1,907 research outputs found

    Autocontrol y comportamiento : efectividad de las tecnicas autoinstruccionales en el aprendizaje de las operaciones aritmeticas

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    This experiment was designed to research the efficacy of self-instructional variables to improve performance in solving easy arithmetic problems. Children, boys and girls, six and seven years old, studying first school year of E.G.B., were used. The results, as a whole, tell us that training in self-instructional techniques significantly affects the dependent variable, decreasing the number of mistakes pupils make in arithmetical operations. It is appropriate to underline the group verbalizing the addition, which got the most significant reduction. These results, which confirm the findings of other authors, show the possibility of applying Cognitive-conductual techniques in the school frame

    Interface optical phonons in spheroidal dots: Raman selection rules

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    The contribution of interface phonons to the first order Raman scattering in nanocrystals with non spherical geometry is analyzed. Interface optical phonons in the spheroidal geometry are discussed and the corresponding Frohlich-like electron-phonon interaction is reported in the framework of the dielectric continuum approach. It is shown that the interface phonon modes are strongly dependent on the nanocrystal geometry, particularly on the ellipsoid's semi-axis ratio. The new Raman selection rules have revealed that solely interface phonon modes with even angular momentum are allowed to contribute to the first order phonon-assisted scattering of light. On this basis we are able to give an explanation for the observed low frequency shoulders present in the Raman cross-section of several II-VI semiconductor nanostructures.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Phase and period responses of the circadian system of mice (Mus musculus) to light stimuli of different duration

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    To understand entrainment of circadian systems to different photoperiods in nature, it is important to know the effects of single light pulses of different durations on the free-running system. The authors studied the phase and period responses of laboratory mice (C57BL6J//OlaHsd) to single light pulses of 7 different durations (1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 18 h) given once per 11 days in otherwise constant darkness. Light-pulse duration affected both amplitude and shape of the phase response curve. Nine-hour light pulses yielded the maximal amplitude PRC. As in other systems, the circadian period slightly lengthened following delays and shortened following advances. The authors aimed to understand how different parts of the light signal contribute to the eventual phase shift. When PRCs were plotted using the onset, midpoint, and end of the pulse as a phase reference, they corresponded best with each other when using the mid-pulse. Using a simple phase-only model, the authors explored the possibility that light affects oscillator velocity strongly in the 1st hour and at reduced strength in later hours of the pulse due to photoreceptor adaptation. They fitted models based on the 1-h PRC to the data for all light pulses. The best overall correspondence between PRCs was obtained when the effect of light during all hours after the first was reduced by a factor of 0.22 relative to the 1st hour. For the predicted PRCs, the light action centered on average at 38% of the light pulse. This is close to the reference phase yielding best correspondence at 36% of the pulses. The result is thus compatible with an initial major contribution of the onset of the light pulse followed by a reduced effect of light responsible for the differences between PRCs for different duration pulses. The authors suggest that the mid-pulse is a better phase reference than lights-on to plot and compare PRCs of different light-pulse durations

    Tissue discrimination in magnetic resonance imaging of the rator cuff

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    Evaluation and diagnosis of diseases of the muscles within the rotator cuff can be done using different modalities, being the Magnetic Resonance the method more widely used. There are criteria to evaluate the degree of fat infiltration and muscle atrophy, but these have low accuracy and show great variability inter and intra observer. In this paper, an analysis of the texture features of the rotator cuff muscles is performed to classify them and other tissues. A general supervised classification approach was used, combining forward-search as feature selection method with kNN as classification rule. Sections of Magnetic Resonance Images of the tissues of interest were selected by specialist doctors and they were considered as Gold Standard. Accuracies obtained were of 93% for T1-weighted images and 92% for T2-weighted images. As an immediate future work, the combination of both sequences of images will be considered, expecting to improve the results, as well as the use of other sequences of Magnetic Resonance Images. This work represents an initial point for the classification and quantification of fat infiltration and muscle atrophy degree. From this initial point, it is expected to make an accurate and objective system which will result in benefits for future research and for patients' health

    Preconditioner-Based Contact Response and Application to Cataract Surgery

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    International audienceIn this paper we introduce a new method to compute, in real-time, the physical behavior of several colliding soft-tissues in a surgical simulation. The numerical approach is based on finite element modeling and allows for a fast update of a large number of tetrahedral elements. The speed-up is obtained by the use of a specific preconditioner that is updated at low frequency. The preconditioning enables an optimized computation of both large deformations and precise contact response. Moreover, homogeneous and inhomogeneous tissues are simulated with the same accuracy. Finally, we illustrate our method in a simulation of one step in a cataract surgery procedure, which require to handle contacts with non homogeneous objects precisely

