289 research outputs found

    Practical tools for a pluralistic approach: knowledge of and attitudes towards multilingualism in the classroom

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    This contribution focuses on didactic resources developed with the aim to provide appropriate tools for dealing with the ‘new multilingualism’ in the schools of South Tyrol. These tools consist of a travelling exhibition and eight workshops developed and created within the project One School, Many Languages (SMS). Each workshop includes a number of activities and brings into focus a specific aspect of multilingualism (etymology, intercomprehension, etc.). This paper presents the perspective of students aged 11 to 14 (middle school) on the activities, thus offering an alternative insight into the implementation and practice of plurilingualism and intercultural awareness in education.Dieser Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die didaktischen Ressourcen, die mit dem Ziel entwickelt wurden, geeignete Instrumente für den Umgang mit der ‚neuen Mehrsprachigkeit‘ in den Südtiroler Schulen bereitzustellen. Diese Tools bestehen aus einer Wanderausstellung und acht Workshops, die im Rahmen des Projekts One School, Many Languages (SMS) entwickelt und erstellt wurden. Jeder Workshop umfasst eine Reihe von Aktivitäten und fokussiert einen spezifischen Aspekt der Mehrsprachigkeit (Etymologie, Interkomprehension, etc.). Dieser Beitrag stellt die Perspektive der 11- bis 14-Jährigen (Mittelschule) auf die Aktivitäten dar und bietet so einen alternativen Einblick in die Umsetzung und Praxis der Mehrsprachigkeit und des interkulturellen Bewusstseins in der Bildung

    Identity in social context: Plurilingual families in Baden-Wuerttemberg and South Tyrol

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    In trying to understand how identity can be constructed in the face of diversity, plurilingual families are a focal point of interest, since they live between different cultures and identities. In our article, we assume along with Bucholtz and Hall (2005) that identity encompasses macro-level demographic categories, local ethnographically specific cultural positions as well as temporary, interactionally specific stances and participant roles. Based on this theoretical assumption, we will describe how plurilingual families construct their identity by comparing two different regions: the officially monolingual German federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg and the officially trilingual Autonomous Province of Bolzano/South Tyrol. The analysis in this article is based on semi-structured interviews with and self-recordings of plurilingual families in Baden-Wuerttemberg and South Tyrol.Möchte man verstehen, wie Identität im Angesicht von Diversität konstruiert wird, sind mehrsprachige Familien von besonderem Interesse, leben sie doch an der Schnittstelle verschiedener Kulturen und Identitäten. Wir gehen mit Bucholtz und Hall (2005) davon aus, dass Identität demographische Kategorien auf der Makroebene genauso umfasst wie lokale, ethnographisch spezifische kulturelle Positionen und temporäre interaktionale Haltungen und Rollen. Ausgehend von dieser theoretischen Basis werden wir die Identitätskonstruktion mehrsprachiger Familien in zwei unterschiedlichen Regionen untersuchen: dem offiziell einsprachigen deutschen Bundesland Baden-Württemberg und der offiziell dreisprachigen Autonomen Provinz Bozen/Südtirol. Datengrundlage sind semi-strukturierte Interviews mit und Selbstaufnahmen von mehrsprachigen Familien in Baden-Württemberg und Südtirol

    Dealing with Anonymity in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    NowadaysWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are used in many application contexts. Data handled by WSN are required to be protected for privacy reasons since they can be directly or indirectly related to individuals. The problem of pre-venting the identification of individuals starting from their data, known as anonymity, is a fundamental requirement for privacy aware systems. This paper proposes a solution to guarantee anonymity for a wide spread type of WSN by means of privacy policies. The solution is based on a UML model that introduces the conceptual elements and guidelines that are needed to build privacy policies for WSN. 1

    The oncogenic role of circPVT1 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is mediated through the mutant p53/YAP/TEAD transcription-competent complex

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    Background: Circular RNAs are a class of endogenous RNAs with various functions in eukaryotic cells. Worthy of note, circular RNAs play a critical role in cancer. Currently, nothing is known about their role in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The identification of circular RNAs in HNSCC might become useful for diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in HNSCC. Results: Using samples from 115 HNSCC patients, we find that circPVT1 is over-expressed in tumors compared to matched non-tumoral tissues, with particular enrichment in patients with TP53 mutations. circPVT1 up-and down-regulation determine, respectively, an increase and a reduction of the malignant phenotype in HNSCC cell lines. We show that circPVT1 expression is transcriptionally enhanced by the mut-p53/YAP/TEAD complex. circPVT1 acts as an oncogene modulating the expression of miR-497-5p and genes involved in the control of cell proliferation. Conclusions: This study shows the oncogenic role of circPVT1 in HNSCC, extending current knowledge about the role of circular RNAs in cancer

    Practical tools for a pluralistic approach: knowledge of and attitudes towards multilingualism in the classroom

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    This contribution focuses on didactic resources developed with the aim to provide appropriate tools for dealing with the ‘new multilingualism’ in the schools of South Tyrol. These tools consist of a travelling exhibition and eight workshops developed and created within the project One School, Many Languages (SMS). Each workshop includes a number of activities and brings into focus a specific aspect of multilingualism (etymology, intercomprehension, etc.). This paper presents the perspective of students aged 11 to 14 (middle school) on the activities, thus offering an alternative insight into the implementation and practice of plurilingualism and intercultural awareness in education

    Multilingualism in South Tyrol: between old fears and new challenges

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    This contribution illustrates the specific sociolinguistic landscape of South Tyrol, an Italian province where the majority of the population is German-speaking. First, we explain to what extent the division of society into separate language groups has remained in force to this day and to which degree this hinders the achievement of German-Italian bilingual everyday life. Secondly, the discussion focusses on residents with foreign citizenship almost 10 % of the population) and how they deal with and live this local sociolinguistic situation. Against the backdrop of the changed transformed socio-demographic situation, we discuss possible strategies as to how the longstanding focus on bilingualism may be expanded to include multilingualism, which is already mostly in place

    Identity in social context: Plurilingual families in Baden-Wuerttemberg and South Tyrol

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    In trying to understand how identity can be constructed in the face of diversity, plurilingual families are a focal point of interest, since they live between different cultures and identities. In our article, we assume along with Bucholtz and Hall (2005) that identity encompasses macro-level demographic categories, local ethnographically specific cultural positions as well as temporary, interactionally specific stances and participant roles. Based on this theoretical assumption, we will describe how plurilingual families construct their identity by comparing two different regions: the officially monolingual German federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg and the officially trilingual Autonomous Province of Bolzano/South Tyrol. The analysis in this article is based on semi-structured interviews with and self-recordings of plurilingual families in Baden-Wuerttemberg and South Tyrol
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