547 research outputs found

    Analysis of the waste selective collection at drop-off systems: Case study including the income level and the seasonal variation

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    There are several factors which have an influence in the selective collection of the municipal waste. To define a selective collection system, the waste generation pattern should be firstly determined and these factors should be analyzed in depth. This paper tries to analyze the economic income level and the seasonal variation on the collection and the purity of light-packaging waste to determine actions to improve the waste management plan of a town. In the first stage of the work, waste samples of the light-packaging containers were collected in two zones of the town with different economic characteristics in different seasons during one year. In the second stage, the samples were characterized to analyze the composition and purity of the waste. They were firstly separated into four fractions: metals; plastic; beverage cartons; and misplaced materials. The misplaced fraction was in its turn separated into cardboard, rubber and leather, inert waste, organic matter, paper, hazardous waste, clothes and shoes, glass and others. The plastic fraction was separated into five types of plastics and the metal fraction into three. In the third stage, the data have been analyzed and conclusions have been extracted. The main result is that the quality of the light-packaging fraction collected in these zones during both seasons were similar. This methodology can be extrapolated to towns with similar characteristics. It will be useful when implementing a system to collect the waste selectively and to develop actions to achieve a good participation in the selective collection of the waste

    Analysis of the Logistics of Home Delivery of Food and Household Goods. Implementation in Consum in the Valencia Area. Proposals for Improvement

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    [EN] The problem of urban distribution in large cities, particularly the home delivery of goods, does not have a simple solution, given that it involves a range of different factors and parties with different interests. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main characteristics of this service, which has been studied very little in urban logistics, with a view to proposing measures which will guarantee its sustainability economically, socially and environmentally. The analysis is applied to the company Consum, which will be studied in major detail and will then be followed by 29 actions (for this case of study). (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Arroyo-López, MR.; Colomer Ferrandiz, JV. (2016). Analysis of the Logistics of Home Delivery of Food and Household Goods. Implementation in Consum in the Valencia Area. Proposals for Improvement. Transportation Research Procedia. 18:189-196. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2016.12.026S1891961

    Coloclown: Radiografía del mundo laboral desde el humor

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    El coloclown es una experiencia estética que permite percibir y disfrutar de lo cotidiano desde un punto de vista cómico y a la vez crítico. Consiste en una creación artística realizada por payas@s que permite a los espectadores contemplarse a sí mismos como colectivo o como realidad social. El término coloclown es una combinación de “colocarse” y “clown” y remite a la idea de ubicarse o colocarse mentalmente a través de la mirada del payaso. Es una actividad con quince años de existencia que deriva del clownanalyse. Y constituye una línea formativa que permite desempeñar una labor de interlocutor social vinculada a la tradición del payas@

    Variables predictoras de la resolución de problemas matemáticos en alumnos de 3º de Primaria

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    Introducción. La Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos es una actividad compleja en la que intervienen diferentes procesos cognitivos y metacognitivos. Objetivo. Estudiar cuáles de estos procesos están más relacionados con la Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos así como averiguar qué variable predice mejor la capacidad para resolver problemas. Muestra. Participaron en la investigación 82 estudiantes de tercero de Primaria de 8 años de edad. Se evaluó la Inteligencia, la Memoria de trabajo, la memoria a corto plazo, la Comprensión Lectora, las Operaciones Aritméticas y la Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos. Análisis. Se realizaron correlaciones entre las variables analizadas y análisis de regresión. Resultados. Los análisis de regresión mostraron que el mejor conocimiento de las operaciones aritméticas es el mejor predictor en la resolución de problemas matemáticos. Consideramos que a partir de este resultado cabe investigar las vías a través de las cuáles podríamos canalizar un entrenamiento en habilidades de cálculo y comprensión del significado de las operaciones para que influya positivamente en el rendimiento en la resolución de problemas de matemáticas en Educación Primaria.Introduction. Mathematical problem solving is a complex activity that involves several cognitive and metacognitive processes. Aim. To study which of these processes are more related to mathematical problem solving and find out which one predicts the ability to solve problems. Participants. Eighty-two children third grade children participated in the study. We assessed the intelligence, working memory, short-term memory, reading comprehension, arithmetic and mathematical problem solving. Analysis. Correlation coefficients and regression analysis were calculated. Results. Regression analysis showed that arithmetic was the best predictor of mathematical problem solving. These results suggest the importance of studying the pathways through which training on calculation skills and meaning operation comprehension could improve mathematical problem solving performance in elementary education