    Spatially explicit analysis reveals complex human genetic gradients in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The Iberian Peninsula is a well-delimited geographic region with a rich and complex human history. However, the causes of its genetic structure and past migratory dynamics are not yet fully understood. In order to shed light on them, here we evaluated the gene flow and genetic structure throughout the Iberian Peninsula with spatially explicit modelling applied to a georeferenced genetic dataset composed of genome-wide SNPs from 746 individuals belonging to 17 different regions of the Peninsula. We found contrasting patterns of genetic structure throughout Iberia. In particular, we identified strong patterns of genetic differentiation caused by relevant barriers to gene flow in northern regions and, on the other hand, a large genetic similarity in central and southern regions. In addition, our results showed a preferential north to south migratory dynamics and suggest a sex-biased dispersal in Mediterranean and southern regions. The estimated genetic patterns did not fit with the geographical relief of the Iberian landscape and they rather seem to follow political and linguistic territorial boundaries.IPATIMUP integrates the i3S Research Unit, which is partially supported by FCT in the framework of the project “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274). J.P. and A.M.L. are funded by the Portuguese Government through the FCT fellowship SFRH/BD/97200/2013 and the research contract IF/01262/2014, respectively. M.A. was supported by the “Ramón y Cajal” grant RYC-2015-18241 from the Spanish Government. D.C. was supported by the Spanish grant CGL2016-75389-P (AEI, MINEICO/FEDER, UE), and “Unidad María de Maeztu” funded by the MINECO (MDM-2014-0370)

    Sostenibilidad de la producción porcina en Cataluña (España) : aplicación del análisis multicriterio

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    La evaluación de la sostenibilidad en modelos de producción porcina en Cataluña (España), mediante el análisis multicriterio, se estructura en dos partes. Una primera de establecimiento del marco de análisis donde, de forma participativa, se fijan los criterios de evaluación, sus indicadores y las escalas de evaluación. En la segunda se implementa la metología expuesta para evaluar la sostenibilidad de tres modelos productivos y detectar posibles conflictos entre los diferentes grupos de interés. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que desde el punto de vista de la sostenbilidad, en base a los criterios considerados y bajo distintas opciones de robustez, el modelo productivo más sostenible es el ecológico, seguido del familiar y, en último puesto, el del modelo denominado de integración. En cuanto a la formación de coaliciones se observa que hay un importante grupo de actores que apuestan, en primer lugar, por el modelo de integración. Los anteriores resultados avalan la necesidad de potenciar modelos intermedios entre el ecológico y el de integración. Una opción conciliadora, entre las existentes, podría ser el tipo familiar, aplicando algunas mejoras en el manejo si se quieren satisfacer plenamente los requerimientos de sostenibilidad.The sustainability evaluation of pig production systems in Catalonia (Spain) based on multicriteria analysis is divided in two parts. The first part shows the framework of the analysis and the established criteria for the evaluation. The second part applies the developed methodology in order to evaluate the sustainability of three productive systems and also, to find points of conflict between actors and the different options for their understanding. The results show the ecological system as the more sustainable, the second position is for the traditional family farming system and the last one is the integrated system. Nevertheless, a great part of actors supports integrated system. These results indicate the need to find alternative models between the ecological and the integrated ones. The improved family system could be an option in order to fully satisfy sustainable requirements

    The role of care home fees in the public costs and distributional effects of potential reforms to care home funding for older people in England

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    In England, Local Authorities (LAs) contribute to the care home fees of two-thirds of care home residents aged 65+ who pass a means test. LAs typically pay fees below those faced by residents excluded from state support. Most proposals for reform of the means test would increase the proportion of residents entitled to state support. If care homes receive the LA fee for more residents, they might increase fees for any remaining self-funders. Alternatively, the LA fee might have to rise. We use two linked simulation models to examine how alternative assumptions on post-reform fees affect projected public costs and financial gains to residents of three potential reforms to the means test. Raising the LA fee rate to maintain income per resident would increase the projected public cost of the reforms by between 22% and 72% in the base year. It would reduce the average gain to care home residents by between 8% and 12%. Raising post-reform fees for remaining self-funders or requiring pre-reform self-funders to meet the difference between the LA and self-funder fees, reduces the gains to residents by 28-37%. For one reform, residents in the highest income quintile would face losses if the self-funder fee rises. © 2012 Cambridge University Press