walzer, qui inscrit Camus parmi les principaux reprĂ©sentants de la « critique sociale » au xxe siĂšcle, montre au contraire, contre O’Brien, toute la complexitĂ© d’un discours qui, tenant compte des « sphĂšres de justice », s’efforce de « nĂ©gocier » les rapports entre l’exigence universelle de la justice et le particulier de l’« amour ». Camus doit ainsi ĂȘtre « lu d’ailleurs », entre le monde francophone et le monde anglophone, entre l’AlgĂ©rie, la France et l’AmĂ©rique, conformĂ©ment Ă  la perspective postcoloniale ouverte par Said dans Culture et impĂ©rialisme.Camus was dreaming of a federal and multicultural Algeria in a liberal colonial state, and this provoked a polemic which could not be reduced to debate with Sartre, Fanon or Memmi in the French context. Early on, Camus was read and translated in the Anglophone world. E. W. Said referred to Conor Cruise O’Brien’s essay and considered Camus as expressing a « pied-noir » point of view on colonization. In opposition to O’Brien, Michael Walzer emphasized the complexity of Camus’s representation of Algeria. According to his theory "spheres of justice", he interpreted Camus’s attempt at « negotiating » justice and love. Thus, Camus should be read « out of bounds », between the Francophone and the Anglophone world, between Algeria, France and America – according to the postcolonial perspective which Said opened through Culture and Imperialism


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    Le manifeste Pour une littĂ©rature monde, publiĂ© en 2007, qui accusait le roman français de se complaire dans l’entre-soi et le narcissisme, paraĂźt avoir fait long feu. Mais, si partial et injuste soit-il, le jugement de Jean Rouaud et Michel Le Bris aura du moins fait entendre la voix Ă©pique Ă  travers “la rumeur de ces mĂ©tropoles exponentielles oĂč se heurtaient, se brassaient, se mĂȘlaient les cultures de tous les continents”. C’est sous le signe de la phrase de Kipling: Parle-leur de bataille..

    Immunohistochemical study of the phenotypic change of the mesenchymal cells during portal tract maturation in normal and fibrous (ductal plate malformation) fetal liver

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: In adult liver, the mesenchymal cells, portal fibroblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells can transdifferentiate into myofibroblasts, and are involved in portal fibrosis. Differential expression of markers, such as alpha-smooth muscle actin (ASMA), h-caldesmon and cellular retinol-binding protein-1 allows their phenotypic discrimination. The aim of our study was to explore the phenotypic evolution of the mesenchymal cells during fetal development in normal liver and in liver with portal fibrosis secondary to ductal plate malformation in a series of Meckel-Gruber syndrome, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease and Ivemark's syndrome. RESULTS: At the early steps of the portal tract maturation, portal mesenchymal cells expressed only ASMA. During the maturation process, these cells were found condensed around the biliary and vascular structures. At the end of maturation process, only cells around vessels expressed ASMA and cells of the artery tunica media also expressed h-caldesmon. In contrast, ASMA positive cells persisted around the abnormal biliary ducts in fibrous livers. CONCLUSION: As in adult liver, there is a phenotypic heterogeneity of the mesenchymal cells during fetal liver development. During portal tract maturation, myofibroblastic cells disappear in normal development but persist in fibrosis following ductal plate malformation

    4E-BP1 and 4E-BP2 double knockout mice are protected from aging-associated sarcopenia

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    Epub ahead of printBACKGROUND: Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass/function that occurs during the aging process. The links between mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity and muscle development are largely documented, but the role of its downstream targets in the development of sarcopenia is poorly understood. Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding proteins (4E-BPs) are targets of mTOR that repress mRNA translation initiation and are involved in the control of several physiological processes. However, their role in skeletal muscle is still poorly understood. The goal of this study was to assess how loss of 4E-BP1 and 4E-BP2 expression impacts skeletal muscle function and homeostasis in aged mice and to characterize the associated metabolic changes by metabolomic and lipidomic profiling. METHODS: Twenty-four-month-old wild-type and whole body 4E-BP1/4E-BP2 double knockout (DKO) mice were used to measure muscle mass and function. Protein homeostasis was measured ex vivo in extensor digitorum longus by incorporation of l-[U-(14) C]phenylalanine, and metabolomic and lipidomic profiling of skeletal muscle was performed by Metabolon, Inc. RESULTS: The 4E-BP1/2 DKO mice exhibited an increase in muscle mass that was associated with increased grip strength (P < 0.05). Protein synthesis was higher under both basal (+102%, P < 0.05) and stimulated conditions (+65%, P < 0.05) in DKO skeletal muscle. Metabolomic and complex lipid analysis of skeletal muscle revealed robust differences pertaining to amino acid homeostasis, carbohydrate abundance, and certain aspects of lipid metabolism. In particular, levels of most free amino acids were lower within the 4E-BP1/2 DKO muscle. Interestingly, although glucose levels were unchanged, differences were observed in the isobaric compound maltitol/lactitol (33-fold increase, P < 0.01) and in several additional carbohydrate compounds. 4E-BP1/2 depletion also resulted in accumulation of medium-chain acylcarnitines and a 20% lower C2/C0 acylcarnitine ratio (P < 0.01) indicative of reduced beta-oxidation. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these findings demonstrate that deletion of 4E-BPs is associated with perturbed energy metabolism in skeletal muscle and could have beneficial effects on skeletal muscle mass and function in aging mice. They also identify 4E-BPs as potential targets for the treatment of sarcopenia

    PLoS One

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    Compared to the general population, HIV-infected patients are at higher risk of developing non-AIDS-defining cancers. Chronic HCV infection has also been associated with a higher risk than that of the general population of developing cancers other than hepatocarcinoma. Evaluation of the impact of HCV-related factors on non-AIDS-defining and non HCV-liver (NANL) related cancers among HIV/HCV co-infected patients are scarce. The aim of this study was to identify the impact of HIV/HCV clinical characteristics on NANL related cancers in a large cohort of HIV/HCV-coinfected patients followed from 2005 to 2017. Cox proportional hazards models with delayed entry were used to estimate factors associated with NANL related cancer. Among 1391 patients followed for a median of 5 years, 60 patients developed NANL related cancers, yielding an incidence rate of 8.9 per 1000 person-years (95% CI, [6.6-11.1]). By final multivariable analysis, after adjustment for sex, tobacco or alcohol consumption, baseline CD4 cell count and HCV sustained viral response (SVR), age and a longer duration since HIV diagnosis were independently associated with a higher risk of NANL related cancer (aHR for each additional year 1.10, 95% CI 1.06-1.14, p<0.0001 and 1.06, 95% CI 1.01-1.11, p = 0.02, respectively). Duration of HCV infection, cirrhosis, HCV viral load, genotype and SVR were not associated with the occurrence of NANL related cancer. Among HIV/HCV-coinfected patients, age and the duration of HIV infection were the only characteristics found to be associated with the occurrence of NANL related cancer. In contrast, no association was observed with any HCV-related variables