    Clases con sentido. El humor en el aula

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    Introducción. La Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos es una actividad compleja en la que intervienen diferentes procesos cognitivos y metacognitivos. Objetivo. Estudiar cuáles de estos procesos están más relacionados con la Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos así como averiguar qué variable predice mejor la capacidad para resolver problemas. Muestra. Participaron en la investigación 82 estudiantes de tercero de Primaria de 8 años de edad. Se evaluó la Inteligencia, la Memoria de trabajo, la memoria a corto plazo, la Comprensión Lectora, las Operaciones Aritméticas y la Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos. Análisis. Se realizaron correlaciones entre las variables analizadas y análisis de regresión. Resultados. Los análisis de regresión mostraron que el mejor conocimiento de las operaciones aritméticas es el mejor predictor en la resolución de problemas matemáticos. Consideramos que a partir de este resultado cabe investigar las vías a través de las cuáles podríamos canalizar un entrenamiento en habilidades de cálculo y comprensión del significado de las operaciones para que influya positivamente en el rendimiento en la resolución de problemas de matemáticas en Educación Primaria.Introduction. Mathematical problem solving is a complex activity that involves several cognitive and metacognitive processes. Aim. To study which of these processes are more related to mathematical problem solving and find out which one predicts the ability to solve problems. Participants. Eighty-two children third grade children participated in the study. We assessed the intelligence, working memory, short-term memory, reading comprehension, arithmetic and mathematical problem solving. Analysis. Correlation coefficients and regression analysis were calculated. Results. Regression analysis showed that arithmetic was the best predictor of mathematical problem solving. These results suggest the importance of studying the pathways through which training on calculation skills and meaning operation comprehension could improve mathematical problem solving performance in elementary education.peerReviewe

    Variables predictoras de la resolución de problemas matemáticos en alumnos de 3º de primaria

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    La Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos es una actividad compleja en la que intervienen diferentes procesos cognitivos y metacognitivos. Objetivo. Estudiar cuáles de estos procesos están más relacionados con la Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos así como averiguar qué variable predice mejor la capacidad para resolver problemas. Muestra. Participaron en la investigación 82 estudiantes de tercero de Primaria de 8 años de edad. Se evaluó la Inteligencia, la Memoria de trabajo, la memoria a corto plazo, la Comprensión Lectora, las Operaciones Aritméticas y la Resolución de Problemas Matemáticos. Análisis. Se realizaron correlaciones entre las variables analizadas y análisis de regresión. Resultados. Los análisis de regresión mostraron que el mejor conocimiento de las operaciones aritméticas es el mejor predictor en la resolución de problemas matemáticos. Consideramos que a partir de este resultado cabe investigar las vías a través de las cuáles podríamos canalizar un entrenamiento en habilidades de cálculo y comprensión del significado de las operaciones para que influya positivamente en el rendimiento en la resolución de problemas de matemáticas en Educación Primaria

    Environmental and energetic operation in “El Ensanche” of Valencia

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    [EN] The present paper focuses on the urban parameters we need to study, in order improve the environmental behavior on our cities. It goes deeper on how density and urban compactness can deal with some of the most important urban issues on environmental point of view. On the one hand they permit a better social cohesion due to urban proximity spaces including pocket parks, local trade, public facilities and allows identity social progress. First, it is necessary to make a brief introduction of Valencia urban morphology consolidation through the years, it is needed to begin with an accurate understanding on how does it is urban form on every case study, to could achieve our propose. Secondly, we need to do a climate analysis for Valencia weather conditions. It will detect the best bioclimatic strategies to reduce energy needs, and to create better microclimatic urban conditions. Finally the paper will show studies on the “El Ensanche” urban grid on solar passive gains strategies, internal gains and sun shading. Every strategy will demand form us to taking into account an evaluation on the limits between urban changes and the heritage protection. So this paper will link climate conditions with the urban form of the “El Ensanche” grid to clarify how the city leads with the energetic and environmental parameters. Thus, will allow us to put on the table most effective proposals for improve our cities.Colomer Alcácer, J.; Portalés Mañanós, AM.; Urios Mondéjar, D. (2018). Environmental and energetic operation in “El Ensanche” of Valencia. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 657-664. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.6971OCS65766

    Declaración ambiental según ISO 14025: una oportunidad para informar de los aspectos ambientales de los servicios de gestión de residuos

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    Type III Environmental Declarations as set out by standard UNE-ISO 14025 (2007) are a voluntary instrument that organizations can use to foster the demand for and supply of systems that have a lower impact on the environment. They are based on an independent verification of Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) data corresponding to the system under study. As a result, a series of environmental indicators are made public for various impact categories (climate change, ozone layer depletion, acidification, eutrophication photochemical oxidation, abiotic depletion, etc.) as well as the consumption of resources, emissions and waste generated. Environmental Declarations are based on a set of operational rules known as Product Category Rules (PCRs) that establish the specific norms, requirements and guidelines for conducting LCA studies and obtaining environmental indicators. These rules are specific for each system/product category. In 2008, RCPs were published for the “waste management services” category. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the PCRs established for these services, the guidelines for carrying out the study on the corresponding LCA and the key environmental indicators and additional information to be included in the environmental declaration itself. Some examples of companies that already have this declaration will also be presented. Key words: environmental declaration, product category rules, waste management systemLas Declaraciones Ambientales (DA) tipo III enmarcadas en la norma UNE-ISO 14025 (2007) son un mecanismo voluntario que las entidades pueden utilizar para fomentar la demanda y el suministro de aquellos sistemas que causan una menor repercusión sobre el medio ambiente. Se basan en una verificación independiente de los datos de análisis del ciclo de vida (ACV) del sistema objeto de estudio. Como resultado, se hacen públicos una serie de indicadores ambientales para diferentes categorías de impacto (cambio climático, reducción de la capa de ozono, acidificación, eutrofización, formación de oxidantes fotoquímicos, reducción de recursos, etc.), además de los consumos de recursos, emisiones y residuos generados. Las DA se apoyan en un conjunto de reglas operativas conocidas como Reglas de Categorías de Producto (RCP), en las que se establecen las pautas específicas, requisitos y guías para el desarrollo de los estudios de ACV y la obtención de los indicadores ambientales. Estas reglas son específicas para cada categoría de sistema/producto. En el año 2008 se publicaron las RCP para la categoría “servicios de gestión de residuos”. El objeto de este artículo es dar a conocer cuáles son las RCP establecidas para estos servicios, las indicaciones para la realización del estudio de ACV correspondiente y los indicadores ambientales clave e información adicional a incluir en la propia declaración ambiental final. Así mismo se presentarán algunos ejemplos de empresas que disponen ya de dicha declaració

    Regulatory developments in bank solvency, recovery and resolvability

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    Most of the amendments to prudential and resolution legislation introduced in the European Union (EU) in 2019 have already been implemented for credit institutions over the course of 2021. These include a broad set of measures aimed at reducing risks in the banking sector, boosting its strength and progressing towards the completion of the Banking Union. These risk mitigation measures give continuity to the substantial change in prudential rules carried out in 2013 in response to the shortcomings identified in the financial sector in the wake of the financial crisis and which prompted the adoption of the Basel III framework in the EU. They also give continuity to the resolution framework introduced in 2014 to ensure the orderly resolution of non-viable banks, minimising the repercussions of banking crises on the real economy, taxpayers and depositors. The fresh revision of European rules here at hand aims to make progress in the pass-through to European regulations of the internationally agreed reforms. It also aims to change certain aspects in light of the experience accumulated and the inefficiencies detected in the years during which the previous regulations were applied. This article reviews the most salient prudential and resolution measures introduced, presents some reforms that have already been rolled out and describes certain aspects that have not yet been addressed